// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "base/base_switches.h" #include "base/command_line.h" namespace switches { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Can't find the switch you are looking for? try looking in // base/base_switches.cc instead. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Activate (make foreground) myself on launch. Helpful when Chrome // is launched on the command line (e.g. by Selenium). Only needed on Mac. const char kActivateOnLaunch[] = "activate-on-launch"; // By default, file:// URIs cannot read other file:// URIs. This is an // override for developers who need the old behavior for testing. const char kAllowFileAccessFromFiles[] = "allow-file-access-from-files"; // On ChromeOS, file:// access is disabled except for certain whitelisted // directories. This switch re-enables file:// for testing. const char kAllowFileAccess[] = "allow-file-access"; // Don't block outdated plugins. const char kAllowOutdatedPlugins[] = "allow-outdated-plugins"; // Disable checking of the renegotiation extension and any future checks over // and above what a "traditional" SSL stack might do. This has been requested // in order to support some web development tools that intercept SSL // connections. const char kAllowSSLMITMProxies[] = "allow-ssl-mitm-proxies"; // Allows debugging of sandboxed processes (see zygote_main_linux.cc). const char kAllowSandboxDebugging[] = "allow-sandbox-debugging"; // Allows injecting extensions and user scripts on the extensions // gallery site. Normally prevented for security reasons, but can be // useful for automation testing of the gallery. const char kAllowScriptingGallery[] = "allow-scripting-gallery"; // Enable web inspector for all windows, even if they're part of the browser. // Allows us to use our dev tools to debug browser windows itself. const char kAlwaysEnableDevTools[] = "always-enable-dev-tools"; // Specifies that the associated value should be launched in "application" mode. const char kApp[] = "app"; // Specifies that the extension-app with the specified id should be launched // according to its configuration. const char kAppId[] = "app-id"; // Specifying this flag allows the webstorePrivate APIs to return browser (aka // sync) login tokens to be used for auto-login in the Web Store (normally they // do not). const char kAppsGalleryReturnTokens[] = "apps-gallery-return-tokens"; // The URL to use for the gallery link in the app launcher. const char kAppsGalleryURL[] = "apps-gallery-url"; // The update url used by gallery/webstore extensions. const char kAppsGalleryUpdateURL[] = "apps-gallery-update-url"; // Disable throbber for extension apps. const char kAppsNoThrob[] = "apps-no-throb"; // Whitelist of servers that Negotiate will generate delegated Kerberos tickets // for. const char kAuthNegotiateDelegateWhitelist[] = "auth-negotiate-delegate-whitelist"; // HTTP authentication schemes to enable. This is a comma separated list // of authentication schemes (basic, digest, ntlm, and negotiate). By default // all schemes are enabled. The primary use of this command line flag is to help // triage autentication-related issues reported by end-users. const char kAuthSchemes[] = "auth-schemes"; // Whitelist of servers which NTLM and Negotiate can automatically authenticate // with using the default credentials of the currently logged in user. const char kAuthServerWhitelist[] = "auth-server-whitelist"; // The value of this switch tells the app to listen for and broadcast // automation-related messages on IPC channel with the given ID. const char kAutomationClientChannelID[] = "automation-channel"; // When the option to block third-party cookies from being set is enabled, // also block third-party cookies from being read. const char kBlockReadingThirdPartyCookies[] = "block-reading-third-party-cookies"; // Causes the browser process to throw an assertion on startup. const char kBrowserAssertTest[] = "assert-test"; // Causes the browser process to crash on startup. const char kBrowserCrashTest[] = "crash-test"; // Path to the exe to run for the renderer and plugin subprocesses. const char kBrowserSubprocessPath[] = "browser-subprocess-path"; // How often (in seconds) to check for updates. Should only be used for // testing purposes. const char kCheckForUpdateIntervalSec[] = "check-for-update-interval"; // Run Chrome in Chrome Frame mode. This means that Chrome expects to be run // as a dependent process of the Chrome Frame plugin. const char kChromeFrame[] = "chrome-frame"; // Tells chrome to load the specified version of chrome.dll on Windows. If // this version cannot be loaded, Chrome will exit. const char kChromeVersion[] = "chrome-version"; // The unique id to be used for this cloud print proxy instance. const char kCloudPrintProxyId[] = "cloud-print-proxy-id"; // The URL of the cloud print service to use, overrides any value // stored in preferences, and the default. Only used if the cloud // print service has been enabled (see enable-cloud-print). const char kCloudPrintServiceURL[] = "cloud-print-service"; // Causes the browser process to inspect loaded and registered DLLs for // known conflicts and warn the user. const char kConflictingModulesCheck[] = "conflicting-modules-check"; // The Country we should use. This is normally obtained from the operating // system during first run and cached in the preferences afterwards. This is a // string value, the 2 letter code from ISO 3166-1. const char kCountry[] = "country"; // Enables support to debug printing subsystem. const char kDebugPrint[] = "debug-print"; // Specifies the URL at which to fetch configuration policy from the device // management backend. Specifying this switch turns on managed policy from the // device management backend. const char kDeviceManagementUrl[] = "device-management-url"; // Triggers a pletora of diagnostic modes. const char kDiagnostics[] = "diagnostics"; // Disables client-visible 3D APIs, in particular WebGL and Pepper 3D. // This is controlled by policy and is kept separate from the other // enable/disable switches to avoid accidentally regressing the policy // support for controlling access to these APIs. const char kDisable3DAPIs[] = "disable-3d-apis"; // Disables accelerated compositing. const char kDisableAcceleratedCompositing[] = "disable-accelerated-compositing"; // Disables GPU accelerated video display. const char kDisableAcceleratedVideo[] = "disable-accelerated-video"; // Disables the alternate window station for the renderer. const char kDisableAltWinstation[] = "disable-winsta"; // Disable the ApplicationCache. const char kDisableApplicationCache[] = "disable-application-cache"; // Replaces the audio IPC layer for <audio> and <video> with a mock audio // device, useful when using remote desktop or machines without sound cards. // This is temporary until we fix the underlying problem. // // TODO(scherkus): remove --disable-audio when we have a proper fallback // mechanism. const char kDisableAudio[] = "disable-audio"; // Disable CNAME lookup of the host when generating the Kerberos SPN for a // Negotiate challenge. See HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::CreateSPN // for more background. const char kDisableAuthNegotiateCnameLookup[] = "disable-auth-negotiate-cname-lookup"; // Disable background mode (background apps will not keep chrome running in the // background). const char kDisableBackgroundMode[] = "disable-background-mode"; // Disable several subsystems which run network requests in the background. // This is for use when doing network performance testing to avoid noise // in the measurements. const char kDisableBackgroundNetworking[] = "disable-background-networking"; // Disable limits on the number of backing stores. Can prevent blinking for // users with many windows/tabs and lots of memory. const char kDisableBackingStoreLimit[] = "disable-backing-store-limit"; // Disables blocked content warning animation. Currently shows animation for // blocked pop-ups only. const char kDisableBlockContentAnimation[] = "disable-blocked-content-animation"; // Disables establishing a backup TCP connection if a specified timeout is // exceeded. const char kDisableConnectBackupJobs[] = "disable-connect-backup-jobs"; // Disable requests that webkit labels TargetIsPrefetch. As of // writing only <link rel=prefetch...> but also eventually // Link: headers. const char kDisableContentPrefetch[] = "disable-content-prefetch"; // Disables the custom JumpList on Windows 7. const char kDisableCustomJumpList[] = "disable-custom-jumplist"; // Disables HTML5 DB support. const char kDisableDatabases[] = "disable-databases"; // Disables desktop notifications (default enabled on windows). const char kDisableDesktopNotifications[] = "disable-desktop-notifications"; // Browser flag to disable the web inspector for all renderers. const char kDisableDevTools[] = "disable-dev-tools"; // Disables device orientation events. const char kDisableDeviceOrientation[] = "disable-device-orientation"; // By default, if the URL request throttler finds that a server is overloaded or // encounters an error, it rejects requests to the server for a period of time, // which is determined by an exponential back-off algorithm. This switch // disables such behavior. const char kDisableEnforcedThrottling[] = "disable-enforced-throttling"; // Disable experimental WebGL support. const char kDisableExperimentalWebGL[] = "disable-webgl"; // Disable extensions. const char kDisableExtensions[] = "disable-extensions"; // Disable checking for user opt-in for extensions that want to inject script // into file URLs (ie, always allow it). This is used during automated testing. const char kDisableExtensionsFileAccessCheck[] = "disable-extensions-file-access-check"; // Disable FileSystem API. const char kDisableFileSystem[] = "disable-file-system"; // Disables the sandbox for the built-in flash player. const char kDisableFlashSandbox[] = "disable-flash-sandbox"; // Suppresses support for the Geolocation javascript API. const char kDisableGeolocation[] = "disable-geolocation"; // Disable the GLSL translator. const char kDisableGLSLTranslator[] = "disable-glsl-translator"; // Disable the thread that crashes the GPU process if it stops responding to // messages. const char kDisableGpuWatchdog[] = "disable-gpu-watchdog"; // Suppresses hang monitor dialogs in renderer processes. This may allow slow // unload handlers on a page to prevent the tab from closing, but the Task // Manager can be used to terminate the offending process in this case. const char kDisableHangMonitor[] = "disable-hang-monitor"; // Disable the use of the HistoryQuickProvider for autocomplete results. const char kDisableHistoryQuickProvider[] = "disable-history-quick-provider"; // Disable the use of the HistoryURLProvider for autocomplete results. const char kDisableHistoryURLProvider[] = "disable-history-url-provider"; // Disable the Indexed Database API. const char kDisableIndexedDatabase[] = "disable-indexed-database"; // Disable the internal Flash Player. const char kDisableInternalFlash[] = "disable-internal-flash"; // Don't resolve hostnames to IPv6 addresses. This can be used when debugging // issues relating to IPv6, but shouldn't otherwise be needed. Be sure to // file bugs if something isn't working properly in the presence of IPv6. // This flag can be overidden by the "enable-ipv6" flag. const char kDisableIPv6[] = "disable-ipv6"; // Disable speculative TCP/IP preconnection. const char kDisablePreconnect[] = "disable-preconnect"; // Don't execute JavaScript (browser JS like the new tab page still runs). const char kDisableJavaScript[] = "disable-javascript"; // Prevent Java from running. const char kDisableJava[] = "disable-java"; // Disable LocalStorage. const char kDisableLocalStorage[] = "disable-local-storage"; // Force logging to be disabled. Logging is enabled by default in debug // builds. const char kDisableLogging[] = "disable-logging"; // Whether we should prevent the new tab page from showing the first run // notification. const char kDisableNewTabFirstRun[] = "disable-new-tab-first-run"; // Prevent plugins from running. const char kDisablePlugins[] = "disable-plugins"; // Disable pop-up blocking. const char kDisablePopupBlocking[] = "disable-popup-blocking"; // Normally when the user attempts to navigate to a page that was the result of // a post we prompt to make sure they want to. This switch may be used to // disable that check. This switch is used during automated testing. const char kDisablePromptOnRepost[] = "disable-prompt-on-repost"; // Disable remote web font support. SVG font should always work whether // this option is specified or not. const char kDisableRemoteFonts[] = "disable-remote-fonts"; // Turns off the accessibility in the renderer. const char kDisableRendererAccessibility[] = "disable-renderer-accessibility"; // Prevents the URLs of BackgroundContents from being remembered and re-launched // when the browser restarts. const char kDisableRestoreBackgroundContents[] = "disable-restore-background-contents"; // Disable session storage. const char kDisableSessionStorage[] = "disable-session-storage"; // Enable shared workers. Functionality not yet complete. const char kDisableSharedWorkers[] = "disable-shared-workers"; // Disable site-specific tailoring to compatibility issues in WebKit. const char kDisableSiteSpecificQuirks[] = "disable-site-specific-quirks"; // Disables speech input. const char kDisableSpeechInput[] = "disable-speech-input"; // Disable False Start in SSL and TLS connections. const char kDisableSSLFalseStart[] = "disable-ssl-false-start"; // Disable syncing browser data to a Google Account. const char kDisableSync[] = "disable-sync"; // Disable syncing of apps. const char kDisableSyncApps[] = "disable-sync-apps"; // Disable syncing of autofill. const char kDisableSyncAutofill[] = "disable-sync-autofill"; // Disable syncing of autofill Profile. const char kDisableSyncAutofillProfile[] = "disable-sync-autofill-profile"; // Disable syncing of bookmarks. const char kDisableSyncBookmarks[] = "disable-sync-bookmarks"; // Disable syncing of extensions. const char kDisableSyncExtensions[] = "disable-sync-extensions"; // Disable syncing of preferences. const char kDisableSyncPreferences[] = "disable-sync-preferences"; // Disable