// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <string>
#include <vector>

// This header is meant to be included in multiple passes, hence no traditional
// header guard. It is included by utility_messages_internal.h
// See ipc_message_macros.h for explanation of the macros and passes.

// This file needs to be included again, even though we're actually included
// from it via utility_messages.h.
#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"

#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"

// Utility process messages:
// These are messages from the browser to the utility process.

  // Tell the utility process to unpack the given extension file in its
  // directory and verify that it is valid.
                       FilePath /* extension_filename */)

  // Tell the utility process to parse the given JSON data and verify its
  // validity.
                       std::string /* JSON data */)

  // Tell the utility process to parse the given xml document.
                       std::string /* xml document contents */)

  // Tell the utility process to decode the given image data.
                       std::vector<unsigned char>)  // encoded image contents

// Utility process host messages:
// These are messages from the utility process to the browser.

  // Reply when the utility process is done unpacking an extension.  |manifest|
  // is the parsed manifest.json file.
  // The unpacker should also have written out files containing the decoded
  // images and message catalogs from the extension. See ExtensionUnpacker for
  // details.
                       DictionaryValue /* manifest */)

  // Reply when the utility process has failed while unpacking an extension.
  // |error_message| is a user-displayable explanation of what went wrong.
                       std::string /* error_message, if any */)

  // Reply when the utility process is done unpacking and parsing JSON data
  // from a web resource.
                       DictionaryValue /* json data */)

  // Reply when the utility process has failed while unpacking and parsing a
  // web resource.  |error_message| is a user-readable explanation of what
  // went wrong.
                       std::string /* error_message, if any */)

  // Reply when the utility process has succeeded in parsing an update manifest
  // xml document.
                       UpdateManifest::Results /* updates */)

  // Reply when an error occured parsing the update manifest. |error_message|
  // is a description of what went wrong suitable for logging.
                       std::string /* error_message, if any */)

  // Reply when the utility process has succeeded in decoding the image.
                       SkBitmap)  // decoded image

  // Reply when an error occured decoding the image.