// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/installer/setup/install.h" #include #include #include #include #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/process_util.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/win/shortcut.h" #include "base/win/windows_version.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/installer/launcher_support/chrome_launcher_support.h" #include "chrome/installer/setup/install_worker.h" #include "chrome/installer/setup/setup_constants.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/auto_launch_util.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/browser_distribution.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/create_reg_key_work_item.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/delete_after_reboot_helper.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_constants.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/helper.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/install_util.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/master_preferences.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/master_preferences_constants.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/set_reg_value_work_item.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/shell_util.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/util_constants.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/work_item_list.h" // Build-time generated include file. #include "registered_dlls.h" // NOLINT using installer::InstallerState; using installer::InstallationState; using installer::Product; namespace { void LogShortcutOperation(ShellUtil::ShortcutLocation location, BrowserDistribution* dist, const ShellUtil::ShortcutProperties& properties, ShellUtil::ShortcutOperation operation, bool failed) { // ShellUtil::SHELL_SHORTCUT_UPDATE_EXISTING should not be used at install and // thus this method does not handle logging a message for it. DCHECK(operation != ShellUtil::SHELL_SHORTCUT_UPDATE_EXISTING); std::string message; if (failed) message.append("Failed: "); message.append( (operation == ShellUtil::SHELL_SHORTCUT_CREATE_ALWAYS || operation == ShellUtil::SHELL_SHORTCUT_CREATE_IF_NO_SYSTEM_LEVEL) ? "Creating " : "Overwriting "); if (failed && operation == ShellUtil::SHELL_SHORTCUT_REPLACE_EXISTING) message.append("(maybe the shortcut doesn't exist?) "); message.append((properties.level == ShellUtil::CURRENT_USER) ? "per-user " : "all-users "); switch (location) { case ShellUtil::SHORTCUT_LOCATION_DESKTOP: message.append("Desktop "); break; case ShellUtil::SHORTCUT_LOCATION_QUICK_LAUNCH: message.append("Quick Launch "); break; case ShellUtil::SHORTCUT_LOCATION_START_MENU: message.append("Start menu "); break; default: NOTREACHED(); } message.push_back('"'); if (properties.has_shortcut_name()) message.append(UTF16ToUTF8(properties.shortcut_name)); else message.append(UTF16ToUTF8(dist->GetAppShortCutName())); message.push_back('"'); message.append(" shortcut to "); message.append(UTF16ToUTF8(properties.target.value())); if (properties.has_arguments()) message.append(UTF16ToUTF8(properties.arguments)); if (properties.pin_to_taskbar && base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::VERSION_WIN7) { message.append(" and pinning to the taskbar."); } else { message.push_back('.'); } if (failed) LOG(WARNING) << message; else VLOG(1) << message; } void ExecuteAndLogShortcutOperation( ShellUtil::ShortcutLocation location, BrowserDistribution* dist, const ShellUtil::ShortcutProperties& properties, ShellUtil::ShortcutOperation operation) { LogShortcutOperation(location, dist, properties, operation, false); if (!ShellUtil::CreateOrUpdateShortcut(location, dist, properties, operation)) { LogShortcutOperation(location, dist, properties, operation, true); } } void AddChromeToMediaPlayerList() { string16 reg_path(installer::kMediaPlayerRegPath); // registry paths can also be appended like file system path reg_path.push_back(base::FilePath::kSeparators[0]); reg_path.append(installer::kChromeExe); VLOG(1) << "Adding Chrome to Media player list at " << reg_path; scoped_ptr work_item(WorkItem::CreateCreateRegKeyWorkItem( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, reg_path)); // if the operation fails we log the error but still continue if (!work_item.get()->Do()) LOG(ERROR) << "Could