// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // This job type handles Chrome plugin network interception. When a plugin // wants to intercept a request, a job of this type is created. The intercept // job communicates with the plugin to retrieve the response headers and data. #include "chrome/common/net/url_request_intercept_job.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_plugin_lib.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" using base::Time; using base::TimeDelta; // // URLRequestInterceptJob // URLRequestInterceptJob::URLRequestInterceptJob(URLRequest* request, ChromePluginLib* plugin, ScopableCPRequest* cprequest) : URLRequestJob(request), cprequest_(cprequest), plugin_(plugin), got_headers_(false), read_buffer_(NULL) { cprequest_->data = this; // see FromCPRequest(). NotificationService::current()->AddObserver( this, NotificationType::CHROME_PLUGIN_UNLOADED, Source<ChromePluginLib>(plugin_)); } URLRequestInterceptJob::~URLRequestInterceptJob() { if (plugin_) { plugin_->functions().request_funcs->end_request(cprequest_.get(), CPERR_SUCCESS); DetachPlugin(); } } void URLRequestInterceptJob::DetachPlugin() { NotificationService::current()->RemoveObserver( this, NotificationType::CHROME_PLUGIN_UNLOADED, Source<ChromePluginLib>(plugin_)); plugin_ = NULL; } void URLRequestInterceptJob::Start() { // Start reading asynchronously so that all error reporting and data // callbacks happen as they would for network requests. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &URLRequestInterceptJob::StartAsync)); } void URLRequestInterceptJob::Kill() { if (plugin_) { plugin_->functions().request_funcs->end_request(cprequest_.get(), CPERR_CANCELLED); DetachPlugin(); } URLRequestJob::Kill(); } bool URLRequestInterceptJob::ReadRawData(net::IOBuffer* dest, int dest_size, int* bytes_read) { DCHECK_NE(dest_size, 0); DCHECK(bytes_read); if (!plugin_) return false; int rv = plugin_->functions().request_funcs->read(cprequest_.get(), dest->data(), dest_size); if (rv >= 0) { *bytes_read = rv; return true; } if (rv == CPERR_IO_PENDING) { read_buffer_ = dest; read_buffer_size_ = dest_size; SetStatus(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::IO_PENDING, 0)); } else { // TODO(mpcomplete): better error code NotifyDone(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::FAILED, net::ERR_FAILED)); } return false; } bool URLRequestInterceptJob::GetMimeType(std::string* mime_type) { return request_->response_headers()->GetMimeType(mime_type); } bool URLRequestInterceptJob::GetCharset(std::string* charset) { return request_->response_headers()->GetCharset(charset); } bool URLRequestInterceptJob::GetContentEncoding(std::string* encoding_type) { // TODO(darin): what if there are multiple content encodings? return request_->response_headers()->EnumerateHeader(NULL, "Content-Encoding", encoding_type); } void URLRequestInterceptJob::GetResponseInfo(net::HttpResponseInfo* info) { if (!plugin_) return; std::string raw_headers; int size = plugin_->functions().request_funcs->get_response_info( cprequest_.get(), CPRESPONSEINFO_HTTP_RAW_HEADERS, NULL, 0); int rv = size < 0 ? size : plugin_->functions().request_funcs->get_response_info( cprequest_.get(), CPRESPONSEINFO_HTTP_RAW_HEADERS, WriteInto(&raw_headers, size+1), size); if (rv != CPERR_SUCCESS) { // TODO(mpcomplete): what should we do here? raw_headers = "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found" + '\0'; } info->headers = new net::HttpResponseHeaders(raw_headers); if (request_->url().SchemeIsSecure()) { // Make up a fake certificate for intercepted data since we don't have // access to the real SSL info. // TODO(mpcomplete): we should probably have the interception API transmit // the SSL info, but the only consumer of this API (Gears) doesn't keep that // around. We should change that. const char* kCertIssuer = "Chrome Internal"; const int kLifetimeDays = 100; DLOG(WARNING) << "Issuing a fake SSL certificate for interception of URL " << request_->url(); info->ssl_info.cert = new net::X509Certificate(request_->url().GetWithEmptyPath().spec(), kCertIssuer, Time::Now(), Time::Now() + TimeDelta::FromDays(kLifetimeDays)); info->ssl_info.cert_status = 0; info->ssl_info.security_bits = 0; } } int URLRequestInterceptJob::GetResponseCode() { if (!plugin_) return -1; int status = 200; plugin_->functions().request_funcs->get_response_info( cprequest_.get(), CPRESPONSEINFO_HTTP_STATUS, &status, sizeof(status)); return status; } bool URLRequestInterceptJob::IsRedirectResponse(GURL* location, int* http_status_code) { if (!request_->response_headers()) return false; std::string value; if (!request_->response_headers()->IsRedirect(&value)) return false; *location = request_->url().Resolve(value); *http_status_code = request_->response_headers()->response_code(); return true; } void URLRequestInterceptJob::StartAsync() { // We may have been orphaned... if (!request_ || !plugin_) return; int rv = plugin_->functions().request_funcs->start_request(cprequest_.get()); if (rv != CPERR_IO_PENDING) OnStartCompleted(rv); } void URLRequestInterceptJob::OnStartCompleted(int result) { if (result != CPERR_SUCCESS) { NotifyDone(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::FAILED, net::ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED)); return; } NotifyHeadersComplete(); } void URLRequestInterceptJob::OnReadCompleted(int bytes_read) { if (bytes_read < 0) { NotifyDone(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::FAILED, net::ERR_FAILED)); return; } SetStatus(URLRequestStatus()); // clear the async flag NotifyReadComplete(bytes_read); } void URLRequestInterceptJob::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { DCHECK(type == NotificationType::CHROME_PLUGIN_UNLOADED); DCHECK(plugin_ == Source<ChromePluginLib>(source).ptr()); DetachPlugin(); }