// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/message_loop_proxy.h" #include "base/thread.h" #include "base/waitable_event.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_plugin_lib.h" #include "chrome/common/net/url_fetcher.h" #include "chrome/common/net/url_request_context_getter.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" #include "net/test/test_server.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_throttler_manager.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_unittest.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #if defined(USE_NSS) #include "net/ocsp/nss_ocsp.h" #endif using base::Time; using base::TimeDelta; // TODO(eroman): Add a regression test for http://crbug.com/40505. namespace { const FilePath::CharType kDocRoot[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("chrome/test/data"); class TestURLRequestContextGetter : public URLRequestContextGetter { public: explicit TestURLRequestContextGetter( base::MessageLoopProxy* io_message_loop_proxy) : io_message_loop_proxy_(io_message_loop_proxy) { } virtual URLRequestContext* GetURLRequestContext() { if (!context_) context_ = new TestURLRequestContext(); return context_; } virtual scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> GetIOMessageLoopProxy() const { return io_message_loop_proxy_; } protected: scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> io_message_loop_proxy_; private: ~TestURLRequestContextGetter() {} scoped_refptr<URLRequestContext> context_; }; class URLFetcherTest : public testing::Test, public URLFetcher::Delegate { public: URLFetcherTest() : fetcher_(NULL) { } // Creates a URLFetcher, using the program's main thread to do IO. virtual void CreateFetcher(const GURL& url); // URLFetcher::Delegate virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const ResponseCookies& cookies, const std::string& data); scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> io_message_loop_proxy() { return io_message_loop_proxy_; } protected: virtual void SetUp() { testing::Test::SetUp(); io_message_loop_proxy_ = base::MessageLoopProxy::CreateForCurrentThread(); // Ensure that any plugin operations done by other tests are cleaned up. ChromePluginLib::UnloadAllPlugins(); #if defined(USE_NSS) net::EnsureOCSPInit(); #endif } virtual void TearDown() { #if defined(USE_NSS) net::ShutdownOCSP(); #endif } // URLFetcher is designed to run on the main UI thread, but in our tests // we assume that the current thread is the IO thread where the URLFetcher // dispatches its requests to. When we wish to simulate being used from // a UI thread, we dispatch a worker thread to do so. MessageLoopForIO io_loop_; scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> io_message_loop_proxy_; URLFetcher* fetcher_; }; // Version of URLFetcherTest that does a POST instead class URLFetcherPostTest : public URLFetcherTest { public: virtual void CreateFetcher(const GURL& url); // URLFetcher::Delegate virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const ResponseCookies& cookies, const std::string& data); }; // Version of URLFetcherTest that tests headers. class URLFetcherHeadersTest : public URLFetcherTest { public: // URLFetcher::Delegate virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const ResponseCookies& cookies, const std::string& data); }; // Version of URLFetcherTest that tests overload protection. class URLFetcherProtectTest : public URLFetcherTest { public: virtual void CreateFetcher(const GURL& url); // URLFetcher::Delegate virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const ResponseCookies& cookies, const std::string& data); private: Time start_time_; }; // Version of URLFetcherTest that tests overload protection, when responses // passed through. class URLFetcherProtectTestPassedThrough : public URLFetcherTest { public: virtual void CreateFetcher(const GURL& url); // URLFetcher::Delegate virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const ResponseCookies& cookies, const std::string& data); private: Time start_time_; }; // Version of URLFetcherTest that tests bad HTTPS requests. class URLFetcherBadHTTPSTest : public URLFetcherTest { public: URLFetcherBadHTTPSTest(); // URLFetcher::Delegate virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const ResponseCookies& cookies, const std::string& data); private: FilePath cert_dir_; }; // Version of URLFetcherTest that tests request cancellation on shutdown. class URLFetcherCancelTest : public URLFetcherTest { public: virtual void CreateFetcher(const GURL& url); // URLFetcher::Delegate virtual void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const ResponseCookies& cookies, const std::string& data); void CancelRequest(); }; // Version of TestURLRequestContext that posts a Quit task to the IO // thread once it is deleted. class CancelTestURLRequestContext : public TestURLRequestContext { virtual ~CancelTestURLRequestContext() { // The d'tor should execute in the IO thread. Post the quit task to the // current thread. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new MessageLoop::QuitTask()); } }; class CancelTestURLRequestContextGetter : public URLRequestContextGetter { public: explicit CancelTestURLRequestContextGetter( base::MessageLoopProxy* io_message_loop_proxy) : io_message_loop_proxy_(io_message_loop_proxy), context_created_(false, false) { } virtual URLRequestContext* GetURLRequestContext() { if (!context_) { context_ = new CancelTestURLRequestContext(); context_created_.Signal(); } return context_; } virtual scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> GetIOMessageLoopProxy() const { return io_message_loop_proxy_; } void WaitForContextCreation() { context_created_.Wait(); } private: ~CancelTestURLRequestContextGetter() {} scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> io_message_loop_proxy_; base::WaitableEvent context_created_; scoped_refptr<URLRequestContext> context_; }; // Wrapper that lets us call CreateFetcher() on a thread of our choice. We // could make URLFetcherTest refcounted and use PostTask(FROM_HERE.. ) to call // CreateFetcher() directly, but the ownership of the URLFetcherTest is a bit // confusing in that case because GTest doesn't know about the refcounting. // It's less confusing to just do it this way. class FetcherWrapperTask : public Task { public: FetcherWrapperTask(URLFetcherTest* test, const GURL& url) : test_(test), url_(url) { } virtual void Run() { test_->CreateFetcher(url_); } private: URLFetcherTest* test_; GURL url_; }; void URLFetcherTest::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) { fetcher_ = new URLFetcher(url, URLFetcher::GET, this); fetcher_->set_request_context(new TestURLRequestContextGetter( io_message_loop_proxy())); fetcher_->Start(); } void URLFetcherTest::OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const ResponseCookies& cookies, const std::string& data) { EXPECT_TRUE(status.is_success()); EXPECT_EQ(200, response_code); // HTTP OK EXPECT_FALSE(data.empty()); delete fetcher_; // Have to delete this here and not in the destructor, // because the destructor won't necessarily run on the // same thread that CreateFetcher() did. io_message_loop_proxy()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new MessageLoop::QuitTask()); // If the current message loop is not the IO loop, it will be shut down when // the main loop returns and this thread subsequently goes out of scope. } void URLFetcherPostTest::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) { fetcher_ = new URLFetcher(url, URLFetcher::POST, this); fetcher_->set_request_context(new TestURLRequestContextGetter( io_message_loop_proxy())); fetcher_->set_upload_data("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "bobsyeruncle"); fetcher_->Start(); } void URLFetcherPostTest::OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const ResponseCookies& cookies, const std::string& data) { EXPECT_EQ(std::string("bobsyeruncle"), data); URLFetcherTest::OnURLFetchComplete(source, url, status, response_code, cookies, data); } void URLFetcherHeadersTest::OnURLFetchComplete( const URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const ResponseCookies& cookies, const std::string& data) { std::string header; EXPECT_TRUE(source->response_headers()->GetNormalizedHeader("cache-control", &header)); EXPECT_EQ("private", header); URLFetcherTest::OnURLFetchComplete(source, url, status, response_code, cookies, data); } void URLFetcherProtectTest::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) { fetcher_ = new URLFetcher(url, URLFetcher::GET, this); fetcher_->set_request_context(new TestURLRequestContextGetter( io_message_loop_proxy())); start_time_ = Time::Now(); fetcher_->set_max_retries(11); fetcher_->Start(); } void URLFetcherProtectTest::OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const ResponseCookies& cookies, const std::string& data) { const TimeDelta one_second = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1000); if (response_code >= 500) { // Now running ServerUnavailable test. // It takes more than 1 second to finish all 11 requests. EXPECT_TRUE(Time::Now() - start_time_ >= one_second); EXPECT_TRUE(status.is_success()); EXPECT_FALSE(data.empty()); delete fetcher_; io_message_loop_proxy()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new MessageLoop::QuitTask()); } else { // Now running Overload test. static int count = 0; count++; if (count < 20) { fetcher_->Start(); } else { // We have already sent 20 requests continuously. And we expect that // it takes more than 1 second due to the overload protection settings. EXPECT_TRUE(Time::Now() - start_time_ >= one_second); URLFetcherTest::OnURLFetchComplete(source, url, status, response_code, cookies, data); } } } void URLFetcherProtectTestPassedThrough::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) { fetcher_ = new URLFetcher(url, URLFetcher::GET, this); fetcher_->set_request_context(new TestURLRequestContextGetter( io_message_loop_proxy())); fetcher_->set_automatically_retry_on_5xx(false); start_time_ = Time::Now(); fetcher_->set_max_retries(11); fetcher_->Start(); } void URLFetcherProtectTestPassedThrough::OnURLFetchComplete( const URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const ResponseCookies& cookies, const std::string& data) { const TimeDelta one_minute = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(60000); if (response_code >= 500) { // Now running ServerUnavailable test. // It should get here on the first attempt, so almost immediately and // *not* to attempt to execute all 11 requests (2.5 minutes). EXPECT_TRUE(Time::Now() - start_time_ < one_minute); EXPECT_TRUE(status.is_success()); // Check that suggested back off time is bigger than 0. EXPECT_GT(fetcher_->backoff_delay().InMicroseconds(), 0); EXPECT_FALSE(data.empty()); } else { // We should not get here! ADD_FAILURE(); } delete fetcher_; io_message_loop_proxy()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new MessageLoop::QuitTask()); } URLFetcherBadHTTPSTest::URLFetcherBadHTTPSTest() { PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &cert_dir_); cert_dir_ = cert_dir_.AppendASCII("chrome"); cert_dir_ = cert_dir_.AppendASCII("test"); cert_dir_ = cert_dir_.AppendASCII("data"); cert_dir_ = cert_dir_.AppendASCII("ssl"); cert_dir_ = cert_dir_.AppendASCII("certificates"); } // The "server certificate expired" error should result in automatic // cancellation of the request by // net::URLRequest::Delegate::OnSSLCertificateError. void URLFetcherBadHTTPSTest::OnURLFetchComplete( const URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const ResponseCookies& cookies, const std::string& data) { // This part is different from URLFetcherTest::OnURLFetchComplete // because this test expects the request to be cancelled. EXPECT_EQ(URLRequestStatus::CANCELED, status.status()); EXPECT_EQ(net::ERR_ABORTED, status.os_error()); EXPECT_EQ(-1, response_code); EXPECT_TRUE(cookies.empty()); EXPECT_TRUE(data.empty()); // The rest is the same as URLFetcherTest::OnURLFetchComplete. delete fetcher_; io_message_loop_proxy()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new MessageLoop::QuitTask()); } void URLFetcherCancelTest::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) { fetcher_ = new URLFetcher(url, URLFetcher::GET, this); CancelTestURLRequestContextGetter* context_getter = new CancelTestURLRequestContextGetter(io_message_loop_proxy()); fetcher_->set_request_context(context_getter); fetcher_->set_max_retries(2); fetcher_->Start(); // We need to wait for the creation of the URLRequestContext, since we // rely on it being destroyed as a signal to end the test. context_getter->WaitForContextCreation(); CancelRequest(); } void URLFetcherCancelTest::OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const ResponseCookies& cookies, const std::string& data) { // We should have cancelled the request before completion. ADD_FAILURE(); delete fetcher_; io_message_loop_proxy()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new MessageLoop::QuitTask()); } void URLFetcherCancelTest::CancelRequest() { delete fetcher_; // The URLFetcher's test context will post a Quit task once it is // deleted. So if this test simply hangs, it means cancellation // did not work. } TEST_F(URLFetcherTest, SameThreadsTest) { net::TestServer test_server(net::TestServer::TYPE_HTTP, FilePath(kDocRoot)); ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start()); // Create the fetcher on the main thread. Since IO will happen on the main // thread, this will test URLFetcher's ability to do everything on one // thread. CreateFetcher(test_server.GetURL("defaultresponse")); MessageLoop::current()->Run(); } TEST_F(URLFetcherTest, DifferentThreadsTest) { net::TestServer test_server(net::TestServer::TYPE_HTTP, FilePath(kDocRoot)); ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start()); // Create a separate thread that will create the URLFetcher. The current // (main) thread will do the IO, and when the fetch is complete it will // terminate the main thread's message loop; then the other thread's // message loop will be shut down automatically as the thread goes out of // scope. base::Thread t("URLFetcher test thread"); ASSERT_TRUE(t.Start()); t.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new FetcherWrapperTask(this, test_server.GetURL("defaultresponse"))); MessageLoop::current()->Run(); } TEST_F(URLFetcherPostTest, Basic) { net::TestServer test_server(net::TestServer::TYPE_HTTP, FilePath(kDocRoot)); ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start()); CreateFetcher(test_server.GetURL("echo")); MessageLoop::current()->Run(); } TEST_F(URLFetcherHeadersTest, Headers) { net::TestServer test_server(net::TestServer::TYPE_HTTP, FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("net/data/url_request_unittest"))); ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start()); CreateFetcher(test_server.GetURL("files/with-headers.html")); MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // The actual tests are in the URLFetcherHeadersTest fixture. } TEST_F(URLFetcherProtectTest, Overload) { net::TestServer test_server(net::TestServer::TYPE_HTTP, FilePath(kDocRoot)); ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start()); GURL