// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include <string> #include <windows.h> #include <msi.h> #include <shlobj.h> #include "base/at_exit.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/registry.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/win_util.h" #include "chrome/installer/setup/setup.h" #include "chrome/installer/setup/setup_constants.h" #include "chrome/installer/setup/uninstall.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/browser_distribution.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/delete_tree_work_item.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/helper.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/html_dialog.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/install_util.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/l10n_string_util.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/logging_installer.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/lzma_util.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_settings.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_constants.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/master_preferences.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/shell_util.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/util_constants.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/work_item.h" #include "courgette/courgette.h" #include "third_party/bspatch/mbspatch.h" #include "installer_util_strings.h" namespace { // Applies a binary patch to existing Chrome installer archive on the system. // Uses bspatch library. int PatchArchiveFile(bool system_install, const std::wstring& archive_path, const std::wstring& uncompressed_archive, const installer::Version* installed_version) { std::wstring existing_archive = installer::GetChromeInstallPath(system_install); file_util::AppendToPath(&existing_archive, installed_version->GetString()); file_util::AppendToPath(&existing_archive, installer_util::kInstallerDir); file_util::AppendToPath(&existing_archive, installer::kChromeArchive); std::wstring patch_archive(archive_path); file_util::AppendToPath(&patch_archive, installer::kChromePatchArchive); LOG(INFO) << "Applying patch " << patch_archive << " to file " << existing_archive << " and generating file " << uncompressed_archive; // Try Courgette first. Courgette checks the patch file first and fails // quickly if the patch file does not have a valid Courgette header. courgette::Status patch_status = courgette::ApplyEnsemblePatch(existing_archive.c_str(), patch_archive.c_str(), uncompressed_archive.c_str()); if (patch_status == courgette::C_OK) { return 0; } return ApplyBinaryPatch(existing_archive.c_str(), patch_archive.c_str(), uncompressed_archive.c_str()); } // This method unpacks and uncompresses the given archive file. For Chrome // install we are creating a uncompressed archive that contains all the files // needed for the installer. This uncompressed archive is later compressed. // // This method first uncompresses archive specified by parameter "archive" // and assumes that it will result in an uncompressed full archive file // (chrome.7z) or uncompressed patch archive file (patch.7z). If it is patch // archive file, the patch is applied to the old archive file that should be // present on the system already. As the final step the new archive file // is unpacked in the path specified by parameter "path". DWORD UnPackArchive(const std::wstring& archive, bool system_install, const installer::Version* installed_version, const std::wstring& temp_path, const std::wstring& path, bool& incremental_install) { DWORD ret = NO_ERROR; installer::LzmaUtil util; // First uncompress the payload. This could be a differential // update (patch.7z) or full archive (chrome.7z). If this uncompress fails // return with error. LOG(INFO) << "Opening archive " << archive; if ((ret = util.OpenArchive(archive)) != NO_ERROR) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to open install archive: " << archive; } else { LOG(INFO) << "Uncompressing archive to path " << temp_path; if ((ret = util.UnPack(temp_path)) != NO_ERROR) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error during uncompression: " << ret; } util.CloseArchive(); } if (ret != NO_ERROR) return ret; std::wstring archive_name = file_util::GetFilenameFromPath(archive); std::wstring uncompressed_archive(temp_path); file_util::AppendToPath(&uncompressed_archive, installer::kChromeArchive); // Check if this is differential update and if it is, patch it to the // installer archive that should already be on the machine. std::wstring prefix = installer::kChromeCompressedPatchArchivePrefix; if ((archive_name.size() >= prefix.size()) && (std::equal(prefix.begin(), prefix.end(), archive_name.begin(), CaseInsensitiveCompare<wchar_t>()))) { LOG(INFO) << "Differential patch found. Applying to existing archive."; incremental_install = true; if (!installed_version) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can not use differential update when Chrome is not " << "installed on the system."; return 1; } if (int i = PatchArchiveFile(system_install, temp_path, uncompressed_archive, installed_version)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Binary patching failed with error " << i; return 1; } } // If we got the uncompressed archive, lets unpack it LOG(INFO) << "Opening archive " << uncompressed_archive; if ((ret = util.OpenArchive(uncompressed_archive)) != NO_ERROR) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to open install archive: " << uncompressed_archive; } else { LOG(INFO) << "Unpacking archive to path " << path; if ((ret = util.UnPack(path)) != NO_ERROR) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error during uncompression: " << ret; } util.CloseArchive(); } return ret; } // Find the version of Chrome from an install source directory. // Chrome_path should contain a complete and unpacked install package (i.e. // a Chrome directory under which there is a version folder). // Returns the version or NULL if no version is found. installer::Version* GetVersionFromDir(const std::wstring& chrome_path) { LOG(INFO) << "Looking for Chrome version folder under " << chrome_path; std::wstring root_path(chrome_path); file_util::AppendToPath(&root_path, L"*"); WIN32_FIND_DATA find_file_data; HANDLE file_handle = FindFirstFile(root_path.c_str(), &find_file_data); BOOL ret = TRUE; installer::Version *version = NULL; // Here we are assuming that the installer we have is really valid so there // can not be two version directories. We exit as soon as we find a valid // version directory. while (ret) { if (find_file_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { LOG(INFO) << "directory found: " << find_file_data.cFileName; version = installer::Version::GetVersionFromString(find_file_data.cFileName); if (version) break; } ret = FindNextFile(file_handle, &find_file_data); } FindClose(file_handle); return version; } // This function is called when --rename-chrome-exe option is specified on // setup.exe command line. This function assumes an in-use update has happened // for Chrome so there should be a file called new_chrome.exe on the file // system and a key called 'opv' in the registry. This function will move // new_chrome.exe to chrome.exe and delete 'opv' key in one atomic operation. installer_util::InstallStatus RenameChromeExecutables(bool system_install) { std::wstring chrome_path(installer::GetChromeInstallPath(system_install)); std::wstring chrome_exe(chrome_path); file_util::AppendToPath(&chrome_exe, installer_util::kChromeExe); std::wstring chrome_old_exe(chrome_path); file_util::AppendToPath(&chrome_old_exe, installer_util::kChromeOldExe); std::wstring chrome_new_exe(chrome_path); file_util::AppendToPath(&chrome_new_exe, installer_util::kChromeNewExe); scoped_ptr<WorkItemList> install_list(WorkItem::CreateWorkItemList()); install_list->AddDeleteTreeWorkItem(chrome_old_exe, std::wstring()); std::wstring temp_path; if (!file_util::CreateNewTempDirectory(std::wstring(L"chrome_"), &temp_path)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create Temp directory " << temp_path; return installer_util::RENAME_FAILED; } install_list->AddCopyTreeWorkItem(chrome_new_exe, chrome_exe, temp_path, WorkItem::IF_DIFFERENT, std::wstring()); HKEY reg_root = system_install ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER; BrowserDistribution *dist = BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution(); install_list->AddDeleteRegValueWorkItem(reg_root, dist->GetVersionKey(), google_update::kRegOldVersionField, true); install_list->AddDeleteTreeWorkItem(chrome_new_exe, std::wstring()); install_list->AddDeleteRegValueWorkItem(reg_root, dist->GetVersionKey(), google_update::kRegRenameCmdField, true); installer_util::InstallStatus ret = installer_util::RENAME_SUCCESSFUL; if (!install_list->Do()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Renaming of executables failed. Rolling back any changes."; install_list->Rollback(); ret = installer_util::RENAME_FAILED; } file_util::Delete(temp_path, true); return ret; } // Parse command line and read master profile, if present, to get distribution // related install options. int GetInstallOptions(const CommandLine& cmd_line) { int options = 0; int preferences = 0; if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer_util::switches::kInstallerData)) { std::wstring prefs_path = cmd_line.GetSwitchValue( installer_util::switches::kInstallerData); preferences = installer_util::ParseDistributionPreferences(prefs_path); if ((preferences & installer_util::MASTER_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND) == 0) { options |= installer_util::MASTER_PROFILE_PRESENT; if ((preferences & installer_util::MASTER_PROFILE_ERROR) == 0) options |= installer_util::MASTER_PROFILE_VALID; } // While there is a --show-eula command line flag, we don't process // it in this function because it requires special handling. if (preferences & installer_util::MASTER_PROFILE_REQUIRE_EULA) options |= installer_util::SHOW_EULA_DIALOG; } if (preferences & installer_util::MASTER_PROFILE_CREATE_ALL_SHORTCUTS || cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer_util::switches::kCreateAllShortcuts)) options |= installer_util::CREATE_ALL_SHORTCUTS; if (preferences & installer_util::MASTER_PROFILE_DO_NOT_LAUNCH_CHROME || cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer_util::switches::kDoNotLaunchChrome)) options |= installer_util::DO_NOT_LAUNCH_CHROME; if (preferences & installer_util::MASTER_PROFILE_MAKE_CHROME_DEFAULT || cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer_util::switches::kMakeChromeDefault)) options |= installer_util::MAKE_CHROME_DEFAULT; if (preferences & installer_util::MASTER_PROFILE_SYSTEM_LEVEL || cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer_util::switches::kSystemLevel)) options |= installer_util::SYSTEM_LEVEL; if (preferences & installer_util::MASTER_PROFILE_VERBOSE_LOGGING || cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer_util::switches::kVerboseLogging)) options |= installer_util::VERBOSE_LOGGING; if (preferences & installer_util::MASTER_PROFILE_ALT_SHORTCUT_TXT || cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer_util::switches::kAltDesktopShortcut)) options |= installer_util::ALT_DESKTOP_SHORTCUT; return options; } // Copy master preference file if provided to installer to the same path // of chrome.exe so Chrome first run can find it. // This function will be called only when Chrome is launched the first time. void CopyPreferenceFileForFirstRun(int options, const CommandLine& cmd_line) { if (options & installer_util::MASTER_PROFILE_VALID) { std::wstring prefs_source_path = cmd_line.GetSwitchValue( installer_util::switches::kInstallerData); bool system_install = (options & installer_util::SYSTEM_LEVEL) != 0; std::wstring prefs_dest_path( installer::GetChromeInstallPath(system_install)); file_util::AppendToPath(&prefs_dest_path, installer_util::kDefaultMasterPrefs); if (!file_util::CopyFile(prefs_source_path, prefs_dest_path)) LOG(ERROR) << "failed copying master profile"; } } bool CheckPreInstallConditions(const installer::Version* installed_version, int options, installer_util::InstallStatus& status) { bool system_install = (options & installer_util::SYSTEM_LEVEL) != 0; // Check to avoid simultaneous per-user and per-machine installs. scoped_ptr<installer::Version> chrome_version(InstallUtil::GetChromeVersion(!system_install)); if (chrome_version.get()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Already installed version " << chrome_version->GetString() << " conflicts with the current install mode."; status = system_install ? installer_util::USER_LEVEL_INSTALL_EXISTS : installer_util::SYSTEM_LEVEL_INSTALL_EXISTS; int str_id = system_install ? IDS_INSTALL_USER_LEVEL_EXISTS_BASE : IDS_INSTALL_SYSTEM_LEVEL_EXISTS_BASE; InstallUtil::WriteInstallerResult(system_install, status, str_id, NULL); return