// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/common/metrics_helpers.h" #if defined(USE_SYSTEM_LIBBZ2) #include #else #include "third_party/bzip2/bzlib.h" #endif #include "base/base64.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/md5.h" #include "base/perftimer.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/sys_info.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/third_party/nspr/prtime.h" #include "chrome/common/logging_chrome.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "libxml/xmlwriter.h" #define OPEN_ELEMENT_FOR_SCOPE(name) ScopedElement scoped_element(this, name) using base::Histogram; using base::StatisticsRecorder; using base::Time; using base::TimeDelta; // http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2004/10/25/247180.aspx #if defined(OS_WIN) extern "C" IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase; #endif namespace { // libxml take xmlChar*, which is unsigned char* inline const unsigned char* UnsignedChar(const char* input) { return reinterpret_cast(input); } } // namespace class MetricsLogBase::XmlWrapper { public: XmlWrapper() : doc_(NULL), buffer_(NULL), writer_(NULL) { buffer_ = xmlBufferCreate(); CHECK(buffer_); #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) writer_ = xmlNewTextWriterDoc(&doc_, /* compression */ 0); #else writer_ = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(buffer_, /* compression */ 0); #endif // OS_CHROMEOS DCHECK(writer_); int result = xmlTextWriterSetIndent(writer_, 2); DCHECK_EQ(0, result); } ~XmlWrapper() { FreeDocWriter(); if (buffer_) { xmlBufferFree(buffer_); buffer_ = NULL; } } void FreeDocWriter() { if (writer_) { xmlFreeTextWriter(writer_); writer_ = NULL; } if (doc_) { xmlFreeDoc(doc_); doc_ = NULL; } } xmlDocPtr doc() const { return doc_; } xmlTextWriterPtr writer() const { return writer_; } xmlBufferPtr buffer() const { return buffer_; } private: xmlDocPtr doc_; xmlBufferPtr buffer_; xmlTextWriterPtr writer_; }; // static std::string MetricsLogBase::version_extension_; MetricsLogBase::MetricsLogBase(const std::string& client_id, int session_id, const std::string& version_string) : start_time_(Time::Now()), client_id_(client_id), session_id_(base::IntToString(session_id)), locked_(false), xml_wrapper_(new XmlWrapper), num_events_(0) { StartElement("log"); WriteAttribute("clientid", client_id_); WriteInt64Attribute("buildtime", GetBuildTime()); WriteAttribute("appversion", version_string); } MetricsLogBase::~MetricsLogBase() { delete xml_wrapper_; } void MetricsLogBase::CloseLog() { DCHECK(!locked_); locked_ = true; int result = xmlTextWriterEndDocument(xml_wrapper_->writer()); DCHECK_GE(result, 0); result = xmlTextWriterFlush(xml_wrapper_->writer()); DCHECK_GE(result, 0); #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(xml_wrapper_->doc()); if (!hardware_class_.empty()) { // The hardware class is determined after the first ongoing log is // constructed, so this adds the root element's "hardwareclass" // attribute when the log is closed instead. xmlNewProp(root, UnsignedChar("hardwareclass"), UnsignedChar(hardware_class_.c_str())); } // Flattens the XML tree into a character buffer. PerfTimer dump_timer; result = xmlNodeDump(xml_wrapper_->buffer(), xml_wrapper_->doc(), root, /* level */ 0, /* format */ 1); DCHECK_GE(result, 0); UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("UMA.XMLNodeDumpTime", dump_timer.Elapsed()); PerfTimer free_timer; xml_wrapper_->FreeDocWriter(); UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("UMA.XMLWriterDestructionTime", free_timer.Elapsed()); #endif // OS_CHROMEOS } int MetricsLogBase::GetEncodedLogSize() { DCHECK(locked_); CHECK(xml_wrapper_); CHECK(xml_wrapper_->buffer()); return xml_wrapper_->buffer()->use; } bool MetricsLogBase::GetEncodedLog(char* buffer, int buffer_size) { DCHECK(locked_); if (buffer_size < GetEncodedLogSize()) return false; memcpy(buffer, xml_wrapper_->buffer()->content, GetEncodedLogSize()); return true; } std::string MetricsLogBase::GetEncodedLogString() { DCHECK(locked_); return std::string(reinterpret_cast(xml_wrapper_->buffer()->content)); } int MetricsLogBase::GetElapsedSeconds() { return static_cast((Time::Now() - start_time_).InSeconds()); } std::string