// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h" #include #include "base/base64.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/i18n/rtl.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/singleton.h" #include "base/stl_util-inl.h" #include "base/string16.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "base/version.h" #include "crypto/sha2.h" #include "crypto/third_party/nss/blapi.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_version_info.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_action.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_error_utils.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_l10n_util.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_resource.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_sidebar_defaults.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_sidebar_utils.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/file_browser_handler.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/user_script.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "googleurl/src/url_util.h" #include "grit/chromium_strings.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "grit/theme_resources.h" #include "net/base/registry_controlled_domain.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h" #include "webkit/glue/image_decoder.h" namespace keys = extension_manifest_keys; namespace values = extension_manifest_values; namespace errors = extension_manifest_errors; namespace { const int kPEMOutputColumns = 65; // KEY MARKERS const char kKeyBeginHeaderMarker[] = "-----BEGIN"; const char kKeyBeginFooterMarker[] = "-----END"; const char kKeyInfoEndMarker[] = "KEY-----"; const char kPublic[] = "PUBLIC"; const char kPrivate[] = "PRIVATE"; const int kRSAKeySize = 1024; // Converts a normal hexadecimal string into the alphabet used by extensions. // We use the characters 'a'-'p' instead of '0'-'f' to avoid ever having a // completely numeric host, since some software interprets that as an IP // address. static void ConvertHexadecimalToIDAlphabet(std::string* id) { for (size_t i = 0; i < id->size(); ++i) { int val; if (base::HexStringToInt(id->begin() + i, id->begin() + i + 1, &val)) (*id)[i] = val + 'a'; else (*id)[i] = 'a'; } } // These keys are allowed by all crx files (apps, extensions, themes, etc). static const char* kBaseCrxKeys[] = { keys::kCurrentLocale, keys::kDefaultLocale, keys::kDescription, keys::kIcons, keys::kName, keys::kPublicKey, keys::kSignature, keys::kVersion, keys::kUpdateURL }; bool IsBaseCrxKey(const std::string& key) { for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kBaseCrxKeys); ++i) { if (key == kBaseCrxKeys[i]) return true; } return false; } // A singleton object containing global data needed by the extension objects. class ExtensionConfig { public: static ExtensionConfig* GetInstance() { return Singleton::get(); } Extension::ScriptingWhitelist* whitelist() { return &scripting_whitelist_; } private: friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits; ExtensionConfig() { } ~ExtensionConfig() { } // A whitelist of extensions that can script anywhere. Do not add to this // list (except in tests) without consulting the Extensions team first. // Note: Component extensions have this right implicitly and do not need to be // added to this list. Extension::ScriptingWhitelist scripting_whitelist_; }; // Rank extension locations in a way that allows // Extension::GetHigherPriorityLocation() to compare locations. // An extension installed from two locations will have the location // with the higher rank, as returned by this function. The actual // integer values may change, and should never be persisted. int GetLocationRank(Extension::Location location) { const int kInvalidRank = -1; int rank = kInvalidRank; // Will CHECK that rank is not kInvalidRank. switch (location) { // Component extensions can not be overriden by any other type. case Extension::COMPONENT: rank = 6; break; // Policy controlled extensions may not be overridden by any type // that is not part of chrome. case Extension::EXTERNAL_POLICY_DOWNLOAD: rank = 5; break; // A developer-loaded extension should override any installed type // that a user can disable. case Extension::LOAD: rank = 4; break; // The relative priority of various external sources is not important, // but having some order ensures deterministic behavior. case Extension::EXTERNAL_REGISTRY: rank = 3; break; case Extension::EXTERNAL_PREF: rank = 2; break; case Extension::EXTERNAL_PREF_DOWNLOAD: rank = 1; break; // User installed extensions are overridden by any external type. case Extension::INTERNAL: rank = 0; break; default: NOTREACHED() << "Need to add new extension locaton " << location; } CHECK(rank != kInvalidRank); return rank; } } // namespace const FilePath::CharType Extension::kManifestFilename[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("manifest.json"); const FilePath::CharType Extension::kLocaleFolder[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("_locales"); const FilePath::CharType Extension::kMessagesFilename[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("messages.json"); #if defined(OS_WIN) const char Extension::kExtensionRegistryPath[] = "Software\\Google\\Chrome\\Extensions"; #endif // first 16 bytes of SHA256 hashed public key. const size_t Extension::kIdSize = 16; const char Extension::kMimeType[] = "application/x-chrome-extension"; const int Extension::kIconSizes[] = { EXTENSION_ICON_LARGE, EXTENSION_ICON_MEDIUM, EXTENSION_ICON_SMALL, EXTENSION_ICON_SMALLISH, EXTENSION_ICON_BITTY }; const int Extension::kPageActionIconMaxSize = 19; const int Extension::kBrowserActionIconMaxSize = 19; const int Extension::kSidebarIconMaxSize = 16; const int Extension::kValidWebExtentSchemes = URLPattern::SCHEME_HTTP | URLPattern::SCHEME_HTTPS; const int Extension::kValidHostPermissionSchemes = UserScript::kValidUserScriptSchemes | URLPattern::SCHEME_CHROMEUI; Extension::InputComponentInfo::InputComponentInfo() : type(INPUT_COMPONENT_TYPE_NONE), shortcut_alt(false), shortcut_ctrl(false), shortcut_shift(false) { } Extension::InputComponentInfo::~InputComponentInfo() {} Extension::TtsVoice::TtsVoice() {} Extension::TtsVoice::~TtsVoice() {} // // Extension // // static scoped_refptr Extension::Create(const FilePath& path, Location location, const DictionaryValue& value, int flags, std::string* error) { scoped_refptr extension = new Extension(path, location); if (!extension->InitFromValue(value, flags, error)) return NULL; return extension; } scoped_refptr Extension::CreateWithId(const FilePath& path, Location location, const DictionaryValue& value, int flags, const std::string& explicit_id, std::string* error) { scoped_refptr extension = Create( path, location, value, flags, error); if (extension.get()) extension->id_ = explicit_id; return extension; } namespace { const char* kGalleryUpdateHttpUrl = "http://clients2.google.com/service/update2/crx"; const char* kGalleryUpdateHttpsUrl = "https://clients2.google.com/service/update2/crx"; } // namespace // static GURL Extension::GalleryUpdateUrl(bool secure) { CommandLine* cmdline = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); if (cmdline->HasSwitch(switches::kAppsGalleryUpdateURL)) return GURL(cmdline->GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kAppsGalleryUpdateURL)); else return GURL(secure ? kGalleryUpdateHttpsUrl : kGalleryUpdateHttpUrl); } // static Extension::Location Extension::GetHigherPriorityLocation( Extension::Location loc1, Extension::Location loc2) { if (loc1 == loc2) return loc1; int loc1_rank = GetLocationRank(loc1); int loc2_rank = GetLocationRank(loc2); // If two different locations have the same rank, then we can not // deterministicly choose a location. CHECK(loc1_rank != loc2_rank); // Lowest rank has highest priority. return (loc1_rank > loc2_rank ? loc1 : loc2 ); } ExtensionPermissionMessages Extension::GetPermissionMessages() const { if (IsTrustedId(id_)) return ExtensionPermissionMessages(); else return permission_set_->GetPermissionMessages(); } std::vector Extension::GetPermissionMessageStrings() const { if (IsTrustedId(id_)) return std::vector(); else return permission_set_->GetWarningMessages(); } FilePath Extension::MaybeNormalizePath(const FilePath& path) { #if defined(OS_WIN) // Normalize any drive letter to upper-case. We do this for consistency with // net_utils::FilePathToFileURL(), which does the same thing, to make string // comparisons simpler. std::wstring path_str = path.value(); if (path_str.size() >= 2 && path_str[0] >= L'a' && path_str[0] <= L'z' && path_str[1] == ':') path_str[0] += ('A' - 'a'); return FilePath(path_str); #else return path; #endif } const std::string Extension::VersionString() const { return version()->GetString(); } // static bool Extension::IsExtension(const FilePath& file_name) { return file_name.MatchesExtension(chrome::kExtensionFileExtension); } // static bool Extension::IdIsValid(const std::string& id) { // Verify that the id is legal. if (id.size() != (kIdSize * 2)) return false; // We only support lowercase IDs, because IDs can be used as URL components // (where GURL will lowercase it). std::string temp = StringToLowerASCII(id); for (size_t i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) if (temp[i] < 'a' || temp[i] > 'p') return false; return true; } // static std::string Extension::GenerateIdForPath(const FilePath& path) { FilePath new_path = Extension::MaybeNormalizePath(path); std::string path_bytes = std::string(reinterpret_cast(new_path.value().data()), new_path.value().size() * sizeof(FilePath::CharType)); std::string id; if (!GenerateId(path_bytes, &id)) return ""; return id; } Extension::Type Extension::GetType() const { if (is_theme()) return TYPE_THEME; if (converted_from_user_script()) return TYPE_USER_SCRIPT; if (is_hosted_app()) return TYPE_HOSTED_APP; if (is_packaged_app()) return TYPE_PACKAGED_APP; return