// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// See http://dev.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/multi-process-resource-loading

#include "chrome/common/resource_dispatcher.h"

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/message_loop.h"
#include "base/shared_memory.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "chrome/common/render_messages.h"
#include "chrome/common/security_filter_peer.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/base/net_util.h"
#include "webkit/glue/resource_type.h"
#include "webkit/glue/webkit_glue.h"

// Uncomment to enable logging of request traffic

# define RESOURCE_LOG(stuff) LOG(INFO) << stuff
# define RESOURCE_LOG(stuff)

// Each resource request is assigned an ID scoped to this process.
static int MakeRequestID() {
  // NOTE: The resource_dispatcher_host also needs probably unique
  // request_ids, so they count down from -2 (-1 is a special we're
  // screwed value), while the renderer process counts up.
  static int next_request_id = 0;
  return next_request_id++;

// ResourceLoaderBridge implementation ----------------------------------------

namespace webkit_glue {

class IPCResourceLoaderBridge : public ResourceLoaderBridge {
  IPCResourceLoaderBridge(ResourceDispatcher* dispatcher,
                          const std::string& method,
                          const GURL& url,
                          const GURL& first_party_for_cookies,
                          const GURL& referrer,
                          const std::string& frame_origin,
                          const std::string& main_frame_origin,
                          const std::string& headers,
                          int load_flags,
                          int origin_pid,
                          ResourceType::Type resource_type,
                          uint32 request_context,
                          int appcache_host_id,
                          int routing_id);
  virtual ~IPCResourceLoaderBridge();

  // ResourceLoaderBridge
  virtual void AppendDataToUpload(const char* data, int data_len);
  virtual void AppendFileRangeToUpload(const FilePath& path,
                                       uint64 offset, uint64 length);
  virtual void SetUploadIdentifier(int64 identifier);
  virtual bool Start(Peer* peer);
  virtual void Cancel();
  virtual void SetDefersLoading(bool value);
  virtual void SyncLoad(SyncLoadResponse* response);

  const std::string& url() const { return url_; }

  ResourceLoaderBridge::Peer* peer_;

  // The resource dispatcher for this loader.  The bridge doesn't own it, but
  // it's guaranteed to outlive the bridge.
  ResourceDispatcher* dispatcher_;

  // The request to send, created on initialization for modification and
  // appending data.
  ViewHostMsg_Resource_Request request_;

  // ID for the request, valid once Start()ed, -1 if not valid yet.
  int request_id_;

  // The routing id used when sending IPC messages.
  int routing_id_;

  // indicates the URL of this resource request for help debugging
  std::string url_;

    ResourceDispatcher* dispatcher,
    const std::string& method,
    const GURL& url,
    const GURL& first_party_for_cookies,
    const GURL& referrer,
    const std::string& frame_origin,
    const std::string& main_frame_origin,
    const std::string& headers,
    int load_flags,
    int origin_child_id,
    ResourceType::Type resource_type,
    uint32 request_context,
    int appcache_host_id,
    int routing_id)
    : peer_(NULL),
      routing_id_(routing_id) {
  DCHECK(dispatcher_) << "no resource dispatcher";
  request_.method = method;
  request_.url = url;
  request_.first_party_for_cookies = first_party_for_cookies;
  request_.referrer = referrer;
  request_.frame_origin = frame_origin;
  request_.main_frame_origin = main_frame_origin;
  request_.headers = headers;
  request_.load_flags = load_flags;
  request_.origin_child_id = origin_child_id;
  request_.resource_type = resource_type;
  request_.request_context = request_context;
  request_.appcache_host_id = appcache_host_id;

  url_ = url.possibly_invalid_spec();

IPCResourceLoaderBridge::~IPCResourceLoaderBridge() {
  // we remove our hook for the resource dispatcher only when going away, since
  // it doesn't keep track of whether we've force terminated the request
  if (request_id_ >= 0) {
    // this operation may fail, as the dispatcher will have preemptively
    // removed us when the renderer sends the ReceivedAllData message.

void IPCResourceLoaderBridge::AppendDataToUpload(const char* data,
                                                 int data_len) {
  DCHECK(request_id_ == -1) << "request already started";