syncing of themes. const char kDisableSyncThemes[] = "disable-sync-themes"; // Disable tabbed options, i.e., DOMUI version of options window. const char kDisableTabbedOptions[] = "disable-tabbed-options"; // TabCloseableStateWatcher disallows closing of tabs and browsers under certain // situations on ChromeOS. Some tests expect tabs or browsers to close, so we // need a switch to disable the watcher. const char kDisableTabCloseableStateWatcher[] = "disable-tab-closeable-state-watcher"; // Allow disabling of translate from the command line to assist with // automated browser testing (e.g. Selenium/WebDriver). Normal // browser users should disable translate with the preference. const char kDisableTranslate[] = "disable-translate"; // Enables the backend service for web resources, used in the new tab page for // loading tips and recommendations from a JSON feed. const char kDisableWebResources[] = "disable-web-resources"; // Don't enforce the same-origin policy. (Used by people testing their sites.) const char kDisableWebSecurity[] = "disable-web-security"; // Disable Web Sockets support. const char kDisableWebSockets[] = "disable-web-sockets"; // Use a specific disk cache location, rather than one derived from the // UserDatadir. const char kDiskCacheDir[] = "disk-cache-dir"; // Forces the maximum disk space to be used by the disk cache, in bytes. const char kDiskCacheSize[] = "disk-cache-size"; const char kDnsLogDetails[] = "dns-log-details"; // Disables prefetching of DNS information. const char kDnsPrefetchDisable[] = "dns-prefetch-disable"; // Use the specified DNS server for raw DNS resolution. const char kDnsServer[] = "dns-server"; // Specifies if the dom_automation_controller_ needs to be bound in the // renderer. This binding happens on per-frame basis and hence can potentially // be a performance bottleneck. One should only enable it when automating // dom based tests. const char kDomAutomationController[] = "dom-automation"; // Dump any accumualted histograms to the log when browser terminates (requires // logging to be enabled to really do anything). Used by developers and test // scripts. const char kDumpHistogramsOnExit[] = "dump-histograms-on-exit"; // Enable displaying net log events on the command line. extern const char kLogNetLog[] = "log-net-log"; // Enable gpu-accelerated 2d canvas. const char kEnableAccelerated2dCanvas[] = "enable-accelerated-2d-canvas"; // Enables the hardware acceleration of 3D CSS and animation. const char kEnableAcceleratedLayers[] = "enable-accelerated-layers"; // Enables the hardware acceleration of plugins. const char kEnableAcceleratedPlugins[] = "enable-accelerated-plugins"; // Enables WebKit accessibility within the renderer process. const char kEnableAccessibility[] = "enable-accessibility"; // Enables AeroPeek for each tab. (This switch only works on Windows 7). const char kEnableAeroPeekTabs[] = "enable-aero-peek-tabs"; // Enable the inclusion of non-standard ports when generating the Kerberos SPN // in response to a Negotiate challenge. See HttpAuthHandlerNegotiate::CreateSPN // for more background. const char kEnableAuthNegotiatePort[] = "enable-auth-negotiate-port"; // Enables the benchmarking extensions. const char kEnableBenchmarking[] = "enable-benchmarking"; // In the browser process this switch is used to enable or disable the // client-side phishing detection. In the renderer this switch is only enabled // if this switch is enabled in the browser and the user has opted in to UMA // stats and SafeBrowsing is enabled in the preferences. const char kEnableClientSidePhishingDetection[] = "enable-client-side-phishing-detection"; // This flag enables UI for clearing server data. Temporarily in place // until there's a server endpoint deployed. const char kEnableClearServerData[] = "enable-clear-server-data"; // Enable click-to-play for blocked plug-ins. const char kEnableClickToPlay[] = "enable-click-to-play"; // This applies only when the process type is "service". Enables the // Cloud Print Proxy component within the service process. const char kEnableCloudPrintProxy[] = "enable-cloud-print-proxy"; // Enables the Cloud Print dialog hosting code. const char kEnableCloudPrint[] = "enable-cloud-print"; // Enable the Confirm to Quit experiment. const char kEnableConfirmToQuit[] = "enable-confirm-to-quit"; // Enables establishing a backup TCP connection if a specified timeout is // exceeded. const char kEnableConnectBackupJobs[] = "enable-connect-backup-jobs"; // Enable requests that webkit labels TargetIsPrefetch. As of // writing only <link rel=prefetch...> but also eventually // Link: headers. const char kEnableContentPrefetch[] = "enable-content-prefetch"; // Enables web developers to create apps for Chrome without using crx packages. const char kEnableCrxlessWebApps[] = "enable-crxless-web-apps"; // Enables device motion events. const char kEnableDeviceMotion[] = "enable-device-motion"; // Enable DNS side checking of certificates. Still experimental, should only // be used by developers at the current time. const char kEnableDNSCertProvenanceChecking[] = "enable-dns-cert-provenance-checking"; const char kEnableDNSSECCerts[] = "enable-dnssec-certs"; // Enables extension APIs that are in development. const char kEnableExperimentalExtensionApis[] = "enable-experimental-extension-apis"; // Enable experimental timeline API. const char kEnableExtensionTimelineApi[] = "enable-extension-timeline-api"; // Enable the fastback page cache. const char kEnableFastback[] = "enable-fastback"; // By default, cookies are not allowed on file://. They are needed for // testing, for example page cycler and layout tests. See bug 1157243. const char kEnableFileCookies[] = "enable-file-cookies"; // Enable IPv6 support, even if probes suggest that it may not be fully // supported. Some probes may require internet connections, and this flag will // allow support independent of application testing. // This flag overrides "disable-ipv6" which appears elswhere in this file. const char kEnableIPv6[] = "enable-ipv6"; // Enable the GPU plugin and Pepper 3D rendering. const char kEnableGPUPlugin[] = "enable-gpu-plugin"; // Force logging to be enabled. Logging is disabled by default in release // builds. const char kEnableLogging[] = "enable-logging"; // Allows reporting memory info (JS heap size) to page. const char kEnableMemoryInfo[] = "enable-memory-info"; // On Windows, converts the page to the currently-installed monitor profile. // This does NOT enable color management for images. The source is still // assumed to be sRGB. const char kEnableMonitorProfile[] = "enable-monitor-profile"; // Runs the Native Client inside the renderer process and enables GPU plugin // (internally adds kInternalNaCl and lEnableGpuPlugin to the command line). const char kEnableNaCl[] = "enable-nacl"; // Enables debugging via RSP over a socket. const char kEnableNaClDebug[] = "enable-nacl-debug"; // Enable Native Web Worker support. const char kEnableNativeWebWorkers[] = "enable-native-web-workers"; // Is InstantController::PREDICTIVE_TYPE enabled? const char kEnablePredictiveInstant[] = "enable-predictive-instant"; // Is