// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// This header is meant to be included in multiple passes, hence no traditional
// header guard.
// See ipc_message_macros.h for explanation of the macros and passes.

// Developer tools consist of the following parts:
// DevToolsAgent lives in the renderer of an inspected page and provides access
// to the pages resources, DOM, v8 etc. by means of IPC messages.
// DevToolsClient is a thin delegate that lives in the tools front-end
// renderer and converts IPC messages to frontend method calls and allows the
// frontend to send messages to the DevToolsAgent.
// All the messages are routed through browser process. There is a
// DevToolsManager living in the browser process that is responsible for
// routing logistics. It is also capable of sending direct messages to the
// agent rather than forwarding messages between agents and clients only.
// Chain of communication between the components may be described by the
// following diagram:
//  ----------------------------
// | (tools frontend            |
// | renderer process)          |
// |                            |            --------------------
// |tools    <--> DevToolsClient+<-- IPC -->+ (browser process)  |
// |frontend                    |           |                    |
//  ----------------------------             ---------+----------
//                                                    ^
//                                                    |
//                                                   IPC
//                                                    |
//                                                    v
//                          --------------------------+--------
//                         | inspected page <--> DevToolsAgent |
//                         |                                   |
//                         | (inspected page renderer process) |
//                          -----------------------------------
// This file describes developer tools message types.

#include "chrome/common/ipc_message_macros.h"

// These are messages sent from DevToolsAgent to DevToolsClient through the
// browser.

  // Sends glue-level Rpc message to the client.
                       std::string  /* raw_msg */)


// These are messages sent from DevToolsClient to DevToolsAgent through the
// browser.

  // Tells agent that there is a client host connected to it.

  // Tells agent that there is no longer a client host connected to it.

  // Sends glue-level Rpc message to the agent.
                       std::string  /* raw_msg */)

  // Send debugger command to the debugger agent. Debugger commands should
  // be handled on IO thread(while all other devtools messages are handled in
  // the render thread) to allow executing the commands when v8 is on a
  // breakpoint.
                       std::string  /* command */)

  // Inspect element with the given coordinates.
                       int /* x */,
                       int /* y */)