// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/common/pref_service.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/task.h" #include "base/thread.h" #include "chrome/common/json_value_serializer.h" #include "chrome/common/l10n_util.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "chrome/common/stl_util-inl.h" #include "generated_resources.h" namespace { // The number of milliseconds we'll wait to do a write of chrome prefs to disk. // This lets us batch together write operations. static const int kCommitIntervalMs = 10000; // Replaces the given file's content with the given data. This allows the // preferences to be written to disk on a background thread. class SaveLaterTask : public Task { public: SaveLaterTask(const std::wstring& file_name, const std::string& data) : file_name_(file_name), data_(data) { } void Run() { // Write the data to a temp file then rename to avoid data loss if we crash // while writing the file. std::wstring tmp_file_name = file_name_ + L".tmp"; int bytes_written = file_util::WriteFile(tmp_file_name, data_.c_str(), static_cast(data_.length())); if (bytes_written != -1) { if (!file_util::Move(tmp_file_name, file_name_)) { // Rename failed. Try again on the off chance someone has locked either // file and hope we're successful the second time through. bool move_result = file_util::Move(tmp_file_name, file_name_); DCHECK(move_result); } } } private: std::wstring file_name_; std::string data_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SaveLaterTask); }; // A helper function for RegisterLocalized*Pref that creates a Value* based on // the string value in the locale dll. Because we control the values in a // locale dll, this should always return a Value of the appropriate type. Value* CreateLocaleDefaultValue(Value::ValueType type, int message_id) { std::wstring resource_string = l10n_util::GetString(message_id); DCHECK(!resource_string.empty()); switch (type) { case Value::TYPE_BOOLEAN: { if (L"true" == resource_string) return Value::CreateBooleanValue(true); if (L"false" == resource_string) return Value::CreateBooleanValue(false); break; } case Value::TYPE_INTEGER: { return Value::CreateIntegerValue(StringToInt(resource_string)); break; } case Value::TYPE_REAL: { return Value::CreateRealValue(StringToDouble(resource_string)); break; } case Value::TYPE_STRING: { return Value::CreateStringValue(resource_string); break; } default: { DCHECK(false) << "list and dictionary types can not have default locale values"; } } NOTREACHED(); return Value::CreateNullValue(); } } // namespace PrefService::PrefService() : persistent_(new DictionaryValue), transient_(new DictionaryValue), save_preferences_factory_(NULL) { } PrefService::PrefService(const std::wstring& pref_filename) : persistent_(new DictionaryValue), transient_(new DictionaryValue), pref_filename_(pref_filename), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(save_preferences_factory_(this)) { LoadPersistentPrefs(pref_filename_); } PrefService::~PrefService() { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); // Verify that there are no pref observers when we shut down. for (PrefObserverMap::iterator it = pref_observers_.begin(); it != pref_observers_.end(); ++it) { NotificationObserverList::Iterator obs_iterator(*(it->second)); if (obs_iterator.GetNext()) { LOG(WARNING) << "pref observer found at shutdown " << it->first; } } STLDeleteContainerPointers(prefs_.begin(), prefs_.end()); prefs_.clear(); STLDeleteContainerPairSecondPointers(pref_observers_.begin(), pref_observers_.end()); pref_observers_.clear(); } bool PrefService::LoadPersistentPrefs(const std::wstring& file_path) { DCHECK(!file_path.empty()); DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); JSONFileValueSerializer serializer(file_path); scoped_ptr root(serializer.Deserialize(NULL)); if (!root.get()) return false; // Preferences should always have a dictionary root. if (!root->IsType(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY)) return false; persistent_.reset(static_cast(root.release())); return true; } void PrefService::ReloadPersistentPrefs() { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); JSONFileValueSerializer serializer(pref_filename_); scoped_ptr root(serializer.Deserialize(NULL)); if (!root.get()) return; // Preferences should always have a dictionary root. if (!root->IsType(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY)) return; persistent_.reset(static_cast(root.release())); for (PreferenceSet::iterator it = prefs_.begin(); it != prefs_.end(); ++it) { (*it)->root_pref_ = persistent_.get(); } } bool PrefService::SavePersistentPrefs(base::Thread* thread) const { DCHECK(!pref_filename_.empty()); DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); // TODO(tc): Do we want to prune webkit preferences that match the default // value? std::string data; JSONStringValueSerializer serializer(&data); serializer.set_pretty_print(true); if (!serializer.Serialize(*(persistent_.get()))) return false; SaveLaterTask* task = new SaveLaterTask(pref_filename_, data); if (thread != NULL) { // We can use the background thread, it will take ownership of the task. thread->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, task); } else { // In unit test mode, we have no background thread, just execute. task->Run(); delete task; } return true; } void PrefService::ScheduleSavePersistentPrefs(base::Thread* thread) { if (!save_preferences_factory_.empty()) return; MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, save_preferences_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &PrefService::SavePersistentPrefs, thread), kCommitIntervalMs); } void PrefService::RegisterBooleanPref(const wchar_t* path, bool default_value) { Preference* pref = new Preference(persistent_.get(), path, Value::CreateBooleanValue(default_value)); RegisterPreference(pref); } void PrefService::RegisterIntegerPref(const wchar_t* path, int default_value) { Preference* pref = new Preference(persistent_.get(), path, Value::CreateIntegerValue(default_value)); RegisterPreference(pref); } void PrefService::RegisterRealPref(const wchar_t* path, double default_value) { Preference* pref = new Preference(persistent_.get(), path, Value::CreateRealValue(default_value)); RegisterPreference(pref); } void PrefService::RegisterStringPref(const wchar_t* path, const std::wstring& default_value) { Preference* pref = new Preference(persistent_.get(), path, Value::CreateStringValue(default_value)); RegisterPreference(pref); } void PrefService::RegisterListPref(const wchar_t* path) { Preference* pref = new Preference(persistent_.get(), path, new ListValue); RegisterPreference(pref); } void PrefService::RegisterDictionaryPref(const wchar_t* path) { Preference* pref = new Preference(persistent_.get(), path, new DictionaryValue()); RegisterPreference(pref); } void PrefService::RegisterLocalizedBooleanPref(const wchar_t* path, int locale_default_message_id) { Preference* pref = new Preference(persistent_.get(), path, CreateLocaleDefaultValue(Value::TYPE_BOOLEAN, locale_default_message_id)); RegisterPreference(pref); } void PrefService::RegisterLocalizedIntegerPref(const wchar_t* path, int locale_default_message_id) { Preference* pref = new Preference(persistent_.get(), path, CreateLocaleDefaultValue(Value::TYPE_INTEGER, locale_default_message_id)); RegisterPreference(pref); } void PrefService::RegisterLocalizedRealPref(const wchar_t* path, int locale_default_message_id) { Preference* pref = new Preference(persistent_.get(), path, CreateLocaleDefaultValue(Value::TYPE_REAL, locale_default_message_id)); RegisterPreference(pref); } void PrefService::RegisterLocalizedStringPref(const wchar_t* path, int locale_default_message_id) { Preference* pref = new Preference(persistent_.get(), path, CreateLocaleDefaultValue(Value::TYPE_STRING, locale_default_message_id)); RegisterPreference(pref); } bool PrefService::IsPrefRegistered(const wchar_t* path) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); // TODO(tc): We can remove this method and just use FindPreference. return FindPreference(path) ? true : false; } bool PrefService::GetBoolean(const wchar_t* path) const { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); bool result = false; if (transient_->GetBoolean(path, &result)) return result; const Preference* pref = FindPreference(path); if (!pref) { DCHECK(false) << "Trying to read an unregistered pref: " << path; return result; } bool rv = pref->GetValue()->GetAsBoolean(&result); DCHECK(rv); return result; } int PrefService::GetInteger(const wchar_t* path) const { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); int result = 0; if (transient_->GetInteger(path, &result)) return result; const Preference* pref = FindPreference(path); if (!pref) { DCHECK(false) << "Trying to read an unregistered pref: " << path; return result; } bool rv = pref->GetValue()->GetAsInteger(&result); DCHECK(rv); return result; } double PrefService::GetReal(const wchar_t* path) const { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); double result = 0.0; if (transient_->GetReal(path, &result)) return result; const Preference* pref = FindPreference(path); if (!pref) { DCHECK(false) << "Trying to read an unregistered pref: " << path; return result; } bool rv = pref->GetValue()->GetAsReal(&result); DCHECK(rv); return