not add Chrome to media player inclusion list."; } // Copy master_preferences file provided to installer, in the same folder // as chrome.exe so Chrome first run can find it. This function will be called // only on the first install of Chrome. void CopyPreferenceFileForFirstRun(const InstallerState& installer_state, const base::FilePath& prefs_source_path) { base::FilePath prefs_dest_path(installer_state.target_path().AppendASCII( installer::kDefaultMasterPrefs)); if (!file_util::CopyFile(prefs_source_path, prefs_dest_path)) { VLOG(1) << "Failed to copy master preferences from:" << prefs_source_path.value() << " gle: " << ::GetLastError(); } } // This function installs a new version of Chrome to the specified location. // // setup_path: Path to the executable (setup.exe) as it will be copied // to Chrome install folder after install is complete // archive_path: Path to the archive (chrome.7z) as it will be copied // to Chrome install folder after install is complete // src_path: the path that contains a complete and unpacked Chrome package // to be installed. // temp_path: the path of working directory used during installation. This path // does not need to exist. // new_version: new Chrome version that needs to be installed // current_version: returns the current active version (if any) // // This function makes best effort to do installation in a transactional // manner. If failed it tries to rollback all changes on the file system // and registry. For example, if package exists before calling the // function, it rolls back all new file and directory changes under // package. If package does not exist before calling the function // (typical new install), the function creates package during install // and removes the whole directory during rollback. installer::InstallStatus InstallNewVersion( const InstallationState& original_state, const InstallerState& installer_state, const base::FilePath& setup_path, const base::FilePath& archive_path, const base::FilePath& src_path, const base::FilePath& temp_path, const Version& new_version, scoped_ptr* current_version) { DCHECK(current_version); installer_state.UpdateStage(installer::BUILDING); current_version->reset(installer_state.GetCurrentVersion(original_state)); scoped_ptr install_list(WorkItem::CreateWorkItemList()); AddInstallWorkItems(original_state, installer_state, setup_path, archive_path, src_path, temp_path, current_version->get(), new_version, install_list.get()); base::FilePath new_chrome_exe( installer_state.target_path().Append(installer::kChromeNewExe)); installer_state.UpdateStage(installer::EXECUTING); if (!install_list->Do()) { installer_state.UpdateStage(installer::ROLLINGBACK); installer::InstallStatus result = file_util::PathExists(new_chrome_exe) && current_version->get() && new_version.Equals(*current_version->get()) ? installer::SAME_VERSION_REPAIR_FAILED : installer::INSTALL_FAILED; LOG(ERROR) << "Install failed, rolling back... result: " << result; install_list->Rollback(); LOG(ERROR) << "Rollback complete. "; return result; } installer_state.UpdateStage(installer::REFRESHING_POLICY); installer::RefreshElevationPolicy(); if (!current_version->get()) { VLOG(1) << "First install of version " << new_version.GetString(); return installer::FIRST_INSTALL_SUCCESS; } if (new_version.Equals(**current_version)) { VLOG(1) << "Install repaired of version " << new_version.GetString(); return installer::INSTALL_REPAIRED; } if (new_version.CompareTo(**current_version) > 0) { if (file_util::PathExists(new_chrome_exe)) { VLOG(1) << "Version updated to " << new_version.GetString() << " while running " << (*current_version)->GetString(); return installer::IN_USE_UPDATED; } VLOG(1) << "Version updated to " << new_version.GetString(); return installer::NEW_VERSION_UPDATED; } LOG(ERROR) << "Not sure how we got here while updating" << ", new version: " << new_version.GetString() << ", old version: " << (*current_version)->GetString(); return installer::INSTALL_FAILED; } // Deletes the old "Uninstall Google Chrome" shortcut in the Start menu and, if // this is a system-level install, also deletes the old Default user Quick // Launch shortcut. Both of these were created prior to Chrome 24; in Chrome 24, // the uninstall shortcut was removed and the Default user Quick Launch shortcut // was