false; } // If no previous installation of Chrome, make sure installation directory // either does not exist or can be deleted (i.e. is not locked by some other // process). if (!installed_version) { std::wstring install_path(installer::GetChromeInstallPath(system_install)); if (file_util::PathExists(install_path) && !file_util::Delete(install_path, true)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Installation directory " << install_path << " exists and can not be deleted."; status = installer_util::INSTALL_DIR_IN_USE; int str_id = IDS_INSTALL_DIR_IN_USE_BASE; InstallUtil::WriteInstallerResult(system_install, status, str_id, NULL); return false; } } return true; } installer_util::InstallStatus InstallChrome(const CommandLine& cmd_line, const installer::Version* installed_version, int options) { installer_util::InstallStatus install_status = installer_util::UNKNOWN_STATUS; if (!CheckPreInstallConditions(installed_version, options, install_status)) return install_status; bool system_install = (options & installer_util::SYSTEM_LEVEL) != 0; // For install the default location for chrome.packed.7z is in current // folder, so get that value first. std::wstring archive = file_util::GetDirectoryFromPath(cmd_line.program()); file_util::AppendToPath(&archive, std::wstring(installer::kChromeCompressedArchive)); // If --install-archive is given, get the user specified value if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer_util::switches::kInstallArchive)) { archive = cmd_line.GetSwitchValue( installer_util::switches::kInstallArchive); } LOG(INFO) << "Archive found to install Chrome " << archive; // Create a temp folder where we will unpack Chrome archive. If it fails, // then we are doomed, so return immediately and no cleanup is required. std::wstring temp_path; if (!file_util::CreateNewTempDirectory(std::wstring(L"chrome_"), &temp_path)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create temporary path."; InstallUtil::WriteInstallerResult(system_install, installer_util::TEMP_DIR_FAILED, IDS_INSTALL_TEMP_DIR_FAILED_BASE, NULL); return installer_util::TEMP_DIR_FAILED; } LOG(INFO) << "created path " << temp_path; std::wstring unpack_path(temp_path); file_util::AppendToPath(&unpack_path, std::wstring(installer::kInstallSourceDir)); bool incremental_install = false; if (UnPackArchive(archive, system_install, installed_version, temp_path, unpack_path, incremental_install)) { install_status = installer_util::UNCOMPRESSION_FAILED; InstallUtil::WriteInstallerResult(system_install, install_status, IDS_INSTALL_UNCOMPRESSION_FAILED_BASE, NULL); } else { LOG(INFO) << "unpacked to " << unpack_path; std::wstring src_path(unpack_path); file_util::AppendToPath(&src_path, std::wstring(installer::kInstallSourceChromeDir)); scoped_ptr<installer::Version> installer_version(GetVersionFromDir(src_path)); if (!installer_version.get()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Did not find any valid version in installer."; install_status = installer_util::INVALID_ARCHIVE; InstallUtil::WriteInstallerResult(system_install, install_status, IDS_INSTALL_INVALID_ARCHIVE_BASE, NULL); } else { LOG(INFO) << "version to install: " << installer_version->GetString(); if (installed_version && installed_version->IsHigherThan(installer_version.get())) { LOG(ERROR) << "Higher version is already installed."; install_status = installer_util::HIGHER_VERSION_EXISTS; InstallUtil::WriteInstallerResult(system_install, install_status, IDS_INSTALL_HIGHER_VERSION_BASE, NULL); } else { // We want to keep uncompressed archive (chrome.7z) that we get after // uncompressing and binary patching. Get the location for this file. std::wstring archive_to_copy(temp_path); file_util::AppendToPath(&archive_to_copy, std::wstring(installer::kChromeArchive)); install_status = installer::InstallOrUpdateChrome( cmd_line.program(), archive_to_copy, temp_path, options, *installer_version, installed_version); int install_msg_base = IDS_INSTALL_FAILED_BASE; std::wstring chrome_exe; if (install_status != installer_util::INSTALL_FAILED) { chrome_exe = installer::GetChromeInstallPath(system_install); if (chrome_exe.empty()) { // If we failed to construct install path, it means the OS call to // get %ProgramFiles% or %AppData% failed. Report this as failure. install_msg_base = IDS_INSTALL_OS_ERROR_BASE; install_status = installer_util::OS_ERROR; } else { file_util::AppendToPath(&chrome_exe, installer_util::kChromeExe); chrome_exe = L"\"" + chrome_exe + L"\""; install_msg_base = 0; } } InstallUtil::WriteInstallerResult(system_install, install_status, install_msg_base, &chrome_exe); if (install_status == installer_util::FIRST_INSTALL_SUCCESS) { LOG(INFO) << "First install successful."; CopyPreferenceFileForFirstRun(options, cmd_line); // We never want to launch Chrome in system level install mode. if (!