result; } std::wstring PrefService::GetString(const wchar_t* path) const { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); std::wstring result; if (transient_->GetString(path, &result)) return result; const Preference* pref = FindPreference(path); if (!pref) { DCHECK(false) << "Trying to read an unregistered pref: " << path; return result; } bool rv = pref->GetValue()->GetAsString(&result); DCHECK(rv); return result; } bool PrefService::HasPrefPath(const wchar_t* path) const { Value* value = NULL; return (transient_->Get(path, &value) || persistent_->Get(path, &value)); } const PrefService::Preference* PrefService::FindPreference( const wchar_t* pref_name) const { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); Preference p(NULL, pref_name, NULL); PreferenceSet::const_iterator it = prefs_.find(&p); return it == prefs_.end() ? NULL : *it; } const DictionaryValue* PrefService::GetDictionary(const wchar_t* path) const { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); DictionaryValue* result = NULL; if (transient_->GetDictionary(path, &result)) return result; const Preference* pref = FindPreference(path); if (!pref) { DCHECK(false) << "Trying to read an unregistered pref: " << path; return NULL; } const Value* value = pref->GetValue(); if (value->GetType() == Value::TYPE_NULL) return NULL; return static_cast(value); } const ListValue* PrefService::GetList(const wchar_t* path) const { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); ListValue* result = NULL; if (transient_->GetList(path, &result)) return result; const Preference* pref = FindPreference(path); if (!pref) { DCHECK(false) << "Trying to read an unregistered pref: " << path; return NULL; } const Value* value = pref->GetValue(); if (value->GetType() == Value::TYPE_NULL) return NULL; return static_cast(value); } void PrefService::AddPrefObserver(const wchar_t* path, NotificationObserver* obs) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); const Preference* pref = FindPreference(path); if (!pref) { DCHECK(false) << "Trying to add an observer for an unregistered pref: " << path; return; } // Get the pref observer list associated with the path. NotificationObserverList* observer_list = NULL; PrefObserverMap::iterator observer_iterator = pref_observers_.find(path); if (observer_iterator == pref_observers_.end()) { observer_list = new NotificationObserverList; pref_observers_[path] = observer_list; } else { observer_list = observer_iterator->second; } // Verify that this observer doesn't already exist. NotificationObserverList::Iterator it(*observer_list); NotificationObserver* existing_obs; while ((existing_obs = it.GetNext()) != NULL) { DCHECK(existing_obs != obs) << path << " observer already registered"; if (existing_obs == obs) return; } // Ok, safe to add the pref observer. observer_list->AddObserver(obs); } void PrefService::RemovePrefObserver(const wchar_t* path, NotificationObserver* obs) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); PrefObserverMap::iterator observer_iterator = pref_observers_.find(path); if (observer_iterator == pref_observers_.end()) { return; } NotificationObserverList* observer_list = observer_iterator->second; observer_list->RemoveObserver(obs); } void PrefService::RegisterPreference(Preference* pref) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); if (FindPreference(pref->name().c_str())) { DCHECK(false) << "Tried to register duplicate pref " << pref->name(); delete pref; return; } prefs_.insert(pref); } void PrefService::ClearPref(const wchar_t* path) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); const Preference* pref = FindPreference(path); if (!pref) { DCHECK(false) << "Trying to clear an unregistered pref: " << path; return; } transient_->Remove(path, NULL); Value* value; bool has_old_value = persistent_->Get(path, &value); persistent_->Remove(path, NULL); if (has_old_value) FireObservers(path); } void PrefService::SetBoolean(const wchar_t* path, bool value) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); const Preference* pref = FindPreference(path); if (!pref) { DCHECK(false) << "Trying to write an unregistered pref: " << path; return; } if (pref->type() != Value::TYPE_BOOLEAN) { DCHECK(false) << "Wrong type for SetBoolean: " << path; return; } scoped_ptr old_value(GetPrefCopy(path)); bool rv = persistent_->SetBoolean(path, value); DCHECK(rv); FireObserversIfChanged(path, old_value.get()); } void PrefService::SetInteger(const wchar_t* path, int value) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); const Preference* pref = FindPreference(path); if (!pref) { DCHECK(false) << "Trying to write an unregistered