// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"

namespace prefs {

// *************** PROFILE PREFS ***************
// These are attached to the user profile

// A boolean specifying whether the New Tab page is the home page or not.
const wchar_t kHomePageIsNewTabPage[] = L"homepage_is_newtabpage";

// This is the URL of the page to load when opening new tabs.
const wchar_t kHomePage[] = L"homepage";

// This is the human-readable name of the current profile.
const wchar_t kProfileName[] = L"profile.name";

// This is the abbreviated human-readable name of the current profile
const wchar_t kProfileNickname[] = L"profile.nickname";

// This is a short, preferably human-readable ID for the current profile.
// Its value should be unique within the current user data directory.
const wchar_t kProfileID[] = L"profile.id";

// A boolean value that when true stipulates that the history of the active
// tab should be shown in its entirety at the start of the list, rather than
// being mingled based on view time.
const wchar_t kRecentlyViewedModelBiasActiveTabHistory[] =

// This is a value that defines the selection mode used by the recently
// viewed pages model to determine how to load the selected item. values are:
// 0 - the tab that contains or contained the item should be activated, and
//     the item navigated to within that tab.
// 1 - if the tab that contains or contained the item is active, the item
//     should be navigated to, otherwise a new tab is opened with the
//     selected item only.
// ... future
const wchar_t kRecentlyViewedModelSelectionMode[] =

// Used to determine if the last session exited cleanly. Set to false when
// first opened, and to true when closing. On startup if the value is false,
// it means the profile didn't exit cleanly.
const wchar_t kSessionExitedCleanly[] = L"profile.exited_cleanly";

// This is one of three integer values:
// 0: (or empty) don't do anything special on startup.
// 1: restore the last session.
// 2: this was used to indicate a specific session should be restored. It is
//    no longer used, but saved to avoid conflict with old preferences.
// 3: unused, previously indicated the user wants to restore a saved session.
// 4: restore the URLs defined in kURLsToRestoreOnStartup.
const wchar_t kRestoreOnStartup[] = L"session.restore_on_startup";

// The URLs to restore on startup or when the home button is pressed. The URLs
// are only restored on startup if kRestoreOnStartup is 4.
const wchar_t kURLsToRestoreOnStartup[] =

// The application locale.
const wchar_t kApplicationLocale[] = L"intl.app_locale";

// The default character encoding to assume for a web page in the
// absence of MIME charset specification
const wchar_t kDefaultCharset[] = L"intl.charset_default";

// The value to use for Accept-Languages HTTP header when making an HTTP
// request.
const wchar_t kAcceptLanguages[] = L"intl.accept_languages";

// The value to use for showing locale-dependent encoding list for different
// locale, it's initialized from the corresponding string resource that is
// stored in non-translatable part of the resource bundle.
const wchar_t kStaticEncodings[] = L"intl.static_encodings";

// WebKit preferences.
// A boolean flag to indicate whether WebKit standard font family is
// serif or sans-serif. We don't have a UI for setting standard family.
// Instead, we use this pref to map either serif or sans_serif to WebKit
// standard font family. At the moment, we don't have a UI for this
// flag, either.
const wchar_t kWebKitStandardFontIsSerif[] =
const wchar_t kWebKitFixedFontFamily[] = L"webkit.webprefs.fixed_font_family";
const wchar_t kWebKitSerifFontFamily[] = L"webkit.webprefs.serif_font_family";
const wchar_t kWebKitSansSerifFontFamily[] =
const wchar_t kWebKitCursiveFontFamily[] =
const wchar_t kWebKitFantasyFontFamily[] =
const wchar_t kWebKitDefaultFontSize[] = L"webkit.webprefs.default_font_size";
const wchar_t kWebKitDefaultFixedFontSize[] =
const wchar_t kWebKitMinimumFontSize[] = L"webkit.webprefs.minimum_font_size";
const wchar_t kWebKitMinimumLogicalFontSize[] =
const wchar_t kWebKitJavascriptEnabled[] =
const wchar_t kWebKitWebSecurityEnabled[] =
const wchar_t kWebKitJavascriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically[] =
const wchar_t kWebKitLoadsImagesAutomatically[] =
const wchar_t kWebKitPluginsEnabled[] = L"webkit.webprefs.plugins_enabled";
const wchar_t kWebKitDomPasteEnabled[] = L"webkit.webprefs.dom_paste_enabled";
const wchar_t kWebKitShrinksStandaloneImagesToFit[] =
const wchar_t kWebKitDeveloperExtrasEnabled[] =
const wchar_t kWebKitUsesUniversalDetector[] =
const wchar_t kWebKitTextAreasAreResizable[] =
const wchar_t kWebKitJavaEnabled[] =