TYPE_EXTENSION; } // static GURL Extension::GetResourceURL(const GURL& extension_url, const std::string& relative_path) { DCHECK(extension_url.SchemeIs(chrome::kExtensionScheme)); DCHECK_EQ("/", extension_url.path()); GURL ret_val = GURL(extension_url.spec() + relative_path); DCHECK(StartsWithASCII(ret_val.spec(), extension_url.spec(), false)); return ret_val; } bool Extension::GenerateId(const std::string& input, std::string* output) { CHECK(output); uint8 hash[Extension::kIdSize]; crypto::SHA256HashString(input, hash, sizeof(hash)); *output = StringToLowerASCII(base::HexEncode(hash, sizeof(hash))); ConvertHexadecimalToIDAlphabet(output); return true; } // Helper method that loads a UserScript object from a dictionary in the // content_script list of the manifest. bool Extension::LoadUserScriptHelper(const DictionaryValue* content_script, int definition_index, int flags, std::string* error, UserScript* result) { // When strict error checks are enabled, make URL pattern parsing strict. URLPattern::ParseOption parse_strictness = (flags & STRICT_ERROR_CHECKS ? URLPattern::ERROR_ON_PORTS : URLPattern::IGNORE_PORTS); // run_at if (content_script->HasKey(keys::kRunAt)) { std::string run_location; if (!content_script->GetString(keys::kRunAt, &run_location)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidRunAt, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } if (run_location == values::kRunAtDocumentStart) { result->set_run_location(UserScript::DOCUMENT_START); } else if (run_location == values::kRunAtDocumentEnd) { result->set_run_location(UserScript::DOCUMENT_END); } else if (run_location == values::kRunAtDocumentIdle) { result->set_run_location(UserScript::DOCUMENT_IDLE); } else { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidRunAt, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } } // all frames if (content_script->HasKey(keys::kAllFrames)) { bool all_frames = false; if (!content_script->GetBoolean(keys::kAllFrames, &all_frames)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidAllFrames, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } result->set_match_all_frames(all_frames); } // matches (required) ListValue* matches = NULL; if (!content_script->GetList(keys::kMatches, &matches)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidMatches, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } if (matches->GetSize() == 0) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidMatchCount, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } for (size_t j = 0; j < matches->GetSize(); ++j) { std::string match_str; if (!matches->GetString(j, &match_str)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidMatch, base::IntToString(definition_index), base::IntToString(j), errors::kExpectString); return false; } URLPattern pattern(UserScript::kValidUserScriptSchemes); if (CanExecuteScriptEverywhere()) pattern.set_valid_schemes(URLPattern::SCHEME_ALL); URLPattern::ParseResult parse_result = pattern.Parse(match_str, parse_strictness); if (parse_result != URLPattern::PARSE_SUCCESS) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidMatch, base::IntToString(definition_index), base::IntToString(j), URLPattern::GetParseResultString(parse_result)); return false; } if (pattern.MatchesScheme(chrome::kFileScheme) && !CanExecuteScriptEverywhere()) { wants_file_access_ = true; if (!(flags & ALLOW_FILE_ACCESS)) pattern.set_valid_schemes( pattern.valid_schemes() & ~URLPattern::SCHEME_FILE); } result->add_url_pattern(pattern); } // exclude_matches if (content_script->HasKey(keys::kExcludeMatches)) { // optional ListValue* exclude_matches = NULL; if (!content_script->GetList(keys::kExcludeMatches, &exclude_matches)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidExcludeMatches, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } for (size_t j = 0; j < exclude_matches->GetSize(); ++j) { std::string match_str; if (!exclude_matches->GetString(j, &match_str)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidExcludeMatch, base::IntToString(definition_index), base::IntToString(j), errors::kExpectString); return false; } URLPattern pattern(UserScript::kValidUserScriptSchemes); if (CanExecuteScriptEverywhere()) pattern.set_valid_schemes(URLPattern::SCHEME_ALL); URLPattern::ParseResult parse_result = pattern.Parse(match_str, parse_strictness); if (parse_result != URLPattern::PARSE_SUCCESS) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidExcludeMatch, base::IntToString(definition_index), base::IntToString(j), URLPattern::GetParseResultString(parse_result)); return false; } result->add_exclude_url_pattern(pattern); } } // include/exclude globs (mostly for Greasemonkey compatibility) if (!LoadGlobsHelper(content_script, definition_index, keys::kIncludeGlobs, error, &UserScript::add_glob, result)) { return false; } if (!LoadGlobsHelper(content_script, definition_index, keys::kExcludeGlobs, error, &UserScript::add_exclude_glob, result)) { return false; } // js and css keys ListValue* js = NULL; if (content_script->HasKey(keys::kJs) && !content_script->GetList(keys::kJs, &js)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidJsList, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } ListValue* css = NULL; if (content_script->HasKey(keys::kCss) && !content_script->GetList(keys::kCss, &css)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidCssList, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } // The manifest needs to have at least one js or css user script definition. if (((js ? js->GetSize() : 0) + (css ? css->GetSize() : 0)) == 0) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kMissingFile, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } if (js) { for (size_t script_index = 0; script_index < js->GetSize(); ++script_index) { Value* value; std::string relative; if (!js->Get(script_index, &value) || !value->GetAsString(&relative)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidJs, base::IntToString(definition_index), base::IntToString(script_index)); return false; } GURL url = GetResourceURL(relative); ExtensionResource resource = GetResource(relative); result->js_scripts().push_back(UserScript::File( resource.extension_root(), resource.relative_path(), url)); } } if (css) { for (size_t script_index = 0; script_index < css->GetSize(); ++script_index) { Value* value; std::string relative; if (!css->Get(script_index, &value) || !value->GetAsString(&relative)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidCss, base::IntToString(definition_index), base::IntToString(script_index)); return false; } GURL url = GetResourceURL(relative); ExtensionResource resource = GetResource(relative); result->css_scripts().push_back(UserScript::File( resource.extension_root(), resource.relative_path(), url)); } } return true; } bool Extension::LoadGlobsHelper( const DictionaryValue* content_script, int content_script_index, const char* globs_property_name, std::string* error, void(UserScript::*add_method)(const std::string& glob), UserScript *instance) { if (!content_script->HasKey(globs_property_name)) return true; // they are optional ListValue* list = NULL; if (!content_script->GetList(globs_property_name, &list)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidGlobList, base::IntToString(content_script_index), globs_property_name); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < list->GetSize(); ++i) { std::string glob; if (!list->GetString(i, &glob)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidGlob, base::IntToString(content_script_index), globs_property_name, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } (instance->*add_method)(glob); } return true; } ExtensionAction* Extension::LoadExtensionActionHelper( const DictionaryValue* extension_action, std::string* error) { scoped_ptr result(new ExtensionAction()); result->set_extension_id(id()); // Page actions are hidden by default, and browser actions ignore // visibility. result->SetIsVisible(ExtensionAction::kDefaultTabId, false); // TODO(EXTENSIONS_DEPRECATED): icons list is obsolete. ListValue* icons = NULL; if (extension_action->HasKey(keys::kPageActionIcons) && extension_action->GetList(keys::kPageActionIcons, &icons)) { for (ListValue::const_iterator iter = icons->begin(); iter != icons->end(); ++iter) { std::string path; if (!(*iter)->GetAsString(&path) || path.empty()) { *error = errors::kInvalidPageActionIconPath; return NULL; } result->icon_paths()->push_back(path); } } // TODO(EXTENSIONS_DEPRECATED): Read the page action |id| (optional). std::string id; if (extension_action->HasKey(keys::kPageActionId)) { if (!extension_action->GetString(keys::kPageActionId, &id)) { *error = errors::kInvalidPageActionId; return NULL; } result->set_id(id); } std::string default_icon; // Read the page action |default_icon| (optional). if (extension_action->HasKey(keys::kPageActionDefaultIcon)) { if (!extension_action->GetString(keys::kPageActionDefaultIcon, &default_icon) || default_icon.empty()) { *error = errors::kInvalidPageActionIconPath; return NULL; } result->set_default_icon_path(default_icon); } // Read the page action title from |default_title| if present, |name| if not // (both optional). std::string title; if (extension_action->HasKey(keys::kPageActionDefaultTitle)) { if (!extension_action->GetString(keys::kPageActionDefaultTitle, &title)) { *error = errors::kInvalidPageActionDefaultTitle; return NULL; } } else if (extension_action->HasKey(keys::kName)) { if (!extension_action->GetString(keys::kName, &title)) { *error = errors::kInvalidPageActionName; return NULL; } } result->SetTitle(ExtensionAction::kDefaultTabId, title); // Read the action's |popup| (optional). const char* popup_key = NULL; if (extension_action->HasKey(keys::kPageActionDefaultPopup)) popup_key = keys::kPageActionDefaultPopup; // For backward compatibility, alias old key "popup" to new // key "default_popup". if (extension_action->HasKey(keys::kPageActionPopup)) { if (popup_key) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidPageActionOldAndNewKeys, keys::kPageActionDefaultPopup, keys::kPageActionPopup); return NULL; } popup_key = keys::kPageActionPopup; } if (popup_key) { DictionaryValue* popup = NULL; std::string url_str; if (extension_action->GetString(popup_key, &url_str)) { // On success, |url_str| is set. Nothing else to do. } else if (extension_action->GetDictionary(popup_key, &popup)) { // TODO(EXTENSIONS_DEPRECATED): popup is now a string only. // Support the old dictionary format for backward compatibility. if (!popup->GetString(keys::kPageActionPopupPath, &url_str)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidPageActionPopupPath, ""); return NULL; } } else { *error = errors::kInvalidPageActionPopup; return NULL; } if (!url_str.empty()) { // An empty string is treated as having no popup. GURL url = GetResourceURL(url_str); if (!url.is_valid()) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidPageActionPopupPath, url_str); return NULL; } result->SetPopupUrl(ExtensionAction::kDefaultTabId, url); } else { DCHECK(!result->HasPopup(ExtensionAction::kDefaultTabId)) << "Shouldn't be possible for the popup to be set."; } } return result.release(); } Extension::FileBrowserHandlerList* Extension::LoadFileBrowserHandlers( const ListValue* extension_actions, std::string* error) { scoped_ptr result( new FileBrowserHandlerList()); for (ListValue::const_iterator iter = extension_actions->begin(); iter != extension_actions->end(); ++iter) { if (!(*iter)->IsType(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY)) { *error = errors::kInvalidFileBrowserHandler; return NULL; } scoped_ptr action( LoadFileBrowserHandler( reinterpret_cast(*iter), error)); if (!action.get()) return NULL; // Failed to parse file browser action definition. result->push_back(linked_ptr(action.release())); } return result.release(); } FileBrowserHandler* Extension::LoadFileBrowserHandler( const DictionaryValue* file_browser_handler, std::string* error) { scoped_ptr result( new FileBrowserHandler()); result->set_extension_id(id()); std::string id; // Read the file action |id| (mandatory). if (!file_browser_handler->HasKey(keys::kPageActionId) || !file_browser_handler->GetString(keys::kPageActionId, &id)) { *error = errors::kInvalidPageActionId; return NULL; } result->set_id(id); // Read the page action title from |default_title| (mandatory). std::string title; if (!file_browser_handler->HasKey(keys::kPageActionDefaultTitle) || !file_browser_handler->GetString(keys::kPageActionDefaultTitle, &title)) { *error = errors::kInvalidPageActionDefaultTitle; return NULL; } result->set_title(title); // Initialize file filters (mandatory). ListValue* list_value = NULL; if (!file_browser_handler->HasKey(keys::kFileFilters) || !file_browser_handler->GetList(keys::kFileFilters, &list_value) || list_value->empty()) { *error = errors::kInvalidFileFiltersList; return NULL; } for (size_t i = 0; i < list_value->GetSize(); ++i) { std::string filter; if (!list_value->GetString(i, &filter)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidFileFilterValue, base::IntToString(i)); return NULL; } URLPattern pattern(URLPattern::SCHEME_FILESYSTEM); if (pattern.Parse(filter, URLPattern::ERROR_ON_PORTS) != URLPattern::PARSE_SUCCESS) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidURLPatternError, filter); return NULL; } result->AddPattern(pattern); } std::string default_icon; // Read the file browser action |default_icon| (optional). if (file_browser_handler->HasKey(keys::kPageActionDefaultIcon)) { if (!file_browser_handler->GetString( keys::kPageActionDefaultIcon,&default_icon) || default_icon.empty()) { *error = errors::kInvalidPageActionIconPath; return NULL; } result->set_icon_path(default_icon); } return result.release(); } ExtensionSidebarDefaults* Extension::LoadExtensionSidebarDefaults( const DictionaryValue* extension_sidebar, std::string* error) { scoped_ptr result(new ExtensionSidebarDefaults()); std::string default_icon; // Read sidebar's |default_icon| (optional). if (extension_sidebar->HasKey(keys::kSidebarDefaultIcon)) { if (!extension_sidebar->GetString(keys::kSidebarDefaultIcon, &default_icon) || default_icon.empty()) { *error = errors::kInvalidSidebarDefaultIconPath; return NULL; } result->set_default_icon_path(default_icon); } // Read sidebar's |default_title| (optional). string16 default_title; if (extension_sidebar->HasKey(keys::kSidebarDefaultTitle)) { if (!extension_sidebar->GetString(keys::kSidebarDefaultTitle, &default_title)) { *error = errors::kInvalidSidebarDefaultTitle; return NULL; } } result->set_default_title(default_title); // Read sidebar's |default_page| (optional). std::string default_page; if (extension_sidebar->HasKey(keys::kSidebarDefaultPage)) { if (!extension_sidebar->GetString(keys::kSidebarDefaultPage, &default_page) || default_page.empty()) { *error = errors::kInvalidSidebarDefaultPage; return NULL; } GURL url = extension_sidebar_utils::ResolveRelativePath( default_page, this, error); if (!url.is_valid()) return NULL; result->set_default_page(url); } return result.release(); } bool Extension::ContainsNonThemeKeys(const DictionaryValue& source) const { for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator key = source.begin_keys(); key != source.end_keys(); ++key) { if (!IsBaseCrxKey(*key) && *key != keys::kTheme) return true; } return false; } bool Extension::LoadIsApp(const DictionaryValue* manifest, std::string* error) { if (manifest->HasKey(keys::kApp)) is_app_ = true; return true; } bool Extension::LoadExtent(const DictionaryValue* manifest, const char* key, URLPatternSet* extent, const char* list_error, const char* value_error, URLPattern::ParseOption parse_strictness, std::string* error) { Value* temp = NULL; if (!manifest->Get(key, &temp)) return true; if (temp->GetType() != Value::TYPE_LIST) { *error = list_error; return false; } ListValue* pattern_list = static_cast(temp); for (size_t i = 0; i < pattern_list->GetSize(); ++i) { std::string pattern_string; if (!pattern_list->GetString(i, &pattern_string)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(value_error, base::UintToString(i), errors::kExpectString); return false; } URLPattern pattern(kValidWebExtentSchemes); URLPattern::ParseResult parse_result = pattern.Parse(pattern_string, parse_strictness); if (parse_result == URLPattern::PARSE_ERROR_EMPTY_PATH) { pattern_string += "/"; parse_result = pattern.Parse(pattern_string, parse_strictness); } if (parse_result != URLPattern::PARSE_SUCCESS) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( value_error, base::UintToString(i), URLPattern::GetParseResultString(parse_result)); return false; } // Do not allow authors to claim "". if (pattern.match_all_urls()) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( value_error, base::UintToString(i), errors::kCannotClaimAllURLsInExtent); return false; } // Do not allow authors to claim "*" for host. if (pattern.host().empty()) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( value_error, base::UintToString(i), errors::kCannotClaimAllHostsInExtent); return false; } // We do not allow authors to put wildcards in their paths. Instead, we // imply one at the end. if (pattern.path().find('*') != std::string::npos) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( value_error, base::UintToString(i), errors::kNoWildCardsInPaths); return false; } pattern.SetPath(pattern.path() + '*'); extent->AddPattern(pattern); } return true; } bool Extension::LoadLaunchURL(const DictionaryValue* manifest, std::string* error) { Value* temp = NULL; // launch URL can be either local (to chrome-extension:// root) or an absolute // web URL. if (manifest->Get(keys::kLaunchLocalPath, &temp)) { if (manifest->Get(keys::kLaunchWebURL, NULL)) { *error = errors::kLaunchPathAndURLAreExclusive; return false; } std::string launch_path; if (!temp->GetAsString(&launch_path)) { *error = errors::kInvalidLaunchLocalPath; return false; } // Ensure the launch path is a valid relative URL. GURL resolved = url().Resolve(launch_path); if (!resolved.is_valid() || resolved.GetOrigin() != url()) { *error = errors::kInvalidLaunchLocalPath; return false; } launch_local_path_ = launch_path; } else if (manifest->Get(keys::kLaunchWebURL, &temp)) { std::string launch_url; if (!temp->GetAsString(&launch_url)) { *error = errors::kInvalidLaunchWebURL; return false; } // Ensure the launch URL is a valid absolute URL and web extent scheme. GURL url(launch_url); URLPattern pattern(kValidWebExtentSchemes); if (!url.is_valid() || !pattern.SetScheme(url.scheme())) { *error = errors::kInvalidLaunchWebURL; return false; } launch_web_url_ = launch_url; } else if (is_app()) { *error = errors::kLaunchURLRequired; return false; } // If there is no extent, we default the extent based on the launch URL. if (web_extent().is_empty() && !launch_web_url().empty()) { GURL launch_url(launch_web_url()); URLPattern pattern(kValidWebExtentSchemes); if (!pattern.SetScheme("*")) { *error = errors::kInvalidLaunchWebURL; return false; } pattern.set_host(launch_url.host()); pattern.SetPath("/*"); extent_.AddPattern(pattern); } // In order for the --apps-gallery-url switch to work with the gallery // process isolation, we must insert any provided value into the component // app's launch url and web extent. if (id() == extension_misc::kWebStoreAppId) { std::string gallery_url_str = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()-> GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kAppsGalleryURL); // Empty string means option was not used. if (!gallery_url_str.empty()) { GURL gallery_url(gallery_url_str); if (!gallery_url.is_valid()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid url given in switch " << switches::kAppsGalleryURL; } else { if (gallery_url.has_port()) { LOG(WARNING) << "URLs passed to switch " << switches::kAppsGalleryURL << " should not contain a port. Removing it."; GURL::Replacements remove_port; remove_port.ClearPort(); gallery_url = gallery_url.ReplaceComponents(remove_port); } launch_web_url_ = gallery_url.spec(); URLPattern pattern(kValidWebExtentSchemes); pattern.Parse(gallery_url.spec(), URLPattern::ERROR_ON_PORTS); pattern.SetPath(pattern.path() + '*'); extent_.AddPattern(pattern); } } } return true; } bool Extension::LoadLaunchContainer(const DictionaryValue* manifest, std::string* error) { Value* temp = NULL; if (!manifest->Get(keys::kLaunchContainer, &temp)) return true; std::string launch_container_string; if (!temp->GetAsString(&launch_container_string)) { *error = errors::kInvalidLaunchContainer; return false; } if (launch_container_string == values::kLaunchContainerPanel) { launch_container_ = extension_misc::LAUNCH_PANEL; } else if (launch_container_string == values::kLaunchContainerTab) { launch_container_ = extension_misc::LAUNCH_TAB; } else { *error = errors::kInvalidLaunchContainer; return false; } // Validate the container width if present. if (manifest->Get(keys::kLaunchWidth, &temp)) { if (launch_container() != extension_misc::LAUNCH_PANEL && launch_container() != extension_misc::LAUNCH_WINDOW) { *error = errors::kInvalidLaunchWidthContainer; return false; } if (!temp->GetAsInteger(&launch_width_) || launch_width_ < 0) { launch_width_ = 0; *error = errors::kInvalidLaunchWidth; return false; } } // Validate container height if present. if (manifest->Get(keys::kLaunchHeight, &temp)) { if (launch_container() != extension_misc::LAUNCH_PANEL && launch_container() != extension_misc::LAUNCH_WINDOW) { *error = errors::kInvalidLaunchHeightContainer; return false; } if (!temp->GetAsInteger(&launch_height_) || launch_height_ < 0) { launch_height_ = 0; *error = errors::kInvalidLaunchHeight; return false; } } return true; } bool Extension::LoadAppIsolation(const DictionaryValue* manifest, std::string* error) { // Only parse app isolation features if this switch is present. if (!CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kEnableExperimentalExtensionApis)) return true; Value* temp = NULL; if (!manifest->Get(keys::kIsolation, &temp)) return true; if (temp->GetType() != Value::TYPE_LIST) { *error = errors::kInvalidIsolation; return false; } ListValue* isolation_list = static_cast(temp); for (size_t i = 0; i < isolation_list->GetSize(); ++i) { std::string isolation_string; if (!isolation_list->GetString(i, &isolation_string)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidIsolationValue, base::UintToString(i)); return false; } // Check for isolated storage. if (isolation_string == values::kIsolatedStorage) { is_storage_isolated_ = true; } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Did not recognize isolation type: " << isolation_string; } } return true; } bool Extension::EnsureNotHybridApp(const DictionaryValue* manifest, std::string* error) { if (web_extent().is_empty()) return true; for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator key = manifest->begin_keys(); key != manifest->end_keys(); ++key) { if (!IsBaseCrxKey(*key) && *key != keys::kApp && *key != keys::kPermissions && *key != keys::kOptionsPage && *key != keys::kBackground) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kHostedAppsCannotIncludeExtensionFeatures, *key); return false; } } return true; } // static bool Extension::IsTrustedId(const std::string& id) { // See http://b/4946060 for more details. return id == std::string("nckgahadagoaajjgafhacjanaoiihapd"); } Extension::Extension(const FilePath& path, Location location) : incognito_split_mode_(false), location_(location), converted_from_user_script_(false), is_theme_(false), is_app_(false), is_storage_isolated_(false), launch_container_(extension_misc::LAUNCH_TAB), launch_width_(0), launch_height_(0), wants_file_access_(false) { DCHECK(path.empty() || path.IsAbsolute()); path_ = MaybeNormalizePath(path); } Extension::~Extension() { } ExtensionResource Extension::GetResource( const std::string& relative_path) const { #if defined(OS_POSIX) FilePath relative_file_path(relative_path); #elif defined(OS_WIN) FilePath relative_file_path(UTF8ToWide(relative_path)); #endif return ExtensionResource(id(), path(), relative_file_path); } ExtensionResource Extension::GetResource( const FilePath& relative_file_path) const { return ExtensionResource(id(), path(), relative_file_path); } // TODO(rafaelw): Move ParsePEMKeyBytes, ProducePEM & FormatPEMForOutput to a // util class in base: // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=13572 bool Extension::ParsePEMKeyBytes(const std::string& input, std::string* output) { DCHECK(output); if (!output) return false; if (input.length() == 0) return false; std::string working = input; if (StartsWithASCII(working, kKeyBeginHeaderMarker, true)) { working = CollapseWhitespaceASCII(working, true); size_t header_pos = working.find(kKeyInfoEndMarker, sizeof(kKeyBeginHeaderMarker) - 1); if (header_pos == std::string::npos) return false; size_t start_pos = header_pos + sizeof(kKeyInfoEndMarker) - 1; size_t end_pos = working.rfind(kKeyBeginFooterMarker); if (end_pos == std::string::npos) return false; if (start_pos >= end_pos) return false; working = working.substr(start_pos, end_pos - start_pos); if (working.length() == 0) return false; } return base::Base64Decode(working, output); } bool Extension::ProducePEM(const std::string& input, std::string* output) { CHECK(output); if (input.length() == 0) return false; return base::Base64Encode(input, output); } bool Extension::FormatPEMForFileOutput(const std::string& input, std::string* output, bool is_public) { CHECK(output); if (input.length() == 0) return false; *output = ""; output->append(kKeyBeginHeaderMarker); output->append(" "); output->append(is_public ? kPublic : kPrivate); output->append(" "); output->append(kKeyInfoEndMarker); output->append("\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < input.length(); ) { int slice = std::min(input.length() - i, kPEMOutputColumns); output->append(input.substr(i, slice)); output->append("\n"); i += slice; } output->append(kKeyBeginFooterMarker); output->append(" "); output->append(is_public ? kPublic : kPrivate); output->append(" "); output->append(kKeyInfoEndMarker); output->append("\n"); return true; } // static void Extension::DecodeIcon(const Extension* extension, Icons icon_size, scoped_ptr* result) { FilePath icon_path = extension->GetIconResource( icon_size, ExtensionIconSet::MATCH_EXACTLY).GetFilePath(); DecodeIconFromPath(icon_path, icon_size, result); } // static void Extension::DecodeIconFromPath(const FilePath& icon_path, Icons icon_size, scoped_ptr* result) { if (icon_path.empty()) return; std::string file_contents; if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(icon_path, &file_contents)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Could not read icon file: " << icon_path.LossyDisplayName(); return; } // Decode the image using WebKit's image decoder. const unsigned char* data = reinterpret_cast(file_contents.data()); webkit_glue::ImageDecoder decoder; scoped_ptr decoded(new SkBitmap()); *decoded = decoder.Decode(data, file_contents.length()); if (decoded->empty()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Could not decode icon file: " << icon_path.LossyDisplayName(); return; } if (decoded->width() != icon_size || decoded->height() != icon_size) { LOG(ERROR) << "Icon file has unexpected size: " << base::IntToString(decoded->width()) << "x" << base::IntToString(decoded->height()); return; } result->swap(decoded); } // static const SkBitmap& Extension::GetDefaultIcon(bool is_app) { if (is_app) { return *ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetBitmapNamed( IDR_APP_DEFAULT_ICON); } else { return *ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetBitmapNamed( IDR_EXTENSION_DEFAULT_ICON); } } GURL Extension::GetBaseURLFromExtensionId(const std::string& extension_id) { return GURL(std::string(chrome::kExtensionScheme) + chrome::kStandardSchemeSeparator + extension_id + "/"); } bool Extension::InitFromValue(const DictionaryValue& source, int flags, std::string* error) { // When strict error checks are enabled, make URL pattern parsing strict. URLPattern::ParseOption parse_strictness = (flags & STRICT_ERROR_CHECKS ? URLPattern::ERROR_ON_PORTS : URLPattern::IGNORE_PORTS); // Initialize permissions with an empty, default permission set. permission_set_.reset(new ExtensionPermissionSet()); if (source.HasKey(keys::kPublicKey)) { std::string public_key_bytes; if (!source.GetString(keys::kPublicKey, &public_key_) || !ParsePEMKeyBytes(public_key_, &public_key_bytes) || !GenerateId(public_key_bytes, &id_)) { *error = errors::kInvalidKey; return false; } } else if (flags & REQUIRE_KEY) { *error = errors::kInvalidKey; return false; } else { // If there is a path, we generate the ID from it. This is useful for // development mode, because it keeps the ID stable across restarts and // reloading the extension. id_ = Extension::GenerateIdForPath(path()); if (id_.empty()) { NOTREACHED() << "Could not create ID from path."; return false; } } // Make a copy of the manifest so we can store it in prefs. manifest_value_.reset(source.DeepCopy()); // Initialize the URL. extension_url_ = Extension::GetBaseURLFromExtensionId(id()); // Initialize version. std::string version_str; if (!source.GetString(keys::kVersion, &version_str)) { *error = errors::kInvalidVersion; return false; } version_.reset(Version::GetVersionFromString(version_str)); if (!version_.get() || version_->components().size() > 4) { *error = errors::kInvalidVersion; return false; } // Initialize name. string16 localized_name; if (!source.GetString(keys::kName, &localized_name)) { *error = errors::kInvalidName; return false; } base::i18n::AdjustStringForLocaleDirection(&localized_name); name_ = UTF16ToUTF8(localized_name); // Initialize description (if