// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // This file extends generic BrowserDistribution class to declare Google Chrome // specific implementation. #ifndef CHROME_INSTALLER_UTIL_GOOGLE_CHROME_DISTRIBUTION_H_ #define CHROME_INSTALLER_UTIL_GOOGLE_CHROME_DISTRIBUTION_H_ #pragma once #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/browser_distribution.h" #include "chrome/installer/util/util_constants.h" class DictionaryValue; class GoogleChromeDistribution : public BrowserDistribution { public: // Opens the Google Chrome uninstall survey window. // version refers to the version of Chrome being uninstalled. // local_data_path is the path of the file containing json metrics that // will be parsed. If this file indicates that the user has opted in to // providing anonymous usage data, then some additional statistics will // be added to the survey url. // distribution_data contains Google Update related data that will be // concatenated to the survey url if the file in local_data_path indicates // the user has opted in to providing anonymous usage data. virtual void DoPostUninstallOperations(const installer::Version& version, const std::wstring& local_data_path, const std::wstring& distribution_data); virtual std::wstring GetAppGuid(); virtual std::wstring GetApplicationName(); virtual std::wstring GetAlternateApplicationName(); virtual std::wstring GetBrowserAppId(); virtual std::wstring GetInstallSubDir(); virtual std::wstring GetPublisherName(); virtual std::wstring GetAppDescription(); virtual std::string GetSafeBrowsingName(); virtual std::wstring GetStateKey(); virtual std::wstring GetStateMediumKey(); virtual std::wstring GetStatsServerURL(); // This method reads data from the Google Update ClientState key for // potential use in the uninstall survey. It must be called before the // key returned by GetVersionKey() is deleted. virtual std::wstring GetDistributionData(RegKey* key); virtual std::wstring GetUninstallLinkName(); virtual std::wstring GetUninstallRegPath(); virtual std::wstring GetVersionKey(); virtual std::wstring GetEnvVersionKey(); virtual void UpdateDiffInstallStatus(bool system_install, bool incremental_install, installer_util::InstallStatus install_status); virtual void LaunchUserExperiment(installer_util::InstallStatus status, const installer::Version& version, bool system_install); // Assuming that the user qualifies, this function performs the inactive user // toast experiment. It will use chrome to show the UI and it will record the // outcome in the registry. virtual void InactiveUserToastExperiment(int flavor, bool system_install); std::wstring product_guid() { return product_guid_; } protected: void set_product_guid(std::wstring guid) { product_guid_ = guid; } // Disallow construction from others. GoogleChromeDistribution(); private: friend class BrowserDistribution; FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(GoogleChromeDistTest, TestExtractUninstallMetrics); // Extracts uninstall metrics from the JSON file located at file_path. // Returns them in a form suitable for appending to a url that already // has GET parameters, i.e. &metric1=foo&metric2=bar. // Returns true if uninstall_metrics has been successfully populated with // the uninstall metrics, false otherwise. virtual bool ExtractUninstallMetricsFromFile( const std::wstring& file_path, std::wstring* uninstall_metrics); // Extracts uninstall metrics from the given JSON value. virtual bool ExtractUninstallMetrics(const DictionaryValue& root, std::wstring* uninstall_metrics); // Given a DictionaryValue containing a set of uninstall metrics, // this builds a URL parameter list of all the contained metrics. // Returns true if at least one uninstall metric was found in // uninstall_metrics_dict, false otherwise. virtual bool BuildUninstallMetricsString( DictionaryValue* uninstall_metrics_dict, std::wstring* metrics); // The product ID for Google Update. std::wstring product_guid_; }; #endif // CHROME_INSTALLER_UTIL_GOOGLE_CHROME_DISTRIBUTION_H_