// Boolean which specifies whether the bookmark bar is visible on all tabs.
const wchar_t kShowBookmarkBar[] = L"bookmark_bar.show_on_all_tabs";

// Boolean which specifies whether the destinations tab should always be on.
const wchar_t kAlwaysCreateDestinationsTab[] =

// Boolean that is true if the password manager is on (will record new
// passwords and fill in known passwords).
const wchar_t kPasswordManagerEnabled[] = L"profile.password_manager_enabled";

// Boolean that is true if the form autofill is on (will record values entered
// in text inputs in forms and shows them in a popup when user type in a text
// input with the same name later on).
const wchar_t kFormAutofillEnabled[] = L"profile.form_autofill_enabled";

// Boolean that is true when SafeBrowsing is enabled.
const wchar_t kSafeBrowsingEnabled[] = L"safebrowsing.enabled";

// Boolean that is true when Suggest support is enabled.
const wchar_t kSearchSuggestEnabled[] = L"search.suggest_enabled";

// Enum that specifies whether to enforce a third-party cookie blocking policy.
// 0 - allow all cookies.
// 1 - block third-party cookies
// 2 - block all cookies
const wchar_t kCookieBehavior[] = L"security.cookie_behavior";

// Boolean that is true if mixed content should be filtered.
// TODO(jcampan): http://b/1084034: at some point this will become an enum
//                 (int): don't filter, filter everything, filter images only.
const wchar_t kMixedContentFiltering[] = L"security.mixed_content_filtering";

// The URL (as understood by TemplateURLRef) the default search provider uses
// for searches.
const wchar_t kDefaultSearchProviderSearchURL[] =

// The URL (as understood by TemplateURLRef) the default search provider uses
// for suggestions.
const wchar_t kDefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL[] =

// The name of the default search provider.
const wchar_t kDefaultSearchProviderName[] = L"default_search_provider.name";

// The id of the default search provider.
const wchar_t kDefaultSearchProviderID[] = L"default_search_provider.id";

// Boolean of whether or not popups should be completely blocked (true), or
// just opened "minimized" (default, false).
const wchar_t kBlockPopups[] = L"browser.block_popups";

// Boolean which specifies whether we should ask the user if we should download
// a file (true) or just download it automatically.
const wchar_t kPromptForDownload[] = L"download.prompt_for_download";

// A boolean pref set to true if we're using Link Doctor error pages.
const wchar_t kAlternateErrorPagesEnabled[] = L"alternate_error_pages.enabled";

// A boolean pref set to true if DNS pre-fetching is being done in browser.
const wchar_t kDnsPrefetchingEnabled[] = L"dns_prefetching.enabled";

// An adaptively identified list of domain names to be pre-fetched during the
// next startup, based on what was actually needed during this startup.
const wchar_t kDnsStartupPrefetchList[] = L"StartupDNSPrefetchList";

// A list of host names used to fetch web pages, and their commonly used
// sub-resource hostnames (and expected latency benefits from pre-resolving such
// sub-resource hostnames).
// This list is adaptively grown and pruned.
extern const wchar_t kDnsHostReferralList[] = L"HostReferralList";

// The disabled messages in IPC logging.
const wchar_t kIpcDisabledMessages[] = L"ipc_log_disabled_messages";

// A boolean pref set to true if a Home button to open the Home pages should be
// visible on the toolbar.
const wchar_t kShowHomeButton[] = L"browser.show_home_button";

// A string value which saves short list of recently user selected encodings
// separated with comma punctuation mark.
const wchar_t kRecentlySelectedEncoding[] =

// Clear Browsing Data dialog preferences.
const wchar_t kDeleteBrowsingHistory[] = L"browser.clear_data.browsing_history";
const wchar_t kDeleteDownloadHistory[] =
const wchar_t kDeleteCache[] = L"browser.clear_data.cache";
const wchar_t kDeleteCookies[] = L"browser.clear_data.cookies";
const wchar_t kDeletePasswords[] = L"browser.clear_data.passwords";
const wchar_t kDeleteFormData[] = L"browser.clear_data.form_data";
const wchar_t kDeleteTimePeriod[] = L"browser.clear_data.time_period";

// Integer prefs giving the widths of the columns in the bookmark table. Two
// configs are saved, one with the path column and one without.
const wchar_t kBookmarkTableNameWidth1[] = L"bookmark_table.name_width_1";
const wchar_t kBookmarkTableURLWidth1[] = L"bookmark_table.url_width_1";
const wchar_t kBookmarkTableNameWidth2[] = L"bookmark_table.name_width_2";
const wchar_t kBookmarkTableURLWidth2[] = L"bookmark_table.url_width_2";
const wchar_t kBookmarkTablePathWidth[] = L"bookmark_table.path_width";