present). if (source.HasKey(keys::kDescription)) { if (!source.GetString(keys::kDescription, &description_)) { *error = errors::kInvalidDescription; return false; } } // Initialize homepage url (if present). if (source.HasKey(keys::kHomepageURL)) { std::string tmp; if (!source.GetString(keys::kHomepageURL, &tmp)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidHomepageURL, ""); return false; } homepage_url_ = GURL(tmp); if (!homepage_url_.is_valid() || (!homepage_url_.SchemeIs("http") && !homepage_url_.SchemeIs("https"))) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidHomepageURL, tmp); return false; } } // Initialize update url (if present). if (source.HasKey(keys::kUpdateURL)) { std::string tmp; if (!source.GetString(keys::kUpdateURL, &tmp)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidUpdateURL, ""); return false; } update_url_ = GURL(tmp); if (!update_url_.is_valid() || update_url_.has_ref()) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidUpdateURL, tmp); return false; } } // Validate minimum Chrome version (if present). We don't need to store this, // since the extension is not valid if it is incorrect. if (source.HasKey(keys::kMinimumChromeVersion)) { std::string minimum_version_string; if (!source.GetString(keys::kMinimumChromeVersion, &minimum_version_string)) { *error = errors::kInvalidMinimumChromeVersion; return false; } scoped_ptr minimum_version( Version::GetVersionFromString(minimum_version_string)); if (!minimum_version.get()) { *error = errors::kInvalidMinimumChromeVersion; return false; } chrome::VersionInfo current_version_info; if (!current_version_info.is_valid()) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } scoped_ptr current_version( Version::GetVersionFromString(current_version_info.Version())); if (!current_version.get()) { DCHECK(false); return false; } if (current_version->CompareTo(*minimum_version) < 0) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kChromeVersionTooLow, l10n_util::GetStringUTF8(IDS_PRODUCT_NAME), minimum_version_string); return false; } } // Initialize converted_from_user_script (if present) source.GetBoolean(keys::kConvertedFromUserScript, &converted_from_user_script_); // Initialize icons (if present). if (source.HasKey(keys::kIcons)) { DictionaryValue* icons_value = NULL; if (!source.GetDictionary(keys::kIcons, &icons_value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidIcons; return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kIconSizes); ++i) { std::string key = base::IntToString(kIconSizes[i]); if (icons_value->HasKey(key)) { std::string icon_path; if (!icons_value->GetString(key, &icon_path)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidIconPath, key); return false; } if (!icon_path.empty() && icon_path[0] == '/') icon_path = icon_path.substr(1); if (icon_path.empty()) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidIconPath, key); return false; } icons_.Add(kIconSizes[i], icon_path); } } } // Initialize themes (if present). is_theme_ = false; if (source.HasKey(keys::kTheme)) { // Themes cannot contain extension keys. if (ContainsNonThemeKeys(source)) { *error = errors::kThemesCannotContainExtensions; return false; } DictionaryValue* theme_value = NULL; if (!source.GetDictionary(keys::kTheme, &theme_value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidTheme; return false; } is_theme_ = true; DictionaryValue* images_value = NULL; if (theme_value->GetDictionary(keys::kThemeImages, &images_value)) { // Validate that the images are all strings for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator iter = images_value->begin_keys(); iter != images_value->end_keys(); ++iter) { std::string val; if (!images_value->GetString(*iter, &val)) { *error = errors::kInvalidThemeImages; return false; } } theme_images_.reset(images_value->DeepCopy()); } DictionaryValue* colors_value = NULL; if (theme_value->GetDictionary(keys::kThemeColors, &colors_value)) { // Validate that the colors are RGB or RGBA lists for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator iter = colors_value->begin_keys(); iter != colors_value->end_keys(); ++iter) { ListValue* color_list = NULL; double alpha = 0.0; int color = 0; // The color must be a list if (!colors_value->GetListWithoutPathExpansion(*iter, &color_list) || // And either 3 items (RGB) or 4 (RGBA) ((color_list->GetSize() != 3) && ((color_list->GetSize() != 4) || // For RGBA, the fourth item must be a real or int alpha value. // Note that GetDouble() can get an integer value. !color_list->GetDouble(3, &alpha))) || // For both RGB and RGBA, the first three items must be ints (R,G,B) !color_list->GetInteger(0, &color) || !color_list->GetInteger(1, &color) || !color_list->GetInteger(2, &color)) { *error = errors::kInvalidThemeColors; return false; } } theme_colors_.reset(colors_value->DeepCopy()); } DictionaryValue* tints_value = NULL; if (theme_value->GetDictionary(keys::kThemeTints, &tints_value)) { // Validate that the tints are all reals. for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator iter = tints_value->begin_keys(); iter != tints_value->end_keys(); ++iter) { ListValue* tint_list = NULL; double v = 0.0; if (!tints_value->GetListWithoutPathExpansion(*iter, &tint_list) || tint_list->GetSize() != 3 || !tint_list->GetDouble(0, &v) || !tint_list->GetDouble(1, &v) || !tint_list->GetDouble(2, &v)) { *error = errors::kInvalidThemeTints; return false; } } theme_tints_.reset(tints_value->DeepCopy()); } DictionaryValue* display_properties_value = NULL; if (theme_value->GetDictionary(keys::kThemeDisplayProperties, &display_properties_value)) { theme_display_properties_.reset( display_properties_value->DeepCopy()); } return true; } // Initialize plugins (optional). if (source.HasKey(keys::kPlugins)) { ListValue* list_value = NULL; if (!source.GetList(keys::kPlugins, &list_value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidPlugins; return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < list_value->GetSize(); ++i) { DictionaryValue* plugin_value = NULL; std::string path_str; bool is_public = false; if (!list_value->GetDictionary(i, &plugin_value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidPlugins; return false; } // Get plugins[i].path. if (!plugin_value->GetString(keys::kPluginsPath, &path_str)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidPluginsPath, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } // Get plugins[i].content (optional). if (plugin_value->HasKey(keys::kPluginsPublic)) { if (!plugin_value->GetBoolean(keys::kPluginsPublic, &is_public)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidPluginsPublic, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } } // We don't allow extension plugins to run on Chrome OS. We still // parse the manifest entry so that error messages are consistently // displayed across platforms. #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) plugins_.push_back(PluginInfo()); plugins_.back().path = path().AppendASCII(path_str); plugins_.back().is_public = is_public; #endif } } if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kEnableExperimentalExtensionApis) && source.HasKey(keys::kNaClModules)) { ListValue* list_value = NULL; if (!source.GetList(keys::kNaClModules, &list_value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidNaClModules; return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < list_value->GetSize(); ++i) { DictionaryValue* module_value = NULL; std::string path_str; std::string mime_type; if (!list_value->GetDictionary(i, &module_value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidNaClModules; return false; } // Get nacl_modules[i].path. if (!module_value->GetString(keys::kNaClModulesPath, &path_str)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidNaClModulesPath, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } // Get nacl_modules[i].mime_type. if (!module_value->GetString(keys::kNaClModulesMIMEType, &mime_type)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidNaClModulesMIMEType, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } nacl_modules_.push_back(NaClModuleInfo()); nacl_modules_.back().url = GetResourceURL(path_str); nacl_modules_.back().mime_type = mime_type; } } // Initialize toolstrips. This is deprecated for public use. // NOTE(erikkay) Although deprecated, we intend to preserve this parsing // code indefinitely. Please contact me or Joi for details as to why. if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kEnableExperimentalExtensionApis) && source.HasKey(keys::kToolstrips)) { ListValue* list_value = NULL; if (!source.GetList(keys::kToolstrips, &list_value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidToolstrips; return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < list_value->GetSize(); ++i) { GURL toolstrip; DictionaryValue* toolstrip_value = NULL; std::string toolstrip_path; if (list_value->GetString(i, &toolstrip_path)) { // Support a simple URL value for backwards compatibility. toolstrip = GetResourceURL(toolstrip_path); } else if (list_value->GetDictionary(i, &toolstrip_value)) { if (!toolstrip_value->GetString(keys::kToolstripPath, &toolstrip_path)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidToolstrip, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } toolstrip = GetResourceURL(toolstrip_path); } else { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidToolstrip, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } toolstrips_.push_back(toolstrip); } } // Initialize content scripts (optional). if (source.HasKey(keys::kContentScripts)) { ListValue* list_value; if (!source.GetList(keys::kContentScripts, &list_value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidContentScriptsList; return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < list_value->GetSize(); ++i) { DictionaryValue* content_script = NULL; if (!list_value->GetDictionary(i, &content_script)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidContentScript, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } UserScript script; if (!LoadUserScriptHelper(content_script, i, flags, error, &script)) return false; // Failed to parse script context definition. script.set_extension_id(id()); if (converted_from_user_script_) { script.set_emulate_greasemonkey(true); script.set_match_all_frames(true); // Greasemonkey matches all frames. } content_scripts_.push_back(script); } } // Initialize page action (optional). DictionaryValue* page_action_value = NULL; if (source.HasKey(keys::kPageActions)) { ListValue* list_value = NULL; if (!source.GetList(keys::kPageActions, &list_value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidPageActionsList; return false; } size_t list_value_length = list_value->GetSize(); if (list_value_length == 0u) { // A list with zero items is allowed, and is equivalent to not having // a page_actions key in the manifest. Don't set |page_action_value|. } else if (list_value_length == 1u) { if (!list_value->GetDictionary(0, &page_action_value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidPageAction; return false; } } else { // list_value_length > 1u. *error = errors::kInvalidPageActionsListSize; return false; } } else if (source.HasKey(keys::kPageAction)) { if (!source.GetDictionary(keys::kPageAction, &page_action_value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidPageAction; return false; } } // If page_action_value is not NULL, then there was a valid page action. if (page_action_value) { page_action_.reset( LoadExtensionActionHelper(page_action_value, error)); if (!page_action_.get()) return false; // Failed to parse page action definition. } // Initialize browser action (optional). if (source.HasKey(keys::kBrowserAction)) { DictionaryValue* browser_action_value = NULL; if (!source.GetDictionary(keys::kBrowserAction, &browser_action_value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidBrowserAction; return false; } browser_action_.reset( LoadExtensionActionHelper(browser_action_value, error)); if (!browser_action_.get()) return false; // Failed to parse browser action definition. } // Initialize file browser actions (optional). if (source.HasKey(keys::kFileBrowserHandlers)) { ListValue* file_browser_handlers_value = NULL; if (!source.GetList(keys::kFileBrowserHandlers, &file_browser_handlers_value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidFileBrowserHandler; return false; } file_browser_handlers_.reset( LoadFileBrowserHandlers(file_browser_handlers_value, error)); if (!file_browser_handlers_.get()) return false; // Failed to parse file browser actions definition. } // Load App settings. if (!LoadIsApp(manifest_value_.get(), error) || !LoadExtent(manifest_value_.get(), keys::kWebURLs, &extent_, errors::kInvalidWebURLs, errors::kInvalidWebURL, parse_strictness, error) || !EnsureNotHybridApp(manifest_value_.get(), error) || !LoadLaunchURL(manifest_value_.get(), error) || !LoadLaunchContainer(manifest_value_.get(), error) || !LoadAppIsolation(manifest_value_.get(), error)) { return false; } // Initialize options page url (optional). // Funtion LoadIsApp() set is_app_ above. if (source.HasKey(keys::kOptionsPage)) { std::string options_str; if (!source.GetString(keys::kOptionsPage, &options_str)) { *error = errors::kInvalidOptionsPage; return false; } if (is_hosted_app()) { // hosted apps require an absolute URL. GURL options_url(options_str); if (!options_url.is_valid() || !(options_url.SchemeIs("http") || options_url.SchemeIs("https"))) { *error = errors::kInvalidOptionsPageInHostedApp; return false; } options_url_ = options_url; } else { GURL absolute(options_str); if (absolute.is_valid()) { *error = errors::kInvalidOptionsPageExpectUrlInPackage; return false; } options_url_ = GetResourceURL(options_str); if (!options_url_.is_valid()) { *error = errors::kInvalidOptionsPage; return false; } } } ExtensionAPIPermissionSet api_permissions; URLPatternSet host_permissions; // Initialize the permissions (optional). if (source.HasKey(keys::kPermissions)) { ListValue* permissions = NULL; if (!source.GetList(keys::kPermissions, &permissions)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidPermissions, ""); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < permissions->GetSize(); ++i) { std::string permission_str; if (!permissions->GetString(i, &permission_str)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidPermission, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } ExtensionAPIPermission* permission = ExtensionPermissionsInfo::GetInstance()->GetByName(permission_str); // Only COMPONENT extensions can use private APIs. // TODO(asargent) - We want a more general purpose mechanism for this, // and better error messages. (http://crbug.com/54013) if (!IsComponentOnlyPermission(permission) #ifndef NDEBUG && !CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kExposePrivateExtensionApi) #endif ) { continue; } if (web_extent().is_empty() || location() == Extension::COMPONENT) { // Check if it's a module permission. If so, enable that permission. if (permission != NULL) { // Only allow the experimental API permission if the command line // flag is present, or if the extension is a component of Chrome. if (IsDisallowedExperimentalPermission(permission->id()) && location() != Extension::COMPONENT) { *error = errors::kExperimentalFlagRequired; return false; } api_permissions.insert(permission->id()); continue; } } else { // Hosted apps only get access to a subset of the valid permissions. if (permission != NULL && permission->is_hosted_app()) { if (IsDisallowedExperimentalPermission(permission->id())) { *error = errors::kExperimentalFlagRequired; return false; } api_permissions.insert(permission->id()); continue; } } // Check if it's a host pattern permission. URLPattern pattern = URLPattern(CanExecuteScriptEverywhere() ? URLPattern::SCHEME_ALL : kValidHostPermissionSchemes); URLPattern::ParseResult parse_result = pattern.Parse(permission_str, parse_strictness); if (parse_result == URLPattern::PARSE_SUCCESS) { if (!CanSpecifyHostPermission(pattern)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidPermissionScheme, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } // The path component is not used for host permissions, so we force it // to match all paths. pattern.SetPath("/*"); if (pattern.MatchesScheme(chrome::kFileScheme) && !CanExecuteScriptEverywhere()) { wants_file_access_ = true; if (!(flags & ALLOW_FILE_ACCESS)) pattern.set_valid_schemes( pattern.valid_schemes() & ~URLPattern::SCHEME_FILE); } host_permissions.AddPattern(pattern); } // If it's not a host permission, then it's probably an unknown API // permission. Do not throw an error so extensions can retain // backwards compatability (http://crbug.com/42742). // TODO(jstritar): We can improve error messages by adding better // validation of API permissions here. // TODO(skerner): Consider showing the reason |permission_str| is not // a valid URL pattern if it is almost valid. For example, if it has // a valid scheme, and failed to parse because it has a port, show an // error. } } // Initialize background url (optional). if (source.HasKey(keys::kBackground)) { std::string background_str; if (!source.GetString(keys::kBackground, &background_str)) { *error = errors::kInvalidBackground; return false; } if (is_hosted_app()) { // Make sure "background" permission is set. if (!api_permissions.count(ExtensionAPIPermission::kBackground)) { *error = errors::kBackgroundPermissionNeeded; return false; } // Hosted apps require an absolute URL. GURL bg_page(background_str); if (!bg_page.is_valid()) { *error = errors::kInvalidBackgroundInHostedApp; return false; } if (!(bg_page.SchemeIs("https") || (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kAllowHTTPBackgroundPage) && bg_page.SchemeIs("http")))) { *error = errors::kInvalidBackgroundInHostedApp; return false; } background_url_ = bg_page; } else { background_url_ = GetResourceURL(background_str); } } if (source.HasKey(keys::kDefaultLocale)) { if (!source.GetString(keys::kDefaultLocale, &default_locale_) || !l10n_util::IsValidLocaleSyntax(default_locale_)) { *error = errors::kInvalidDefaultLocale; return false; } } // Chrome URL overrides (optional) if (source.HasKey(keys::kChromeURLOverrides)) { DictionaryValue* overrides = NULL; if (!source.GetDictionary(keys::kChromeURLOverrides, &overrides)) { *error = errors::kInvalidChromeURLOverrides; return false; } // Validate that the overrides are all strings for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator iter = overrides->begin_keys(); iter != overrides->end_keys(); ++iter) { std::string page = *iter; std::string val; // Restrict override pages to a list of supported URLs. if ((page != chrome::kChromeUINewTabHost && #if defined(TOUCH_UI) page != chrome::kChromeUIKeyboardHost && #endif #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) page != chrome::kChromeUIActivationMessageHost && #endif page != chrome::kChromeUIBookmarksHost && page != chrome::kChromeUIHistoryHost) || !overrides->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(*iter, &val)) { *error = errors::kInvalidChromeURLOverrides; return false; } // Replace the entry with a fully qualified chrome-extension:// URL. chrome_url_overrides_[page] = GetResourceURL(val); } // An extension may override at most one page. if (overrides->size() > 1) { *error = errors::kMultipleOverrides; return false; } } if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kEnableExperimentalExtensionApis) && source.HasKey(keys::kInputComponents)) { ListValue* list_value = NULL; if (!source.GetList(keys::kInputComponents, &list_value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidInputComponents; return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < list_value->GetSize(); ++i) { DictionaryValue* module_value = NULL; std::string