MetricsLogBase::CreateHash(const std::string& value) { MD5Context ctx; MD5Init(&ctx); MD5Update(&ctx, value.data(), value.length()); MD5Digest digest; MD5Final(&digest, &ctx); uint64 reverse_uint64; // UMA only uses first 8 chars of hash. We use the above uint64 instead // of a unsigned char[8] so that we don't run into strict aliasing issues // in the LOG statement below when trying to interpret reverse as a uint64. unsigned char* reverse = reinterpret_cast(&reverse_uint64); DCHECK(arraysize(digest.a) >= sizeof(reverse_uint64)); for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reverse_uint64); ++i) reverse[i] = digest.a[sizeof(reverse_uint64) - i - 1]; // The following log is VERY helpful when folks add some named histogram into // the code, but forgot to update the descriptive list of histograms. When // that happens, all we get to see (server side) is a hash of the histogram // name. We can then use this logging to find out what histogram name was // being hashed to a given MD5 value by just running the version of Chromium // in question with --enable-logging. VLOG(1) << "Metrics: Hash numeric [" << value << "]=[" << reverse_uint64 << "]"; return std::string(reinterpret_cast(digest.a), arraysize(digest.a)); } std::string MetricsLogBase::CreateBase64Hash(const std::string& string) { std::string encoded_digest; if (base::Base64Encode(CreateHash(string), &encoded_digest)) { DVLOG(1) << "Metrics: Hash [" << encoded_digest << "]=[" << string << "]"; return encoded_digest; } return std::string(); } void MetricsLogBase::RecordUserAction(const char* key) { DCHECK(!locked_); std::string command_hash = CreateBase64Hash(key); if (command_hash.empty()) { NOTREACHED() << "Unable generate encoded hash of command: " << key; return; } OPEN_ELEMENT_FOR_SCOPE("uielement"); WriteAttribute("action", "command"); WriteAttribute("targetidhash", command_hash); // TODO(jhughes): Properly track windows. WriteIntAttribute("window", 0); WriteCommonEventAttributes(); ++num_events_; } void MetricsLogBase::RecordLoadEvent(int window_id, const GURL& url, PageTransition::Type origin, int session_index, TimeDelta load_time) { DCHECK(!locked_); OPEN_ELEMENT_FOR_SCOPE("document"); WriteAttribute("action", "load"); WriteIntAttribute("docid", session_index); WriteIntAttribute("window", window_id); WriteAttribute("loadtime", base::Int64ToString(load_time.InMilliseconds())); std::string origin_string; switch (PageTransition::StripQualifier(origin)) { // TODO(jhughes): Some of these mappings aren't right... we need to add // some values to the server's enum. case PageTransition::LINK: case PageTransition::MANUAL_SUBFRAME: origin_string = "link"; break; case PageTransition::TYPED: origin_string = "typed"; break; case PageTransition::AUTO_BOOKMARK: origin_string = "bookmark"; break; case PageTransition::AUTO_SUBFRAME: case PageTransition::RELOAD: origin_string = "refresh"; break; case PageTransition::GENERATED: case PageTransition::KEYWORD: origin_string = "global-history"; break; case PageTransition::START_PAGE: origin_string = "start-page"; break; case PageTransition::FORM_SUBMIT: origin_string = "form-submit"; break; default: NOTREACHED() << "Received an unknown page transition type: " << PageTransition::StripQualifier(origin); } if (!origin_string.empty()) WriteAttribute("origin", origin_string); WriteCommonEventAttributes(); ++num_events_; } void MetricsLogBase::RecordWindowEvent(WindowEventType type, int window_id, int parent_id) { DCHECK(!locked_); OPEN_ELEMENT_FOR_SCOPE("window"); WriteAttribute("action", WindowEventTypeToString(type)); WriteAttribute("windowid", base::IntToString(window_id)); if (parent_id >= 0) WriteAttribute("parent", base::IntToString(parent_id)); WriteCommonEventAttributes(); ++num_events_; } std::string MetricsLogBase::GetCurrentTimeString() { return base::Uint64ToString(Time::Now().ToTimeT()); } // These are the attributes that are common to every event. void MetricsLogBase::WriteCommonEventAttributes() { WriteAttribute("session", session_id_); WriteAttribute("time", GetCurrentTimeString()); } void MetricsLogBase::WriteAttribute(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { DCHECK(!locked_); DCHECK(!name.empty()); int result = xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(xml_wrapper_->writer(), UnsignedChar(name.c_str()), UnsignedChar(value.c_str())); DCHECK_GE(result, 0); } void MetricsLogBase::WriteIntAttribute(const std::string& name, int value) { WriteAttribute(name, base::IntToString(value)); } void MetricsLogBase::WriteInt64Attribute(const std::string& name, int64 value) { WriteAttribute(name, base::Int64ToString(value)); } // static const char* MetricsLogBase::WindowEventTypeToString(WindowEventType type) { switch (type) { case WINDOW_CREATE: return "create"; case WINDOW_OPEN: return "open"; case WINDOW_CLOSE: return "close"; case WINDOW_DESTROY: return "destroy"; default: NOTREACHED(); return "unknown"; // Can't return NULL as this is used in a required // attribute. } } void MetricsLogBase::StartElement(const char* name) { DCHECK(!locked_); DCHECK(name); int result = xmlTextWriterStartElement(xml_wrapper_->writer(), UnsignedChar(name)); DCHECK_GE(result, 0); } void MetricsLogBase::EndElement() { DCHECK(!locked_); int result = xmlTextWriterEndElement(xml_wrapper_->writer()); DCHECK_GE(result, 0); } // static int64 MetricsLogBase::GetBuildTime() { static int64 integral_build_time = 0; if (!integral_build_time) { Time time; const char* kDateTime = __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " GMT"; bool result = Time::FromString(kDateTime, &time); DCHECK(result); integral_build_time = static_cast(time.ToTimeT()); } return integral_build_time; } MetricsLog* MetricsLogBase::AsMetricsLog() { return NULL; } // TODO(JAR): A The following should really be part of the histogram class. // Internal state is being needlessly exposed, and it would be hard to reuse // this code. If we moved this into the Histogram class, then we could use // the same infrastructure for logging StatsCounters, RatesCounters, etc. void MetricsLogBase::RecordHistogramDelta( const Histogram& histogram, const Histogram::SampleSet& snapshot) { DCHECK(!locked_); DCHECK_NE(0, snapshot.TotalCount()); snapshot.CheckSize(histogram); // We will ignore the MAX_INT/infinite value in the last element of range[]. OPEN_ELEMENT_FOR_SCOPE("histogram"); WriteAttribute("name", CreateBase64Hash(histogram.histogram_name())); WriteInt64Attribute("sum", snapshot.sum()); // TODO(jar): Remove sumsquares when protobuffer accepts this as optional. WriteInt64Attribute("sumsquares", 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < histogram.bucket_count(); i++) { if (snapshot.counts(i)) { OPEN_ELEMENT_FOR_SCOPE("histogrambucket"); WriteIntAttribute("min", histogram.ranges(i)); WriteIntAttribute("max", histogram.ranges(i + 1)); WriteIntAttribute("count", snapshot.counts(i)); } } } // MetricsServiceBase MetricsServiceBase::MetricsServiceBase() : pending_log_(NULL), compressed_log_(), current_log_(NULL) { } MetricsServiceBase::~MetricsServiceBase() { if (pending_log_) { delete pending_log_; pending_log_ = NULL; } if (current_log_) { delete current_log_; current_log_ = NULL; } } // This implementation is based on the Firefox MetricsService implementation. bool MetricsServiceBase::Bzip2Compress(const std::string& input, std::string* output) { bz_stream stream = {0}; // As long as our input is smaller than the bzip2 block size, we should get // the best compression. For example, if your input was 250k, using a block // size of 300k or 500k should result in the same compression ratio. Since // our data should be under 100k, using the minimum block size of 100k should // allocate less temporary memory, but result in the same compression ratio. int result = BZ2_bzCompressInit(&stream, 1, // 100k (min) block size 0, // quiet 0); // default "work factor" if (result != BZ_OK) { // out of memory? return false; } output->clear(); stream.next_in = const_cast(input.data()); stream.avail_in = static_cast(input.size()); // NOTE: we don't need a BZ_RUN phase since our input buffer contains // the entire input do { output->resize(output->size() + 1024); stream.next_out = &((*output)[stream.total_out_lo32]); stream.avail_out = static_cast(output->size()) - stream.total_out_lo32; result = BZ2_bzCompress(&stream, BZ_FINISH); } while (result == BZ_FINISH_OK); if (result != BZ_STREAM_END) // unknown failure? return false; result = BZ2_bzCompressEnd(&stream); DCHECK(result == BZ_OK); output->resize(stream.total_out_lo32); return true; } void MetricsServiceBase::DiscardPendingLog() { if (pending_log_) { // Shutdown might have deleted it! delete pending_log_; pending_log_ = NULL; } compressed_log_.clear(); } void MetricsServiceBase::RecordCurrentHistograms() { DCHECK(current_log_); TransmitAllHistograms(base::Histogram::kNoFlags, true); } void MetricsServiceBase::TransmitHistogramDelta( const base::Histogram& histogram, const base::Histogram::SampleSet& snapshot) { current_log_->RecordHistogramDelta(histogram, snapshot); } void MetricsServiceBase::InconsistencyDetected(int problem) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Histogram.InconsistenciesBrowser", problem, Histogram::NEVER_EXCEEDED_VALUE); } void MetricsServiceBase::UniqueInconsistencyDetected(int problem) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Histogram.InconsistenciesBrowserUnique", problem, Histogram::NEVER_EXCEEDED_VALUE); } void MetricsServiceBase::SnapshotProblemResolved(int amount) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("Histogram.InconsistentSnapshotBrowser", std::abs(amount)); } HistogramSender::HistogramSender() {} HistogramSender::~HistogramSender() {} void HistogramSender::TransmitAllHistograms(Histogram::Flags flag_to_set, bool send_only_uma) { StatisticsRecorder::Histograms histograms; StatisticsRecorder::GetHistograms(&histograms); for (StatisticsRecorder::Histograms::const_iterator it = histograms.begin(); histograms.end() != it; ++it) { (*it)->SetFlags(flag_to_set); if (send_only_uma && 0 == ((*it)->flags() & Histogram::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag)) continue; TransmitHistogram(**it); } } void HistogramSender::TransmitHistogram(const Histogram& histogram) { // Get up-to-date snapshot of sample stats. Histogram::SampleSet snapshot; histogram.SnapshotSample(&snapshot); const std::string& histogram_name = histogram.histogram_name(); int corruption = histogram.FindCorruption(snapshot); // Crash if we detect that our histograms have been overwritten. This may be // a fair distance from the memory smasher, but we hope to correlate these // crashes with other events, such as plugins, or usage patterns, etc. if (Histogram::BUCKET_ORDER_ERROR & corruption) { // The checksum should have caught this, so crash separately if it didn't. CHECK_NE(0, Histogram::RANGE_CHECKSUM_ERROR & corruption); CHECK(false); // Crash for the bucket order corruption. } // Checksum corruption might not have caused order corruption. CHECK_EQ(0, Histogram::RANGE_CHECKSUM_ERROR & corruption); if (corruption) { NOTREACHED(); InconsistencyDetected(corruption); // Don't send corrupt data to metrics survices. if (NULL == inconsistencies_.get()) inconsistencies_.reset(new ProblemMap); int old_corruption = (*inconsistencies_)[histogram_name]; if (old_corruption == (corruption | old_corruption)) return; // We've already seen this corruption for this histogram. (*inconsistencies_)[histogram_name] |= corruption; UniqueInconsistencyDetected(corruption); return; } // Find the already sent stats, or create an empty set. Remove from our // snapshot anything that we've already sent. LoggedSampleMap::iterator it = logged_samples_.find(histogram_name); Histogram::SampleSet* already_logged; if (logged_samples_.end() == it) { // Add new entry already_logged = &logged_samples_[histogram.histogram_name()]; already_logged->Resize(histogram); // Complete initialization. } else { already_logged = &(it->second); int64 discrepancy(already_logged->TotalCount() - already_logged->redundant_count()); if (discrepancy) { NOTREACHED(); // Already_logged has become corrupt. int problem = static_cast(discrepancy); if (problem != discrepancy) problem = INT_MAX; SnapshotProblemResolved(problem); // With no valid baseline, we'll act like we've sent everything in our // snapshot. already_logged->Subtract(*already_logged); already_logged->Add(snapshot); } // Deduct any stats we've already logged from our snapshot. snapshot.Subtract(*already_logged); } // Snapshot now contains only a delta to what we've already_logged. if (snapshot.redundant_count() > 0) { TransmitHistogramDelta(histogram, snapshot); // Add new data into our running total. already_logged->Add(snapshot); } }