// Bounds of the bookmark manager.
const wchar_t kBookmarkManagerPlacement[] =

// Integer location of the split bar in the bookmark manager.
const wchar_t kBookmarkManagerSplitLocation[] =

// Boolean pref to define the default values for using spellchecker.
const wchar_t kEnableSpellCheck[] = L"browser.enable_spellchecking";

// *************** LOCAL STATE ***************
// These are attached to the machine/installation

// List of profiles that the app knows about from last run.
const wchar_t kAvailableProfiles[] = L"profiles.available";

// The metrics client GUID and session ID.
const wchar_t kMetricsClientID[] = L"user_experience_metrics.client_id";
const wchar_t kMetricsSessionID[] = L"user_experience_metrics.session_id";

// Boolean set to true when we're recording user metrics.
const wchar_t kMetricsIsRecording[] = L"user_experience_metrics.record";

// Date/time when the current metrics profile ID was created
// (which hopefully corresponds to first run).
const wchar_t kMetricsClientIDTimestamp[] =

// Boolean that specifies whether or not crash reporting and metrics reporting
// are sent over the network for analysis.
const wchar_t kMetricsReportingEnabled[] =

// Array of strings that are each UMA logs that were supposed to be sent in the
// first minute of a browser session. These logs include things like crash count
// info, etc.
const wchar_t kMetricsInitialLogs[] =

// Array of strings that are each UMA logs that were not sent because the
// browser terminated before these accumulated metrics could be sent.  These
// logs typically include histograms and memory reports, as well as ongoing
// user activities.
const wchar_t kMetricsOngoingLogs[] =

// Where profile specific metrics are placed.
const wchar_t kProfileMetrics[] = L"user_experience_metrics.profiles";

// The metrics for a profile are stored as dictionary values under the
// path kProfileMetrics. The individual metrics are placed under the path
// kProfileMetrics.kProfilePrefix<hashed-profile-id>.
const wchar_t kProfilePrefix[] = L"profile-";

// True if the previous run of the program exited cleanly.
const wchar_t kStabilityExitedCleanly[] =

// Version string of previous run, which is used to assure that stability
// metrics reported under current version reflect stability of the same version.
const wchar_t kStabilityStatsVersion[] =

// False if we received a session end and either we crashed during processing
// the session end or ran out of time and windows terminated us.
const wchar_t kStabilitySessionEndCompleted[] =

// Number of times the application was launched since last report.
const wchar_t kStabilityLaunchCount[] =

// Number of times the application exited uncleanly since the last report.
const wchar_t kStabilityCrashCount[] =

// Number of times the session end did not complete.
const wchar_t kStabilityIncompleteSessionEndCount[] =

// Number of times a page load event occurred since the last report.
const wchar_t kStabilityPageLoadCount[] =

// Number of times a renderer process crashed since the last report.
const wchar_t kStabilityRendererCrashCount[] =

// Number of times a renderer started in the sandbox and successfully
// used the sandbox desktop.
const wchar_t kSecurityRendererOnSboxDesktop[] =

// Number of times a renderer started in the sandbox and failed to
// used the sandbox desktop.
const wchar_t kSecurityRendererOnDefaultDesktop[] =

// Time when the app was last launched, in seconds since the epoch.
const wchar_t kStabilityLaunchTimeSec[] =

// Time when the app was last known to be running, in seconds since
// the epoch.
const wchar_t kStabilityLastTimestampSec[] =

// Number of milliseconds that the main application process was up since
// the last report.
const wchar_t kStabilityUptimeSec[] =

// This is the location of a list of dictionaries of plugin stability stats.
const wchar_t kStabilityPluginStats[] =

// Number of times the renderer has become non-responsive since the last
// report.
const wchar_t kStabilityRendererHangCount[] =

// Number of times the browser has been able to register crash reporting.
const wchar_t kStabilityBreakpadRegistrationSuccess[] =

// Number of times the browser has failed to register crash reporting.
const wchar_t kStabilityBreakpadRegistrationFail[] =

// Number of times the browser has been run under a debugger.
const wchar_t kStabilityDebuggerPresent[] =

// Number of times the browser has not been run under a debugger.
const wchar_t kStabilityDebuggerNotPresent[] =

// The keys below are used for the dictionaries in the
// kStabilityPluginStats list.
const wchar_t kStabilityPluginName[] = L"name";
const wchar_t kStabilityPluginLaunches[] = L"launches";
const wchar_t kStabilityPluginInstances[] = L"instances";
const wchar_t kStabilityPluginCrashes[] = L"crashes";

// The keys below are strictly increasing counters over the lifetime of
// a chrome installation. They are (optionally) sent up to the uninstall
// survey in the event of uninstallation.
const wchar_t kUninstallMetricsPageLoadCount[] =
const wchar_t kUninstallLaunchCount[] = L"uninstall_metrics.launch_count";
const wchar_t kUninstallMetricsUptimeSec[] = L"uninstall_metrics.uptime_sec";
const wchar_t kUninstallLastLaunchTimeSec[] =
const wchar_t kUninstallLastObservedRunTimeSec[] =