InstantController::PREDICTIVE_NO_AUTO_COMPLETE_TYPE enabled? const char kEnablePredictiveNoAutoCompleteInstant[] = "enable-predictive-no-auto-complete-instant"; // This applies only when the process type is "service". Enables the // Chromoting Host Process within the service process. const char kEnableRemoting[] = "enable-remoting"; // Enable content settings based on host *and* plug-in. const char kEnableResourceContentSettings[] = "enable-resource-content-settings"; // Enable speculative prerendering of pages. const char kEnablePagePrerender[] = "enable-page-prerender"; // Enable speculative TCP/IP preconnection. const char kEnablePreconnect[] = "enable-preconnect"; // Enable caching of pre-parsed JS script data. See http://crbug.com/32407. const char kEnablePreparsedJsCaching[] = "enable-preparsed-js-caching"; // Enable print preview (work in progress). const char kEnablePrintPreview[] = "enable-print-preview"; // Enable the IsSearchProviderInstalled and InstallSearchProvider with an extra // parameter to indicate if the provider should be the default. const char kEnableSearchProviderApiV2[] = "enable-search-provider-api-v2"; // Enables 0-RTT HTTPS handshakes. const char kEnableSnapStart[] = "enable-snap-start"; // Enables StatsTable, logging statistics to a global named shared memory table. const char kEnableStatsTable[] = "enable-stats-table"; // Enable syncing browser data to a Google Account. const char kEnableSync[] = "enable-sync"; // Enable syncing browser autofill. const char kEnableSyncAutofill[] = "enable-sync-autofill"; // Enable syncing browser passwords. const char kEnableSyncPasswords[] = "enable-sync-passwords"; // Enable syncing browser sessions. const char kEnableSyncSessions[] = "enable-sync-sessions"; // Enable syncing browser typed urls. const char kEnableSyncTypedUrls[] = "enable-sync-typed-urls"; // Enable use of experimental TCP sockets API for sending data in the // SYN packet. const char kEnableTcpFastOpen[] = "enable-tcp-fastopen"; // Enables TopSites. const char kEnableTopSites[] = "enable-top-sites"; // Whether or not the touch events API is exposed. const char kEnableTouch[] = "enable-touch"; // Is verbatim instant enabled? const char kEnableVerbatimInstant[] = "enable-verbatim-instant"; // Enables the option to show tabs as a vertical stack down the side of the // browser window. const char kEnableVerticalTabs[] = "enable-vertical-tabs"; // Enables support for fullscreen video. Current implementation is // incomplete and this flag is used for development and testing. const char kEnableVideoFullscreen[] = "enable-video-fullscreen"; // Enables video logging where video elements log playback performance data to // the debug log. const char kEnableVideoLogging[] = "enable-video-logging"; // Spawn threads to watch for excessive delays in specified message loops. // User should set breakpoints on Alarm() to examine problematic thread. // Usage: -enable-watchdog=[ui][io] // Order of the listed sub-arguments does not matter. const char kEnableWatchdog[] = "enable-watchdog"; // Disable WebKit's XSSAuditor. The XSSAuditor mitigates reflective XSS. const char kEnableXSSAuditor[] = "enable-xss-auditor"; // Enables experimental features for the geolocation API. // Current features: // - CoreLocation support for Mac OS X 10.6 // - Gateway location for Linux and Windows // - Location platform support for Windows 7 const char kExperimentalLocationFeatures[] = "experimental-location-features"; // Enables experimental features for Spellchecker. Right now, the first // experimental feature is auto spell correct, which corrects words which are // misppelled by typing the word with two consecutive letters swapped. The // features that will be added next are: // 1 - Allow multiple spellcheckers to work simultaneously. // 2 - Allow automatic detection of spell check language. // TODO(sidchat): Implement the above fetaures to work under this flag. const char kExperimentalSpellcheckerFeatures[] = "experimental-spellchecker-features"; // Explicitly allow additional ports using a comma separated list of port // numbers. const char kExplicitlyAllowedPorts[] = "explicitly-allowed-ports"; // Causes the process to run as an extension subprocess. const char kExtensionProcess[] = "extension"; // Frequency in seconds for Extensions auto-update. const char kExtensionsUpdateFrequency[] = "extensions-update-frequency"; // These two flags are added around the switches about:flags adds to the // command line. This is useful to see which switches were added by about:flags // on about:version. They don't have any effect. const char kFlagSwitchesBegin[] = "flag-switches-begin"; const char kFlagSwitchesEnd[] = "flag-switches-end"; // Alternative feedback server to use when submitting user feedback const char kFeedbackServer[] = "feedback-server"; // The file descriptor limit is set to the value of this switch, subject to the // OS hard limits. Useful for testing that file descriptor exhaustion is handled // gracefully. const char kFileDescriptorLimit[] = "file-descriptor-limit"; // Display the First Run experience when the browser is started, regardless of // whether or not it's actually the first run. const char kFirstRun[] = "first-run"; // Forces the apps/webstore promo to be shown, independent of whether it has // timed out, etc. Useful for testing. const char kForceAppsPromoVisible[] = "force-apps-promo-visible"; // Some field tests may rendomized in the browser, and the randomly selected // outcome needs to be propogated to the renderer. For instance, this is used // to modify histograms recorded in the renderer, or to get the renderer to // also set of its state (initialize, or not initialize components) to match the // experiment(s). // The argument is a string-ized list of experiment names, and the associated // value that was randomly selected. In the recent implementetaion, the // persistent representation generated by field_trial.cc and later decoded, is a // list of name and value pairs, separated by slashes. See field trial.cc for // current details. const char kForceFieldTestNameAndValue[] = "force-fieldtest"; // Forces the internal PDF plugin to be used for this run, even if it's disabled // by default. Used for testing. const char kForceInternalPDFPlugin[] = "force-internal-pdf"; // Force renderer accessibility to be on instead of enabling it on demand when // a screen reader is detected. The disable-renderer-accessibility switch // overrides this if present. const char kForceRendererAccessibility[] = "force-renderer-accessibility"; // Extra command line options for launching the GPU process (normally used // for debugging). Use like renderer-cmd-prefix. const char kGpuLauncher[] = "gpu-launcher"; // Makes this process a GPU sub-process. const char kGpuProcess[] = "gpu-process"; // Causes the GPU process to display a dialog on launch. const char kGpuStartupDialog[] = "gpu-startup-dialog"; // Specifies a custom name for the GSSAPI library to load. const char kGSSAPILibraryName[] = "gssapi-library-name"; // These flags show the man page on Linux. They are equivalent to each // other. const char kHelp[] = "help"; const char kHelpShort[] = "h"; // Make