// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file extends generic BrowserDistribution class to declare Google Chrome
// specific implementation.


#include "chrome/installer/util/browser_distribution.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/util_constants.h"

class GoogleChromeDistribution : public BrowserDistribution {
  virtual void DoPostUninstallOperations(const installer::Version& version);

  virtual std::wstring GetApplicationName();

  virtual std::wstring GetInstallSubDir();

  // This method generates the new value for Google Update "ap" key for Chrome
  // based on whether we are doing incremental install (or not) and whether
  // the install succeeded.
  // - If install worked, remove the magic string (if present).
  // - If incremental installer failed, append a magic string (if
  //   not present already).
  // - If full installer failed, still remove this magic
  //   string (if it is present already).
  // diff_install: tells whether this is incremental install or not.
  // install_status: if 0, means installation was successful.
  // value: current value of Google Update "ap" key.
  std::wstring GetNewGoogleUpdateApKey(bool diff_install,
      installer_util::InstallStatus status, const std::wstring& value);

  virtual std::wstring GetPublisherName();

  virtual int GetInstallReturnCode(
      installer_util::InstallStatus install_status);

  virtual std::wstring GetStateKey();

  virtual std::wstring GetUninstallLinkName();

  virtual std::wstring GetUninstallRegPath();

  virtual std::wstring GetVersionKey();

  virtual void UpdateDiffInstallStatus(bool system_install,
      bool incremental_install, installer_util::InstallStatus install_status);

  friend class BrowserDistribution;

  GoogleChromeDistribution() {}