// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/installer/setup/setup_main.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/at_exit.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_version_info.h" #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/files/file_util.h" #include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/process/launch.h" #include "base/strings/string16.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "base/win/registry.h" #include "base/win/scoped_com_initializer.h" #include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h" #include "base/win/scoped_handle.h" #include "base/win/win_util.h" #include "base/win/windows_version.h" #include "breakpad/src/client/windows/handler/exception_handler.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/installer/setup/archive_patch_helper.h" #include "chrome/installer/setup/install.h" #include "chrome/installer/setup/install_worker.h" #include "chrome/installer/setup/setup_constants.h" #include "chrome/installer/setup/setup_util.h" #include "chrome/installer/setup/uninstall.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/browser_distribution.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/channel_info.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/delete_after_reboot_helper.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/delete_tree_work_item.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/eula_util.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_constants.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_settings.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_util.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/helper.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/html_dialog.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/install_util.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/installation_state.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/installation_validator.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/installer_state.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/l10n_string_util.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/logging_installer.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/lzma_util.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/master_preferences.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/master_preferences_constants.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/self_cleaning_temp_dir.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/shell_util.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/user_experiment.h" #include "installer_util_strings.h" // NOLINT using installer::InstallerState; using installer::InstallationState; using installer::InstallationValidator; using installer::MasterPreferences; using installer::Product; using installer::ProductState; using installer::Products; const wchar_t kChromePipeName[] = L"\\\\.\\pipe\\ChromeCrashServices"; const wchar_t kGoogleUpdatePipeName[] = L"\\\\.\\pipe\\GoogleCrashServices\\"; const wchar_t kSystemPrincipalSid[] = L"S-1-5-18"; const MINIDUMP_TYPE kLargerDumpType = static_cast( MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData | // Get PEB and TEB. MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules | // Get unloaded modules when available. MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory); // Get memory referenced by stack. namespace { // Returns NULL if no compressed archive is available for processing, otherwise // returns a patch helper configured to uncompress and patch. scoped_ptr CreateChromeArchiveHelper( const base::FilePath& setup_exe, const CommandLine& command_line, const installer::InstallerState& installer_state, const base::FilePath& working_directory) { // A compressed archive is ordinarily given on the command line by the mini // installer. If one was not given, look for chrome.packed.7z next to the // running program. base::FilePath compressed_archive( command_line.GetSwitchValuePath(installer::switches::kInstallArchive)); bool compressed_archive_specified = !compressed_archive.empty(); if (!compressed_archive_specified) { compressed_archive = setup_exe.DirName().Append( installer::kChromeCompressedArchive); } // Fail if no compressed archive is found. if (!base::PathExists(compressed_archive)) { if (compressed_archive_specified) { LOG(ERROR) << installer::switches::kInstallArchive << "=" << compressed_archive.value() << " not found."; } return scoped_ptr(); } // chrome.7z is either extracted directly from the compressed archive into the // working dir or is the target of patching in the working dir. base::FilePath target(working_directory.Append(installer::kChromeArchive)); DCHECK(!base::PathExists(target)); // Specify an empty path for the patch source since it isn't yet known that // one is needed. It will be supplied in UncompressAndPatchChromeArchive if it // is. return scoped_ptr( new installer::ArchivePatchHelper(working_directory, compressed_archive, base::FilePath(), target)); } // Workhorse for producing an uncompressed archive (chrome.7z) given a // chrome.packed.7z containing either a patch file based on the version of // chrome being updated or the full uncompressed archive. Returns true on // success, in which case |archive_type| is populated based on what was found. // Returns false on failure, in which case |install_status| contains the error // code and the result is written to the registry (via WriteInstallerResult). bool UncompressAndPatchChromeArchive( const installer::InstallationState& original_state, const installer::InstallerState& installer_state, installer::ArchivePatchHelper* archive_helper, installer::ArchiveType* archive_type, installer::InstallStatus* install_status) { installer_state.UpdateStage(installer::UNCOMPRESSING); if (!archive_helper->Uncompress(NULL)) { *install_status = installer::UNCOMPRESSION_FAILED; installer_state.WriteInstallerResult(*install_status, IDS_INSTALL_UNCOMPRESSION_FAILED_BASE, NULL); return false; } // Short-circuit if uncompression produced the uncompressed archive rather // than a patch file. if (base::PathExists(archive_helper->target())) { *archive_type = installer::FULL_ARCHIVE_TYPE; return true; } // Find the installed version's archive to serve as the source for patching. base::FilePath patch_source(installer::FindArchiveToPatch(original_state, installer_state)); if (patch_source.empty()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find archive to patch."; *install_status = installer::DIFF_PATCH_SOURCE_MISSING; installer_state.WriteInstallerResult(*install_status, IDS_INSTALL_UNCOMPRESSION_FAILED_BASE, NULL); return false; } archive_helper->set_patch_source(patch_source); // Try courgette first. Failing that, try bspatch. if ((installer_state.UpdateStage(installer::ENSEMBLE_PATCHING), !archive_helper->EnsemblePatch()) && (installer_state.UpdateStage(installer::BINARY_PATCHING), !archive_helper->BinaryPatch())) { *install_status = installer::APPLY_DIFF_PATCH_FAILED; installer_state.WriteInstallerResult(*install_status, IDS_INSTALL_UNCOMPRESSION_FAILED_BASE, NULL); return false; } *archive_type = installer::INCREMENTAL_ARCHIVE_TYPE; return true; } // In multi-install, adds all products to |installer_state| that are // multi-installed and must be updated along with the products already present // in |installer_state|. void AddExistingMultiInstalls(const InstallationState& original_state, InstallerState* installer_state) { if (installer_state->is_multi_install()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < BrowserDistribution::NUM_TYPES; ++i) { BrowserDistribution::Type type = static_cast(i); if (!installer_state->FindProduct(type)) { const ProductState* state = original_state.GetProductState(installer_state->system_install(), type); if ((state != NULL) && state->is_multi_install()) { installer_state->AddProductFromState(type, *state); VLOG(1) << "Product already installed and must be included: " << BrowserDistribution::GetSpecificDistribution(type)-> GetDisplayName(); } } } } } // This function is called when --rename-chrome-exe option is specified on // setup.exe command line. This function assumes an in-use update has happened // for Chrome so there should be a file called new_chrome.exe on the file // system and a key called 'opv' in the registry. This function will move // new_chrome.exe to chrome.exe and delete 'opv' key in one atomic operation. // This function also deletes elevation policies associated with the old version // if they exist. installer::InstallStatus RenameChromeExecutables( const InstallationState& original_state, InstallerState* installer_state) { // See what products are already installed in multi mode. When we do the // rename for multi installs, we must update all installations since they // share the binaries. AddExistingMultiInstalls(original_state, installer_state); const base::FilePath &target_path = installer_state->target_path(); base::FilePath chrome_exe(target_path.Append(installer::kChromeExe)); base::FilePath chrome_new_exe(target_path.Append(installer::kChromeNewExe)); base::FilePath chrome_old_exe(target_path.Append(installer::kChromeOldExe)); // Create