Windows happy by allowing it to show "Enable access to this program" // checkbox in Add/Remove Programs->Set Program Access and Defaults. This // only shows an error box because the only way to hide Chrome is by // uninstalling it. const char kHideIcons[] = "hide-icons"; // The value of this switch specifies which page will be displayed // in newly-opened tabs. We need this for testing purposes so // that the UI tests don't depend on what comes up for http://google.com. const char kHomePage[] = "homepage"; // Comma separated list of rules that control how hostnames are mapped. // // For example: // "MAP *" --> Forces all hostnames to be mapped to // "MAP *.google.com proxy" --> Forces all google.com subdomains to be // resolved to "proxy". // "MAP test.com [::1]:77 --> Forces "test.com" to resolve to IPv6 loopback. // Will also force the port of the resulting // socket address to be 77. // "MAP * baz, EXCLUDE www.google.com" --> Remaps everything to "baz", // except for "www.google.com". // // These mappings apply to the endpoint host in a net::URLRequest (the TCP // connect and host resolver in a direct connection, and the CONNECT in an http // proxy connection, and the endpoint host in a SOCKS proxy connection). const char kHostRules[] = "host-rules"; // The maximum number of concurrent host resolve requests (i.e. DNS) to allow. const char kHostResolverParallelism[] = "host-resolver-parallelism"; // These mappings only apply to the host resolver. const char kHostResolverRules[] = "host-resolver-rules"; // Ignores GPU blacklist. const char kIgnoreGpuBlacklist[] = "ignore-gpu-blacklist"; // Perform importing from another browser. The value associated with this // setting encodes the target browser and what items to import. const char kImport[] = "import"; // Perform bookmark importing from an HTML file. The value associated with this // setting encodes the file path. It may be used jointly with kImport. const char kImportFromFile[] = "import-from-file"; // Runs plugins inside the renderer process const char kInProcessPlugins[] = "in-process-plugins"; // Runs WebGL inside the renderer process. const char kInProcessWebGL[] = "in-process-webgl"; // Causes the browser to launch directly in incognito mode. const char kIncognito[] = "incognito"; // Whether the search provider suggestion should be autocompleted immediately // when instant is enabled. const char kInstantAutocompleteImmediately[] = "instant-autocomplete-immediately"; // URL to use for instant. If specified this overrides the url from the // TemplateURL. const char kInstantURL[] = "instant-url"; // Runs the Native Client inside the renderer process. const char kInternalNaCl[] = "internal-nacl"; // Runs a trusted Pepper plugin inside the renderer process. const char kInternalPepper[] = "internal-pepper"; // Specifies the flags passed to JS engine const char kJavaScriptFlags[] = "js-flags"; // Used for testing - keeps browser alive after last browser window closes. const char kKeepAliveForTest[] = "keep-alive-for-test"; // Load an extension from the specified directory. const char kLoadExtension[] = "load-extension"; // Uninstall an extension with the specified extension id. const char kUninstallExtension[] = "uninstall-extension"; // Load an NPAPI plugin from the specified path. const char kLoadPlugin[] = "load-plugin"; // Load NPAPI plugins from the specified directory. const char kExtraPluginDir[] = "extra-plugin-dir"; // Make plugin processes log their sent and received messages to VLOG(1). const char kLogPluginMessages[] = "log-plugin-messages"; // Sets the minimum log level. Valid values are from 0 to 3: // INFO = 0, WARNING = 1, LOG_ERROR = 2, LOG_FATAL = 3. const char kLoggingLevel[] = "log-level"; // Make Chrome default browser const char kMakeDefaultBrowser[] = "make-default-browser"; // Forces the maximum disk space to be used by the media cache, in bytes. const char kMediaCacheSize[] = "media-cache-size"; // Enable dynamic loading of the Memory Profiler DLL, which will trace // all memory allocations during the run. const char kMemoryProfiling[] = "memory-profile"; // Enable histograming of tasks served by MessageLoop. See about:histograms/Loop // for results, which show frequency of messages on each thread, including APC // count, object signalling count, etc. const char kMessageLoopHistogrammer[] = "message-loop-histogrammer"; // Enables the recording of metrics reports but disables reporting. In // contrast to kDisableMetrics, this executes all the code that a normal client // would use for reporting, except the report is dropped rather than sent to // the server. This is useful for finding issues in the metrics code during UI // and performance tests. const char kMetricsRecordingOnly[] = "metrics-recording-only"; // The minimum version of Flash that implements the NPP_ClearSiteData API. const char kMinClearSiteDataFlashVersion[] = "min-clearsitedata-flash-version"; // Sets the default IP address (interface) for the stub (normally const char kNaClDebugIP[] = "nacl-debug-ip"; // Sets the default port range for debugging. const char kNaClDebugPorts[] = "nacl-debug-ports"; // Causes the process to run as a NativeClient broker // (used for launching NaCl loader processes on 64-bit Windows). const char kNaClBrokerProcess[] = "nacl-broker"; // Causes the process to run as a NativeClient loader. const char kNaClLoaderProcess[] = "nacl-loader"; // Causes the Native Client process to display a dialog on launch. const char kNaClStartupDialog[] = "nacl-startup-dialog"; // Enables the new security model for "chrome" URLs. const char kNewChromeUISecurityModel[] = "new-chrome-ui-security-model"; // Disables the default browser check. Useful for UI/browser tests where we // want to avoid having the default browser info-bar displayed. const char kNoDefaultBrowserCheck[] = "no-default-browser-check"; // Don't record/playback events when using record & playback. const char kNoEvents[] = "no-events"; // Bypass the First Run experience when the browser is started, regardless of // Disables all experiments set on about:flags. Does not disable about:flags // itself. Useful if an experiment makes chrome crash at startup: One can start // chrome with --no-experiments, disable the problematic lab at about:flags and // then restart chrome without this switch again. const char kNoExperiments[] = "no-experiments"; // whether or not it's actually the first run. Overrides kFirstRun in case // you're for some reason tempted to pass them both. const char kNoFirstRun[] = "no-first-run"; // Don't Sandbox the GPU process, does not affect other sandboxed processes. const char kNoGpuSandbox[] = "no-gpu-sandbox"; // Support a separate switch that enables the v8 playback extension. // The extension causes javascript calls to Date.now() and Math.random() // to return consistent values, such that subsequent loads of the same // page will result in consistent js-generated data and XHR requests. // Pages may still be able to generate inconsistent data from plugins. const char kNoJsRandomness[] = "no-js-randomness"; // Don't send hyperlink auditing pings const char kNoPings[] = "no-pings"; // Don't use a proxy