This directory contains the chromium extensions documentation, and the mechanism by which they are generated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building Changes to the extension docs must be checked into source control. Any changes to any input sources require the docs to be regenerated. To build the extension docs, run the script in the ./build directory. This will regenerate the docs and report which, if any, files have changed and need to be included in the changelist that changed the dependent files. Note that the script depends on test_shell to run, so you must be able to build test_shell to build extension_docs. The script will look in typical locations for the test_shell executable, but you may set the path to test_shell explicitly with --test-shell-path. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Design I. Inputs There are two sources of input: 1) The contents of ../api/extension_api.json which contains the "IDL" of the the methods, events, and types of the api. This file is linked as a resource into the chromium binary and then dynamically bound to chrome.* objects that are exposed to extension contexts. This file is fed into the api docs template. It contains both name, type information as well as documentation contained in "description" properties. 2) The set of ./static/*.html documents. Each of these static html fragments is inserted into a common template and rendered into ./*.html. II. Processing The processing of each document page is as follows: For each given : 1) A copy of ./page_shell.html is copied to ./.html. 2) This page loads bootstrap.js which inspects the name 3) ./template/api_template.html is loaded and inserted into the body of the page 4) If a ./static/.html exists, its content is inserted into the main content column of the api_template.html 5) If the matches an api "module" in extension_api.json, the api is then fed through the api template within api_template.html 6) The result is written on top of the existing /.html. If the new file differs in content, it is reported as changed by the script.