name_str; InputComponentType type; std::string id_str; std::string description_str; std::string language_str; std::set layouts; std::string shortcut_keycode_str; bool shortcut_alt = false; bool shortcut_ctrl = false; bool shortcut_shift = false; if (!list_value->GetDictionary(i, &module_value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidInputComponents; return false; } // Get input_components[i].name. if (!module_value->GetString(keys::kName, &name_str)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidInputComponentName, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } // Get input_components[i].type. std::string type_str; if (module_value->GetString(keys::kType, &type_str)) { if (type_str == "ime") { type = INPUT_COMPONENT_TYPE_IME; } else if (type_str == "virtual_keyboard") { type = INPUT_COMPONENT_TYPE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD; } else { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidInputComponentType, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } } else { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidInputComponentType, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } // Get input_components[i].id. if (!module_value->GetString(keys::kId, &id_str)) { id_str = ""; } // Get input_components[i].description. if (!module_value->GetString(keys::kDescription, &description_str)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidInputComponentDescription, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } // Get input_components[i].language. if (!module_value->GetString(keys::kLanguage, &language_str)) { language_str = ""; } // Get input_components[i].layouts. ListValue* layouts_value = NULL; if (!module_value->GetList(keys::kLayouts, &layouts_value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidInputComponentLayouts; return false; } for (size_t j = 0; j < layouts_value->GetSize(); ++j) { std::string layout_name_str; if (!layouts_value->GetString(j, &layout_name_str)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidInputComponentLayoutName, base::IntToString(i), base::IntToString(j)); return false; } layouts.insert(layout_name_str); } if (module_value->HasKey(keys::kShortcutKey)) { DictionaryValue* shortcut_value = NULL; if (!module_value->GetDictionary(keys::kShortcutKey, &shortcut_value)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidInputComponentShortcutKey, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } // Get input_components[i].shortcut_keycode. if (!shortcut_value->GetString(keys::kKeycode, &shortcut_keycode_str)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidInputComponentShortcutKeycode, base::IntToString(i)); return false; } // Get input_components[i].shortcut_alt. if (!shortcut_value->GetBoolean(keys::kAltKey, &shortcut_alt)) { shortcut_alt = false; } // Get input_components[i].shortcut_ctrl. if (!shortcut_value->GetBoolean(keys::kCtrlKey, &shortcut_ctrl)) { shortcut_ctrl = false; } // Get input_components[i].shortcut_shift. if (!shortcut_value->GetBoolean(keys::kShiftKey, &shortcut_shift)) { shortcut_shift = false; } } input_components_.push_back(InputComponentInfo()); input_components_.back().name = name_str; input_components_.back().type = type; input_components_.back().id = id_str; input_components_.back().description = description_str; input_components_.back().language = language_str; input_components_.back().layouts.insert(layouts.begin(), layouts.end()); input_components_.back().shortcut_keycode = shortcut_keycode_str; input_components_.back().shortcut_alt = shortcut_alt; input_components_.back().shortcut_ctrl = shortcut_ctrl; input_components_.back().shortcut_shift = shortcut_shift; } } if (source.HasKey(keys::kOmnibox)) { if (!source.GetString(keys::kOmniboxKeyword, &omnibox_keyword_) || omnibox_keyword_.empty()) { *error = errors::kInvalidOmniboxKeyword; return false; } } if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kEnableExperimentalExtensionApis) && source.HasKey(keys::kContentSecurityPolicy)) { std::string content_security_policy; if (!source.GetString(keys::kContentSecurityPolicy, &content_security_policy)) { *error = errors::kInvalidContentSecurityPolicy; return false; } // We block these characters to prevent HTTP header injection when // representing the content security policy as an HTTP header. const char kBadCSPCharacters[] = {'\r', '\n', '\0'}; if (content_security_policy.find_first_of(kBadCSPCharacters, 0, arraysize(kBadCSPCharacters)) != std::string::npos) { *error = errors::kInvalidContentSecurityPolicy; return false; } content_security_policy_ = content_security_policy; } // Initialize devtools page url (optional). if (source.HasKey(keys::kDevToolsPage)) { std::string devtools_str; if (!source.GetString(keys::kDevToolsPage, &devtools_str)) { *error = errors::kInvalidDevToolsPage; return false; } if (!api_permissions.count(ExtensionAPIPermission::kExperimental)) { *error = errors::kDevToolsExperimental; return false; } devtools_url_ = GetResourceURL(devtools_str); } // Initialize sidebar action (optional). if (source.HasKey(keys::kSidebar)) { DictionaryValue* sidebar_value = NULL; if (!source.GetDictionary(keys::kSidebar, &sidebar_value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidSidebar; return false; } if (!api_permissions.count(ExtensionAPIPermission::kExperimental)) { *error = errors::kSidebarExperimental; return false; } sidebar_defaults_.reset(LoadExtensionSidebarDefaults(sidebar_value, error)); if (!sidebar_defaults_.get()) return false; // Failed to parse sidebar definition. } // Initialize text-to-speech voices (optional). if (source.HasKey(keys::kTtsEngine)) { DictionaryValue* tts_dict = NULL; if (!source.GetDictionary(keys::kTtsEngine, &tts_dict)) { *error = errors::kInvalidTts; return false; } if (tts_dict->HasKey(keys::kTtsVoices)) { ListValue* tts_voices = NULL; if (!tts_dict->GetList(keys::kTtsVoices, &tts_voices)) { *error = errors::kInvalidTtsVoices; return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < tts_voices->GetSize(); i++) { DictionaryValue* one_tts_voice = NULL; if (!tts_voices->GetDictionary(i, &one_tts_voice)) { *error = errors::kInvalidTtsVoices; return false; } TtsVoice voice_data; if (one_tts_voice->HasKey(keys::kTtsVoicesVoiceName)) { if (!one_tts_voice->GetString( keys::kTtsVoicesVoiceName, &voice_data.voice_name)) { *error = errors::kInvalidTtsVoicesVoiceName; return false; } } if (one_tts_voice->HasKey(keys::kTtsVoicesLang)) { if (!one_tts_voice->GetString( keys::kTtsVoicesLang, &voice_data.lang) || !l10n_util::IsValidLocaleSyntax(voice_data.lang)) { *error = errors::kInvalidTtsVoicesLang; return false; } } if (one_tts_voice->HasKey(keys::kTtsVoicesGender)) { if (!one_tts_voice->GetString( keys::kTtsVoicesGender, &voice_data.gender) || (voice_data.gender != keys::kTtsGenderMale && voice_data.gender != keys::kTtsGenderFemale)) { *error = errors::kInvalidTtsVoicesGender; return false; } } if (one_tts_voice->HasKey(keys::kTtsVoicesEventTypes)) { ListValue* event_types_list; if (!one_tts_voice->GetList( keys::kTtsVoicesEventTypes, &event_types_list)) { *error = errors::kInvalidTtsVoicesEventTypes; return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < event_types_list->GetSize(); i++) { std::string event_type; if (!event_types_list->GetString(i, &event_type)) { *error = errors::kInvalidTtsVoicesEventTypes; return false; } if (event_type != keys::kTtsVoicesEventTypeEnd && event_type != keys::kTtsVoicesEventTypeError && event_type != keys::kTtsVoicesEventTypeMarker && event_type != keys::kTtsVoicesEventTypeSentence && event_type != keys::kTtsVoicesEventTypeStart && event_type != keys::kTtsVoicesEventTypeWord) { *error = errors::kInvalidTtsVoicesEventTypes; return false; } if (voice_data.event_types.find(event_type) != voice_data.event_types.end()) { *error = errors::kInvalidTtsVoicesEventTypes; return false; } voice_data.event_types.insert(event_type); } } tts_voices_.push_back(voice_data); } } } // Initialize incognito behavior. Apps default to split mode, extensions // default to spanning. incognito_split_mode_ = is_app(); if (source.HasKey(keys::kIncognito)) { std::string value; if (!source.GetString(keys::kIncognito, &value)) { *error = errors::kInvalidIncognitoBehavior; return false; } if (value == values::kIncognitoSpanning) { incognito_split_mode_ = false; } else if (value == values::kIncognitoSplit) { incognito_split_mode_ = true; } else { *error = errors::kInvalidIncognitoBehavior; return false; } } if (HasMultipleUISurfaces()) { *error = errors::kOneUISurfaceOnly; return false; } permission_set_.reset( new ExtensionPermissionSet(this, api_permissions, host_permissions)); // Although |source| is passed in as a const, it's still possible to modify // it. This is dangerous since the utility process re-uses |source| after // it calls InitFromValue, passing it up to the browser process which calls // InitFromValue again. As a result, we need to make sure that nobody // accidentally modifies it. DCHECK(source.Equals(manifest_value_.get())); return true; } // static std::string Extension::ChromeStoreLaunchURL() { std::string gallery_prefix = extension_urls::kGalleryBrowsePrefix; if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kAppsGalleryURL)) gallery_prefix = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValueASCII( switches::kAppsGalleryURL); if (EndsWith(gallery_prefix, "/", true)) gallery_prefix = gallery_prefix.substr(0, gallery_prefix.length() - 1); return gallery_prefix; } GURL Extension::GetHomepageURL() const { if (homepage_url_.is_valid()) return homepage_url_; if (!UpdatesFromGallery()) return GURL(); // TODO(erikkay): This may not be entirely correct with the webstore. // I think it will have a mixture of /extensions/detail and /webstore/detail // URLs. Perhaps they'll handle this nicely with redirects? GURL url(ChromeStoreLaunchURL() + std::string("/detail/") + id()); return url; } std::set