a temporary backup directory on the same volume as chrome.exe so // that moving in-use files doesn't lead to trouble. installer::SelfCleaningTempDir temp_path; if (!temp_path.Initialize(target_path.DirName(), installer::kInstallTempDir)) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create Temp directory " << target_path.DirName() .Append(installer::kInstallTempDir).value(); return installer::RENAME_FAILED; } scoped_ptr install_list(WorkItem::CreateWorkItemList()); // Move chrome.exe to old_chrome.exe, then move new_chrome.exe to chrome.exe. install_list->AddMoveTreeWorkItem(chrome_exe.value(), chrome_old_exe.value(), temp_path.path().value(), WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE); install_list->AddMoveTreeWorkItem(chrome_new_exe.value(), chrome_exe.value(), temp_path.path().value(), WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE); install_list->AddDeleteTreeWorkItem(chrome_new_exe, temp_path.path()); // old_chrome.exe is still in use in most cases, so ignore failures here. install_list->AddDeleteTreeWorkItem(chrome_old_exe, temp_path.path())-> set_ignore_failure(true); // Add work items to delete the "opv", "cpv", and "cmd" values from all // products we're operating on (which including the multi-install binaries). const Products& products = installer_state->products(); HKEY reg_root = installer_state->root_key(); base::string16 version_key; for (Products::const_iterator it = products.begin(); it < products.end(); ++it) { version_key = (*it)->distribution()->GetVersionKey(); install_list->AddDeleteRegValueWorkItem(reg_root, version_key, KEY_WOW64_32KEY, google_update::kRegOldVersionField); install_list->AddDeleteRegValueWorkItem( reg_root, version_key, KEY_WOW64_32KEY, google_update::kRegCriticalVersionField); install_list->AddDeleteRegValueWorkItem(reg_root, version_key, KEY_WOW64_32KEY, google_update::kRegRenameCmdField); } installer::InstallStatus ret = installer::RENAME_SUCCESSFUL; if (!install_list->Do()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Renaming of executables failed. Rolling back any changes."; install_list->Rollback(); ret = installer::RENAME_FAILED; } // temp_path's dtor will take care of deleting or scheduling itself for // deletion at reboot when this scope closes. VLOG(1) << "Deleting temporary directory " << temp_path.path().value(); return ret; } // For each product that is being updated (i.e., already installed at an earlier // version), see if that product has an update policy override that differs from // that for the binaries. If any are found, fail with an error indicating that // the Group Policy settings are in an inconsistent state. Do not do this test // for same-version installs, since it would be unkind to block attempts to // repair a corrupt installation. This function returns false when installation // should be halted, in which case |status| contains the relevant exit code and // the proper installer result has been written to the registry. bool CheckGroupPolicySettings(const InstallationState& original_state, const InstallerState& installer_state, const Version& new_version, installer::InstallStatus* status) { #if !defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD) // Chromium builds are not updated via Google Update, so there are no // Group Policy settings to consult. return true; #else DCHECK(status); // Single installs are always in good shape. if (!installer_state.is_multi_install()) return true; bool settings_are_valid = true; const bool is_system_install = installer_state.system_install(); BrowserDistribution* const binaries_dist = installer_state.multi_package_binaries_distribution(); // Get the update policy for the binaries. const GoogleUpdateSettings::UpdatePolicy binaries_policy = GoogleUpdateSettings::GetAppUpdatePolicy(binaries_dist->GetAppGuid(), NULL); // Check for differing update policies for all of the products being updated. const Products& products = installer_state.products(); Products::const_iterator scan = products.begin(); for (Products::const_iterator end = products.end(); scan != end; ++scan) { BrowserDistribution* dist = (*scan)->distribution(); const ProductState* product_state = original_state.GetProductState(is_system_install, dist->GetType()); // Is an earlier version of this product already installed? if (product_state != NULL && product_state->version().CompareTo(new_version) < 0) { bool is_overridden = false; GoogleUpdateSettings::UpdatePolicy app_policy = GoogleUpdateSettings::GetAppUpdatePolicy(dist->GetAppGuid(), &is_overridden); if (is_overridden && app_policy != binaries_policy) { LOG(ERROR) << "Found legacy Group Policy setting for " << dist->GetDisplayName() << " (value: " << app_policy << ") that does not match the setting for " << binaries_dist->GetDisplayName() << " (value: " << binaries_policy << ")."; settings_are_valid = false; } } } if (!settings_are_valid) { // TODO(grt): add " See http://goo.gl/+++ for details." to the end of this // log message and to the IDS_INSTALL_INCONSISTENT_UPDATE_POLICY string once // we have a help center article that explains why this error is being // reported and how to resolve it. LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot apply update on account of inconsistent " "Google Update Group Policy settings. Use the Group Policy " "Editor to set the update policy override for the " << binaries_dist->GetDisplayName() << " application and try again."; *status = installer::INCONSISTENT_UPDATE_POLICY; installer_state.WriteInstallerResult( *status, IDS_INSTALL_INCONSISTENT_UPDATE_POLICY_BASE, NULL); } return settings_are_valid; #endif // defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD) } // If only the binaries are being updated, fail. // If any product is being installed in single-mode that already exists in // multi-mode, fail. bool CheckMultiInstallConditions(const InstallationState& original_state, InstallerState* installer_state, installer::InstallStatus* status) { const Products& products = installer_state->products(); DCHECK(products.size()); const bool system_level = installer_state->system_install(); if (installer_state->is_multi_install()) { const Product* chrome = installer_state->FindProduct(BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER); const Product* app_host = installer_state->FindProduct(BrowserDistribution::CHROME_APP_HOST); const Product* binaries = installer_state->FindProduct(BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BINARIES); const ProductState* chrome_state = original_state.GetProductState(system_level, BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER); if (binaries) { if (products.size() == 1) { // There are no products aside from the binaries, so there is no update // to be applied. This can happen after multi-install Chrome Frame is // migrated to single-install. This is treated as an update failure // unless the binaries are not in-use, in which case they will be // uninstalled and success will be reported (see handling in wWinMain). VLOG(1) << "No products to be updated."; *status = installer::UNUSED_BINARIES; installer_state->WriteInstallerResult(*status, 0, NULL); return false; } } else { // This will only be hit if --multi-install is given with no products, or // if the app host is being installed and doesn't need the binaries at // user-level. // The former case might be due to a request by an orphaned Application // Host to re-install the binaries. Thus we add them to the installation. // The latter case is fine and we let it be. // If this is not an app host install and the binaries are not already // present, the installation will fail later due to a lack of products to // install. if (app_host && !chrome && !chrome_state) { DCHECK(!system_level); // App Host may use Chrome/Chrome binaries at system-level. if (original_state.GetProductState( true, // system BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER) || original_state.GetProductState( true, // system BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BINARIES)) { VLOG(1) << "Installing/updating App Launcher without binaries."; } else { // Somehow the binaries were present when the quick-enable app host // command was run, but now they appear to be missing. // Force binaries to be installed/updated. scoped_ptr binaries_to_add(new Product( BrowserDistribution::GetSpecificDistribution( BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BINARIES))); binaries_to_add->SetOption(installer::kOptionMultiInstall, true); binaries = installer_state->AddProduct(&binaries_to_add); VLOG(1) << "Adding binaries for pre-existing App Launcher installation."; } } return true; } if (!chrome && chrome_state) { // A product other than Chrome is being installed in multi-install mode, // and Chrome is already present. Add Chrome to the set of products // (making it multi-install in the process) so that it is updated, too. scoped_ptr multi_chrome(new Product( BrowserDistribution::GetSpecificDistribution( BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER))); multi_chrome->SetOption(installer::kOptionMultiInstall, true); chrome = installer_state->AddProduct(&multi_chrome); VLOG(1) << "Upgrading