// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #if defined(OS_WIN) #include <windows.h> #endif #include "chrome/gpu/gpu_watchdog_thread.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "build/build_config.h" namespace { const int64 kCheckPeriod = 2000; void DoNothing() { } } GpuWatchdogThread::GpuWatchdogThread(int timeout) : base::Thread("Watchdog"), watched_message_loop_(MessageLoop::current()), timeout_(timeout), armed_(false), #if defined(OS_WIN) watched_thread_handle_(0), arm_time_(0), #endif ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(task_observer_(this)) { DCHECK(timeout >= 0); #if defined(OS_WIN) // GetCurrentThread returns a pseudo-handle that cannot be used by one thread // to identify another. DuplicateHandle creates a "real" handle that can be // used for this purpose. BOOL result = DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(), GetCurrentProcess(), &watched_thread_handle_, THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, 0); DCHECK(result); #endif watched_message_loop_->AddTaskObserver(&task_observer_); } GpuWatchdogThread::~GpuWatchdogThread() { // Verify that the thread was explicitly stopped. If the thread is stopped // implicitly by the destructor, CleanUp() will not be called. DCHECK(!method_factory_.get()); #if defined(OS_WIN) CloseHandle(watched_thread_handle_); #endif watched_message_loop_->RemoveTaskObserver(&task_observer_); } void GpuWatchdogThread::PostAcknowledge() { // Called on the monitored thread. Responds with OnAcknowledge. Cannot use // the method factory. Rely on reference counting instead. message_loop()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &GpuWatchdogThread::OnAcknowledge)); } void GpuWatchdogThread::Init() { // The method factory must be created on the watchdog thread. method_factory_.reset(new MethodFactory(this)); // Schedule the first check. OnCheck(); } void GpuWatchdogThread::CleanUp() { // The method factory must be destroyed on the watchdog thread. method_factory_->RevokeAll(); method_factory_.reset(); } GpuWatchdogThread::GpuWatchdogTaskObserver::GpuWatchdogTaskObserver( GpuWatchdogThread* watchdog) : watchdog_(watchdog) { } GpuWatchdogThread::GpuWatchdogTaskObserver::~GpuWatchdogTaskObserver() { } void GpuWatchdogThread::GpuWatchdogTaskObserver::WillProcessTask( const Task* task) { CheckArmed(); } void GpuWatchdogThread::GpuWatchdogTaskObserver::DidProcessTask( const Task* task) { CheckArmed(); } void GpuWatchdogThread::GpuWatchdogTaskObserver::CheckArmed() { // Acknowledge the watchdog if it has armed itself. The watchdog will not // change its armed state until it is acknowledged. if (watchdog_->armed()) { watchdog_->PostAcknowledge(); } } void GpuWatchdogThread::OnAcknowledge() { // The check has already been acknowledged and another has already been // scheduled by a previous call to OnAcknowledge. It is normal for a // watched thread to see armed_ being true multiple times before // the OnAcknowledge task is run on the watchdog thread. if (!armed_) return; // Revoke any pending OnExit. method_factory_->RevokeAll(); armed_ = false; // The monitored thread has responded. Post a task to check it again. message_loop()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, method_factory_->NewRunnableMethod(&GpuWatchdogThread::OnCheck), kCheckPeriod); } #if defined(OS_WIN) int64 GpuWatchdogThread::GetWatchedThreadTime() { FILETIME creation_time; FILETIME exit_time; FILETIME user_time; FILETIME kernel_time; BOOL result = GetThreadTimes(watched_thread_handle_, &creation_time, &exit_time, &kernel_time, &user_time); DCHECK(result); ULARGE_INTEGER user_time64; user_time64.HighPart = user_time.dwHighDateTime; user_time64.LowPart = user_time.dwLowDateTime; ULARGE_INTEGER kernel_time64; kernel_time64.HighPart = kernel_time.dwHighDateTime; kernel_time64.LowPart = kernel_time.dwLowDateTime; // Time is reported in units of 100 nanoseconds. Kernel and user time are // summed to deal with to kinds of hangs. One is where the GPU process is // stuck in user level, never calling into the kernel and kernel time is // not increasing. The other is where either the kernel hangs and never // returns to user level or where user level code // calls into kernel level repeatedly, giving up its quanta before it is // tracked, for example a loop that repeatedly Sleeps. return static_cast<int64>( (user_time64.QuadPart + kernel_time64.QuadPart) / 10000); } #endif void GpuWatchdogThread::OnCheck() { if (armed_) return; // Must set armed before posting the task. This task might be the only task // that will activate the TaskObserver on the watched thread and it must not // miss the false -> true transition. armed_ = true; #if defined(OS_WIN) arm_time_ = GetWatchedThreadTime(); #endif // Post a task to the monitored thread that does nothing but wake up the // TaskObserver. Any other tasks that are pending on the watched thread will // also wake up the observer. This simply ensures there is at least one. watched_message_loop_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(DoNothing)); // Post a task to the watchdog thread to exit if the monitored thread does // not respond in time. message_loop()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, method_factory_->NewRunnableMethod(&GpuWatchdogThread::OnExit), timeout_); } // Use the --disable-gpu-watchdog command line switch to disable this. void GpuWatchdogThread::OnExit() { #if defined(OS_WIN) // Defer termination until a certain amount of user time has elapsed. int64 time_since_arm = GetWatchedThreadTime() - arm_time_; if (time_since_arm < timeout_) { message_loop()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, method_factory_->NewRunnableMethod(&GpuWatchdogThread::OnExit), timeout_ - time_since_arm); return; } #endif // Make sure the timeout period is on the stack before crashing. volatile int timeout = timeout_; // For minimal developer annoyance, don't keep crashing. static bool crashed = false; if (crashed) return; #if defined(OS_WIN) if (IsDebuggerPresent()) return; #endif LOG(ERROR) << "The GPU process hung. Restarting after " << timeout_ << " seconds."; volatile int* null_pointer = NULL; *null_pointer = timeout; crashed = true; }