server, always make direct connections. Overrides any // other proxy server flags that are passed. const char kNoProxyServer[] = "no-proxy-server"; // Don't send HTTP-Referer headers. const char kNoReferrers[] = "no-referrers"; // Disables the sandbox for all process types that are normally sandboxed. const char kNoSandbox[] = "no-sandbox"; // Does not automatically open a browser window on startup (used when launching // Chrome for the purpose of hosting background apps). const char kNoStartupWindow[] = "no-startup-window"; // Show a desktop notification that the cloud print token has expired and // that user needs to re-authenticate. const char kNotifyCloudPrintTokenExpired[] = "notify-cp-token-expired"; // Specifies the maximum number of threads to use for running the Proxy // Autoconfig (PAC) script. const char kNumPacThreads[] = "num-pac-threads"; // Launch URL in new browser window. const char kOpenInNewWindow[] = "new-window"; // Simulate an organic Chrome install. const char kOrganicInstall[] = "organic"; // Package an extension to a .crx installable file from a given directory. const char kPackExtension[] = "pack-extension"; // Optional PEM private key is to use in signing packaged .crx. const char kPackExtensionKey[] = "pack-extension-key"; // Specifies the path to the user data folder for the parent profile. const char kParentProfile[] = "parent-profile"; // Read previously recorded data from the cache. Only cached data is read. // See kRecordMode. const char kPlaybackMode[] = "playback-mode"; // Specifies the plugin data directory, which is where plugins (Gears // specifically) will store its state. const char kPluginDataDir[] = "plugin-data-dir"; // Specifies a command that should be used to launch the plugin process. Useful // for running the plugin process through purify or quantify. Ex: // --plugin-launcher="path\to\purify /Run=yes" const char kPluginLauncher[] = "plugin-launcher"; // Tells the plugin process the path of the plugin to load const char kPluginPath[] = "plugin-path"; // Causes the process to run as a plugin subprocess. const char kPluginProcess[] = "plugin"; // Causes the plugin process to display a dialog on launch. const char kPluginStartupDialog[] = "plugin-startup-dialog"; // Runs PPAPI (Pepper) plugins out-of-process. const char kPpapiOutOfProcess[] = "ppapi-out-of-process"; // Like kPluginLauncher for PPAPI plugins. const char kPpapiPluginLauncher[] = "ppapi-plugin-launcher"; // Argument to the process type that indicates a PPAPI plugin process type. const char kPpapiPluginProcess[] = "ppapi"; // Causes the PPAPI sub process to display a dialog on launch. const char kPpapiStartupDialog[] = "ppapi-startup-dialog"; // Establishes a channel to the GPU process asynchronously and (re)launches it // if necessary when a renderer process starts. const char kPrelaunchGpuProcess[] = "prelaunch-gpu-process"; // Prints the pages on the screen. const char kPrint[] = "print"; // Runs a single process for each site (i.e., group of pages from the same // registered domain) the user visits. We default to using a renderer process // for each site instance (i.e., group of pages from the same registered // domain with script connections to each other). const char kProcessPerSite[] = "process-per-site"; // Runs each set of script-connected tabs (i.e., a BrowsingInstance) in its own // renderer process. We default to using a renderer process for each // site instance (i.e., group of pages from the same registered domain with // script connections to each other). const char kProcessPerTab[] = "process-per-tab"; // The value of this switch determines whether the process is started as a // renderer or plugin host. If it's empty, it's the browser. const char kProcessType[] = "type"; // Output the product version information and quit. Used as an internal api to // detect the installed version of Chrome on Linux. const char kProductVersion[] = "product-version"; // Causes the process to run as a profile import subprocess. const char kProfileImportProcess[] = "profile-import"; // Force proxy auto-detection. const char kProxyAutoDetect[] = "proxy-auto-detect"; // Specify a list of hosts for whom we bypass proxy settings and use direct // connections. Ignored if --proxy-auto-detect or --no-proxy-server are // also specified. // This is a comma separated list of bypass rules. See: // "net/proxy/proxy_bypass_rules.h" for the format of these rules. const char kProxyBypassList[] = "proxy-bypass-list"; // Use the pac script at the given URL const char kProxyPacUrl[] = "proxy-pac-url"; // Use a specified proxy server, overrides system settings. This switch only // affects HTTP and HTTPS requests. const char kProxyServer[] = "proxy-server"; // Adds a "Purge memory" button to the Task Manager, which tries to dump as // much memory as possible. This is mostly useful for testing how well the // MemoryPurger functionality works. // // NOTE: This is only implemented for Views. const char kPurgeMemoryButton[] = "purge-memory-button"; // Chrome supports a playback and record mode. Record mode saves *everything* // to the cache. Playback mode reads data exclusively from the cache. This // allows us to record a session into the cache and then replay it at will. // See also kPlaybackMode. const char kRecordMode[] = "record-mode"; // Register pepper plugins that should be loaded into the renderer. const char kRegisterPepperPlugins[] = "register-pepper-plugins"; // Reload pages that have been killed when they are next focused by the user. const char kReloadKilledTabs[] = "reload-killed-tabs"; // Enable remote debug over HTTP on the specified port. const char kRemoteDebuggingPort[] = "remote-debugging-port"; // Enable remote debug / automation shell on the specified port. const char kRemoteShellPort[] = "remote-shell-port"; // Causes the renderer process to throw an assertion on launch. const char kRendererAssertTest[] = "renderer-assert-test"; #if !defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD) // Causes the renderer process to throw an assertion on launch. const char kRendererCheckFalseTest[] = "renderer-check-false-test"; #endif // On POSIX only: the contents of this flag are prepended to the renderer // command line. Useful values might be "valgrind" or "xterm -e gdb --args". const char kRendererCmdPrefix[] = "renderer-cmd-prefix"; // Causes the renderer process to crash on launch. const char kRendererCrashTest[] = "renderer-crash-test"; // Causes the process to run as renderer instead of as browser. const char kRendererProcess[] = "renderer"; // Causes the renderer process to display a dialog on launch. const char kRendererStartupDialog[] = "renderer-startup-dialog"; // Indicates the last session should be restored on startup. This overrides // the preferences value and is primarily intended for testing. The value of // this switch is the number of tabs to wait until loaded before // 'load completed' is sent to the ui_test. const char kRestoreLastSession[] = "restore-last-session"; // Runs the plugin processes inside the sandbox. const char kSafePlugins[] = "safe-plugins"; // URL prefix used by safebrowsing to fetch hash, download data and // report malware. const char kSbInfoURLPrefix[] = "safebrowsing-info-url-prefix"; // URL prefix used by safebrowsing to get MAC key. const char kSbMacKeyURLPrefix[] = "safebrowsing-mackey-url-prefix"; // If present, safebrowsing only performs update when // SafeBrowsingProtocolManager::ForceScheduleNextUpdate() is explicitly called. // This is used for testing only. const char kSbDisableAutoUpdate[] = "safebrowsing-disable-auto-update"; // If present, safebrowsing checks download url and download content's hash // to make sure the content are not malicious. const char kSbEnableDownloadProtection[] = "safebrowsing-download-protection"; // Enable support for SDCH filtering (dictionary based expansion of content). // Optional argument is *the* only domain name that will have SDCH suppport. // Default is "-enable-sdch" to advertise SDCH on all domains. // Sample usage with argument: "-enable-sdch=.google.com" // SDCH is currently only supported server-side for searches on google.com. const char kSdchFilter[] = "enable-sdch"; // Enables the showing of an info-bar instructing user they can search directly // from the omnibox. const char kSearchInOmniboxHint[] = "search-in-omnibox-hint"; // Causes the process to run as a service process. const char kServiceProcess[] = "service"; // The LSID of the account to use for the service process. const char kServiceAccountLsid[] = "service-account-lsid"; // See kHideIcons. const char kShowIcons[] = "show-icons"; // Renders a border around composited Render Layers to help debug and study // layer compositing. const char kShowCompositedLayerBorders[] = "show-composited-layer-borders"; // Visibly render a border around paint rects in the web page to help debug // and study painting behavior. const char kShowPaintRects[] = "show-paint-rects"; // Change the DCHECKS to dump memory and continue instead of displaying error // dialog. This is valid only in Release mode when --enable-dcheck is // specified. const char kSilentDumpOnDCHECK[] = "silent-dump-on-dcheck"; // Replaces the buffered data source for <audio> and <video> with a simplified // resource loader that downloads the entire resource into memory. // // TODO(scherkus): remove --simple-data-source when our media resource loading // is cleaned up and playback testing completed. const char kSimpleDataSource[] = "simple-data-source"; // Runs the renderer and plugins in the same process as the browser const char kSingleProcess[] = "single-process"; // Start the browser maximized, regardless of any previous settings. const char kStartMaximized[] = "start-maximized"; // Allow insecure XMPP connections for sync (for testing). const char kSyncAllowInsecureXmppConnection[] = "sync-allow-insecure-xmpp-connection"; // Invalidate any login info passed into sync's XMPP connection. const char kSyncInvalidateXmppLogin[] = "sync-invalidate-xmpp-login"; // Use the SyncerThread implementation that matches up with the old pthread // impl semantics, but using Chrome synchronization primitives. The only // difference between this and the default is that we now have no timeout on // Stop(). Should only use if you experience problems with the default. const char kSyncerThreadTimedStop[] = "syncer-thread-timed-stop"; // Override the default notification method for sync. const char kSyncNotificationMethod[] = "sync-notification-method"; // Override the default host used for sync notifications. Can be either // "host" or "host:port". const char kSyncNotificationHost[] = "sync-notification-host"; // Override the default server used for profile sync. const char kSyncServiceURL[] = "sync-url"; // Try to connect to XMPP using SSLTCP first (for testing). const char kSyncTrySsltcpFirstForXmpp[] = "sync-try-ssltcp-first-for-xmpp"; // Pass the name of the current running automated test to Chrome. const char kTestName[] = "test-name"; // Runs the security test for the renderer sandbox. const char kTestSandbox[] = "test-sandbox"; // Runs the security test for the NaCl loader sandbox. const char kTestNaClSandbox[] = "test-nacl-sandbox"; // Pass the type of the current test harness ("browser" or "ui") const char kTestType[] = "test-type"; // The value of this switch tells the app to listen for and broadcast // testing-related messages on IPC channel with the given ID. const char kTestingChannelID[] = "testing-channel"; // Excludes these plugins from the plugin sandbox. // This is a comma-separated list of plugin library names. const char kTrustedPlugins[] = "trusted-plugins"; // Experimental. Shows a dialog asking the user to try chrome. This flag // is to be used only by the upgrade process. const char kTryChromeAgain[] = "try-chrome-again"; // Runs un-installation steps that were done by chrome first-run. const char kUninstall[] = "uninstall"; // Use Spdy for the transport protocol instead of HTTP. // This is a temporary testing flag. const char kUseSpdy[] = "use-spdy"; // Ignore certificate related errors. const char kIgnoreCertificateErrors[] = "ignore-certificate-errors"; // Set the maximum SPDY sessions per domain. const char kMaxSpdySessionsPerDomain[] = "max-spdy-sessions-per-domain"; // Set the maximum concurrent streams over a SPDY session. const char kMaxSpdyConcurrentStreams[] = "max-spdy-concurrent-streams"; // Grant unlimited quota to store files to this process. // Used for testing Pepper's FileRef/FileIO/FileSystem implementations. // DO NOT USE FOR OTHER PURPOSES. // TODO(dumi): remove the switch when we have a real quota implementation. const char kUnlimitedQuotaForFiles[] = "unlimited-quota-for-files"; // This is for testing IndexedDB and will give any website you visit unlimited // quota in IndexedDB. This should only be used for development and not general // browsing. It is ignored in single process mode. const char kUnlimitedQuotaForIndexedDB[] = "unlimited-quota-for-indexeddb"; // Use the low fragmentation heap for the CRT. const char kUseLowFragHeapCrt[] = "use-lf-heap"; // A string used to override the default user agent with a custom one. const char kUserAgent[] = "user-agent"; // Specifies the user data directory, which is where the browser will look // for all of its state. const char kUserDataDir[] = "user-data-dir"; // directory to locate user scripts in as an over-ride of the default const char kUserScriptsDir[] = "user-scripts-dir"; // On POSIX only: the contents of this flag are prepended to the utility // process command line. Useful values might be "valgrind" or "xterm -e gdb // --args". const char kUtilityCmdPrefix[] = "utility-cmd-prefix"; // Causes the process to run as a utility subprocess. const char kUtilityProcess[] = "utility"; // The utility process is sandboxed, with access to one directory. This flag // specifies the directory that can be accessed. const char kUtilityProcessAllowedDir[] = "utility-allowed-dir"; // Print version information and quit. const char kVersion[] = "version"; // Will add kWaitForDebugger to every child processes. If a value is passed, it // will be used as a filter to determine if the child process should have the // kWaitForDebugger flag passed on or not. const char kWaitForDebuggerChildren[] = "wait-for-debugger-children"; // Causes the worker process allocation to use as many processes as cores. const char kWebWorkerProcessPerCore[] = "web-worker-process-per-core"; // Causes workers to run together in one process, depending on their domains. // Note this is duplicated in webworkerclient_impl.cc const char kWebWorkerShareProcesses[] = "web-worker-share-processes"; // Use WinHTTP to fetch and evaluate PAC scripts. Otherwise the default is // to use Chromium's network stack to fetch, and V8 to evaluate. const char kWinHttpProxyResolver[] = "winhttp-proxy-resolver"; // Causes the process to run as a worker subprocess. const char kWorkerProcess[] = "worker"; // The prefix used when starting the zygote process. (i.e. 