existing Chrome browser in multi-install mode."; } } else { // This is a non-multi installation. // Check for an existing installation of the product. const ProductState* product_state = original_state.GetProductState( system_level, products[0]->distribution()->GetType()); if (product_state != NULL) { // Block downgrades from multi-install to single-install. if (product_state->is_multi_install()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Multi-install " << products[0]->distribution()->GetDisplayName() << " exists; aborting single install."; *status = installer::MULTI_INSTALLATION_EXISTS; installer_state->WriteInstallerResult(*status, IDS_INSTALL_MULTI_INSTALLATION_EXISTS_BASE, NULL); return false; } } } return true; } // Checks app host pre-install conditions, specifically that this is a // user-level multi-install. When the pre-install conditions are not // satisfied, the result is written to the registry (via WriteInstallerResult), // |status| is set appropriately, and false is returned. bool CheckAppHostPreconditions(const InstallationState& original_state, InstallerState* installer_state, installer::InstallStatus* status) { if (installer_state->FindProduct(BrowserDistribution::CHROME_APP_HOST)) { if (!installer_state->is_multi_install()) { LOG(DFATAL) << "App Launcher requires multi install"; *status = installer::APP_HOST_REQUIRES_MULTI_INSTALL; // No message string since there is nothing a user can do. installer_state->WriteInstallerResult(*status, 0, NULL); return false; } if (installer_state->system_install()) { LOG(DFATAL) << "App Launcher may only be installed at user-level."; *status = installer::APP_HOST_REQUIRES_USER_LEVEL; // No message string since there is nothing a user can do. installer_state->WriteInstallerResult(*status, 0, NULL); return false; } } return true; } // Checks for compatibility between the current state of the system and the // desired operation. Also applies policy that mutates the desired operation; // specifically, the |installer_state| object. // Also blocks simultaneous user-level and system-level installs. In the case // of trying to install user-level Chrome when system-level exists, the // existing system-level Chrome is launched. // When the pre-install conditions are not satisfied, the result is written to // the registry (via WriteInstallerResult), |status| is set appropriately, and // false is returned. bool CheckPreInstallConditions(const InstallationState& original_state, InstallerState* installer_state, installer::InstallStatus* status) { if (!CheckAppHostPreconditions(original_state, installer_state, status)) { DCHECK_NE(*status, installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS); return false; } // See what products are already installed in multi mode. When we do multi // installs, we must upgrade all installations since they share the binaries. AddExistingMultiInstalls(original_state, installer_state); if (!CheckMultiInstallConditions(original_state, installer_state, status)) { DCHECK_NE(*status, installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS); return false; } const Products& products = installer_state->products(); if (products.empty()) { // We haven't been given any products on which to operate. LOG(ERROR) << "Not given any products to install and no products found to update."; *status = installer::CHROME_NOT_INSTALLED; installer_state->WriteInstallerResult(*status, IDS_INSTALL_NO_PRODUCTS_TO_UPDATE_BASE, NULL); return false; } if (!installer_state->system_install()) { // This is a user-level installation. Make sure that we are not installing // on top of an existing system-level installation. for (Products::const_iterator it = products.begin(); it < products.end(); ++it) { const Product& product = **it; BrowserDistribution* browser_dist = product.distribution(); // Skip over the binaries, as it's okay for them to be at both levels // for different products. if (browser_dist->GetType() == BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BINARIES) continue; const ProductState* user_level_product_state = original_state.GetProductState(false, browser_dist->GetType()); const ProductState* system_level_product_state = original_state.GetProductState(true, browser_dist->GetType()); // Allow upgrades to proceed so that out-of-date versions are not left // around. if (user_level_product_state) continue; // This is a new user-level install... if (system_level_product_state) { // ... and the product already exists at system-level. LOG(ERROR) << "Already installed version " << system_level_product_state->version().GetString() << " at system-level conflicts with this one at user-level."; if (product.is_chrome()) { // Instruct Google Update to launch the existing system-level Chrome. // There should be no error dialog. base::FilePath install_path(installer::GetChromeInstallPath( true, // system browser_dist)); if (install_path.empty()) { // Give up if we failed to construct the install path. *status = installer::OS_ERROR; installer_state->WriteInstallerResult(*status, IDS_INSTALL_OS_ERROR_BASE, NULL); } else { *status = installer::EXISTING_VERSION_LAUNCHED; base::FilePath chrome_exe = install_path.Append(installer::kChromeExe); CommandLine cmd(chrome_exe); cmd.AppendSwitch(switches::kForceFirstRun); installer_state->WriteInstallerResult(*status, 0, NULL); VLOG(1) << "Launching existing system-level chrome instead."; base::LaunchProcess(cmd, base::LaunchOptions(), NULL); } } else { // It's no longer possible for |product| to be anything other than // Chrome. NOTREACHED(); } return false; } } } else { // System-level install. // --ensure-google-update-present is supported for user-level only. // The flag is generic, but its primary use case involves App Host. if (installer_state->ensure_google_update_present()) { LOG(DFATAL) << "--" << installer::switches::kEnsureGoogleUpdatePresent << " is supported for user-level only."; *status = installer::APP_HOST_REQUIRES_USER_LEVEL; // No message string since there is nothing a user can do. installer_state->WriteInstallerResult(*status, 0, NULL); return false; } } return true; } // Initializes |temp_path| to "Temp" within the target directory, and // |unpack_path| to a random directory beginning with "source" within // |temp_path|. Returns false on error. bool CreateTemporaryAndUnpackDirectories( const InstallerState& installer_state, installer::SelfCleaningTempDir* temp_path, base::FilePath* unpack_path) { DCHECK(temp_path && unpack_path); if (!temp_path->Initialize(installer_state.target_path().DirName(), installer::kInstallTempDir)) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create temporary path."; return false; } VLOG(1) << "Created path " << temp_path->path().value(); if (!base::CreateTemporaryDirInDir(temp_path->path(), installer::kInstallSourceDir, unpack_path)) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create temporary path for unpacked archive."; return false; } return true; } installer::InstallStatus UninstallProduct( const InstallationState& original_state, const InstallerState& installer_state, const base::FilePath& setup_exe, const CommandLine& cmd_line, bool remove_all, bool force_uninstall, const Product& product) { const ProductState* product_state = original_state.GetProductState(installer_state.system_install(), product.distribution()->GetType()); if (product_state != NULL) { VLOG(1) << "version on the system: " << product_state->version().GetString(); } else if (!force_uninstall) { LOG(ERROR) << product.distribution()->GetDisplayName() << " not found for uninstall."; return installer::CHROME_NOT_INSTALLED; } return installer::UninstallProduct( original_state, installer_state, setup_exe, product, remove_all, force_uninstall, cmd_line); } installer::InstallStatus UninstallProducts( const InstallationState& original_state, const InstallerState& installer_state, const base::FilePath& setup_exe, const CommandLine& cmd_line) { const Products& products = installer_state.products(); // System-level Chrome will be launched via this command if its program gets // set below. CommandLine system_level_cmd(CommandLine::NO_PROGRAM); const Product* chrome = installer_state.FindProduct(BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER); if (chrome) { // InstallerState::Initialize always puts Chrome first, and we rely on that // here for this reason: if Chrome is in-use, the user will be prompted to // confirm uninstallation. Upon cancel, we should not continue with the // other products. DCHECK(products[0]->is_chrome()); if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kSelfDestruct) && !installer_state.system_install()) { BrowserDistribution* dist = chrome->distribution(); const base::FilePath system_exe_path( installer::GetChromeInstallPath(true, dist) .Append(installer::kChromeExe)); system_level_cmd.SetProgram(system_exe_path); } } if (installer_state.FindProduct(BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BINARIES)) { // Chrome Binaries should be last; if something else is cancelled, they // should stay. DCHECK(products[products.size() - 1]->is_chrome_binaries()); } installer::InstallStatus install_status = installer::UNINSTALL_SUCCESSFUL; installer::InstallStatus prod_status = installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS; const bool force = cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kForceUninstall); const bool remove_all = !cmd_line.HasSwitch( installer::switches::kDoNotRemoveSharedItems); for (Products::const_iterator it = products.begin(); install_status != installer::UNINSTALL_CANCELLED && it < products.end(); ++it) { prod_status = UninstallProduct(original_state, installer_state, setup_exe, cmd_line, remove_all, force, **it); if (prod_status != installer::UNINSTALL_SUCCESSFUL) install_status = prod_status; } installer::CleanUpInstallationDirectoryAfterUninstall( original_state, installer_state, setup_exe, &install_status); // The app and vendor dirs may now be empty. Make a last-ditch attempt to // delete them. installer::DeleteChromeDirectoriesIfEmpty(installer_state.target_path()); // Trigger Active Setup if it was requested for the chrome product. This needs // to be done after the UninstallProduct calls as some of them might // otherwise terminate the process launched by TriggerActiveSetupCommand(). if (chrome && cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kTriggerActiveSetup)) InstallUtil::TriggerActiveSetupCommand(); if (!system_level_cmd.GetProgram().empty()) base::LaunchProcess(system_level_cmd, base::LaunchOptions(), NULL); // Tell Google Update that an uninstall has taken place. // Ignore the return value: success or failure of Google Update // has no bearing on the success or failure of Chrome's uninstallation. google_update::UninstallGoogleUpdate(installer_state.system_install()); return install_status; } // Uninstall the binaries if they are the only product present and they're not // in-use. void UninstallBinariesIfUnused( const InstallationState& original_state, const InstallerState& installer_state, installer::InstallStatus* install_status) { // Early exit if the binaries are still in use. if (*install_status != installer::UNUSED_BINARIES || installer_state.AreBinariesInUse(original_state)) { return; } LOG(INFO) << "Uninstalling unused binaries"; installer_state.UpdateStage(installer::UNINSTALLING_BINARIES); // Simulate the uninstall as coming from the installed version. const ProductState* binaries_state = original_state.GetProductState(installer_state.system_install(), BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BINARIES); const CommandLine& uninstall_cmd(binaries_state->uninstall_command()); MasterPreferences uninstall_prefs(uninstall_cmd); InstallerState uninstall_state; uninstall_state.Initialize(uninstall_cmd, uninstall_prefs, original_state); *install_status = UninstallProducts(original_state, uninstall_state, uninstall_cmd.GetProgram(), uninstall_cmd); // Report that the binaries were uninstalled if they were. This translates // into a successful install return code. if (IsUninstallSuccess(*install_status)) { *install_status = installer::UNUSED_BINARIES_UNINSTALLED; installer_state.WriteInstallerResult(*install_status, 0, NULL); } } installer::InstallStatus InstallProducts( const InstallationState& original_state, const base::FilePath& setup_exe, const CommandLine& cmd_line, const MasterPreferences& prefs, InstallerState* installer_state, base::FilePath* installer_directory) { DCHECK(installer_state); const bool system_install = installer_state->system_install(); installer::InstallStatus install_status = installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS; installer::ArchiveType archive_type = installer::UNKNOWN_ARCHIVE_TYPE; bool delegated_to_existing = false; installer_state->UpdateStage(installer::PRECONDITIONS); // The stage provides more fine-grained information than -multifail, so remove // the -multifail suffix from the Google Update "ap" value. BrowserDistribution::GetSpecificDistribution(installer_state->state_type())-> UpdateInstallStatus(system_install, archive_type, install_status); if (CheckPreInstallConditions(original_state, installer_state, &install_status)) { VLOG(1) << "Installing to " << installer_state->target_path().value(); install_status = InstallProductsHelper( original_state, setup_exe, cmd_line, prefs, *installer_state, installer_directory, &archive_type, &delegated_to_existing); } else { // CheckPreInstallConditions must set the status on failure. DCHECK_NE(install_status, installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS); } // Delete the master preferences file if present. Note that we do not care // about rollback here and we schedule for deletion on reboot if the delete // fails. As such, we do not use DeleteTreeWorkItem. if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kInstallerData)) { base::FilePath prefs_path(cmd_line.GetSwitchValuePath( installer::switches::kInstallerData)); if (!base::DeleteFile(prefs_path, false)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed deleting master preferences file " << prefs_path.value() << ", scheduling for deletion after reboot."; ScheduleFileSystemEntityForDeletion(prefs_path); } } // Early exit if this setup.exe delegated to another, since that one would // have taken care of UpdateInstallStatus and UpdateStage. if (delegated_to_existing) return install_status; const Products& products = installer_state->products(); for (Products::const_iterator it = products.begin(); it < products.end(); ++it) { (*it)->distribution()->UpdateInstallStatus( system_install, archive_type, install_status); } UninstallBinariesIfUnused(original_state, *installer_state, &install_status); installer_state->UpdateStage(installer::NO_STAGE); return install_status; } installer::InstallStatus ShowEULADialog(const base::string16& inner_frame) { VLOG(1) << "About to show EULA"; base::string16 eula_path = installer::GetLocalizedEulaResource(); if (eula_path.empty()) { LOG(ERROR) << "No EULA path available"; return installer::EULA_REJECTED; } // Newer versions of the caller pass an inner frame parameter that must // be given to the html page being launched. installer::EulaHTMLDialog dlg(eula_path, inner_frame); installer::EulaHTMLDialog::Outcome outcome = dlg.ShowModal(); if (installer::EulaHTMLDialog::REJECTED == outcome) { LOG(ERROR) << "EULA rejected or EULA failure"; return installer::EULA_REJECTED; } if (installer::EulaHTMLDialog::ACCEPTED_OPT_IN == outcome) { VLOG(1) << "EULA accepted (opt-in)"; return installer::EULA_ACCEPTED_OPT_IN; } VLOG(1) << "EULA accepted (no opt-in)"; return installer::EULA_ACCEPTED; } // Creates the sentinel indicating that the EULA was required and has been // accepted. bool CreateEULASentinel(BrowserDistribution* dist) { base::FilePath eula_sentinel; if (!InstallUtil::GetEULASentinelFilePath(&eula_sentinel)) return false; return (base::CreateDirectory(eula_sentinel.DirName()) && base::WriteFile(eula_sentinel, "", 0) != -1); } void ActivateMetroChrome() { // Check to see if we're per-user or not. Need to do this since we may // not have been invoked with --system-level even for a machine install. wchar_t exe_path[MAX_PATH * 2] = {}; GetModuleFileName(NULL, exe_path, arraysize(exe_path)); bool is_per_user_install = InstallUtil::IsPerUserInstall(exe_path); base::string16 app_model_id = ShellUtil::GetBrowserModelId( BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution(), is_per_user_install); base::win::ScopedComPtr activator; HRESULT hr = activator.CreateInstance(CLSID_ApplicationActivationManager); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD pid = 0; hr = activator->ActivateApplication( app_model_id.c_str(), L"open", AO_NONE, &pid); } LOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(hr)) << "Tried and failed to launch Metro Chrome. " << "hr=" << std::hex << hr; } installer::InstallStatus RegisterDevChrome( const InstallationState& original_state, const InstallerState& installer_state, const base::FilePath& setup_exe, const CommandLine& cmd_line) { BrowserDistribution* chrome_dist = BrowserDistribution::GetSpecificDistribution( BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER); // Only proceed with registering a dev chrome if no real Chrome installation // of the same distribution are present on this system. const ProductState* existing_chrome = original_state.GetProductState(false, BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER); if (!existing_chrome) { existing_chrome = original_state.GetProductState(true, BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER); } if (existing_chrome) { static const wchar_t kPleaseUninstallYourChromeMessage[] = L"You already have a full-installation (non-dev) of %1ls, please " L"uninstall it first using Add/Remove Programs in the control panel."; base::string16 name(chrome_dist->GetDisplayName()); base::string16 message( base::StringPrintf(kPleaseUninstallYourChromeMessage, name.c_str())); LOG(ERROR) << "Aborting operation: another installation of " << name << " was found, as a last resort (if the product is not present " "in Add/Remove Programs), try executing: " << existing_chrome->uninstall_command().GetCommandLineString(); MessageBox(NULL, message.c_str(), NULL, MB_ICONERROR); return installer::INSTALL_FAILED; } base::FilePath