  // don't bother appending empty data segments
  if (data_len == 0)

  if (!request_.upload_data)
    request_.upload_data = new net::UploadData();
  request_.upload_data->AppendBytes(data, data_len);

void IPCResourceLoaderBridge::AppendFileRangeToUpload(
    const FilePath& path, uint64 offset, uint64 length) {
  DCHECK(request_id_ == -1) << "request already started";

  if (!request_.upload_data)
    request_.upload_data = new net::UploadData();
  request_.upload_data->AppendFileRange(path, offset, length);

void IPCResourceLoaderBridge::SetUploadIdentifier(int64 identifier) {
  DCHECK(request_id_ == -1) << "request already started";

  if (!request_.upload_data)
    request_.upload_data = new net::UploadData();

// Writes a footer on the message and sends it
bool IPCResourceLoaderBridge::Start(Peer* peer) {
  if (request_id_ != -1) {
    NOTREACHED() << "Starting a request twice";
    return false;

  RESOURCE_LOG("Starting request for " << url_);

  peer_ = peer;

  // generate the request ID, and append it to the message
  request_id_ = dispatcher_->AddPendingRequest(peer_, request_.resource_type);

  return dispatcher_->message_sender()->Send(
      new ViewHostMsg_RequestResource(routing_id_, request_id_, request_));

void IPCResourceLoaderBridge::Cancel() {
  if (request_id_ < 0) {
    NOTREACHED() << "Trying to cancel an unstarted request";

  RESOURCE_LOG("Canceling request for " << url_);

  dispatcher_->CancelPendingRequest(routing_id_, request_id_);

  // We can't remove the request ID from the resource dispatcher because more
  // data might be pending. Sending the cancel message may cause more data
  // to be flushed, and will then cause a complete message to be sent.

void IPCResourceLoaderBridge::SetDefersLoading(bool value) {
  if (request_id_ < 0) {
    NOTREACHED() << "Trying to (un)defer an unstarted request";

  dispatcher_->SetDefersLoading(request_id_, value);

void IPCResourceLoaderBridge::SyncLoad(SyncLoadResponse* response) {
  if (request_id_ != -1) {
    NOTREACHED() << "Starting a request twice";

  RESOURCE_LOG("Making sync request for " << url_);

  request_id_ = MakeRequestID();

  SyncLoadResult result;
  IPC::Message* msg = new ViewHostMsg_SyncLoad(routing_id_, request_id_,
                                               request_, &result);
  if (!dispatcher_->message_sender()->Send(msg)) {

  response->status = result.status;
  response->url = result.final_url;
  response->headers = result.headers;
  response->mime_type = result.mime_type;
  response->charset = result.charset;

}  // namespace webkit_glue

// ResourceDispatcher ---------------------------------------------------------

ResourceDispatcher::ResourceDispatcher(IPC::Message::Sender* sender)
    : message_sender_(sender),
      ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(method_factory_(this)) {

ResourceDispatcher::~ResourceDispatcher() {

// ResourceDispatcher implementation ------------------------------------------

bool ResourceDispatcher::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) {
  if (!IsResourceDispatcherMessage(message)) {
    return false;

  int request_id;

  void* iter = NULL;
  if (!message.ReadInt(&iter, &request_id)) {
    NOTREACHED() << "malformed resource message";
    return true;

  PendingRequestList::iterator it = pending_requests_.find(request_id);
  if (it == pending_requests_.end()) {
    // This might happen for kill()ed requests on the webkit end, so perhaps it
    // shouldn't be a warning...
    DLOG(WARNING) << "Got response for a nonexistant or finished request";
    // Release resources in the message if it is a data message.
    return true;

  PendingRequestInfo& request_info = it->second;
  if (request_info.is_deferred) {
    request_info.deferred_message_queue.push_back(new IPC::Message(message));
    return true;
  // Make sure any deferred messages are dispatched before we dispatch more.
  if (!request_info.deferred_message_queue.empty()) {
    // The request could have been deferred now. If yes then the current
    // message has to be queued up. The request_info instance should remain
    // valid here as there are pending messages for it.
    DCHECK(pending_requests_.find(request_id) != pending_requests_.end());
    if (request_info.is_deferred) {
      request_info.deferred_message_queue.push_back(new IPC::Message(message));
      return true;

  return true;

void ResourceDispatcher::OnUploadProgress(
    const IPC::Message& message, int request_id, int64 position, int64 size) {
  PendingRequestList::iterator it = pending_requests_.find(request_id);
  if (it == pending_requests_.end()) {
    // this might happen for kill()ed requests on the webkit end, so perhaps
    // it shouldn't be a warning...
    DLOG(WARNING) << "Got upload progress for a nonexistant or "
        "finished request";

  PendingRequestInfo& request_info = it->second;

  RESOURCE_LOG("Dispatching upload progress for " <<
  request_info.peer->OnUploadProgress(position, size);