url(test_server.GetURL("defaultresponse")); // Registers an entry for test url. It only allows 3 requests to be sent // in 200 milliseconds. scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestThrottlerEntry> entry( new net::URLRequestThrottlerEntry(200, 3, 1, 0, 2.0, 0.0, 256)); net::URLRequestThrottlerManager::GetInstance()->OverrideEntryForTests( url, entry); CreateFetcher(url); MessageLoop::current()->Run(); net::URLRequestThrottlerManager::GetInstance()->EraseEntryForTests(url); } TEST_F(URLFetcherProtectTest, ServerUnavailable) { net::TestServer test_server(net::TestServer::TYPE_HTTP, FilePath(kDocRoot)); ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start()); GURL url(test_server.GetURL("files/server-unavailable.html")); // Registers an entry for test url. The backoff time is calculated by: // new_backoff = 2.0 * old_backoff + 0 // and maximum backoff time is 256 milliseconds. // Maximum retries allowed is set to 11. scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestThrottlerEntry> entry( new net::URLRequestThrottlerEntry(200, 3, 1, 0, 2.0, 0.0, 256)); net::URLRequestThrottlerManager::GetInstance()->OverrideEntryForTests( url, entry); CreateFetcher(url); MessageLoop::current()->Run(); net::URLRequestThrottlerManager::GetInstance()->EraseEntryForTests(url); } TEST_F(URLFetcherProtectTestPassedThrough, ServerUnavailablePropagateResponse) { net::TestServer test_server(net::TestServer::TYPE_HTTP, FilePath(kDocRoot)); ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start()); GURL url(test_server.GetURL("files/server-unavailable.html")); // Registers an entry for test url. The backoff time is calculated by: // new_backoff = 2.0 * old_backoff + 0 // and maximum backoff time is 150000 milliseconds. // Maximum retries allowed is set to 11. scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestThrottlerEntry> entry( new net::URLRequestThrottlerEntry(200, 3, 100, 0, 2.0, 0.0, 150000)); // Total time if *not* for not doing automatic backoff would be 150s. // In reality it should be "as soon as server responds". net::URLRequestThrottlerManager::GetInstance()->OverrideEntryForTests( url, entry); CreateFetcher(url); MessageLoop::current()->Run(); net::URLRequestThrottlerManager::GetInstance()->EraseEntryForTests(url); } TEST_F(URLFetcherBadHTTPSTest, BadHTTPSTest) { net::TestServer::HTTPSOptions https_options( net::TestServer::HTTPSOptions::CERT_EXPIRED); net::TestServer test_server(https_options, FilePath(kDocRoot)); ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start()); CreateFetcher(test_server.GetURL("defaultresponse")); MessageLoop::current()->Run(); } TEST_F(URLFetcherCancelTest, ReleasesContext) { net::TestServer test_server(net::TestServer::TYPE_HTTP, FilePath(kDocRoot)); ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start()); GURL url(test_server.GetURL("files/server-unavailable.html")); // Registers an entry for test url. The backoff time is calculated by: // new_backoff = 2.0 * old_backoff + 0 // The initial backoff is 2 seconds and maximum backoff is 4 seconds. // Maximum retries allowed is set to 2. scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestThrottlerEntry> entry( new net::URLRequestThrottlerEntry(200, 3, 2000, 0, 2.0, 0.0, 4000)); net::URLRequestThrottlerManager::GetInstance()->OverrideEntryForTests( url, entry); // Create a separate thread that will create the URLFetcher. The current // (main) thread will do the IO, and when the fetch is complete it will // terminate the main thread's message loop; then the other thread's // message loop will be shut down automatically as the thread goes out of // scope. base::Thread t("URLFetcher test thread"); ASSERT_TRUE(t.Start()); t.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new FetcherWrapperTask(this, url)); MessageLoop::current()->Run(); net::URLRequestThrottlerManager::GetInstance()->EraseEntryForTests(url); } TEST_F(URLFetcherCancelTest, CancelWhileDelayedStartTaskPending) { net::TestServer test_server(net::TestServer::TYPE_HTTP, FilePath(kDocRoot)); ASSERT_TRUE(test_server.Start()); GURL url(test_server.GetURL("files/server-unavailable.html")); // Register an entry for test url. // Using a sliding window of 4 seconds, and max of 1 request, under a fast // run we expect to have a 4 second delay when posting the Start task. scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestThrottlerEntry> entry( new net::URLRequestThrottlerEntry(4000, 1, 2000, 0, 2.0, 0.0, 4000)); net::URLRequestThrottlerManager::GetInstance()->OverrideEntryForTests( url, entry); // Fake that a request has just started. entry->ReserveSendingTimeForNextRequest(base::TimeTicks()); // The next request we try to send will be delayed by ~4 seconds. // The slower the test runs, the less the delay will be (since it takes the // time difference from now). base::Thread t("URLFetcher test thread"); ASSERT_TRUE(t.Start()); t.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new FetcherWrapperTask(this, url)); MessageLoop::current()->Run(); net::URLRequestThrottlerManager::GetInstance()->EraseEntryForTests(url); } } // namespace.