// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_l10n_util.h" #include #include #include #include #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/json/json_file_value_serializer.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_manifest_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_file_util.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/message_bundle.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" #include "unicode/uloc.h" namespace errors = extension_manifest_errors; namespace keys = extension_manifest_keys; static std::string& GetProcessLocale() { CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(std::string, locale, ()); return locale; } namespace extension_l10n_util { void SetProcessLocale(const std::string& locale) { GetProcessLocale() = locale; } std::string GetDefaultLocaleFromManifest(const DictionaryValue& manifest, std::string* error) { std::string default_locale; if (manifest.GetString(keys::kDefaultLocale, &default_locale)) return default_locale; *error = errors::kInvalidDefaultLocale; return ""; } bool ShouldRelocalizeManifest(const extensions::ExtensionInfo& info) { DictionaryValue* manifest = info.extension_manifest.get(); if (!manifest) return false; if (!manifest->HasKey(keys::kDefaultLocale)) return false; std::string manifest_current_locale; manifest->GetString(keys::kCurrentLocale, &manifest_current_locale); return manifest_current_locale != CurrentLocaleOrDefault(); } // Localizes manifest value for a given key. static bool LocalizeManifestValue(const std::string& key, const extensions::MessageBundle& messages, DictionaryValue* manifest, std::string* error) { std::string result; if (!manifest->GetString(key, &result)) return true; if (!messages.ReplaceMessages(&result, error)) return false; manifest->SetString(key, result); return true; } bool LocalizeManifest(const extensions::MessageBundle& messages, DictionaryValue* manifest, std::string* error) { // Initialize name. std::string result; if (!manifest->GetString(keys::kName, &result)) { *error = errors::kInvalidName; return false; } if (!LocalizeManifestValue(keys::kName, messages, manifest, error)) { return false; } // Initialize description. if (!LocalizeManifestValue(keys::kDescription, messages, manifest, error)) return false; // Initialize browser_action.default_title std::string key(keys::kBrowserAction); key.append("."); key.append(keys::kPageActionDefaultTitle); if (!LocalizeManifestValue(key, messages, manifest, error)) return false; // Initialize page_action.default_title key.assign(keys::kPageAction); key.append("."); key.append(keys::kPageActionDefaultTitle); if (!LocalizeManifestValue(key, messages, manifest, error)) return false; // Initialize omnibox.keyword. if (!LocalizeManifestValue(keys::kOmniboxKeyword, messages, manifest, error)) return false; ListValue* file_handlers = NULL; if (manifest->GetList(keys::kFileBrowserHandlers, &file_handlers)) { key.assign(keys::kFileBrowserHandlers); for (size_t i = 0; i < file_handlers->GetSize(); i++) { DictionaryValue* handler = NULL; if (!file_handlers->GetDictionary(i, &handler)) { *error = errors::kInvalidFileBrowserHandler; return false; } if (!LocalizeManifestValue(keys::kPageActionDefaultTitle, messages, handler, error)) return false; } } // Initialize all intents. DictionaryValue* intents = NULL; if (manifest->GetDictionary(keys::kIntents, &intents)) { DictionaryValue::key_iterator it = intents->begin_keys(); for ( ; it != intents->end_keys(); ++it) { ListValue* actions = NULL; DictionaryValue* action = NULL; // Actions have either a dict or a list of dicts - handle both cases. if (intents->GetListWithoutPathExpansion(*it, &actions)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < actions->GetSize(); ++i) { action = NULL; if (actions->GetDictionary(i, &action)) { if (!LocalizeManifestValue(keys::kIntentTitle, messages, action, error)) return false; } } } else if (intents->GetDictionaryWithoutPathExpansion(*it, &action)) { if (!LocalizeManifestValue(keys::kIntentTitle, messages, action, error)) return false; } } } // Initialize app.launch.local_path. if (!LocalizeManifestValue(keys::kLaunchLocalPath, messages, manifest, error)) return false; // Initialize app.launch.web_url. if (!LocalizeManifestValue(keys::kLaunchWebURL, messages, manifest, error)) return false; // Add current locale key to the manifest, so we can overwrite prefs // with new manifest when chrome locale changes. manifest->SetString(keys::kCurrentLocale, CurrentLocaleOrDefault()); return true; } bool LocalizeExtension(const FilePath& extension_path, DictionaryValue* manifest, std::string* error) { DCHECK(manifest); std::string default_locale = GetDefaultLocaleFromManifest(*manifest, error); scoped_ptr message_bundle( extension_file_util::LoadMessageBundle( extension_path, default_locale, error)); if (!message_bundle.get() && !error->empty()) return false; if (message_bundle.get() && !LocalizeManifest(*message_bundle, manifest, error)) return false; return true; } bool AddLocale(const std::set& chrome_locales, const FilePath& locale_folder, const std::string& locale_name, std::set* valid_locales, std::string* error) { // Accept name that starts with a . but