Extension::GetBrowserImages() const { std::set image_paths; // TODO(viettrungluu): These |FilePath::FromWStringHack(UTF8ToWide())| // indicate that we're doing something wrong. // Extension icons. for (ExtensionIconSet::IconMap::const_iterator iter = icons().map().begin(); iter != icons().map().end(); ++iter) { image_paths.insert(FilePath::FromWStringHack(UTF8ToWide(iter->second))); } // Theme images. DictionaryValue* theme_images = GetThemeImages(); if (theme_images) { for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator it = theme_images->begin_keys(); it != theme_images->end_keys(); ++it) { std::string val; if (theme_images->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion(*it, &val)) image_paths.insert(FilePath::FromWStringHack(UTF8ToWide(val))); } } // Page action icons. if (page_action()) { std::vector* icon_paths = page_action()->icon_paths(); for (std::vector::iterator iter = icon_paths->begin(); iter != icon_paths->end(); ++iter) { image_paths.insert(FilePath::FromWStringHack(UTF8ToWide(*iter))); } } // Browser action icons. if (browser_action()) { std::vector* icon_paths = browser_action()->icon_paths(); for (std::vector::iterator iter = icon_paths->begin(); iter != icon_paths->end(); ++iter) { image_paths.insert(FilePath::FromWStringHack(UTF8ToWide(*iter))); } } return image_paths; } GURL Extension::GetFullLaunchURL() const { if (!launch_local_path().empty()) return url().Resolve(launch_local_path()); else return GURL(launch_web_url()); } static std::string SizeToString(const gfx::Size& max_size) { return base::IntToString(max_size.width()) + "x" + base::IntToString(max_size.height()); } // static void Extension::SetScriptingWhitelist( const Extension::ScriptingWhitelist& whitelist) { ScriptingWhitelist* current_whitelist = ExtensionConfig::GetInstance()->whitelist(); current_whitelist->clear(); for (ScriptingWhitelist::const_iterator it = whitelist.begin(); it != whitelist.end(); ++it) { current_whitelist->push_back(*it); } } // static const Extension::ScriptingWhitelist* Extension::GetScriptingWhitelist() { return ExtensionConfig::GetInstance()->whitelist(); } void Extension::SetCachedImage(const ExtensionResource& source, const SkBitmap& image, const gfx::Size& original_size) const { DCHECK(source.extension_root() == path()); // The resource must come from // this extension. const FilePath& path = source.relative_path(); gfx::Size actual_size(image.width(), image.height()); if (actual_size == original_size) { image_cache_[ImageCacheKey(path, std::string())] = image; } else { image_cache_[ImageCacheKey(path, SizeToString(actual_size))] = image; } } bool Extension::HasCachedImage(const ExtensionResource& source, const gfx::Size& max_size) const { DCHECK(source.extension_root() == path()); // The resource must come from // this extension. return GetCachedImageImpl(source, max_size) != NULL; } SkBitmap Extension::GetCachedImage(const ExtensionResource& source, const gfx::Size& max_size) const { DCHECK(source.extension_root() == path()); // The resource must come from // this extension. SkBitmap* image = GetCachedImageImpl(source, max_size); return image ? *image : SkBitmap(); } SkBitmap* Extension::GetCachedImageImpl(const ExtensionResource& source, const gfx::Size& max_size) const { const FilePath& path = source.relative_path(); // Look for exact size match. ImageCache::iterator i = image_cache_.find( ImageCacheKey(path, SizeToString(max_size))); if (i != image_cache_.end()) return &(i->second); // If we have the original size version cached, return that if it's small // enough. i = image_cache_.find(ImageCacheKey(path, std::string())); if (i != image_cache_.end()) { SkBitmap& image = i->second; if (image.width() <= max_size.width() && image.height() <= max_size.height()) return &(i->second); } return NULL; } ExtensionResource Extension::GetIconResource( int size, ExtensionIconSet::MatchType match_type) const { std::string path = icons().Get(size, match_type); if (path.empty()) return ExtensionResource(); return GetResource(path); } GURL Extension::GetIconURL(int size, ExtensionIconSet::MatchType match_type) const { std::string path = icons().Get(size, match_type); if (path.empty()) return GURL(); else return GetResourceURL(path); } bool Extension::CanSpecifyHostPermission(const URLPattern& pattern) const { if (!pattern.match_all_urls() && pattern.MatchesScheme(chrome::kChromeUIScheme)) { // Only allow access to chrome://favicon to regular extensions. Component // extensions can have access to all of chrome://*. return (pattern.host() == chrome::kChromeUIFaviconHost || CanExecuteScriptEverywhere()); } // Otherwise, the valid schemes were handled by URLPattern. return true; } bool Extension::HasAPIPermission( ExtensionAPIPermission::ID permission) const { return permission_set()->HasAPIPermission(permission); } bool Extension::HasAPIPermission( const std::string& function_name) const { return permission_set()->HasAccessToFunction(function_name); } const URLPatternSet& Extension::GetEffectiveHostPermissions() const { return permission_set()->effective_hosts(); } bool Extension::HasHostPermission(const GURL& url) const { if (url.SchemeIs(chrome::kChromeUIScheme) && url.host() != chrome::kChromeUIFaviconHost && location() != Extension::COMPONENT) return false; return permission_set()->HasExplicitAccessToOrigin(url); } bool Extension::IsComponentOnlyPermission( const ExtensionAPIPermission* api) const { if (location() == Extension::COMPONENT) return true; if (api == NULL) return true; return !api->is_component_only(); } bool Extension::HasMultipleUISurfaces() const { int num_surfaces = 0; if (page_action()) ++num_surfaces; if (browser_action()) ++num_surfaces; if (is_app()) ++num_surfaces; return num_surfaces > 1; } bool Extension::CanExecuteScriptOnPage(const GURL& page_url, const UserScript* script, std::string* error) const { // The gallery is special-cased as a restricted URL for scripting to prevent // access to special JS bindings we expose to the gallery (and avoid things // like extensions removing the "report abuse" link). // TODO(erikkay): This seems like the wrong test. Shouldn't we we testing // against the store app extent? if ((page_url.host() == GURL(Extension::ChromeStoreLaunchURL()).host()) && !CanExecuteScriptEverywhere() && !CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kAllowScriptingGallery)) { if (error) *error = errors::kCannotScriptGallery; return false; } if (page_url.SchemeIs(chrome::kChromeUIScheme) && !CanExecuteScriptEverywhere()) return false; // If a script is specified, use its matches. if (script) return script->MatchesURL(page_url); // Otherwise, see if this extension has permission to execute script // programmatically on pages. if (permission_set()->HasExplicitAccessToOrigin(page_url)) return true; if (error) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kCannotAccessPage, page_url.spec()); } return false; } bool Extension::HasEffectiveAccessToAllHosts() const { return permission_set_->HasEffectiveAccessToAllHosts(); } bool Extension::HasFullPermissions() const { return permission_set_->HasEffectiveFullAccess(); } bool Extension::ShowConfigureContextMenus() const { // Don't show context menu for component extensions. We might want to show // options for component extension button but now there is no component // extension with options. All other menu items like uninstall have // no sense for component extensions. return location() != Extension::COMPONENT; } bool Extension::IsDisallowedExperimentalPermission( ExtensionAPIPermission::ID permission) const { return permission == ExtensionAPIPermission::kExperimental && !CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kEnableExperimentalExtensionApis); } bool Extension::CanExecuteScriptEverywhere() const { if (location() == Extension::COMPONENT #ifndef NDEBUG || CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kExposePrivateExtensionApi) #endif ) return true; ScriptingWhitelist* whitelist = ExtensionConfig::GetInstance()->whitelist(); for (ScriptingWhitelist::const_iterator it = whitelist->begin(); it != whitelist->end(); ++it) { if (id() == *it) { return true; } } return false; } bool Extension::CanCaptureVisiblePage(const GURL& page_url, std::string *error) const { if (HasHostPermission(page_url) || page_url.GetOrigin() == url()) return true; if (error) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kCannotAccessPage, page_url.spec()); } return false; } bool Extension::UpdatesFromGallery() const { return update_url() == GalleryUpdateUrl(false) || update_url() == GalleryUpdateUrl(true); } bool Extension::OverlapsWithOrigin(const GURL& origin) const { if (url() == origin) return true; if (web_extent().is_empty()) return false; // Note: patterns and extents ignore port numbers. URLPattern origin_only_pattern(kValidWebExtentSchemes); if (!origin_only_pattern.SetScheme(origin.scheme())) return false; origin_only_pattern.set_host(origin.host()); origin_only_pattern.SetPath("/*"); URLPatternSet origin_only_pattern_list; origin_only_pattern_list.AddPattern(origin_only_pattern); return web_extent().OverlapsWith(origin_only_pattern_list); } ExtensionInfo::ExtensionInfo(const DictionaryValue* manifest, const std::string& id, const FilePath& path, Extension::Location location) : extension_id(id), extension_path(path), extension_location(location) { if (manifest) extension_manifest.reset(manifest->DeepCopy()); } ExtensionInfo::~ExtensionInfo() {} UninstalledExtensionInfo::UninstalledExtensionInfo( const Extension& extension) : extension_id(extension.id()), extension_api_permissions( extension.permission_set()->GetAPIsAsStrings()), extension_type(extension.GetType()), update_url(extension.update_url()) {} UninstalledExtensionInfo::~UninstalledExtensionInfo() {} UnloadedExtensionInfo::UnloadedExtensionInfo( const Extension* extension, Reason reason) : reason(reason), already_disabled(false), extension(extension) {}