// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/common/zip.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "net/base/file_stream.h" #include "third_party/zlib/contrib/minizip/unzip.h" #include "third_party/zlib/contrib/minizip/zip.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "third_party/zlib/contrib/minizip/iowin32.h" #endif static const int kZipMaxPath = 256; static const int kZipBufSize = 8192; // Extract the 'current' selected file from the zip into dest_dir. // Output filename is stored in out_file. Returns true on success. static bool ExtractCurrentFile(unzFile zip_file, const FilePath& dest_dir) { char filename_inzip[kZipMaxPath] = {0}; unz_file_info file_info; int err = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(zip_file, &file_info, filename_inzip, sizeof(filename_inzip) - 1, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); if (err != UNZ_OK) return false; if (filename_inzip[0] == '\0') return false; err = unzOpenCurrentFile(zip_file); if (err != UNZ_OK) return false; FilePath::StringType filename; std::vector<FilePath::StringType> filename_parts; #if defined(OS_WIN) filename = UTF8ToWide(filename_inzip); #elif defined(OS_POSIX) filename = filename_inzip; #endif // Check the filename here for directory traversal issues. In the name of // simplicity and security, we might reject a valid filename such as "a..b". if (filename.find(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("..")) != FilePath::StringType::npos) return false; SplitString(filename, '/', &filename_parts); FilePath dest_file(dest_dir); std::vector<FilePath::StringType>::iterator iter; for (iter = filename_parts.begin(); iter != filename_parts.end(); ++iter) dest_file = dest_file.Append(*iter); // If this is a directory, just create it and return. if (filename_inzip[strlen(filename_inzip) - 1] == '/') { if (!file_util::CreateDirectory(dest_file)) return false; return true; } // We can't rely on parent directory entries being specified in the zip, so we // make sure they are created. FilePath dir = dest_file.DirName(); if (!file_util::CreateDirectory(dir)) return false; net::FileStream stream; int flags = base::PLATFORM_FILE_CREATE_ALWAYS | base::PLATFORM_FILE_WRITE; if (stream.Open(dest_file, flags) != 0) return false; bool ret = true; int num_bytes = 0; char buf[kZipBufSize]; do { num_bytes = unzReadCurrentFile(zip_file, buf, kZipBufSize); if (num_bytes < 0) { // If num_bytes < 0, then it's a specific UNZ_* error code. // While we're not currently handling these codes specifically, save // it away in case we want to in the future. err = num_bytes; break; } if (num_bytes > 0) { if (num_bytes != stream.Write(buf, num_bytes, NULL)) { ret = false; break; } } } while (num_bytes > 0); stream.Close(); if (err == UNZ_OK) err = unzCloseCurrentFile(zip_file); else unzCloseCurrentFile(zip_file); // Don't lose the original error code. if (err != UNZ_OK) ret = false; return ret; } #if defined(OS_WIN) typedef struct { HANDLE hf; int error; } WIN32FILE_IOWIN; // This function is derived from third_party/minizip/iowin32.c. // Its only difference is that it treats the char* as UTF8 and // uses the Unicode version of CreateFile. static void* ZipOpenFunc(void *opaque, const char* filename, int mode) { DWORD desired_access, creation_disposition; DWORD share_mode, flags_and_attributes; HANDLE file = 0; void* ret = NULL; desired_access = share_mode = flags_and_attributes = 0; if ((mode & ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READWRITEFILTER) == ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_READ) { desired_access = GENERIC_READ; creation_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING; share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ; } else if (mode & ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_EXISTING) { desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ; creation_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING; } else if (mode & ZLIB_FILEFUNC_MODE_CREATE) { desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ; creation_disposition = CREATE_ALWAYS; } std::wstring filename_wstr = UTF8ToWide(filename); if ((filename != NULL) && (desired_access != 0)) { file = CreateFile(filename_wstr.c_str(), desired_access, share_mode, NULL, creation_disposition, flags_and_attributes, NULL); } if (file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) file = NULL; if (file != NULL) { WIN32FILE_IOWIN file_ret; file_ret.hf = file; file_ret.error = 0; ret = malloc(sizeof(WIN32FILE_IOWIN)); if (ret == NULL) CloseHandle(file); else *(static_cast<WIN32FILE_IOWIN*>(ret)) = file_ret; } return ret; } #endif bool Unzip(const FilePath& src_file, const FilePath& dest_dir) { #if defined(OS_WIN) zlib_filefunc_def zip_funcs; fill_win32_filefunc(&zip_funcs); zip_funcs.zopen_file = ZipOpenFunc; #endif #if defined(OS_POSIX) std::string src_file_str = src_file.value(); unzFile zip_file = unzOpen(src_file_str.c_str()); #elif defined(OS_WIN) std::string src_file_str = WideToUTF8(src_file.value()); unzFile zip_file = unzOpen2(src_file_str.c_str(), &zip_funcs); #endif if (!zip_file) { LOG(WARNING) << "couldn't create file " << src_file_str; return false; } unz_global_info zip_info; int err; err = unzGetGlobalInfo(zip_file, &zip_info); if (err != UNZ_OK) { LOG(WARNING) << "couldn't open zip " << src_file_str; return false; } bool ret = true; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < zip_info.number_entry; ++i) { if (!ExtractCurrentFile(zip_file, dest_dir)) { ret = false; break; } if (i + 1 < zip_info.number_entry) { err = unzGoToNextFile(zip_file); if (err != UNZ_OK) { LOG(WARNING) << "error %d in unzGoToNextFile"; ret = false; break; } } } unzClose(zip_file); return ret; } static bool AddFileToZip(zipFile zip_file, const FilePath& src_dir) { net::FileStream stream; int flags = base::PLATFORM_FILE_OPEN | base::PLATFORM_FILE_READ; if (stream.Open(src_dir, flags) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Could not open stream for path " << WideToASCII(src_dir.ToWStringHack()); return false; } int num_bytes; char buf[kZipBufSize]; do { num_bytes = stream.Read(buf, kZipBufSize, NULL); if (num_bytes > 0) { if (ZIP_OK != zipWriteInFileInZip(zip_file, buf, num_bytes)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Could not write data to zip for path " << WideToASCII(src_dir.ToWStringHack()); return false; } } } while (num_bytes > 0); return true; } static bool AddEntryToZip(zipFile zip_file, const FilePath& path, const FilePath& root_path) { #if defined(OS_WIN) std::string str_path = WideToUTF8(path.value().substr(root_path.value().length() + 1)); ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&str_path, 0u, "\\", "/"); #else std::string str_path = path.value().substr(root_path.value().length() + 1); #endif bool is_directory = file_util::DirectoryExists(path); if (is_directory) str_path += "/"; if (ZIP_OK != zipOpenNewFileInZip( zip_file, str_path.c_str(), NULL, NULL, 0u, NULL, 0u, NULL, // file info, extrafield local, length, // extrafield global, length, comment Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Could not open zip file entry " << str_path; return false; } bool success = true; if (!is_directory) { success = AddFileToZip(zip_file, path); } if (ZIP_OK != zipCloseFileInZip(zip_file)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Could not close zip file entry " << str_path; return false; } return success; } bool Zip(const FilePath& src_dir, const FilePath& dest_file, bool include_hidden_files) { DCHECK(file_util::DirectoryExists(src_dir)); #if defined(OS_WIN) zlib_filefunc_def zip_funcs; fill_win32_filefunc(&zip_funcs); zip_funcs.zopen_file = ZipOpenFunc; #endif #if defined(OS_POSIX) std::string dest_file_str = dest_file.value(); std::string src_dir_str = src_dir.value(); zipFile zip_file = zipOpen(dest_file_str.c_str(), APPEND_STATUS_CREATE); #elif defined(OS_WIN) std::string dest_file_str = WideToUTF8(dest_file.value()); zipFile zip_file = zipOpen2(dest_file_str.c_str(), APPEND_STATUS_CREATE, NULL, // global comment &zip_funcs); #endif if (!zip_file) { LOG(WARNING) << "couldn't create file " << dest_file_str; return false; } bool success = true; file_util::FileEnumerator file_enumerator( src_dir, true, // recursive static_cast<file_util::FileEnumerator::FILE_TYPE>( file_util::FileEnumerator::FILES | file_util::FileEnumerator::DIRECTORIES)); for (FilePath path = file_enumerator.Next(); !path.value().empty(); path = file_enumerator.Next()) { if (!include_hidden_files && path.BaseName().ToWStringHack()[0] == L'.') continue; if (!AddEntryToZip(zip_file, path, src_dir)) { success = false; return false; } } if (ZIP_OK != zipClose(zip_file, NULL)) { // global comment LOG(ERROR) << "Error closing zip file " << dest_file_str; return false; } return success; }