'gdb --args') const char kZygoteCmdPrefix[] = "zygote-cmd-prefix"; // Causes the process to run as a renderer zygote. const char kZygoteProcess[] = "zygote"; #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) // Enable the redirection of viewable document requests to the Google // Document Viewer. const char kEnableGView[] = "enable-gview"; // Enable Chrome-as-a-login-manager behavior. const char kLoginManager[] = "login-manager"; // Allows to override the first login screen. The value should be the name // of the first login screen to show (see // chrome/browser/chromeos/login/login_wizard_view.cc for actual names). // Ignored if kLoginManager is not specified. // TODO(avayvod): Remove when the switch is no longer needed for testing. const char kLoginScreen[] = "login-screen"; // Allows control over the initial login screen size. Pass width,height. const char kLoginScreenSize[] = "login-screen-size"; // Attempts to load libcros and validate it, then exits. A nonzero return code // means the library could not be loaded correctly. const char kTestLoadLibcros[] = "test-load-libcros"; // Specifies the profile to use once a chromeos user is logged in. const char kLoginProfile[] = "login-profile"; // Specifies the user which is already logged in. const char kLoginUser[] = "login-user"; // Specifies a password to be used to login (along with login-user). const char kLoginPassword[] = "login-password"; // Allows to emulate situation when user logins with new password. const char kLoginUserWithNewPassword[] = "login-user-with-new-password"; // Attempts to perform Chrome OS offline and online login in parallel. const char kParallelAuth[] = "parallel-auth"; // Use the frame layout used in chromeos. const char kChromeosFrame[] = "chromeos-frame"; // Use the given language for UI in the input method candidate window. const char kCandidateWindowLang[] = "lang"; // Indicates that the browser is in "browse without sign-in" (Guest session) // mode. Should completely disable extensions, sync and bookmarks. const char kGuestSession[] = "bwsi"; // Indicates that stub implementations of the libcros library should be used. // This is typically used to test the chromeos build of chrome on the desktop. const char kStubCros[] = "stub-cros"; // URL of the html page for Screen Saver. const char kScreenSaverUrl[] = "screen-saver-url"; // Flag to trigger ChromeOS system log compression during feedback submit. const char kCompressSystemFeedback[] = "compress-sys-feedback"; // Forces usage of libcros stub implementation. For testing purposes, this // switch separates chrome code from the rest of ChromeOS. const char kForceStubLibcros[] = "force-stub-libcros"; // Enables DOMUI menu. const char kEnableDOMUIMenu[] = "enable-domui-menu"; // Enables Media Player. const char kEnableMediaPlayer[] = "enable-media-player"; // Enables Advanced File System. const char kEnableAdvancedFileSystem[] = "enable-advanced-fs"; #endif #if defined(OS_LINUX) // Specify the amount the trackpad should scroll by. const char kScrollPixels[] = "scroll-pixels"; #endif #if defined(OS_MACOSX) || defined(OS_WIN) // Use the system SSL library (Secure Transport on Mac, SChannel on Windows) // instead of NSS for SSL. const char kUseSystemSSL[] = "use-system-ssl"; #endif #if defined(OS_POSIX) // A flag, generated internally by Chrome for renderer and other helper process // command lines on Linux and Mac. It tells the helper process to enable crash // dumping and reporting, because helpers cannot access the profile or other // files needed to make this decision. const char kEnableCrashReporter[] = "enable-crash-reporter"; // Bypass the error dialog when the profile lock couldn't be attained. // This switch is used during automated testing. const char kNoProcessSingletonDialog[] = "no-process-singleton-dialog"; #if !defined(OS_MACOSX) // Specifies which password store to use (detect, default, gnome, kwallet). const char kPasswordStore[] = "password-store"; #endif #endif #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // Temporary flag to disable hole punching for accelerated surfaces. This is // here to aid debugging eventual problems, it can be removed once hole punching // has been out there for a few dev channel releases without problems. const char kDisableHolePunching[] = "disable-hole-punching"; // Enables the tabs expose feature ( http://crbug.com/50307 ). const char kEnableExposeForTabs[] = "enable-expose-for-tabs"; // Cause the OS X sandbox write to syslog every time an access to a resource // is denied by the sandbox. const char kEnableSandboxLogging[] = "enable-sandbox-logging"; #else // Enable Kiosk mode. const char kKioskMode[] = "kiosk"; #endif #ifndef NDEBUG // Clear the token service before using it. This allows simulating // the expiration of credentials during testing. const char kClearTokenService[] = "clear-token-service"; // Debug only switch to specify which gears plugin dll to load. const char kGearsPluginPathOverride[] = "gears-plugin-path"; // Sets a token in the token service, for testing. const char kSetToken[] = "set-token"; // Debug only switch to specify which websocket live experiment host to be used. // If host is specified, it also makes initial delay shorter (5 min to 5 sec) // to make it faster to test websocket live experiment code. const char kWebSocketLiveExperimentHost[] = "websocket-live-experiment-host"; #endif #if defined(HAVE_XINPUT2) const char kTouchDevices[] = "touch-devices"; #endif // SeccompSandboxEnabled() controls whether we are using Seccomp. // It is currently off by default on all platforms. // TODO(evan): unify all of these once we turn the seccomp sandbox always // on. Also remove the #include of command_line.h above. // Disable the seccomp sandbox (Linux only) const char kDisableSeccompSandbox[] = "disable-seccomp-sandbox"; // Enable the seccomp sandbox (Linux only) const char kEnableSeccompSandbox[] = "enable-seccomp-sandbox"; bool SeccompSandboxEnabled() { return CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kEnableSeccompSandbox); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DO NOT ADD YOUR CRAP TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS FILE. // // You were going to just dump your switches here, weren't you? Instead, // please put them in alphabetical order above, or in order inside the // appropriate ifdef at the bottom. The order should match the header. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace switches