#include #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "installer_util_strings.h" namespace { // Gets the language from the OS. If we're unable to get the system language, // defaults to en-us. std::wstring GetSystemLanguage() { static std::wstring language; if (!language.empty()) return language; // We don't have ICU at this point, so we use win32 apis. LCID id = GetThreadLocale(); int length = GetLocaleInfo(id, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, 0, 0); if (0 == length) { language = L"en-us"; return language; } length = GetLocaleInfo(id, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, WriteInto(&language, length), length); DCHECK(length == language.length() + 1); StringToLowerASCII(&language); // Add the country if we need it. std::wstring country; length = GetLocaleInfo(id, LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME, 0, 0); if (0 != length) { length = GetLocaleInfo(id, LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME, WriteInto(&country, length), length); DCHECK(length == country.length() + 1); StringToLowerASCII(&country); if (L"en" == language) { if (L"gb" == country) { language.append(L"-gb"); } else { language.append(L"-us"); } } else if (L"es" == language && L"es" != country) { language.append(L"-419"); } else if (L"pt" == language) { if (L"br" == country) { language.append(L"-br"); } else { language.append(L"-pt"); } } else if (L"zh" == language) { if (L"tw" == country || L"mk" == country || L"hk" == country) { language.append(L"-tw"); } else { language.append(L"-cn"); } } } if (language.empty()) language = L"en-us"; return language; } // This method returns the appropriate language offset given the language as a // string. Note: This method is not thread safe because of how we create // |offset_map|. int GetLanguageOffset(const std::wstring& language) { static std::map offset_map; if (offset_map.empty()) { offset_map[L"ar"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_AR; offset_map[L"bg"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_BG; offset_map[L"ca"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_CA; offset_map[L"cs"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_CS; offset_map[L"da"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_DA; offset_map[L"de"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_DE; offset_map[L"el"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_EL; offset_map[L"en-gb"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_EN_GB; offset_map[L"en-us"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_EN_US; offset_map[L"es"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_ES; offset_map[L"es-419"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_ES_419; offset_map[L"et"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_ET; offset_map[L"fi"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_FI; offset_map[L"fil"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_FIL; offset_map[L"fr"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_FR; offset_map[L"he"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_HE; offset_map[L"hi"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_HI; offset_map[L"hr"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_HR; offset_map[L"hu"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_HU; offset_map[L"id"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_ID; offset_map[L"it"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_IT; // Google web properties use iw for he. Handle both just to be safe. offset_map[L"iw"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_HE; offset_map[L"ja"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_JA; offset_map[L"ko"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_KO; offset_map[L"lt"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_LT; offset_map[L"lv"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_LV; // Google web properties use no for nb. Handle both just to be safe. offset_map[L"nb"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_NO; offset_map[L"nl"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_NL; offset_map[L"no"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_NO; offset_map[L"pl"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_PL; offset_map[L"pt-br"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_PT_BR; offset_map[L"pt-pt"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_PT_PT; offset_map[L"ro"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_RO; offset_map[L"ru"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_RU; offset_map[L"sk"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_SK; offset_map[L"sl"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_SL; offset_map[L"sr"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_SR; offset_map[L"sv"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_SV; offset_map[L"th"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_TH; // Some Google web properties use tl for fil. Handle both just to be safe. // They're not completely identical, but alias it here. offset_map[L"tl"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_FIL; offset_map[L"tr"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_TR; offset_map[L"uk"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_UK; offset_map[L"vi"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_VI; offset_map[L"zh-cn"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_ZH_CN; offset_map[L"zh-tw"] = IDS_L10N_OFFSET_ZH_TW; } std::map::iterator it = offset_map.find( StringToLowerASCII(language)); if (it != offset_map.end()) return it->second; NOTREACHED() << "unknown system language-country"; // Fallback on the en-US offset just in case. return IDS_L10N_OFFSET_EN_US; } } // namespace namespace installer_util { std::wstring GetLocalizedString(int base_message_id) { std::wstring language = GetSystemLanguage(); std::wstring localized_string; int message_id = base_message_id + GetLanguageOffset(language); const ATLSTRINGRESOURCEIMAGE* image = AtlGetStringResourceImage( _AtlBaseModule.GetModuleInstance(), message_id); if (image) { localized_string = std::wstring(image->achString, image->nLength); } else { NOTREACHED() << "Unable to find resource id " << message_id; } return localized_string; } // Here we generate the url spec with the Microsoft res:// scheme which is // explained here : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/220830 std::wstring GetLocalizedEulaResource() { wchar_t full_exe_path[MAX_PATH]; int len = ::GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, full_exe_path, MAX_PATH); if (len <= 0 && len >= MAX_PATH) return L""; // The default language is English, but we also support Spanish,French and // Portuguese. std::wstring language = GetSystemLanguage(); const wchar_t* resource = L"IDR_OEMPG_EN.HTML"; if (language == L"fr") resource = L"IDR_OEMPG_FR.HTML"; else if (language == L"es-419") resource = L"IDR_OEMPG_ES_419.HTML"; else if (language == L"pt-br") resource = L"IDR_OEMPG_PT_BR.HTML"; // Spaces and DOS paths must be url encoded. std::wstring url_path = StringPrintf(L"res://%ls/#23/%ls", full_exe_path, resource); DWORD count = url_path.size() * 3; scoped_ptr url_canon(new wchar_t[count]); HRESULT hr = ::UrlCanonicalizeW(url_path.c_str(), url_canon.get(), &count, URL_ESCAPE_UNSAFE); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return std::wstring(url_canon.get()); return url_path; } } // namespace installer_util