// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Multiply-included file, no traditional include guard. #include <map> #include <set> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/process.h" #include "base/shared_memory.h" #include "base/string16.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "chrome/common/common_param_traits.h" #include "chrome/common/content_settings.h" #include "chrome/common/content_settings_pattern.h" #include "chrome/common/instant_types.h" #include "chrome/common/nacl_types.h" #include "chrome/common/search_provider.h" #include "chrome/common/thumbnail_score.h" #include "chrome/common/translate_errors.h" #include "content/public/common/common_param_traits.h" #include "content/public/common/webkit_param_traits.h" #include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h" #include "ipc/ipc_platform_file.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebCache.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebConsoleMessage.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect.h" // Singly-included section for enums and custom IPC traits. #ifndef CHROME_COMMON_RENDER_MESSAGES_H_ #define CHROME_COMMON_RENDER_MESSAGES_H_ class SkBitmap; // Command values for the cmd parameter of the // ViewHost_JavaScriptStressTestControl message. For each command the parameter // passed has a different meaning: // For the command kJavaScriptStressTestSetStressRunType the parameter it the // type taken from the enumeration v8::Testing::StressType. // For the command kJavaScriptStressTestPrepareStressRun the parameter it the // number of the stress run about to take place. enum ViewHostMsg_JavaScriptStressTestControl_Commands { kJavaScriptStressTestSetStressRunType = 0, kJavaScriptStressTestPrepareStressRun = 1, }; // This enum is inside a struct so that we can forward-declare the struct in // others headers without having to include this one. struct ChromeViewHostMsg_GetPluginInfo_Status { enum Value { kAllowed, kBlocked, kClickToPlay, kDisabled, kNotFound, kOutdatedBlocked, kOutdatedDisallowed, kUnauthorized, }; ChromeViewHostMsg_GetPluginInfo_Status() : value(kAllowed) {} Value value; }; namespace IPC { #if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(USE_AURA) // TODO(port): this shouldn't exist. However, the plugin stuff is really using // HWNDS (NativeView), and making Windows calls based on them. I've not figured // out the deal with plugins yet. template <> struct ParamTraits<gfx::NativeView> { typedef gfx::NativeView param_type; static void Write(Message* m, const param_type& p) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } static bool Read(const Message* m, void** iter, param_type* p) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); *p = NULL; return true; } static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l) { l->append(base::StringPrintf("<gfx::NativeView>")); } }; #endif // defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(USE_AURA) template <> struct ParamTraits<ContentSettingsPattern> { typedef ContentSettingsPattern param_type; static void Write(Message* m, const param_type& p); static bool Read(const Message* m, void** iter, param_type* r); static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l); }; } // namespace IPC #endif // CHROME_COMMON_RENDER_MESSAGES_H_ #define IPC_MESSAGE_START ChromeMsgStart IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(ChromeViewHostMsg_GetPluginInfo_Status::Value) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(InstantCompleteBehavior) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(search_provider::OSDDType) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(search_provider::InstallState) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(TranslateErrors::Type) IPC_ENUM_TRAITS(WebKit::WebConsoleMessage::Level) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(ChromeViewHostMsg_GetPluginInfo_Status) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(value) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(ContentSettingsPattern::PatternParts) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(scheme) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(is_scheme_wildcard) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(host) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(has_domain_wildcard) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(port) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(is_port_wildcard) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(path) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(ContentSettingPatternSource) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(primary_pattern) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(secondary_pattern) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(setting) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(source) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(incognito) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(RendererContentSettingRules) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(image_rules) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(script_rules) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(ThumbnailScore) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(boring_score) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(good_clipping) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(at_top) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(time_at_snapshot) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(WebKit::WebCache::ResourceTypeStat) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(count) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(size) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(liveSize) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(decodedSize) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(WebKit::WebCache::ResourceTypeStats) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(images) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(cssStyleSheets) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(scripts) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(xslStyleSheets) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(fonts) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(WebKit::WebCache::UsageStats) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(minDeadCapacity) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(maxDeadCapacity) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(capacity) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(liveSize) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER(deadSize) IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_END() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RenderView messages // These are messages sent from the browser to the renderer process. // Tells the renderer to set its maximum cache size to the supplied value. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(ChromeViewMsg_SetCacheCapacities, size_t /* min_dead_capacity */, size_t /* max_dead_capacity */, size_t /* capacity */) // Tells the renderer to clear the cache. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ChromeViewMsg_ClearCache, bool /* on_navigation */) // Tells the renderer to dump as much memory as it can, perhaps because we // have memory pressure or the renderer is (or will be) paged out. This // should only result in purging objects we can recalculate, e.g. caches or // JS garbage, not in purging irreplaceable objects. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ChromeViewMsg_PurgeMemory) // For WebUI testing, this message stores parameters to do ScriptEvalRequest at // a time which is late enough to not be thrown out, and early enough to be // before onload events are fired. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ChromeViewMsg_WebUIJavaScript, string16, /* frame_xpath */ string16, /* jscript_url */ int, /* ID */ bool /* If true, result is sent back. */) // Tells the render view to capture a thumbnail image of the page. The // render view responds with a ChromeViewHostMsg_Snapshot. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ChromeViewMsg_CaptureSnapshot) // History system notification that the visited link database has been // replaced. It has one SharedMemoryHandle argument consisting of the table // handle. This handle is valid in the context of the renderer IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ChromeViewMsg_VisitedLink_NewTable, base::SharedMemoryHandle) // History system notification that a link has been added and the link // coloring state for the given hash must be re-calculated. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ChromeViewMsg_VisitedLink_Add, std::vector<uint64>) // History system notification that one or more history items have been // deleted, which at this point means that all link coloring state must be // re-calculated. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ChromeViewMsg_VisitedLink_Reset) // Set the content setting rules stored by the renderer. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ChromeViewMsg_SetContentSettingRules, RendererContentSettingRules /* rules */) // Tells the render view to load all blocked plugins. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ChromeViewMsg_LoadBlockedPlugins) // Asks the renderer to send back stats on the WebCore cache broken down by // resource types. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ChromeViewMsg_GetCacheResourceStats) // Asks the renderer to send back Histograms. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ChromeViewMsg_GetRendererHistograms, int /* sequence number of Renderer Histograms. */) // Tells the renderer to create a FieldTrial, and by using a 100% probability // for the FieldTrial, forces the FieldTrial to have assigned group name. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ChromeViewMsg_SetFieldTrialGroup, std::string /* field trial name */, std::string /* group name that was assigned. */) #if defined(USE_TCMALLOC) // Asks the renderer to send back tcmalloc stats. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ChromeViewMsg_GetRendererTcmalloc) // Asks the renderer to enable/disable Tcmalloc heap profiling. // Note: filename_prefix arg is effectively ignored since the render process // will be unable to write files to disk. Instead use WriteTcmallocHeapProfile // to write a profile file. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ChromeViewMsg_SetTcmallocHeapProfiling, bool /* enable profiling */, std::string /* filename prefix for profiles */) // Asks the renderer to write the Tcmalloc heap profile to a file. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ChromeViewMsg_WriteTcmallocHeapProfile, FilePath::StringType /* filepath */) #endif // Asks the renderer to send back V8 heap stats. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ChromeViewMsg_GetV8HeapStats) // Posts a message to the renderer. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ChromeViewMsg_HandleMessageFromExternalHost, std::string /* The message */, std::string /* The origin */, std::string /* The target*/) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ChromeViewMsg_SearchBoxChange, string16 /* value */, bool /* verbatim */, int /* selection_start */, int /* selection_end */) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ChromeViewMsg_SearchBoxSubmit, string16 /* value */, bool /* verbatim */) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ChromeViewMsg_SearchBoxCancel) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ChromeViewMsg_SearchBoxResize, gfx::Rect /* search_box_bounds */) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ChromeViewMsg_DetermineIfPageSupportsInstant, string16 /* value*/, bool /* verbatim */, int /* selection_start */, int /* selection_end */) // Toggles visual muting of the render view area. This is on when a constrained // window is showing. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ChromeViewMsg_SetVisuallyDeemphasized, bool /* deemphazied */) // Tells the renderer to translate the page contents from one language to // another. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ChromeViewMsg_TranslatePage, int /* page id */, std::string, /* the script injected in the page */ std::string, /* BCP 47/RFC 5646 language code the page is in */ std::string /* BCP 47/RFC 5646 language code to translate to */) // Tells the renderer to revert the text of translated page to its original // contents. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ChromeViewMsg_RevertTranslation, int /* page id */) // Tells a renderer if it's currently being prerendered. Must only be set // to true before any navigation occurs, and only set to false at most once // after that. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ChromeViewMsg_SetIsPrerendering, bool /* whether the RenderView is prerendering */) // Sent on process startup to indicate whether this process is running in // incognito mode. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ChromeViewMsg_SetIsIncognitoProcess, bool /* is_incognito_processs */) // Sent in response to ViewHostMsg_DidBlockDisplayingInsecureContent. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ChromeViewMsg_SetAllowDisplayingInsecureContent, bool /* allowed */) // Sent in response to ViewHostMsg_DidBlockRunningInsecureContent. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ChromeViewMsg_SetAllowRunningInsecureContent, bool /* allowed */) // Tells renderer to always enforce mixed content blocking for this host. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ChromeViewMsg_AddStrictSecurityHost, std::string /* host */) // Sent when the profile changes the kSafeBrowsingEnabled preference. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ChromeViewMsg_SetClientSidePhishingDetection, bool /* enable_phishing_detection */) // This message asks frame sniffer start. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ChromeViewMsg_StartFrameSniffer, string16 /* frame-name */) // JavaScript related messages ----------------------------------------------- // Notify the JavaScript engine in the render to change its parameters // while performing stress testing. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ChromeViewMsg_JavaScriptStressTestControl, int /* cmd */, int /* param */) // Asks the renderer to send back FPS. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ChromeViewMsg_GetFPS) // Tells the view it is displaying an interstitial page. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ChromeViewMsg_SetAsInterstitial) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TabContents messages // These are messages sent from the renderer to the browser process. // Provides the contents for the given page that was loaded recently. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ChromeViewHostMsg_PageContents, GURL /* URL of the page */, int32 /* page id */, string16 /* page contents */) // Notification that the language for the tab has been determined. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ChromeViewHostMsg_TranslateLanguageDetermined, std::string /* page ISO639_1 language code */, bool /* whether the page can be translated */) IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ChromeViewHostMsg_UpdatedCacheStats, WebKit::WebCache::UsageStats /* stats */) // Tells the browser that content in the current page was blocked due to the // user's content settings. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ChromeViewHostMsg_ContentBlocked, ContentSettingsType, /* type of blocked content */ std::string /* resource identifier */) // Sent by the renderer process to check whether access to web databases is // granted by content settings. IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL5_1(ChromeViewHostMsg_AllowDatabase, int /* render_view_id */, GURL /* origin_url */, GURL /* top origin url */, string16 /* database name */, string16 /* database display name */, bool /* allowed */) // Sent by the renderer process to check whether access to DOM Storage is // granted by content settings. IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_1(ChromeViewHostMsg_AllowDOMStorage, int /* render_view_id */, GURL /* origin_url */, GURL /* top origin url */, bool /* if true local storage, otherwise session */, bool /* allowed */) // Sent by the renderer process to check whether access to FileSystem is // granted by content settings. IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_1(ChromeViewHostMsg_AllowFileSystem, int /* render_view_id */, GURL /* origin_url */, GURL /* top origin url */, bool /* allowed */) // Sent by the renderer process to check whether access to Indexed DBis // granted by content settings. IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_1(ChromeViewHostMsg_AllowIndexedDB, int /* render_view_id */, GURL /* origin_url */, GURL /* top origin url */, string16 /* database name */, bool /* allowed */) // Return information about a plugin for the given URL and MIME type. // In contrast to ViewHostMsg_GetPluginInfo in content/, this IPC call knows // about specific reasons why a plug-in can't be used, for example because it's // disabled. IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_3(ChromeViewHostMsg_GetPluginInfo, int /* render_view_id */, GURL /* url */, GURL /* top origin url */, std::string /* mime_type */, ChromeViewHostMsg_GetPluginInfo_Status /* status */, webkit::WebPluginInfo /* plugin */, std::string /* actual_mime_type */) // Tells the browser to search for a plug-in that can handle the given MIME // type. The result will be sent asynchronously to the routing ID // |placeholder_id|. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ChromeViewHostMsg_FindMissingPlugin, int /* placeholder_id */, std::string /* mime_type */) // Notifies a missing plug-in placeholder that a plug-in with name |plugin_name| // has been found. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ChromeViewMsg_FoundMissingPlugin, string16 /* plugin_name */) // Notifies a missing plug-in placeholder that no plug-in has been found. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ChromeViewMsg_DidNotFindMissingPlugin) // Specifies the URL as the first parameter (a wstring) and thumbnail as // binary data as the second parameter. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ChromeViewHostMsg_Thumbnail, GURL /* url */, ThumbnailScore /* score */, SkBitmap /* bitmap */) // Send a snapshot of the tab contents to the render host. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ChromeViewHostMsg_Snapshot, SkBitmap /* bitmap */) // Following message is used to communicate the values received by the // callback binding the JS to Cpp. // An instance of browser that has an automation host listening to it can // have a javascript send a native value (string, number, boolean) to the // listener in Cpp. (DomAutomationController) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ChromeViewHostMsg_DomOperationResponse, std::string /* json_string */, int /* automation_id */) // A message for an external host. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ChromeViewHostMsg_ForwardMessageToExternalHost, std::string /* message */, std::string /* origin */, std::string /* target */) // A renderer sends this to the browser process when it wants to start // a new instance of the Native Client process. The browser will launch // the process and return a handle to an IMC channel. IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_3(ChromeViewHostMsg_LaunchNaCl, std::wstring /* url for the NaCl module */, int /* socket count */, std::vector<nacl::FileDescriptor> /* imc channel handles */, base::ProcessHandle /* NaCl process handle */, base::ProcessId /* NaCl process id */) // Notification that the page has an OpenSearch description document // associated with it. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ChromeViewHostMsg_PageHasOSDD, int32 /* page_id */, GURL /* url of OS description document */, search_provider::OSDDType) // Find out if the given url's security origin is installed as a search // provider. IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(ChromeViewHostMsg_GetSearchProviderInstallState, GURL /* page url */, GURL /* inquiry url */, search_provider::InstallState /* install */) // Send back histograms as vector of pickled-histogram strings. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ChromeViewHostMsg_RendererHistograms, int, /* sequence number of Renderer Histograms. */ std::vector<std::string>) #if defined USE_TCMALLOC // Send back tcmalloc stats output. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ChromeViewHostMsg_RendererTcmalloc, std::string /* tcmalloc debug output */) // Send back tcmalloc profile to write to a file. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ChromeViewHostMsg_WriteTcmallocHeapProfile_ACK, FilePath::StringType /* filepath */, std::string /* heap profile */) #endif // Sends back stats about the V8 heap. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ChromeViewHostMsg_V8HeapStats, int /* size of heap (allocated from the OS) */, int /* bytes in use */) // Request for a DNS prefetch of the names in the array. // NameList is typedef'ed std::vector<std::string> IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ChromeViewHostMsg_DnsPrefetch, std::vector<std::string> /* hostnames */) // Notifies when a plugin couldn't be loaded because it's outdated. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ChromeViewHostMsg_BlockedOutdatedPlugin, string16, /* name */ GURL /* update_url */) // Provide the browser process with information about the WebCore resource // cache and current renderer framerate. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ChromeViewHostMsg_ResourceTypeStats, WebKit::WebCache::ResourceTypeStats) // Notifies the browser of the language (ISO 639_1 code language, such as fr, // en, zh...) of the current page. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ChromeViewHostMsg_PageLanguageDetermined, std::string /* the language */) // Notifies the browser that a page has been translated. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(ChromeViewHostMsg_PageTranslated, int, /* page id */ std::string /* the original language */, std::string /* the translated language */, TranslateErrors::Type /* the error type if available */) // Message sent from the renderer to the browser to notify it of events which // may lead to the cancellation of a prerender. The message is sent only when // the renderer is prerendering. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ChromeViewHostMsg_MaybeCancelPrerenderForHTML5Media) // Message sent from the renderer to the browser to notify it of a // window.print() call which should cancel the prerender. The message is sent // only when the renderer is prerendering. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ChromeViewHostMsg_CancelPrerenderForPrinting) // Sent by the renderer to check if a URL has permission to trigger a clipboard // read/write operation from the DOM. IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(ChromeViewHostMsg_CanTriggerClipboardRead, GURL /* origin */, bool /* allowed */) IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(ChromeViewHostMsg_CanTriggerClipboardWrite, GURL /* origin */, bool /* allowed */) // Sent when the renderer was prevented from displaying insecure content in // a secure page by a security policy. The page may appear incomplete. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ChromeViewHostMsg_DidBlockDisplayingInsecureContent) // Sent when the renderer was prevented from running insecure content in // a secure origin by a security policy. The page may appear incomplete. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ChromeViewHostMsg_DidBlockRunningInsecureContent) // Message sent from renderer to the browser when the element that is focused // and currently accepts keyboard input inside the webpage has been touched. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ChromeViewHostMsg_FocusedEditableNodeTouched) // Suggest results ----------------------------------------------------------- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ChromeViewHostMsg_SetSuggestions, int32 /* page_id */, std::vector<std::string> /* suggestions */, InstantCompleteBehavior) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ChromeViewHostMsg_InstantSupportDetermined, int32 /* page_id */, bool /* result */) // The currently displayed PDF has an unsupported feature. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ChromeViewHostMsg_PDFHasUnsupportedFeature) // This message indicates the error appeared in the frame. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ChromeViewHostMsg_FrameLoadingError, int /* error */) // This message indicates the monitored frame loading had completed. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ChromeViewHostMsg_FrameLoadingCompleted) // The following messages are used to set and get cookies for ChromeFrame // processes. // Used to set a cookie. The cookie is set asynchronously, but will be // available to a subsequent ChromeViewHostMsg_GetCookies request. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(ChromeViewHostMsg_SetCookie, GURL /* url */, GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */, std::string /* cookie */) // Used to get cookies for the given URL. This may block waiting for a // previous SetCookie message to be processed. IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(ChromeViewHostMsg_GetCookies, GURL /* url */, GURL /* first_party_for_cookies */, std::string /* cookies */) // Provide the browser process with current renderer framerate. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(ChromeViewHostMsg_FPS, int /* routing id */, float /* frames per second */)