  // Acknowlegde reciept
      new ViewHostMsg_UploadProgress_ACK(message.routing_id(), request_id));

void ResourceDispatcher::OnReceivedResponse(
    int request_id, const ResourceResponseHead& response_head) {
  PendingRequestList::iterator it = pending_requests_.find(request_id);
  if (it == pending_requests_.end()) {
    // This might happen for kill()ed requests on the webkit end, so perhaps it
    // shouldn't be a warning...
    DLOG(WARNING) << "Got response for a nonexistant or finished request";

  PendingRequestInfo& request_info = it->second;
  request_info.filter_policy = response_head.filter_policy;
  webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge::Peer* peer = request_info.peer;
  if (request_info.filter_policy != FilterPolicy::DONT_FILTER) {
    // TODO(jcampan): really pass the loader bridge.
    webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge::Peer* new_peer =
            NULL, peer,
            request_info.resource_type, response_head.mime_type,
    if (new_peer) {
      request_info.peer = new_peer;
      peer = new_peer;

  RESOURCE_LOG("Dispatching response for " << peer->GetURLForDebugging());
  peer->OnReceivedResponse(response_head, false);

void ResourceDispatcher::OnReceivedData(const IPC::Message& message,
                                        int request_id,
                                        base::SharedMemoryHandle shm_handle,
                                        int data_len) {
  // Acknowledge the reception of this data.
      new ViewHostMsg_DataReceived_ACK(message.routing_id(), request_id));

  const bool shm_valid = base::SharedMemory::IsHandleValid(shm_handle);
  DCHECK((shm_valid && data_len > 0) || (!shm_valid && !data_len));
  base::SharedMemory shared_mem(shm_handle, true);  // read only

  PendingRequestList::iterator it = pending_requests_.find(request_id);
  if (it == pending_requests_.end()) {
    // this might happen for kill()ed requests on the webkit end, so perhaps
    // it shouldn't be a warning...
    DLOG(WARNING) << "Got data for a nonexistant or finished request";

  PendingRequestInfo& request_info = it->second;

  if (data_len > 0 && shared_mem.Map(data_len)) {
    RESOURCE_LOG("Dispatching " << data_len << " bytes for " <<
    const char* data = static_cast<char*>(shared_mem.memory());
    request_info.peer->OnReceivedData(data, data_len);

void ResourceDispatcher::OnReceivedRedirect(
    const IPC::Message& message,
    int request_id,
    const GURL& new_url,
    const webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo& info) {
  PendingRequestList::iterator it = pending_requests_.find(request_id);
  if (it == pending_requests_.end()) {
    // this might happen for kill()ed requests on the webkit end, so perhaps
    // it shouldn't be a warning...
    DLOG(WARNING) << "Got data for a nonexistant or finished request";

  PendingRequestInfo& request_info = it->second;

  RESOURCE_LOG("Dispatching redirect for " <<

  if (request_info.peer->OnReceivedRedirect(new_url, info)) {
        new ViewHostMsg_FollowRedirect(message.routing_id(), request_id));
  } else {
    CancelPendingRequest(message.routing_id(), request_id);

void ResourceDispatcher::OnRequestComplete(int request_id,
                                           const URLRequestStatus& status,
                                           const std::string& security_info) {
  PendingRequestList::iterator it = pending_requests_.find(request_id);
  if (it == pending_requests_.end()) {
    // this might happen for kill()ed requests on the webkit end, so perhaps
    // it shouldn't be a warning...
    DLOG(WARNING) << "Got 'complete' for a nonexistant or finished request";

  PendingRequestInfo& request_info = it->second;
  webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge::Peer* peer = request_info.peer;

  RESOURCE_LOG("Dispatching complete for " <<

  if (status.status() == URLRequestStatus::CANCELED &&
      status.os_error() != net::ERR_ABORTED) {
    // Resource canceled with a specific error are filtered.
    SecurityFilterPeer* new_peer =
    if (new_peer) {
      request_info.peer = new_peer;
      peer = new_peer;

  // The request ID will be removed from our pending list in the destructor.
  // Normally, dispatching this message causes the reference-counted request to
  // die immediately.
  peer->OnCompletedRequest(status, security_info);


int ResourceDispatcher::AddPendingRequest(
    webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge::Peer* callback,
    ResourceType::Type resource_type) {
  // Compute a unique request_id for this renderer process.
  int id = MakeRequestID();
  pending_requests_[id] = PendingRequestInfo(callback, resource_type);
  return id;

bool ResourceDispatcher::RemovePendingRequest(int request_id) {
  PendingRequestList::iterator it = pending_requests_.find(request_id);
  if (it == pending_requests_.end())
    return false;

