// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/common/sqlite_utils.h" #include #include "base/at_exit.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/lock.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/singleton.h" #include "base/stl_util-inl.h" #include "base/string16.h" // The vanilla error handler implements the common fucntionality for all the // error handlers. Specialized error handlers are expected to only override // the Handler() function. class VanillaSQLErrorHandler : public SQLErrorHandler { public: VanillaSQLErrorHandler() : error_(SQLITE_OK) { } virtual int GetLastError() const { return error_; } protected: int error_; }; class DebugSQLErrorHandler: public VanillaSQLErrorHandler { public: virtual int HandleError(int error, sqlite3* db) { error_ = error; NOTREACHED() << "sqlite error " << error << " db " << static_cast(db); return error; } }; class ReleaseSQLErrorHandler : public VanillaSQLErrorHandler { public: virtual int HandleError(int error, sqlite3* db) { error_ = error; // Used to have a CHECK here. Got lots of crashes. return error; } }; // The default error handler factory is also in charge of managing the // lifetime of the error objects. This object is multi-thread safe. class DefaultSQLErrorHandlerFactory : public SQLErrorHandlerFactory { public: ~DefaultSQLErrorHandlerFactory() { STLDeleteContainerPointers(errors_.begin(), errors_.end()); } virtual SQLErrorHandler* Make() { SQLErrorHandler* handler; #ifndef NDEBUG handler = new DebugSQLErrorHandler; #else handler = new ReleaseSQLErrorHandler; #endif // NDEBUG AddHandler(handler); return handler; } private: void AddHandler(SQLErrorHandler* handler) { AutoLock lock(lock_); errors_.push_back(handler); } typedef std::list ErrorList; ErrorList errors_; Lock lock_; }; SQLErrorHandlerFactory* GetErrorHandlerFactory() { // TODO(cpu): Testing needs to override the error handler. // Destruction of DefaultSQLErrorHandlerFactory handled by at_exit manager. return Singleton::get(); } namespace sqlite_utils { int OpenSqliteDb(const FilePath& filepath, sqlite3** database) { #if defined(OS_WIN) // We want the default encoding to always be UTF-8, so we use the // 8-bit version of open(). return sqlite3_open(WideToUTF8(filepath.value()).c_str(), database); #elif defined(OS_POSIX) return sqlite3_open(filepath.value().c_str(), database); #endif } bool DoesSqliteTableExist(sqlite3* db, const char* db_name, const char* table_name) { // sqlite doesn't allow binding parameters as table names, so we have to // manually construct the sql std::string sql("SELECT name FROM "); if (db_name && db_name[0]) { sql.append(db_name); sql.push_back('.'); } sql.append("sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?"); SQLStatement statement; if (statement.prepare(db, sql.c_str()) != SQLITE_OK) return false; if (statement.bind_text(0, table_name) != SQLITE_OK) return false; // we only care about if this matched a row, not the actual data return sqlite3_step(statement.get()) == SQLITE_ROW; } bool DoesSqliteColumnExist(sqlite3* db, const char* database_name, const char* table_name, const char* column_name, const char* column_type) { SQLStatement s; std::string sql; sql.append("PRAGMA "); if (database_name && database_name[0]) { // optional database name specified sql.append(database_name); sql.push_back('.'); } sql.append("TABLE_INFO("); sql.append(table_name); sql.append(")"); if (s.prepare(db, sql.c_str()) != SQLITE_OK) return false; while (s.step() == SQLITE_ROW) { if (!s.column_string(1).compare(column_name)) { if (column_type && column_type[0]) return !s.column_string(2).compare(column_type); return true; } } return false; } bool DoesSqliteTableHaveRow(sqlite3* db, const char* table_name) { SQLStatement s; std::string b; b.append("SELECT * FROM "); b.append(table_name); if (s.prepare(db, b.c_str()) != SQLITE_OK) return false; return s.step() == SQLITE_ROW; } } // namespace sqlite_utils SQLTransaction::SQLTransaction(sqlite3* db) : db_(db), began_(false) { } SQLTransaction::~SQLTransaction() { if (began_) { Rollback(); } } int SQLTransaction::BeginCommand(const char* command) { int rv = SQLITE_ERROR; if (!began_ && db_) { rv = sqlite3_exec(db_, command, NULL, NULL, NULL); began_ = (rv == SQLITE_OK); } return rv; } int SQLTransaction::EndCommand(const char* command) { int rv = SQLITE_ERROR; if (began_ && db_) { rv = sqlite3_exec(db_, command, NULL, NULL, NULL); began_ = (rv != SQLITE_OK); } return rv; } SQLNestedTransactionSite::~SQLNestedTransactionSite() { DCHECK(!top_transaction_); } void SQLNestedTransactionSite::SetTopTransaction(SQLNestedTransaction* top) { DCHECK(!top || !top_transaction_); top_transaction_ = top; } SQLNestedTransaction::SQLNestedTransaction(SQLNestedTransactionSite* site) : SQLTransaction(site->GetSqlite3DB()), needs_rollback_(false), site_(site) { DCHECK(site); if (site->GetTopTransaction() == NULL) { site->SetTopTransaction(this); } } SQLNestedTransaction::~SQLNestedTransaction() { if (began_) { Rollback(); } if (site_->GetTopTransaction() == this) { site_->SetTopTransaction(NULL); } } int SQLNestedTransaction::BeginCommand(const char* command) { DCHECK(db_); DCHECK(site_ && site_->GetTopTransaction()); if (!db_ || began_) { return SQLITE_ERROR; } if (site_->GetTopTransaction() == this) { int rv = sqlite3_exec(db_, command, NULL, NULL, NULL); began_ = (rv == SQLITE_OK); if (began_) { site_->OnBegin(); } return rv; } else { if (site_->GetTopTransaction()->needs_rollback_) { return SQLITE_ERROR; } began_ = true; return SQLITE_OK; } } int SQLNestedTransaction::EndCommand(const char* command) { DCHECK(db_); DCHECK(site_ && site_->GetTopTransaction()); if (!db_ || !began_) { return SQLITE_ERROR; } if (site_->GetTopTransaction() == this) { if (needs_rollback_) { sqlite3_exec(db_, "ROLLBACK", NULL, NULL, NULL); began_ = false; // reset so we don't try to rollback or call // OnRollback() again site_->OnRollback(); return SQLITE_ERROR; } else { int rv = sqlite3_exec(db_, command, NULL, NULL, NULL); began_ = (rv != SQLITE_OK); if (strcmp(command, "ROLLBACK") == 0) { began_ = false; // reset so we don't try to rollbck or call // OnRollback() again site_->OnRollback(); } else { DCHECK(strcmp(command, "COMMIT") == 0); if (rv == SQLITE_OK) { site_->OnCommit(); } } return rv; } } else { if (strcmp(command, "ROLLBACK") == 0) { site_->GetTopTransaction()->needs_rollback_ = true; } began_ = false; return SQLITE_OK; } } int SQLStatement::prepare(sqlite3* db, const char* sql, int sql_len) { DCHECK(!stmt_); int rv = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql, sql_len, &stmt_, NULL); if (rv != SQLITE_OK) { SQLErrorHandler* error_handler = GetErrorHandlerFactory()->Make(); return error_handler->HandleError(rv, db); } return rv; } int SQLStatement::step() { DCHECK(stmt_); int status = sqlite3_step(stmt_); if ((status == SQLITE_ROW) || (status == SQLITE_DONE)) return status; // We got a problem. SQLErrorHandler* error_handler = GetErrorHandlerFactory()->Make(); return error_handler->HandleError(status, db_handle()); } int SQLStatement::reset() { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_reset(stmt_); } sqlite_int64 SQLStatement::last_insert_rowid() { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db_handle()); } int SQLStatement::changes() { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_changes(db_handle()); } sqlite3* SQLStatement::db_handle() { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_db_handle(stmt_); } int SQLStatement::bind_parameter_count() { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(stmt_); } int SQLStatement::bind_blob(int index, std::vector* blob) { if (blob) { const void* value = &(*blob)[0]; int len = static_cast(blob->size()); return bind_blob(index, value, len); } else { return bind_null(index); } } int SQLStatement::bind_blob(int index, const void* value, int value_len) { return bind_blob(index, value, value_len, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } int SQLStatement::bind_blob(int index, const void* value, int value_len, Function dtor) { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt_, index + 1, value, value_len, dtor); } int SQLStatement::bind_double(int index, double value) { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_bind_double(stmt_, index + 1, value); } int SQLStatement::bind_bool(int