// A collection of position, size, and other data relating to the browser
// window to restore on startup.
const wchar_t kBrowserWindowPlacement[] = L"browser.window_placement";

// A collection of position, size, and other data relating to the task
// manager window to restore on startup.
const wchar_t kTaskManagerWindowPlacement[] = L"task_manager.window_placement";

// A collection of position, size, and other data relating to the page info
// window to restore on startup.
const wchar_t kPageInfoWindowPlacement[] = L"page_info.window_placement";

// An integer specifying the total number of bytes to be used by the
// renderer's in-memory cache of objects.
const wchar_t kMemoryCacheSize[] = L"renderer.memory_cache.size";

// String which specifies where to download files to by default.
const wchar_t kDownloadDefaultDirectory[] = L"download.default_directory";

// Boolean that records if the download directory was changed by an
// upgrade a unsafe location to a safe location.
const wchar_t kDownloadDirUpgraded[] = L"download.directory_upgrade";

// String which specifies where to save html files to by default.
const wchar_t kSaveFileDefaultDirectory[] = L"savefile.default_directory";

// Extensions which should be opened upon completion.
const wchar_t kDownloadExtensionsToOpen[] = L"download.extensions_to_open";

// Integer which specifies the frequency in milliseconds for detecting whether
// plugin windows are hung.
const wchar_t kHungPluginDetectFrequency[] =

// Integer which specifies the timeout value to be used for SendMessageTimeout
// to detect a hung plugin window.
const wchar_t kPluginMessageResponseTimeout[] =

// String which represents the dictionary name for our spell-checker.
const wchar_t kSpellCheckDictionary[] = L"spellcheck.dictionary";

// Dictionary of schemes used by the external protocol handler.
// The value is true if the scheme must be ignored.
const wchar_t kExcludedSchemes[] = L"protocol_handler.excluded_schemes";

// Keys used for MAC handling of SafeBrowsing requests.
const wchar_t kSafeBrowsingClientKey[] = L"safe_browsing.client_key";
const wchar_t kSafeBrowsingWrappedKey[] = L"safe_browsing.wrapped_key";

// Integer that specifies the index of the tab the user was on when they
// last visited the options window.
const wchar_t kOptionsWindowLastTabIndex[] = L"options_window.last_tab_index";

// The mere fact that this pref is registered signals that we should show the
// First Run Search Information bubble when the first browser window appears.
// This preference is only registered by the first-run procedure.
const wchar_t kShouldShowFirstRunBubble[] = L"show-first-run-bubble";

// Signal that we should show the welcome page when we launch Chrome.
const wchar_t kShouldShowWelcomePage[] = L"show-welcome-page";

// String containing the last known Google URL.  We re-detect this on startup in
// most cases, and use it to send traffic to the correct Google host or with the
// correct Google domain/country code for whatever location the user is in.
const wchar_t kLastKnownGoogleURL[] = L"browser.last_known_google_url";

// Integer containing the system Country ID the first time we checked the
// template URL prepopulate data.  This is used to avoid adding a whole bunch of
// new search engine choices if prepopulation runs when the user's Country ID
// differs from their previous Country ID.  This pref does not exist until
// prepopulation has been run at least once.
const wchar_t kCountryIDAtInstall[] = L"countryid_at_install";
// OBSOLETE. Same as above, but uses the Windows-specific GeoID value instead.
// Updated if found to the above key.
const wchar_t kGeoIDAtInstall[] = L"geoid_at_install";

// An enum value of how the browser was shut down (see browser_shutdown.h).
const wchar_t kShutdownType[] = L"shutdown.type";
// Number of processes that were open when the user shut down.
const wchar_t kShutdownNumProcesses[] = L"shutdown.num_processes";
// Number of processes that were shut down using the slow path.
const wchar_t kShutdownNumProcessesSlow[] = L"shutdown.num_processes_slow";

// Number of bookmarks/folders on the bookmark bar/other bookmark folder.
const wchar_t kNumBookmarksOnBookmarkBar[] =
const wchar_t kNumFoldersOnBookmarkBar[] =
const wchar_t kNumBookmarksInOtherBookmarkFolder[] =
const wchar_t kNumFoldersInOtherBookmarkFolder[] =

// Number of keywords.
const wchar_t kNumKeywords[] = L"user_experience_metrics.num_keywords";

// Whether Extensions or User Scripts are enabled.
const wchar_t kEnableExtensions[] = L"extensions.enabled";
const wchar_t kEnableUserScripts[] = L"extensions.user_scripts_enabled";

}  // namespace prefs