don't add it to the list of supported // locales. if (locale_name.find(".") == 0) return true; if (chrome_locales.find(locale_name) == chrome_locales.end()) { // Warn if there is an extension locale that's not in the Chrome list, // but don't fail. DLOG(WARNING) << base::StringPrintf("Supplied locale %s is not supported.", locale_name.c_str()); return true; } // Check if messages file is actually present (but don't check content). if (file_util::PathExists( locale_folder.Append(extensions::Extension::kMessagesFilename))) { valid_locales->insert(locale_name); } else { *error = base::StringPrintf("Catalog file is missing for locale %s.", locale_name.c_str()); return false; } return true; } std::string CurrentLocaleOrDefault() { std::string current_locale = l10n_util::NormalizeLocale(GetProcessLocale()); if (current_locale.empty()) current_locale = "en"; return current_locale; } void GetAllLocales(std::set* all_locales) { const std::vector& available_locales = l10n_util::GetAvailableLocales(); // Add all parents of the current locale to the available locales set. // I.e. for sr_Cyrl_RS we add sr_Cyrl_RS, sr_Cyrl and sr. for (size_t i = 0; i < available_locales.size(); ++i) { std::vector result; l10n_util::GetParentLocales(available_locales[i], &result); all_locales->insert(result.begin(), result.end()); } } void GetAllFallbackLocales(const std::string& application_locale, const std::string& default_locale, std::vector* all_fallback_locales) { DCHECK(all_fallback_locales); if (!application_locale.empty() && application_locale != default_locale) l10n_util::GetParentLocales(application_locale, all_fallback_locales); all_fallback_locales->push_back(default_locale); } bool GetValidLocales(const FilePath& locale_path, std::set* valid_locales, std::string* error) { std::set chrome_locales; GetAllLocales(&chrome_locales); // Enumerate all supplied locales in the extension. file_util::FileEnumerator locales(locale_path, false, file_util::FileEnumerator::DIRECTORIES); FilePath locale_folder; while (!(locale_folder = locales.Next()).empty()) { std::string locale_name = locale_folder.BaseName().MaybeAsASCII(); if (locale_name.empty()) { NOTREACHED(); continue; // Not ASCII. } if (!AddLocale(chrome_locales, locale_folder, locale_name, valid_locales, error)) { return false; } } if (valid_locales->empty()) { *error = extension_manifest_errors::kLocalesNoValidLocaleNamesListed; return false; } return true; } // Loads contents of the messages file for given locale. If file is not found, // or there was parsing error we return NULL and set |error|. // Caller owns the returned object. static DictionaryValue* LoadMessageFile(const FilePath& locale_path, const std::string& locale, std::string* error) { std::string extension_locale = locale; FilePath file = locale_path.AppendASCII(extension_locale) .Append(extensions::Extension::kMessagesFilename); JSONFileValueSerializer messages_serializer(file); Value *dictionary = messages_serializer.Deserialize(NULL, error); if (!dictionary && error->empty()) { // JSONFileValueSerializer just returns NULL if file cannot be found. It // doesn't set the error, so we have to do it. *error = base::StringPrintf("Catalog file is missing for locale %s.", extension_locale.c_str()); } return static_cast(dictionary); } extensions::MessageBundle* LoadMessageCatalogs( const FilePath& locale_path, const std::string& default_locale, const std::string& application_locale, const std::set& valid_locales, std::string* error) { std::vector all_fallback_locales; GetAllFallbackLocales(application_locale, default_locale, &all_fallback_locales); std::vector > catalogs; for (size_t i = 0; i < all_fallback_locales.size(); ++i) { // Skip all parent locales that are not supplied. if (valid_locales.find(all_fallback_locales[i]) == valid_locales.end()) continue; linked_ptr catalog( LoadMessageFile(locale_path, all_fallback_locales[i], error)); if (!catalog.get()) { // If locale is valid, but messages.json is corrupted or missing, return // an error. return NULL; } else { catalogs.push_back(catalog); } } return extensions::MessageBundle::Create(catalogs, error); } bool ShouldSkipValidation(const FilePath& locales_path, const FilePath& locale_path, const std::set& all_locales) { // Since we use this string as a key in a DictionaryValue, be paranoid about // skipping any strings with '.'. This happens sometimes, for example with // '.svn' directories. FilePath relative_path; if (!locales_path.AppendRelativePath(locale_path, &relative_path)) { NOTREACHED(); return true; } std::string subdir = relative_path.MaybeAsASCII(); if (subdir.empty()) return true; // Non-ASCII. if (std::find(subdir.begin(), subdir.end(), '.') != subdir.end()) return true; if (all_locales.find(subdir) == all_locales.end()) return true; return false; } ScopedLocaleForTest::ScopedLocaleForTest() : locale_(extension_l10n_util::CurrentLocaleOrDefault()) {} ScopedLocaleForTest::ScopedLocaleForTest(const std::string& locale) : locale_(extension_l10n_util::CurrentLocaleOrDefault()) { extension_l10n_util::SetProcessLocale(locale); } ScopedLocaleForTest::~ScopedLocaleForTest() { extension_l10n_util::SetProcessLocale(locale_); } } // namespace extension_l10n_util