  // Iterate through the deferred message queue and clean up the messages.
  PendingRequestInfo& request_info = it->second;
  MessageQueue& q = request_info.deferred_message_queue;
  while (!q.empty()) {
    IPC::Message* m = q.front();
    delete m;

  return true;

void ResourceDispatcher::CancelPendingRequest(int routing_id,
                                              int request_id) {
  PendingRequestList::iterator it = pending_requests_.find(request_id);
  if (it == pending_requests_.end()) {
    DLOG(ERROR) << "unknown request";
  PendingRequestInfo& request_info = it->second;
  // Avoid spamming the host with cancel messages.
  if (request_info.is_cancelled)
  request_info.is_cancelled = true;
      new ViewHostMsg_CancelRequest(routing_id, request_id));

void ResourceDispatcher::SetDefersLoading(int request_id, bool value) {
  PendingRequestList::iterator it = pending_requests_.find(request_id);
  if (it == pending_requests_.end()) {
    DLOG(ERROR) << "unknown request";
  PendingRequestInfo& request_info = it->second;
  if (value) {
    request_info.is_deferred = value;
  } else if (request_info.is_deferred) {
    request_info.is_deferred = false;
            &ResourceDispatcher::FlushDeferredMessages, request_id));

void ResourceDispatcher::DispatchMessage(const IPC::Message& message) {
  IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(ResourceDispatcher, message)
    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Resource_UploadProgress, OnUploadProgress)
    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Resource_ReceivedResponse, OnReceivedResponse)
    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Resource_ReceivedRedirect, OnReceivedRedirect)
    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Resource_DataReceived, OnReceivedData)
    IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Resource_RequestComplete, OnRequestComplete)

void ResourceDispatcher::FlushDeferredMessages(int request_id) {
  PendingRequestList::iterator it = pending_requests_.find(request_id);
  if (it == pending_requests_.end())  // The request could have become invalid.
  PendingRequestInfo& request_info = it->second;
  if (request_info.is_deferred)
  // Because message handlers could result in request_info being destroyed,
  // we need to work with a stack reference to the deferred queue.
  MessageQueue q;
  while (!q.empty()) {
    IPC::Message* m = q.front();
    delete m;
    // If this request is deferred in the context of the above message, then
    // we should honor the same and stop dispatching further messages.
    // We need to find the request again in the list as it may have completed
    // by now and the request_info instance above may be invalid.
    PendingRequestList::iterator index = pending_requests_.find(request_id);
    if (index != pending_requests_.end()) {
      PendingRequestInfo& pending_request = index->second;
      if (pending_request.is_deferred) {

webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge* ResourceDispatcher::CreateBridge(
    const std::string& method,
    const GURL& url,
    const GURL& first_party_for_cookies,
    const GURL& referrer,
    const std::string& frame_origin,
    const std::string& main_frame_origin,
    const std::string& headers,
    int flags,
    int origin_pid,
    ResourceType::Type resource_type,
    uint32 request_context,
    int appcache_host_id,
    int route_id) {
  return new webkit_glue::IPCResourceLoaderBridge(this, method, url,
                                                  referrer, frame_origin,
                                                  main_frame_origin, headers,
                                                  flags, origin_pid,

bool ResourceDispatcher::IsResourceDispatcherMessage(
    const IPC::Message& message) {
  switch (message.type()) {
    case ViewMsg_Resource_UploadProgress::ID:
    case ViewMsg_Resource_ReceivedResponse::ID:
    case ViewMsg_Resource_ReceivedRedirect::ID:
    case ViewMsg_Resource_DataReceived::ID:
    case ViewMsg_Resource_RequestComplete::ID:
      return true;


  return false;

void ResourceDispatcher::ReleaseResourcesInDataMessage(
    const IPC::Message& message) {
  void* iter = NULL;
  int request_id;
  if (!message.ReadInt(&iter, &request_id)) {
    NOTREACHED() << "malformed resource message";

  // If the message contains a shared memory handle, we should close the
  // handle or there will be a memory leak.
  if (message.type() == ViewMsg_Resource_DataReceived::ID) {
    base::SharedMemoryHandle shm_handle;
    if (IPC::ParamTraits<base::SharedMemoryHandle>::Read(&message,
                                                         &shm_handle)) {