(options & installer_util::DO_NOT_LAUNCH_CHROME) && !(options & installer_util::SYSTEM_LEVEL)) installer::LaunchChrome(system_install); } } } } // Delete temporary files. These include install temporary directory // and master profile file if present. scoped_ptr<WorkItemList> cleanup_list(WorkItem::CreateWorkItemList()); LOG(INFO) << "Deleting temporary directory " << temp_path; cleanup_list->AddDeleteTreeWorkItem(temp_path, std::wstring()); if (options & installer_util::MASTER_PROFILE_PRESENT) { std::wstring prefs_path = cmd_line.GetSwitchValue( installer_util::switches::kInstallerData); cleanup_list->AddDeleteTreeWorkItem(prefs_path, std::wstring()); } cleanup_list->Do(); BrowserDistribution* dist = BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution(); dist->UpdateDiffInstallStatus(system_install, incremental_install, install_status); return install_status; } installer_util::InstallStatus UninstallChrome(const CommandLine& cmd_line, const wchar_t* cmd_params, const installer::Version* version, bool system_install) { LOG(INFO) << "Uninstalling Chome"; bool force = cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer_util::switches::kForceUninstall); if (!version && !force) { LOG(ERROR) << "No Chrome installation found for uninstall."; InstallUtil::WriteInstallerResult(system_install, installer_util::CHROME_NOT_INSTALLED, IDS_UNINSTALL_FAILED_BASE, NULL); return installer_util::CHROME_NOT_INSTALLED; } bool remove_all = !cmd_line.HasSwitch( installer_util::switches::kDoNotRemoveSharedItems); return installer_setup::UninstallChrome(cmd_line.program(), system_install, remove_all, force, cmd_line, cmd_params); } installer_util::InstallStatus ShowEULADialog(const std::wstring& inner_frame) { LOG(INFO) << "About to show EULA"; std::wstring eula_path = installer_util::GetLocalizedEulaResource(); if (eula_path.empty()) { LOG(ERROR) << "No EULA path available"; return installer_util::EULA_REJECTED; } // Newer versions of the caller pass an inner frame parameter that must // be given to the html page being launched. if (!inner_frame.empty()) { eula_path += L"?innerframe="; eula_path += inner_frame; } installer::EulaHTMLDialog dlg(eula_path); installer::EulaHTMLDialog::Outcome outcome = dlg.ShowModal(); if (installer::EulaHTMLDialog::REJECTED == outcome) { LOG(ERROR) << "EULA rejected or EULA failure"; return installer_util::EULA_REJECTED; } if (installer::EulaHTMLDialog::ACCEPTED_OPT_IN == outcome) { LOG(INFO) << "EULA accepted (opt-in)"; return installer_util::EULA_ACCEPTED_OPT_IN; } LOG(INFO) << "EULA accepted (no opt-in)"; return installer_util::EULA_ACCEPTED; } // This method processes any command line options that make setup.exe do // various tasks other than installation (renaming chrome.exe, showing eula // among others). This function returns true if any such command line option // has been found and processed (so setup.exe should exit at that point). bool HandleNonInstallCmdLineOptions(const CommandLine& cmd_line, bool system_install, int& exit_code) { if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer_util::switches::kShowEula)) { // Check if we need to show the EULA. If it is passed as a command line // then the dialog is shown and regardless of the outcome setup exits here. std::wstring inner_frame = cmd_line.GetSwitchValue(installer_util::switches::kShowEula); exit_code = ShowEULADialog(inner_frame); if (installer_util::EULA_REJECTED != exit_code) GoogleUpdateSettings::SetEULAConsent(true); return true;; } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch( installer_util::switches::kRegisterChromeBrowser)) { // If --register-chrome-browser option is specified, register all // Chrome protocol/file associations as well as register it