// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>

#include "base/basictypes.h"

// This class provides accessors to the Google Update 'ClientState' information
// that recorded when the user downloads the chrome installer. It is
// google_update.exe responsability to write the initial values.
class GoogleUpdateSettings {
  // Returns whether the user has given consent to collect UMA data and send
  // crash dumps to Google. This information is collected by the web server
  // used to download the chrome installer.
  static bool GetCollectStatsConsent();

  // Sets the user consent to send UMA and crash dumps to Google. Returns
  // false if the setting could not be recorded.
  static bool SetCollectStatsConsent(bool consented);

  // Returns the metrics id set in the registry (that can be used in crash
  // reports). If none found, returns empty string.
  static bool GetMetricsId(std::wstring* metrics_id);

  // Sets the metrics id to be used in crash reports.
  static bool SetMetricsId(const std::wstring& metrics_id);

  // Sets the machine-wide EULA consented flag required on OEM installs.
  // Returns false if the setting could not be recorded.
  static bool SetEULAConsent(bool consented);

  // Returns the last time chrome was run in days. It uses a recorded value
  // set by SetLastRunTime(). Returns -1 if the value was not found or if
  // the value is corrupted.
  static int GetLastRunTime();

  // Stores the time that this function was last called using an encoded
  // form of the system local time. Retrieve the time using GetLastRunTime().
  // Returns false if the value could not be stored.
  static bool SetLastRunTime();

  // Removes the storage used by SetLastRunTime() and SetLastRunTime(). Returns
  // false if the operation failed. Returns true if the storage was freed or
  // if it never existed in the first place.
  static bool RemoveLastRunTime();

  // Returns in |browser| the browser used to download chrome as recorded
  // Google Update. Returns false if the information is not available.
  static bool GetBrowser(std::wstring* browser);

  // Returns in |language| the language selected by the user when downloading
  // chrome. This information is collected by the web server used to download
  // the chrome installer. Returns false if the information is not available.
  static bool GetLanguage(std::wstring* language);

  // Returns in |brand| the RLZ brand code or distribution tag that has been
  // assigned to a partner. Returns false if the information is not available.
  static bool GetBrand(std::wstring* brand);

  // Returns in |client| the google_update client field, which is currently
  // used to track experiments. Returns false if the entry does not exist.
  static bool GetClient(std::wstring* client);

  // Sets the google_update client field. Unlike GetClient() this is set only
  // for the current user. Returns false if the operation failed.
  static bool SetClient(const std::wstring& client);

  // Returns in 'client' the RLZ referral available for some distribution
  // partners. This value does not exist for most chrome or chromium installs.
  static bool GetReferral(std::wstring* referral);

  // Overwrites the current value of the referral with an empty string. Returns
  // true if this operation succeeded.
  static bool ClearReferral();

  // Return a human readable modifier for the version string, e.g.
  // the channel (dev, beta, stable). Returns true if this operation succeeded,
  // on success, channel contains one of "", "unknown", "dev" or "beta".
  static bool GetChromeChannel(std::wstring* channel);