chrome_exe( cmd_line.GetSwitchValuePath(installer::switches::kRegisterDevChrome)); if (chrome_exe.empty()) chrome_exe = setup_exe.DirName().Append(installer::kChromeExe); if (!chrome_exe.IsAbsolute()) chrome_exe = base::MakeAbsoluteFilePath(chrome_exe); installer::InstallStatus status = installer::FIRST_INSTALL_SUCCESS; if (base::PathExists(chrome_exe)) { Product chrome(chrome_dist); // Create the Start menu shortcut and pin it to the taskbar. ShellUtil::ShortcutProperties shortcut_properties(ShellUtil::CURRENT_USER); chrome.AddDefaultShortcutProperties(chrome_exe, &shortcut_properties); shortcut_properties.set_dual_mode(true); shortcut_properties.set_pin_to_taskbar(true); ShellUtil::CreateOrUpdateShortcut( ShellUtil::SHORTCUT_LOCATION_START_MENU_CHROME_DIR, chrome_dist, shortcut_properties, ShellUtil::SHELL_SHORTCUT_CREATE_ALWAYS); // Register Chrome at user-level and make it default. scoped_ptr delegate_execute_list( WorkItem::CreateWorkItemList()); installer::AddDelegateExecuteWorkItems( installer_state, chrome_exe.DirName(), Version(), chrome, delegate_execute_list.get()); delegate_execute_list->Do(); if (ShellUtil::CanMakeChromeDefaultUnattended()) { ShellUtil::MakeChromeDefault( chrome_dist, ShellUtil::CURRENT_USER, chrome_exe.value(), true); } else { ShellUtil::ShowMakeChromeDefaultSystemUI(chrome_dist, chrome_exe.value()); } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Path not found: " << chrome_exe.value(); status = installer::INSTALL_FAILED; } return status; } // This method processes any command line options that make setup.exe do // various tasks other than installation (renaming chrome.exe, showing eula // among others). This function returns true if any such command line option // has been found and processed (so setup.exe should exit at that point). bool HandleNonInstallCmdLineOptions(const InstallationState& original_state, const base::FilePath& setup_exe, const CommandLine& cmd_line, InstallerState* installer_state, int* exit_code) { // TODO(gab): Add a local |status| variable which each block below sets; // only determine the |exit_code| from |status| at the end (this will allow // this method to validate that // (!handled || status != installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS)). bool handled = true; // TODO(tommi): Split these checks up into functions and use a data driven // map of switch->function. if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kUpdateSetupExe)) { installer::InstallStatus status = installer::SETUP_PATCH_FAILED; // If --update-setup-exe command line option is given, we apply the given // patch to current exe, and store the resulting binary in the path // specified by --new-setup-exe. But we need to first unpack the file // given in --update-setup-exe. base::ScopedTempDir temp_path; if (!temp_path.CreateUniqueTempDir()) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create temporary path."; } else { base::FilePath compressed_archive(cmd_line.GetSwitchValuePath( installer::switches::kUpdateSetupExe)); VLOG(1) << "Opening archive " << compressed_archive.value(); if (installer::ArchivePatchHelper::UncompressAndPatch( temp_path.path(), compressed_archive, setup_exe, cmd_line.GetSwitchValuePath(installer::switches::kNewSetupExe))) { status = installer::NEW_VERSION_UPDATED; } if (!temp_path.Delete()) { // PLOG would be nice, but Delete() doesn't leave a meaningful value in // the Windows last-error code. LOG(WARNING) << "Scheduling temporary path " << temp_path.path().value() << " for deletion at reboot."; ScheduleDirectoryForDeletion(temp_path.path()); } } *exit_code = InstallUtil::GetInstallReturnCode(status); if (*exit_code) { LOG(WARNING) << "setup.exe patching failed."; installer_state->WriteInstallerResult( status, IDS_SETUP_PATCH_FAILED_BASE, NULL); } // We will be exiting normally, so clear the stage indicator. installer_state->UpdateStage(installer::NO_STAGE); } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kShowEula)) { // Check if we need to show the EULA. If it is passed as a command line // then the dialog is shown and regardless of the outcome setup exits here. base::string16 inner_frame = cmd_line.GetSwitchValueNative(installer::switches::kShowEula); *exit_code = ShowEULADialog(inner_frame); if (installer::EULA_REJECTED != *exit_code) { if (GoogleUpdateSettings::SetEULAConsent( original_state, BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution(), true)) { CreateEULASentinel(BrowserDistribution::GetDistribution()); } // For a metro-originated launch, we now need to launch back into metro. if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kShowEulaForMetro)) ActivateMetroChrome(); } } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kConfigureUserSettings)) { // NOTE: Should the work done here, on kConfigureUserSettings, change: // kActiveSetupVersion in install_worker.cc needs to be increased for Active // Setup to invoke this again for all users of this install. const Product* chrome_install = installer_state->FindProduct(BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER); installer::InstallStatus status = installer::INVALID_STATE_FOR_OPTION; if (chrome_install && installer_state->system_install()) { bool force = cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kForceConfigureUserSettings); installer::HandleActiveSetupForBrowser(installer_state->target_path(), *chrome_install, force); status = installer::INSTALL_REPAIRED; } else { LOG(DFATAL) << "chrome_install:" << chrome_install << ", system_install:" << installer_state->system_install(); } *exit_code = InstallUtil::GetInstallReturnCode(status); } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kRegisterDevChrome)) { installer::InstallStatus status = RegisterDevChrome( original_state, *installer_state, setup_exe, cmd_line); *exit_code = InstallUtil::GetInstallReturnCode(status); } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kRegisterChromeBrowser)) { installer::InstallStatus status = installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS; const Product* chrome_install = installer_state->FindProduct(BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER); if (chrome_install) { // If --register-chrome-browser option is specified, register all // Chrome protocol/file associations, as well as register it as a valid // browser for Start Menu->Internet shortcut. This switch will also // register Chrome as a valid handler for a set of URL protocols that // Chrome may become the default handler for, either by the user marking // Chrome as the default browser, through the Windows Default Programs // control panel settings, or through website use of // registerProtocolHandler. These protocols are found in // ShellUtil::kPotentialProtocolAssociations. // The --register-url-protocol will additionally register Chrome as a // potential handler for the supplied protocol, and is used if a website // registers a handler for a protocol not found in // ShellUtil::kPotentialProtocolAssociations. // These options should only be used when setup.exe is launched with admin // rights. We do not make any user specific changes with this option. DCHECK(IsUserAnAdmin()); base::string16 chrome_exe(cmd_line.GetSwitchValueNative( installer::switches::kRegisterChromeBrowser)); base::string16 suffix; if (cmd_line.HasSwitch( installer::switches::kRegisterChromeBrowserSuffix)) { suffix = cmd_line.GetSwitchValueNative( installer::switches::kRegisterChromeBrowserSuffix); } if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kRegisterURLProtocol)) { base::string16 protocol = cmd_line.GetSwitchValueNative( installer::switches::kRegisterURLProtocol); // ShellUtil::RegisterChromeForProtocol performs all registration // done by ShellUtil::RegisterChromeBrowser, as well as registering // with Windows as capable of handling the supplied protocol. if (ShellUtil::RegisterChromeForProtocol( chrome_install->distribution(), chrome_exe, suffix, protocol, false)) status = installer::IN_USE_UPDATED; } else { if (ShellUtil::RegisterChromeBrowser(chrome_install->distribution(), chrome_exe, suffix, false)) status = installer::IN_USE_UPDATED; } } else { LOG(DFATAL) << "Can't register browser - Chrome distribution not found"; } *exit_code = InstallUtil::GetInstallReturnCode(status); } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kRenameChromeExe)) { // If --rename-chrome-exe is specified, we want to rename the executables // and exit. *exit_code = RenameChromeExecutables(original_state, installer_state); } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch( installer::switches::kRemoveChromeRegistration)) { // This is almost reverse of --register-chrome-browser option above. // Here we delete Chrome browser registration. This option should only // be used when setup.exe is launched with admin rights. We do not // make any user specific changes in this option. base::string16 suffix; if (cmd_line.HasSwitch( installer::switches::kRegisterChromeBrowserSuffix)) { suffix = cmd_line.GetSwitchValueNative( installer::switches::kRegisterChromeBrowserSuffix); } installer::InstallStatus tmp = installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS; const Product* chrome_install = installer_state->FindProduct(BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER); DCHECK(chrome_install); if (chrome_install) { installer::DeleteChromeRegistrationKeys(*installer_state, chrome_install->distribution(), HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, suffix, &tmp); } *exit_code = tmp; } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kOnOsUpgrade)) { const Product* chrome_install = installer_state->FindProduct(BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER); installer::InstallStatus status = installer::INVALID_STATE_FOR_OPTION; if (chrome_install) { installer::HandleOsUpgradeForBrowser(*installer_state, *chrome_install); status = installer::INSTALL_REPAIRED; } else { LOG(DFATAL) << "Chrome product not found."; } *exit_code = InstallUtil::GetInstallReturnCode(status); } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kQueryEULAAcceptance)) { *exit_code = installer::IsEULAAccepted(installer_state->system_install()); } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kInactiveUserToast)) { // Launch the inactive user toast experiment. int flavor = -1; base::StringToInt(cmd_line.GetSwitchValueNative( installer::switches::kInactiveUserToast), &flavor); std::string experiment_group = cmd_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(installer::switches::kExperimentGroup); DCHECK_NE(-1, flavor); if (flavor == -1) { *exit_code = installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS; } else { // This code is called (via setup.exe relaunch) only if a product is known // to run user experiments, so no check is required. const Products& products = installer_state->products(); for (Products::const_iterator it = products.begin(); it < products.end(); ++it) { const Product& product = **it; installer::InactiveUserToastExperiment( flavor, base::ASCIIToUTF16(experiment_group), product, installer_state->target_path()); } } } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kSystemLevelToast)) { const Products& products = installer_state->products(); for (Products::const_iterator it = products.begin(); it < products.end(); ++it) { const Product& product = **it; BrowserDistribution* browser_dist = product.distribution(); // We started as system-level and have been re-launched as user level // to continue with the toast experiment. Version installed_version; InstallUtil::GetChromeVersion(browser_dist, true, &installed_version); if (!installed_version.IsValid()) { LOG(ERROR) << "No installation of " << browser_dist->GetDisplayName() << " found for system-level toast."; } else { product.LaunchUserExperiment( setup_exe, installer::REENTRY_SYS_UPDATE, true); } } } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kPatch)) { const std::string patch_type_str( cmd_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(installer::switches::kPatch)); const base::FilePath input_file( cmd_line.GetSwitchValuePath(installer::switches::kInputFile)); const base::FilePath patch_file( cmd_line.GetSwitchValuePath(installer::switches::kPatchFile)); const base::FilePath output_file( cmd_line.GetSwitchValuePath(installer::switches::kOutputFile)); if (patch_type_str == installer::kCourgette) { *exit_code = installer::CourgettePatchFiles(input_file, patch_file, output_file); } else if (patch_type_str == installer::kBsdiff) { *exit_code = installer::BsdiffPatchFiles(input_file, patch_file, output_file); } else { *exit_code = installer::PATCH_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; } } else if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kReenableAutoupdates)) { // setup.exe has been asked to attempt to reenable updates for Chrome. // Figure out whether we should do so for the multi binaries or the main // Chrome product. BrowserDistribution::Type dist_type = BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER; if (installer_state->is_multi_install()) dist_type = BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BINARIES; BrowserDistribution* dist = BrowserDistribution::GetSpecificDistribution(dist_type); bool updates_enabled = GoogleUpdateSettings::ReenableAutoupdatesForApp(dist->GetAppGuid()); *exit_code = updates_enabled ? installer::REENABLE_UPDATES_SUCCEEDED : installer::REENABLE_UPDATES_FAILED; } else { handled = false; } return handled; } bool ShowRebootDialog() { // Get a token for this process. HANDLE token; if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &token)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open token."; return false; } // Use a ScopedHandle to keep track of and eventually close our handle. // TODO(robertshield): Add a Receive() method to base's ScopedHandle. base::win::ScopedHandle scoped_handle(token); // Get the LUID for the shutdown privilege. TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tkp = {0}; LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, &tkp.Privileges[0].Luid); tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; // Get the shutdown privilege for this process. AdjustTokenPrivileges(token, FALSE, &tkp, 0, reinterpret_cast(NULL), 0); if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to get shutdown privileges."; return false; } // Popup a dialog that will prompt to reboot using the default system message. // TODO(robertshield): Add a localized, more specific string to the prompt. RestartDialog(NULL, NULL, EWX_REBOOT | EWX_FORCEIFHUNG); return true; } // Returns the Custom information for the client identified by the exe path // passed in. This information is used for crash reporting. google_breakpad::CustomClientInfo* GetCustomInfo(const wchar_t* exe_path) { base::string16 product; base::string16 version; scoped_ptr version_info( FileVersionInfo::CreateFileVersionInfo(base::FilePath(exe_path))); if (version_info.get()) { version = version_info->product_version(); product = version_info->product_short_name(); } if (version.empty()) version = L""; if (product.empty()) product = L"Chrome Installer"; static google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry ver_entry(L"ver", version.c_str()); static google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry prod_entry(L"prod", product.c_str()); static google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry plat_entry(L"plat", L"Win32"); static google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry type_entry(L"ptype", L"Chrome Installer"); static google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry entries[] = { ver_entry, prod_entry, plat_entry, type_entry }; static google_breakpad::CustomClientInfo custom_info = { entries, arraysize(entries) }; return &custom_info; } // Initialize crash reporting for this process. This involves connecting to // breakpad, etc. scoped_ptr InitializeCrashReporting( bool system_install) { // Only report crashes if the user allows it. if (!GoogleUpdateSettings::GetCollectStatsConsent()) return scoped_ptr(); // Get the alternate dump directory. We use the temp path. base::FilePath temp_directory; if (!base::GetTempDir(&temp_directory) || temp_directory.empty()) return scoped_ptr(); wchar_t exe_path[MAX_PATH * 2] = {0}; GetModuleFileName(NULL, exe_path, arraysize(exe_path)); // Build the pipe name. It can be either: // System-wide install: "NamedPipe\GoogleCrashServices\S-1-5-18" // Per-user install: "NamedPipe\GoogleCrashServices\" base::string16 user_sid = kSystemPrincipalSid; if (!system_install) { if (!base::win::GetUserSidString(&user_sid)) { return scoped_ptr(); } } base::string16 pipe_name = kGoogleUpdatePipeName; pipe_name += user_sid; return scoped_ptr( new google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler( temp_directory.value(), NULL, NULL, NULL, google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::HANDLER_ALL, kLargerDumpType, pipe_name.c_str(), GetCustomInfo(exe_path))); } // Uninstalls multi-install Chrome Frame if the current operation is a // multi-install install or update. The operation is performed directly rather // than delegated to the existing install since there is no facility in older // versions of setup.exe to uninstall GCF without touching the binaries. The // binaries will be uninstalled during later processing if they are not in-use // (see UninstallBinariesIfUnused). |original_state| and |installer_state| are // updated to reflect the state of the world following the operation. void UninstallMultiChromeFrameIfPresent(const CommandLine& cmd_line, const MasterPreferences& prefs, InstallationState* original_state, InstallerState* installer_state) { // Early exit if not installing or updating multi-install product(s). if (installer_state->operation() != InstallerState::MULTI_INSTALL && installer_state->operation() != InstallerState::MULTI_UPDATE) { return; } // Early exit if Chrome Frame is not present as multi-install. const ProductState* chrome_frame_state = original_state->GetProductState(installer_state->system_install(), BrowserDistribution::CHROME_FRAME); if (!chrome_frame_state || !chrome_frame_state->is_multi_install()) return; LOG(INFO) << "Uninstalling multi-install Chrome Frame."; installer_state->UpdateStage(installer::UNINSTALLING_CHROME_FRAME); // Uninstall Chrome Frame without touching the multi-install