as a valid // browser for Start Menu->Internet shortcut. This option should only // be used when setup.exe is launched with admin rights. We do not // make any user specific changes in this option. std::wstring chrome_exe(cmd_line.GetSwitchValue( installer_util::switches::kRegisterChromeBrowser)); exit_code = ShellUtil::AddChromeToSetAccessDefaults(chrome_exe, true); return true; } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer_util::switches::kRenameChromeExe)) { // If --rename-chrome-exe is specified, we want to rename the executables // and exit. exit_code = RenameChromeExecutables(system_install); return true; } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch( installer_util::switches::kRemoveChromeRegistration)) { installer_util::InstallStatus tmp = installer_util::UNKNOWN_STATUS; installer_setup::DeleteChromeRegistrationKeys(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, tmp); exit_code = tmp; return true; } return false; } } // namespace int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE instance, HINSTANCE prev_instance, wchar_t* command_line, int show_command) { // The exit manager is in charge of calling the dtors of singletons. base::AtExitManager exit_manager; CommandLine::Init(0, NULL); const CommandLine& parsed_command_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); installer::InitInstallerLogging(parsed_command_line); int options = GetInstallOptions(parsed_command_line); if (options & installer_util::VERBOSE_LOGGING) logging::SetMinLogLevel(logging::LOG_INFO); bool system_install = (options & installer_util::SYSTEM_LEVEL) != 0; LOG(INFO) << "system install is " << system_install; // Check to make sure current system is WinXP or later. If not, log // error message and get out. if (!InstallUtil::IsOSSupported()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Chrome only supports Windows XP or later."; InstallUtil::WriteInstallerResult(system_install, installer_util::OS_NOT_SUPPORTED, IDS_INSTALL_OS_NOT_SUPPORTED_BASE, NULL); return installer_util::OS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } // Initialize COM for use later. if (CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED) != S_OK) { LOG(ERROR) << "COM initialization failed."; InstallUtil::WriteInstallerResult(system_install, installer_util::OS_ERROR, IDS_INSTALL_OS_ERROR_BASE, NULL); return installer_util::OS_ERROR; } int exit_code = 0; if (HandleNonInstallCmdLineOptions(parsed_command_line, system_install, exit_code)) return exit_code; if (system_install && !IsUserAnAdmin()) { if (win_util::GetWinVersion() >= win_util::WINVERSION_VISTA && !parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(installer_util::switches::kRunAsAdmin)) { std::wstring exe = parsed_command_line.program(); std::wstring params(command_line); // Append --run-as-admin flag to let the new instance of setup.exe know // that we already tried to launch ourselves as admin. params.append(L" --"); params.append(installer_util::switches::kRunAsAdmin); DWORD exit_code = installer_util::UNKNOWN_STATUS; InstallUtil::ExecuteExeAsAdmin(exe, params, &exit_code); return exit_code; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Non admin user can not install system level Chrome."; InstallUtil::WriteInstallerResult(system_install, installer_util::INSUFFICIENT_RIGHTS, IDS_INSTALL_INSUFFICIENT_RIGHTS_BASE, NULL); return installer_util::INSUFFICIENT_RIGHTS; } } // Check the existing version installed. scoped_ptr<installer::Version> installed_version(InstallUtil::GetChromeVersion(system_install)); if (installed_version.get()) { LOG(INFO) << "version on the system: " << installed_version->GetString(); } installer_util::InstallStatus install_status = installer_util::UNKNOWN_STATUS; // If --uninstall option is given, uninstall chrome if (parsed_command_line.HasSwitch(installer_util::switches::kUninstall)) { install_status = UninstallChrome(parsed_command_line, command_line, installed_version.get(), system_install); // If --uninstall option is not specified, we assume it is install case. } else { install_status = InstallChrome(parsed_command_line, installed_version.get(), options); } CoUninitialize(); BrowserDistribution* dist = BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution(); return dist->GetInstallReturnCode(install_status); }