index, bool value) { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_bind_int(stmt_, index + 1, value); } int SQLStatement::bind_int(int index, int value) { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_bind_int(stmt_, index + 1, value); } int SQLStatement::bind_int64(int index, sqlite_int64 value) { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt_, index + 1, value); } int SQLStatement::bind_null(int index) { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_bind_null(stmt_, index + 1); } int SQLStatement::bind_text(int index, const char* value, int value_len, Function dtor) { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_bind_text(stmt_, index + 1, value, value_len, dtor); } int SQLStatement::bind_text16(int index, const char16* value, int value_len, Function dtor) { DCHECK(stmt_); value_len *= sizeof(char16); return sqlite3_bind_text16(stmt_, index + 1, value, value_len, dtor); } int SQLStatement::bind_value(int index, const sqlite3_value* value) { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_bind_value(stmt_, index + 1, value); } int SQLStatement::column_count() { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_column_count(stmt_); } int SQLStatement::column_type(int index) { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_column_type(stmt_, index); } const void* SQLStatement::column_blob(int index) { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_column_blob(stmt_, index); } bool SQLStatement::column_blob_as_vector(int index, std::vector* blob) { DCHECK(stmt_); const void* p = column_blob(index); size_t len = column_bytes(index); blob->resize(len); if (blob->size() != len) { return false; } if (len > 0) memcpy(&(blob->front()), p, len); return true; } bool SQLStatement::column_blob_as_string(int index, std::string* blob) { DCHECK(stmt_); const void* p = column_blob(index); size_t len = column_bytes(index); blob->resize(len); if (blob->size() != len) { return false; } blob->assign(reinterpret_cast(p), len); return true; } int SQLStatement::column_bytes(int index) { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt_, index); } int SQLStatement::column_bytes16(int index) { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_column_bytes16(stmt_, index); } double SQLStatement::column_double(int index) { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_column_double(stmt_, index); } bool SQLStatement::column_bool(int index) { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_column_int(stmt_, index) ? true : false; } int SQLStatement::column_int(int index) { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_column_int(stmt_, index); } sqlite_int64 SQLStatement::column_int64(int index) { DCHECK(stmt_); return sqlite3_column_int64(stmt_, index); } const char* SQLStatement::column_text(int index) { DCHECK(stmt_); return reinterpret_cast(sqlite3_column_text(stmt_, index)); } bool SQLStatement::column_string(int index, std::string* str) { DCHECK(stmt_); DCHECK(str); const char* s = column_text(index); str->assign(s ? s : std::string()); return s != NULL; } std::string SQLStatement::column_string(int index) { std::string str; column_string(index, &str); return str; } const char16* SQLStatement::column_text16(int index) { DCHECK(stmt_); return static_cast(sqlite3_column_text16(stmt_, index)); } bool SQLStatement::column_string16(int index, string16* str) { DCHECK(stmt_); DCHECK(str); const char* s = column_text(index); str->assign(s ? UTF8ToUTF16(s) : string16()); return (s != NULL); } string16 SQLStatement::column_string16(int index) { string16 str; column_string16(index, &str); return str; } bool SQLStatement::column_wstring(int index, std::wstring* str) { DCHECK(stmt_); DCHECK(str); const char* s = column_text(index); str->assign(s ? UTF8ToWide(s) : std::wstring()); return (s != NULL); } std::wstring SQLStatement::column_wstring(int index) { std::wstring wstr; column_wstring(index, &wstr); return wstr; } #if defined(USE_SYSTEM_SQLITE) // This function is a local change to sqlite3 which doesn't exist when one is // using the system sqlite library. Thus, we stub it out here. int sqlite3Preload(sqlite3* db) { return 0; } #endif