binaries. // Simulate the uninstall as coming from the installed version. const CommandLine& uninstall_cmd(chrome_frame_state->uninstall_command()); MasterPreferences uninstall_prefs(uninstall_cmd); InstallerState uninstall_state; uninstall_state.Initialize(uninstall_cmd, uninstall_prefs, *original_state); // Post M32, uninstall_prefs and uninstall_state won't have Chrome Frame in // them since they've lost the power to do Chrome Frame installs. const Product* chrome_frame_product = uninstall_state.AddProductFromState( BrowserDistribution::CHROME_FRAME, *chrome_frame_state); if (chrome_frame_product) { // No shared state should be left behind. const bool remove_all = true; // Don't accept no for an answer. const bool force_uninstall = true; installer::InstallStatus uninstall_status = installer::UninstallProduct(*original_state, uninstall_state, uninstall_cmd.GetProgram(), *chrome_frame_product, remove_all, force_uninstall, cmd_line); VLOG(1) << "Uninstallation of Chrome Frame returned status " << uninstall_status; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Chrome Frame not found for uninstall."; } // Refresh state for the continuation of the original install/update. original_state->Initialize(); installer_state->Initialize(cmd_line, prefs, *original_state); } } // namespace namespace installer { InstallStatus InstallProductsHelper( const InstallationState& original_state, const base::FilePath& setup_exe, const CommandLine& cmd_line, const MasterPreferences& prefs, const InstallerState& installer_state, base::FilePath* installer_directory, ArchiveType* archive_type, bool* delegated_to_existing) { DCHECK(archive_type); DCHECK(delegated_to_existing); const bool system_install = installer_state.system_install(); InstallStatus install_status = UNKNOWN_STATUS; // Drop to background processing mode if the process was started below the // normal process priority class. bool entered_background_mode = AdjustProcessPriority(); VLOG_IF(1, entered_background_mode) << "Entered background processing mode."; // Create a temp folder where we will unpack Chrome archive. If it fails, // then we are doomed, so return immediately and no cleanup is required. SelfCleaningTempDir temp_path; base::FilePath unpack_path; if (!CreateTemporaryAndUnpackDirectories(installer_state, &temp_path, &unpack_path)) { installer_state.WriteInstallerResult(TEMP_DIR_FAILED, IDS_INSTALL_TEMP_DIR_FAILED_BASE, NULL); return TEMP_DIR_FAILED; } // Uncompress and optionally patch the archive if an uncompressed archive was // not specified on the command line and a compressed archive is found. *archive_type = UNKNOWN_ARCHIVE_TYPE; base::FilePath uncompressed_archive(cmd_line.GetSwitchValuePath( switches::kUncompressedArchive)); if (uncompressed_archive.empty()) { scoped_ptr archive_helper( CreateChromeArchiveHelper(setup_exe, cmd_line, installer_state, unpack_path)); if (archive_helper) { VLOG(1) << "Installing Chrome from compressed archive " << archive_helper->compressed_archive().value(); if (!UncompressAndPatchChromeArchive(original_state, installer_state, archive_helper.get(), archive_type, &install_status)) { DCHECK_NE(install_status, UNKNOWN_STATUS); return install_status; } uncompressed_archive = archive_helper->target(); DCHECK(!uncompressed_archive.empty()); } } // Check for an uncompressed archive alongside the current executable if one // was not given or generated. if (uncompressed_archive.empty()) uncompressed_archive = setup_exe.DirName().Append(kChromeArchive); if (*archive_type == UNKNOWN_ARCHIVE_TYPE) { // An archive was not uncompressed or patched above. if (uncompressed_archive.empty() || !base::PathExists(uncompressed_archive)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot install Chrome without an uncompressed archive."; installer_state.WriteInstallerResult( INVALID_ARCHIVE, IDS_INSTALL_INVALID_ARCHIVE_BASE, NULL); return INVALID_ARCHIVE; } *archive_type = FULL_ARCHIVE_TYPE; } // Unpack the uncompressed archive. if (LzmaUtil::UnPackArchive(uncompressed_archive.value(), unpack_path.value(), NULL)) { installer_state.WriteInstallerResult( UNPACKING_FAILED, IDS_INSTALL_UNCOMPRESSION_FAILED_BASE, NULL); return UNPACKING_FAILED; } VLOG(1) << "unpacked to " << unpack_path.value(); base::FilePath src_path( unpack_path.Append(kInstallSourceChromeDir)); scoped_ptr installer_version(GetMaxVersionFromArchiveDir(src_path)); if (!installer_version.get()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Did not find any valid version in installer."; install_status = INVALID_ARCHIVE; installer_state.WriteInstallerResult(install_status, IDS_INSTALL_INVALID_ARCHIVE_BASE, NULL); } else { VLOG(1) << "version to install: " << installer_version->GetString(); bool proceed_with_installation = true; if (installer_state.operation() == InstallerState::MULTI_INSTALL) { // This is a new install of a multi-install product. Rather than give up // in case a higher version of the binaries (including a single-install // of Chrome, which can safely be migrated to multi-install by way of // CheckMultiInstallConditions) is already installed, delegate to the // installed setup.exe to install the product at hand. base::FilePath existing_setup_exe; if (GetExistingHigherInstaller(original_state, system_install, *installer_version, &existing_setup_exe)) { VLOG(1) << "Deferring to existing installer."; installer_state.UpdateStage(DEFERRING_TO_HIGHER_VERSION); if (DeferToExistingInstall(existing_setup_exe, cmd_line, installer_state, temp_path.path(), &install_status)) { *delegated_to_existing = true; return install_status; } } } uint32 higher_products = 0; COMPILE_ASSERT( sizeof(higher_products) * 8 > BrowserDistribution::NUM_TYPES, too_many_distribution_types_); const Products& products = installer_state.products(); for (Products::const_iterator it = products.begin(); it < products.end(); ++it) { const Product& product = **it; const ProductState* product_state = original_state.GetProductState(system_install, product.distribution()->GetType()); if (product_state != NULL && (product_state->version().CompareTo(*installer_version) > 0)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Higher version of " << product.distribution()->GetDisplayName() << " is already installed."; higher_products |= (1 << product.distribution()->GetType()); } } if (higher_products != 0) { COMPILE_ASSERT(BrowserDistribution::NUM_TYPES == 4, add_support_for_new_products_here_); const uint32 kBrowserBit = 1 << BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER; const uint32 kAppHostBit = 1 << BrowserDistribution::CHROME_APP_HOST; int message_id = 0; proceed_with_installation = false; install_status = HIGHER_VERSION_EXISTS; switch (higher_products) { case kBrowserBit: message_id = IDS_INSTALL_HIGHER_VERSION_BASE; break; default: message_id = IDS_INSTALL_HIGHER_VERSION_APP_LAUNCHER_BASE; break; } installer_state.WriteInstallerResult(install_status, message_id, NULL); } proceed_with_installation = proceed_with_installation && CheckGroupPolicySettings(original_state, installer_state, *installer_version, &install_status); if (proceed_with_installation) { // If Google Update is absent at user-level, install it using the // Google Update installer from an existing system-level installation. // This is for quick-enable App Host install from a system-level // Chrome Binaries installation. if (!system_install && installer_state.ensure_google_update_present()) { if (!google_update::EnsureUserLevelGoogleUpdatePresent()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to install Google Update"; proceed_with_installation = false; install_status = INSTALL_OF_GOOGLE_UPDATE_FAILED; installer_state.WriteInstallerResult(install_status, 0, NULL); } } } if (proceed_with_installation) { base::FilePath prefs_source_path(cmd_line.GetSwitchValueNative( switches::kInstallerData)); install_status = InstallOrUpdateProduct( original_state, installer_state, setup_exe, uncompressed_archive, temp_path.path(), src_path, prefs_source_path, prefs, *installer_version); int install_msg_base = IDS_INSTALL_FAILED_BASE; base::string16 chrome_exe; base::string16 quoted_chrome_exe; if (install_status == SAME_VERSION_REPAIR_FAILED) { install_msg_base = IDS_SAME_VERSION_REPAIR_FAILED_BASE; } else if (install_status != INSTALL_FAILED) { if (installer_state.target_path().empty()) { // If we failed to construct install path, it means the OS call to // get %ProgramFiles% or %AppData% failed. Report this as failure. install_msg_base = IDS_INSTALL_OS_ERROR_BASE; install_status = OS_ERROR; } else { chrome_exe = installer_state.target_path().Append(kChromeExe).value(); quoted_chrome_exe = L"\"" + chrome_exe + L"\""; install_msg_base = 0; } } installer_state.UpdateStage(FINISHING); // Only do Chrome-specific stuff (like launching the browser) if // Chrome was specifically requested (rather than being upgraded as // part of a multi-install). const Product* chrome_install = prefs.install_chrome() ? installer_state.FindProduct(BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER) : NULL; bool do_not_register_for_update_launch = false; if (chrome_install) { prefs.GetBool(master_preferences::kDoNotRegisterForUpdateLaunch, &do_not_register_for_update_launch); } else { do_not_register_for_update_launch = true; // Never register. } bool write_chrome_launch_string = (!do_not_register_for_update_launch && install_status != IN_USE_UPDATED); installer_state.WriteInstallerResult(install_status, install_msg_base, write_chrome_launch_string ? "ed_chrome_exe : NULL); if (install_status == FIRST_INSTALL_SUCCESS) { VLOG(1) << "First install successful."; if (chrome_install) { // We never want to launch Chrome in system level install mode. bool do_not_launch_chrome = false; prefs.GetBool(master_preferences::kDoNotLaunchChrome, &do_not_launch_chrome); if (!system_install && !do_not_launch_chrome) chrome_install->LaunchChrome(installer_state.target_path()); } } else if ((install_status == NEW_VERSION_UPDATED) || (install_status == IN_USE_UPDATED)) { const Product* chrome = installer_state.FindProduct( BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER); if (chrome != NULL) { DCHECK_NE(chrome_exe, base::string16()); RemoveChromeLegacyRegistryKeys(chrome->distribution(), chrome_exe); } } } } // There might be an experiment (for upgrade usually) that needs to happen. // An experiment's outcome can include chrome's uninstallation. If that is // the case we would not do that directly at this point but in another // instance of setup.exe // // There is another way to reach this same function if this is a system // level install. See HandleNonInstallCmdLineOptions(). { // If installation failed, use the path to the currently running setup. // If installation succeeded, use the path to setup in the installer dir. base::FilePath setup_path(setup_exe); if (InstallUtil::GetInstallReturnCode(install_status) == 0) { setup_path = installer_state.GetInstallerDirectory(*installer_version) .Append(setup_path.BaseName()); } const Products& products = installer_state.products(); for (Products::const_iterator it = products.begin(); it < products.end(); ++it) { const Product& product = **it; product.LaunchUserExperiment(setup_path, install_status, system_install); } } // If installation completed successfully, return the path to the directory // containing the newly installed setup.exe and uncompressed archive if the // caller requested it. if (installer_directory && InstallUtil::GetInstallReturnCode(install_status) == 0) { *installer_directory = installer_state.GetInstallerDirectory(*installer_version); } // temp_path's dtor will take care of deleting or scheduling itself for // deletion at reboot when this scope closes. VLOG(1) << "Deleting temporary directory " << temp_path.path().value(); return install_status; } } // namespace installer int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE instance, HINSTANCE prev_instance, wchar_t* command_line, int show_command) { // Check to see if the CPU is supported before doing anything else. There's // very little than can safely be accomplished if the CPU isn't supported // since dependent libraries (e.g., base) may use invalid instructions. if (!installer::IsProcessorSupported()) return installer::CPU_NOT_SUPPORTED; // The exit manager is in charge of calling the dtors of singletons. base::AtExitManager exit_manager; CommandLine::Init(0, NULL); // install_util uses chrome paths. chrome::RegisterPathProvider(); const MasterPreferences& prefs = MasterPreferences::ForCurrentProcess(); installer::InitInstallerLogging(prefs); const CommandLine& cmd_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); VLOG(1) << "Command Line: " << cmd_line.GetCommandLineString(); VLOG(1) << "multi install is " << prefs.is_multi_install(); bool system_install = false; prefs.GetBool(installer::master_preferences::kSystemLevel, &system_install); VLOG(1) << "system install is " << system_install; scoped_ptr breakpad( InitializeCrashReporting(system_install)); InstallationState original_state; original_state.Initialize(); InstallerState installer_state; installer_state.Initialize(cmd_line, prefs, original_state); const bool is_uninstall = cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kUninstall); // Check to make sure current system is WinXP or later. If not, log // error message and get out. if (!InstallUtil::IsOSSupported()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Chrome only supports Windows XP or later."; installer_state.WriteInstallerResult( installer::OS_NOT_SUPPORTED, IDS_INSTALL_OS_NOT_SUPPORTED_BASE, NULL); return installer::OS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } // Initialize COM for use later. base::win::ScopedCOMInitializer com_initializer; if (!com_initializer.succeeded()) { installer_state.WriteInstallerResult( installer::OS_ERROR, IDS_INSTALL_OS_ERROR_BASE, NULL); return installer::OS_ERROR; } // Some command line options don't work with SxS install/uninstall if (InstallUtil::IsChromeSxSProcess()) { if (system_install || prefs.is_multi_install() || cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kForceUninstall) || cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kMakeChromeDefault) || cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kRegisterChromeBrowser) || cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kRemoveChromeRegistration) || cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kInactiveUserToast) || cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kSystemLevelToast)) { return installer::SXS_OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } // Some command line options are no longer supported and must error out. if (installer::ContainsUnsupportedSwitch(cmd_line)) return installer::UNSUPPORTED_OPTION; // A variety of installer operations require the path to the current // executable. Get it once here for use throughout these operations. Note that // the path service is the authoritative source for this path. One might think // that CommandLine::GetProgram would suffice, but it won't since // CreateProcess may have been called with a command line that is somewhat // ambiguous (e.g., an unquoted path with spaces, or a path lacking the file // extension), in which case CommandLineToArgv will not yield an argv with the // true path to the program at position 0. base::FilePath setup_exe; if (!PathService::Get(base::FILE_EXE, &setup_exe)) { NOTREACHED(); return installer::OS_ERROR; } int exit_code = 0; if (HandleNonInstallCmdLineOptions( original_state, setup_exe, cmd_line, &installer_state, &exit_code)) { return exit_code; } if (system_install && !IsUserAnAdmin()) { if (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::VERSION_VISTA && !cmd_line.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kRunAsAdmin)) { CommandLine new_cmd(CommandLine::NO_PROGRAM); new_cmd.AppendArguments(cmd_line, true); // Append --run-as-admin flag to let the new instance of setup.exe know // that we already tried to launch ourselves as admin. new_cmd.AppendSwitch(installer::switches::kRunAsAdmin); // If system_install became true due to an environment variable, append // it to the command line here since env vars may not propagate past the // elevation. if (!new_cmd.HasSwitch(installer::switches::kSystemLevel)) new_cmd.AppendSwitch(installer::switches::kSystemLevel); DWORD exit_code = installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS; InstallUtil::ExecuteExeAsAdmin(new_cmd, &exit_code); return exit_code; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Non admin user can not install system level Chrome."; installer_state.WriteInstallerResult(installer::INSUFFICIENT_RIGHTS, IDS_INSTALL_INSUFFICIENT_RIGHTS_BASE, NULL); return installer::INSUFFICIENT_RIGHTS; } } UninstallMultiChromeFrameIfPresent(cmd_line, prefs, &original_state, &installer_state); base::FilePath installer_directory; installer::InstallStatus install_status = installer::UNKNOWN_STATUS; // If --uninstall option is given, uninstall the identified product(s) if (is_uninstall) { install_status = UninstallProducts(original_state, installer_state, setup_exe, cmd_line); } else { // If --uninstall option is not specified, we assume it is install case. install_status = InstallProducts(original_state, setup_exe, cmd_line, prefs, &installer_state, &installer_directory); } // Validate that the machine is now in a good state following the operation. // TODO(grt): change this to log at DFATAL once we're convinced that the // validator handles all cases properly. InstallationValidator::InstallationType installation_type = InstallationValidator::NO_PRODUCTS; LOG_IF(ERROR, !InstallationValidator::ValidateInstallationType(system_install, &installation_type)); int return_code = 0; // MSI demands that custom actions always return 0 (ERROR_SUCCESS) or it will // rollback the action. If we're uninstalling we want to avoid this, so always // report success, squashing any more informative return codes. if (!(installer_state.is_msi() && is_uninstall)) { // Note that we allow the status installer::UNINSTALL_REQUIRES_REBOOT // to pass through, since this is only returned on uninstall which is // never invoked directly by Google Update. return_code = InstallUtil::GetInstallReturnCode(install_status); } VLOG(1) << "Installation complete, returning: " << return_code; return return_code; }