pref: " << path; return; } if (pref->type() != Value::TYPE_INTEGER) { DCHECK(false) << "Wrong type for SetInteger: " << path; return; } scoped_ptr old_value(GetPrefCopy(path)); bool rv = persistent_->SetInteger(path, value); DCHECK(rv); FireObserversIfChanged(path, old_value.get()); } void PrefService::SetReal(const wchar_t* path, double value) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); const Preference* pref = FindPreference(path); if (!pref) { DCHECK(false) << "Trying to write an unregistered pref: " << path; return; } if (pref->type() != Value::TYPE_REAL) { DCHECK(false) << "Wrong type for SetReal: " << path; return; } scoped_ptr old_value(GetPrefCopy(path)); bool rv = persistent_->SetReal(path, value); DCHECK(rv); FireObserversIfChanged(path, old_value.get()); } void PrefService::SetString(const wchar_t* path, const std::wstring& value) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); const Preference* pref = FindPreference(path); if (!pref) { DCHECK(false) << "Trying to write an unregistered pref: " << path; return; } if (pref->type() != Value::TYPE_STRING) { DCHECK(false) << "Wrong type for SetString: " << path; return; } scoped_ptr old_value(GetPrefCopy(path)); bool rv = persistent_->SetString(path, value); DCHECK(rv); FireObserversIfChanged(path, old_value.get()); } DictionaryValue* PrefService::GetMutableDictionary(const wchar_t* path) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); const Preference* pref = FindPreference(path); if (!pref) { DCHECK(false) << "Trying to get an unregistered pref: " << path; return NULL; } if (pref->type() != Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY) { DCHECK(false) << "Wrong type for GetMutableDictionary: " << path; return NULL; } DictionaryValue* dict = NULL; bool rv = persistent_->GetDictionary(path, &dict); if (!rv) { dict = new DictionaryValue; rv = persistent_->Set(path, dict); DCHECK(rv); } return dict; } ListValue* PrefService::GetMutableList(const wchar_t* path) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); const Preference* pref = FindPreference(path); if (!pref) { DCHECK(false) << "Trying to get an unregistered pref: " << path; return NULL; } if (pref->type() != Value::TYPE_LIST) { DCHECK(false) << "Wrong type for GetMutableList: " << path; return NULL; } ListValue* list = NULL; bool rv = persistent_->GetList(path, &list); if (!rv) { list = new ListValue; rv = persistent_->Set(path, list); DCHECK(rv); } return list; } Value* PrefService::GetPrefCopy(const wchar_t* path) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); const Preference* pref = FindPreference(path); DCHECK(pref); return pref->GetValue()->DeepCopy(); } void PrefService::FireObserversIfChanged(const wchar_t* path, const Value* old_value) { Value* new_value = NULL; persistent_->Get(path, &new_value); if (!old_value->Equals(new_value)) FireObservers(path); } void PrefService::FireObservers(const wchar_t* path) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); // Convert path to a std::wstring because the Details constructor requires a // class. std::wstring path_str(path); PrefObserverMap::iterator observer_iterator = pref_observers_.find(path_str); if (observer_iterator == pref_observers_.end()) return; NotificationObserverList::Iterator it(*(observer_iterator->second)); NotificationObserver* observer; while ((observer = it.GetNext()) != NULL) { observer->Observe(NotificationType::PREF_CHANGED, Source(this), Details(&path_str)); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PrefService::Preference PrefService::Preference::Preference(DictionaryValue* root_pref, const wchar_t* name, Value* default_value) : type_(Value::TYPE_NULL), name_(name), default_value_(default_value), root_pref_(root_pref) { DCHECK(name); if (default_value) { type_ = default_value->GetType(); DCHECK(type_ != Value::TYPE_NULL && type_ != Value::TYPE_BINARY) << "invalid preference type: " << type_; } // We set the default value of lists and dictionaries to be null so it's // easier for callers to check for empty list/dict prefs. if (Value::TYPE_LIST == type_ || Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY == type_) default_value_.reset(Value::CreateNullValue()); } const Value* PrefService::Preference::GetValue() const { DCHECK(NULL != root_pref_) << "Must register pref before getting its value"; Value* temp_value = NULL; if (root_pref_->Get(name_.c_str(), &temp_value) && temp_value->GetType() == type_) { return temp_value; } // Pref not found, just return the app default. return default_value_.get(); } bool PrefService::Preference::IsDefaultValue() const { DCHECK(default_value_.get()); return default_value_->Equals(GetValue()); }