replaced by per-user shortcuts created via Active Setup. void CleanupLegacyShortcuts(const InstallerState& installer_state, BrowserDistribution* dist, const base::FilePath& chrome_exe) { ShellUtil::ShellChange shortcut_level = installer_state.system_install() ? ShellUtil::SYSTEM_LEVEL : ShellUtil::CURRENT_USER; base::FilePath uninstall_shortcut_path; ShellUtil::GetShortcutPath(ShellUtil::SHORTCUT_LOCATION_START_MENU, dist, shortcut_level, &uninstall_shortcut_path); uninstall_shortcut_path = uninstall_shortcut_path.Append( dist->GetUninstallLinkName() + installer::kLnkExt); file_util::Delete(uninstall_shortcut_path, false); if (installer_state.system_install()) { ShellUtil::RemoveShortcuts( ShellUtil::SHORTCUT_LOCATION_QUICK_LAUNCH, dist, ShellUtil::SYSTEM_LEVEL, chrome_exe); } } // Returns the appropriate shortcut operations for App Launcher, // based on state of installation and master_preferences. installer::InstallShortcutOperation GetAppLauncherShortcutOperation( const InstallationState& original_state, const InstallerState& installer_state) { const installer::ProductState* original_app_host_state = original_state.GetProductState(installer_state.system_install(), BrowserDistribution::CHROME_APP_HOST); bool app_launcher_exists = original_app_host_state && original_app_host_state->uninstall_command() .HasSwitch(installer::switches::kChromeAppLauncher); if (!app_launcher_exists) return installer::INSTALL_SHORTCUT_CREATE_ALL; return installer::INSTALL_SHORTCUT_REPLACE_EXISTING; } } // end namespace namespace installer { void EscapeXmlAttributeValueInSingleQuotes(string16* att_value) { ReplaceChars(*att_value, L"&", L"&", att_value); ReplaceChars(*att_value, L"'", L"'", att_value); ReplaceChars(*att_value, L"<", L"<", att_value); } bool CreateVisualElementsManifest(const base::FilePath& src_path, const Version& version) { // Construct the relative path to the versioned VisualElements directory. string16 elements_dir(ASCIIToUTF16(version.GetString())); elements_dir.push_back(base::FilePath::kSeparators[0]); elements_dir.append(installer::kVisualElements); // Some distributions of Chromium may not include visual elements. Only // proceed if this distribution does. if (!file_util::PathExists(src_path.Append(elements_dir))) { VLOG(1) << "No visual elements found, not writing " << installer::kVisualElementsManifest << " to " << src_path.value(); return true; } else { // A printf_p-style format string for generating the visual elements // manifest. Required arguments, in order, are: // - Localized display name for the product. // - Relative path to the VisualElements directory. static const char kManifestTemplate[] = "\r\n" " \r\n" " \r\n" " \r\n" " \r\n" ""; const string16 manifest_template(ASCIIToUTF16(kManifestTemplate)); BrowserDistribution* dist = BrowserDistribution::GetSpecificDistribution( BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER); // TODO(grt): http://crbug.com/75152 Write a reference to a localized // resource for |display_name|. string16 display_name(dist->GetAppShortCutName()); EscapeXmlAttributeValueInSingleQuotes(&display_name); // Fill the manifest with the desired values. string16 manifest16(base::StringPrintf(manifest_template.c_str(), display_name.c_str(), elements_dir.c_str())); // Write the manifest to |src_path|. const std::string manifest(UTF16ToUTF8(manifest16)); if (file_util::WriteFile( src_path.Append(installer::kVisualElementsManifest), manifest.c_str(), manifest.size())) { VLOG(1) << "Successfully wrote " << installer::kVisualElementsManifest << " to " << src_path.value(); return true; } else { PLOG(ERROR) << "Error writing " << installer::kVisualElementsManifest << " to " << src_path.value(); return false; } } } void CreateOrUpdateShortcuts( const base::FilePath& target, const Product& product, const MasterPreferences& prefs, InstallShortcutLevel install_level, InstallShortcutOperation install_operation) { bool do_not_create_any_shortcuts = false; prefs.GetBool(master_preferences::kDoNotCreateAnyShortcuts, &do_not_create_any_shortcuts); if (do_not_create_any_shortcuts) return; // Extract shortcut preferences from |prefs|. bool do_not_create_desktop_shortcut = false; bool do_not_create_quick_launch_shortcut = false; bool do_not_create_taskbar_shortcut = false; bool alternate_desktop_shortcut = false; prefs.GetBool(master_preferences::kDoNotCreateDesktopShortcut, &do_not_create_desktop_shortcut); prefs.GetBool(master_preferences::kDoNotCreateQuickLaunchShortcut, &do_not_create_quick_launch_shortcut); prefs.GetBool(master_preferences::kDoNotCreateTaskbarShortcut, &do_not_create_taskbar_shortcut); prefs.GetBool(master_preferences::kAltShortcutText, &alternate_desktop_shortcut); BrowserDistribution* dist = product.distribution(); // The default operation on update is to overwrite shortcuts with the // currently desired properties, but do so only for shortcuts that still // exist. ShellUtil::ShortcutOperation shortcut_operation; switch (install_operation) { case INSTALL_SHORTCUT_CREATE_ALL: shortcut_operation = ShellUtil::SHELL_SHORTCUT_CREATE_ALWAYS; break; case INSTALL_SHORTCUT_CREATE_EACH_IF_NO_SYSTEM_LEVEL: shortcut_operation = ShellUtil::SHELL_SHORTCUT_CREATE_IF_NO_SYSTEM_LEVEL; break; default: DCHECK(install_operation == INSTALL_SHORTCUT_REPLACE_EXISTING); shortcut_operation = ShellUtil::SHELL_SHORTCUT_REPLACE_EXISTING; break; } // Shortcuts are always installed per-user unless specified. ShellUtil::ShellChange shortcut_level = (install_level == ALL_USERS ? ShellUtil::SYSTEM_LEVEL : ShellUtil::CURRENT_USER); // |base_properties|: The basic properties to set on every shortcut installed // (to be refined on a per-shortcut basis). ShellUtil::ShortcutProperties base_properties(shortcut_level); product.AddDefaultShortcutProperties(target, &base_properties); if (!do_not_create_desktop_shortcut || shortcut_operation == ShellUtil::SHELL_SHORTCUT_REPLACE_EXISTING) { ShellUtil::ShortcutProperties desktop_properties(base_properties); if (alternate_desktop_shortcut) desktop_properties.set_shortcut_name(dist->GetAlternateApplicationName()); ExecuteAndLogShortcutOperation( ShellUtil::SHORTCUT_LOCATION_DESKTOP, dist, desktop_properties, shortcut_operation); // On update there is no harm in always trying to update the alternate // Desktop shortcut. if (!alternate_desktop_shortcut && shortcut_operation == ShellUtil::SHELL_SHORTCUT_REPLACE_EXISTING) { desktop_properties.set_shortcut_name(dist->GetAlternateApplicationName()); ExecuteAndLogShortcutOperation( ShellUtil::SHORTCUT_LOCATION_DESKTOP, dist, desktop_properties, shortcut_operation); } } if (!do_not_create_quick_launch_shortcut || shortcut_operation == ShellUtil::SHELL_SHORTCUT_REPLACE_EXISTING) { // There is no such thing as an all-users Quick Launch shortcut, always // install the per-user shortcut. ShellUtil::ShortcutProperties quick_launch_properties(base_properties); quick_launch_properties.level = ShellUtil::CURRENT_USER; ExecuteAndLogShortcutOperation( ShellUtil::SHORTCUT_LOCATION_QUICK_LAUNCH, dist, quick_launch_properties, shortcut_operation); } ShellUtil::ShortcutProperties start_menu_properties(base_properties); // IMPORTANT: Only the default (no arguments and default browserappid) browser // shortcut in the Start menu (Start screen on Win8+) should be made dual // mode. start_menu_properties.set_dual_mode(true); if (!do_not_create_taskbar_shortcut && (shortcut_operation == ShellUtil::SHELL_SHORTCUT_CREATE_ALWAYS || shortcut_operation == ShellUtil::SHELL_SHORTCUT_CREATE_IF_NO_SYSTEM_LEVEL)) { start_menu_properties.set_pin_to_taskbar(true); } ExecuteAndLogShortcutOperation(ShellUtil::SHORTCUT_LOCATION_START_MENU, dist, start_menu_properties, shortcut_operation); } void RegisterChromeOnMachine(const InstallerState& installer_state, const Product& product, bool make_chrome_default) { DCHECK(product.is_chrome()); // Try to add Chrome to Media Player shim inclusion list. We don't do any // error checking here because this operation will fail if user doesn't // have admin rights and we want to ignore the error. AddChromeToMediaPlayerList(); // Make Chrome the default browser if desired when possible. Otherwise, only // register it with Windows. BrowserDistribution* dist = product.distribution(); const string16 chrome_exe( installer_state.target_path().Append(installer::kChromeExe).value()); VLOG(1) << "Registering Chrome as browser: " << chrome_exe; if (make_chrome_default && ShellUtil::CanMakeChromeDefaultUnattended()) { int level = ShellUtil::CURRENT_USER; if (installer_state.system_install()) level = level | ShellUtil::SYSTEM_LEVEL; ShellUtil::MakeChromeDefault(dist, level, chrome_exe, true); } else { ShellUtil::RegisterChromeBrowser(dist, chrome_exe, string16(), false); } } InstallStatus InstallOrUpdateProduct( const InstallationState& original_state, const InstallerState& installer_state, const base::FilePath& setup_path, const base::FilePath& archive_path, const base::FilePath& install_temp_path, const base::FilePath& src_path, const base::FilePath& prefs_path, const MasterPreferences& prefs, const Version& new_version) { // TODO(robertshield): Removing the pending on-reboot moves should be done // elsewhere. // TODO(erikwright): Understand why this is Chrome Frame only and whether // it also applies to App Host. Shouldn't it apply to any multi-install too? const Products& products = installer_state.products(); DCHECK(products.size()); if (installer_state.FindProduct(BrowserDistribution::CHROME_FRAME)) { // Make sure that we don't end up deleting installed files on next reboot. if (!RemoveFromMovesPendingReboot( installer_state.target_path().value().c_str())) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error accessing pending moves value."; } } // Create VisualElementManifest.xml in |src_path| (if required) so that it // looks as if it had been extracted from the archive when calling // InstallNewVersion() below. installer_state.UpdateStage(installer::CREATING_VISUAL_MANIFEST); CreateVisualElementsManifest(src_path, new_version); scoped_ptr existing_version; InstallStatus result = InstallNewVersion(original_state, installer_state, setup_path, archive_path, src_path, install_temp_path, new_version, &existing_version); // TODO(robertshield): Everything below this line should instead be captured // by WorkItems. if (!InstallUtil::GetInstallReturnCode(result)) { installer_state.UpdateStage(installer::UPDATING_CHANNELS); // Update the modifiers on the channel values for the product(s) being // installed and for the binaries in case of multi-install. installer_state.UpdateChannels(); installer_state.UpdateStage(installer::COPYING_PREFERENCES_FILE); if (result == FIRST_INSTALL_SUCCESS && !prefs_path.empty()) CopyPreferenceFileForFirstRun(installer_state, prefs_path); installer_state.UpdateStage(installer::CREATING_SHORTCUTS); const Product* app_launcher_product = installer_state.FindProduct(BrowserDistribution::CHROME_APP_HOST); // Creates shortcuts for App Launcher. if (app_launcher_product) { // TODO(huangs): Remove this check once we have system-level App Host. DCHECK(!installer_state.system_install()); const base::FilePath app_host_exe( installer_state.target_path().Append(kChromeAppHostExe)); InstallShortcutOperation app_launcher_shortcut_operation = GetAppLauncherShortcutOperation(original_state, installer_state); // Always install per-user shortcuts for App Launcher. CreateOrUpdateShortcuts(app_host_exe, *app_launcher_product, prefs, CURRENT_USER, app_launcher_shortcut_operation); } const Product* chrome_product = installer_state.FindProduct(BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER); // Creates shortcuts for Chrome. if (chrome_product) { BrowserDistribution* chrome_dist = chrome_product->distribution(); const base::FilePath chrome_exe( installer_state.target_path().Append(kChromeExe)); CleanupLegacyShortcuts(installer_state, chrome_dist, chrome_exe); // Install per-user shortcuts on user-level installs and all-users // shortcuts on system-level installs. Note that Active Setup will take // care of installing missing per-user shortcuts on system-level install // (i.e., quick launch, taskbar pin, and possibly deleted all-users // shortcuts). InstallShortcutLevel install_level = installer_state.system_install() ? ALL_USERS : CURRENT_USER; InstallShortcutOperation install_operation = INSTALL_SHORTCUT_REPLACE_EXISTING; if (result == installer::FIRST_INSTALL_SUCCESS || result == installer::INSTALL_REPAIRED || !original_state.GetProductState(installer_state.system_install(), chrome_dist->GetType())) { // Always create the shortcuts on a new install, a repair install, and // when the Chrome product is being added to the current install. install_operation = INSTALL_SHORTCUT_CREATE_ALL; } CreateOrUpdateShortcuts(chrome_exe, *chrome_product, prefs, install_level, install_operation); } if (chrome_product) { // Register Chrome and, if requested, make Chrome the default browser. installer_state.UpdateStage(installer::REGISTERING_CHROME); bool make_chrome_default = false; prefs.GetBool(master_preferences::kMakeChromeDefault, &make_chrome_default); // If this is not the user's first Chrome install, but they have chosen // Chrome to become their default browser on the download page, we must // force it here because the master_preferences file will not get copied // into the build. bool force_chrome_default_for_user = false; if (result == NEW_VERSION_UPDATED || result == INSTALL_REPAIRED) { prefs.GetBool(master_preferences::kMakeChromeDefaultForUser, &force_chrome_default_for_user); } RegisterChromeOnMachine(installer_state, *chrome_product, make_chrome_default || force_chrome_default_for_user); // Configure auto-launch. if (result == FIRST_INSTALL_SUCCESS) { installer_state.UpdateStage(installer::CONFIGURE_AUTO_LAUNCH); // Add auto-launch key if specified in master_preferences. bool auto_launch_chrome = false; prefs.GetBool( installer::master_preferences::kAutoLaunchChrome, &auto_launch_chrome); if (auto_launch_chrome) { auto_launch_util::EnableForegroundStartAtLogin( ASCIIToUTF16(chrome::kInitialProfile), installer_state.target_path()); } } } installer_state.UpdateStage(installer::REMOVING_OLD_VERSIONS); installer_state.RemoveOldVersionDirectories( new_version, existing_version.get(), install_temp_path); } return result; } void HandleOsUpgradeForBrowser(const InstallerState& installer_state, const Product& chrome) { DCHECK(chrome.is_chrome()); // Upon upgrading to Windows 8, we need to fix Chrome shortcuts and register // Chrome, so that Metro Chrome would work if Chrome is the default browser. if (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::VERSION_WIN8) { VLOG(1) << "Updating and registering shortcuts."; // Read master_preferences copied beside chrome.exe at install. MasterPreferences prefs( installer_state.target_path().AppendASCII(kDefaultMasterPrefs)); // Unfortunately, if this is a system-level install, we can't update the // shortcuts of each individual user (this only matters if this is an OS // upgrade from XP/Vista to Win7+ as some properties are only set on // shortcuts as of Win7). // At least attempt to update potentially existing all-users shortcuts. InstallShortcutLevel level = installer_state.system_install() ? ALL_USERS : CURRENT_USER; base::FilePath chrome_exe(installer_state.target_path().Append(kChromeExe)); CreateOrUpdateShortcuts( chrome_exe, chrome, prefs, level, INSTALL_SHORTCUT_REPLACE_EXISTING); RegisterChromeOnMachine(installer_state, chrome, false); } } // NOTE: Should the work done here, on Active Setup, change: kActiveSetupVersion // in install_worker.cc needs to be increased for Active Setup to invoke this // again for all users of this install. void HandleActiveSetupForBrowser(const base::FilePath& installation_root, const Product& chrome, bool force) { DCHECK(chrome.is_chrome()); // Only create shortcuts on Active Setup if the first run sentinel is not // present for this user (as some shortcuts used to be installed on first // run and this could otherwise re-install shortcuts for users that have // already deleted them in the past). base::FilePath first_run_sentinel; InstallUtil::GetSentinelFilePath( chrome::kFirstRunSentinel, chrome.distribution(), &first_run_sentinel); // Decide whether to create the shortcuts or simply replace existing // shortcuts; if the decision is to create them, only shortcuts whose matching // all-users shortcut isn't present on the system will be created. InstallShortcutOperation install_operation = (!force && file_util::PathExists(first_run_sentinel) ? INSTALL_SHORTCUT_REPLACE_EXISTING : INSTALL_SHORTCUT_CREATE_EACH_IF_NO_SYSTEM_LEVEL); // Read master_preferences copied beside chrome.exe at install. MasterPreferences prefs(installation_root.AppendASCII(kDefaultMasterPrefs)); base::FilePath chrome_exe(installation_root.Append(kChromeExe)); CreateOrUpdateShortcuts( chrome_exe, chrome, prefs, CURRENT_USER, install_operation); } bool InstallFromWebstore(const std::string& app_code) { base::FilePath app_host_path(chrome_launcher_support::GetAnyAppHostPath()); if (app_host_path.empty()) return false; CommandLine cmd(app_host_path); cmd.AppendSwitchASCII(::switches::kInstallFromWebstore, app_code); VLOG(1) << "App install command: " << cmd.GetCommandLineString(); return base::LaunchProcess(cmd, base::LaunchOptions(), NULL); } } // namespace installer