// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/nacl/nacl_ipc_adapter.h" #include #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h" #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h" #include "base/threading/simple_thread.h" #include "ipc/ipc_test_sink.h" #include "native_client/src/trusted/desc/nacl_desc_custom.h" #include "native_client/src/trusted/service_runtime/include/sys/fcntl.h" #include "ppapi/c/ppb_file_io.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace { class NaClIPCAdapterTest : public testing::Test { public: NaClIPCAdapterTest() {} // testing::Test implementation. virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE { sink_ = new IPC::TestSink; // Takes ownership of the sink_ pointer. Note we provide the current message // loop instead of using a real IO thread. This should work OK since we do // not need real IPC for the tests. adapter_ = new NaClIPCAdapter(scoped_ptr(sink_), base::MessageLoopProxy::current()); } virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE { sink_ = NULL; // This pointer is actually owned by the IPCAdapter. adapter_ = NULL; // The adapter destructor has to post a task to destroy the Channel on the // IO thread. For the purposes of the test, we just need to make sure that // task gets run, or it will appear as a leak. message_loop_.RunUntilIdle(); } protected: int BlockingReceive(void* buf, size_t buf_size) { NaClImcMsgIoVec iov = {buf, buf_size}; NaClImcTypedMsgHdr msg = {&iov, 1}; return adapter_->BlockingReceive(&msg); } int Send(void* buf, size_t buf_size) { NaClImcMsgIoVec iov = {buf, buf_size}; NaClImcTypedMsgHdr msg = {&iov, 1}; return adapter_->Send(&msg); } base::MessageLoop message_loop_; scoped_refptr adapter_; // Messages sent from nacl to the adapter end up here. Note that we create // this pointer and pass ownership of it to the IPC adapter, who will keep // it alive as long as the adapter is alive. This means that when the // adapter goes away, this pointer will become invalid. // // In real life the adapter needs to take ownership so the channel can be // destroyed on the right thread. IPC::TestSink* sink_; }; } // namespace // Tests a simple message getting rewritten sent from native code to NaCl. TEST_F(NaClIPCAdapterTest, SimpleReceiveRewriting) { int routing_id = 0x89898989; uint32 type = 0x55555555; IPC::Message input(routing_id, type, IPC::Message::PRIORITY_NORMAL); uint32 flags = input.flags(); int value = 0x12345678; input.WriteInt(value); adapter_->OnMessageReceived(input); // Buffer just need to be big enough for our message with one int. const int kBufSize = 64; char buf[kBufSize]; int bytes_read = BlockingReceive(buf, kBufSize); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(NaClIPCAdapter::NaClMessageHeader) + sizeof(int), static_cast(bytes_read)); const NaClIPCAdapter::NaClMessageHeader* output_header = reinterpret_cast(buf); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(int), output_header->payload_size); EXPECT_EQ(routing_id, output_header->routing); EXPECT_EQ(type, output_header->type); EXPECT_EQ(flags, output_header->flags); EXPECT_EQ(0u, output_header->num_fds); EXPECT_EQ(0u, output_header->pad); // Validate the payload. EXPECT_EQ(value, *reinterpret_cast(&buf[ sizeof(NaClIPCAdapter::NaClMessageHeader)])); } // Tests a simple message getting rewritten sent from NaCl to native code. TEST_F(NaClIPCAdapterTest, SendRewriting) { int routing_id = 0x89898989; uint32 type = 0x55555555; int value = 0x12345678; // Send a message with one int inside it. const int buf_size = sizeof(NaClIPCAdapter::NaClMessageHeader) + sizeof(int); char buf[buf_size] = {0}; NaClIPCAdapter::NaClMessageHeader* header = reinterpret_cast(buf); header->payload_size = sizeof(int); header->routing = routing_id; header->type = type; header->flags = 0; header->num_fds = 0; *reinterpret_cast( &buf[sizeof(NaClIPCAdapter::NaClMessageHeader)]) = value; int result = Send(buf, buf_size); EXPECT_EQ(buf_size, result); // Check that the message came out the other end in the test sink // (messages are posted, so we have to pump). message_loop_.RunUntilIdle(); ASSERT_EQ(1u, sink_->message_count()); const IPC::Message* msg = sink_->GetMessageAt(0); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(int), msg->payload_size()); EXPECT_EQ(header->routing, msg->routing_id()); EXPECT_EQ(header->type, msg->type()); // Now test the partial send case. We should be able to break the message // into two parts and it should still work. sink_->ClearMessages(); int first_chunk_size = 7; result = Send(buf, first_chunk_size); EXPECT_EQ(first_chunk_size, result); // First partial send should not have made any messages. message_loop_.RunUntilIdle(); ASSERT_EQ(0u, sink_->message_count()); // Second partial send should do the same. int second_chunk_size = 2; result = Send(&buf[first_chunk_size], second_chunk_size); EXPECT_EQ(second_chunk_size, result); message_loop_.RunUntilIdle(); ASSERT_EQ(0u, sink_->message_count()); // Send the rest of the message in a third chunk. int third_chunk_size = buf_size - first_chunk_size - second_chunk_size; result = Send(&buf[first_chunk_size + second_chunk_size], third_chunk_size); EXPECT_EQ(third_chunk_size, result); // Last send should have generated one message. message_loop_.RunUntilIdle(); ASSERT_EQ(1u, sink_->message_count()); msg = sink_->GetMessageAt(0); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(int), msg->payload_size()); EXPECT_EQ(header->routing, msg->routing_id()); EXPECT_EQ(header->type, msg->type()); } // Tests when a buffer is too small to receive the entire message. TEST_F(NaClIPCAdapterTest, PartialReceive) { int routing_id_1 = 0x89898989; uint32 type_1 = 0x55555555; IPC::Message input_1(routing_id_1, type_1, IPC::Message::PRIORITY_NORMAL); int value_1 = 0x12121212; input_1.WriteInt(value_1); adapter_->OnMessageReceived(input_1); int routing_id_2 = 0x90909090; uint32 type_2 = 0x66666666; IPC::Message input_2(routing_id_2, type_2, IPC::Message::PRIORITY_NORMAL); int value_2 = 0x23232323; input_2.WriteInt(value_2); adapter_->OnMessageReceived(input_2); const int kBufSize = 64; char buf[kBufSize]; // Read part of the first message. int bytes_requested = 7; int bytes_read = BlockingReceive(buf, bytes_requested); ASSERT_EQ(bytes_requested, bytes_read); // Read the rest, this should give us the rest of the first message only. bytes_read += BlockingReceive(&buf[bytes_requested], kBufSize - bytes_requested); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(NaClIPCAdapter::NaClMessageHeader) + sizeof(int), static_cast(bytes_read)); // Make sure we got the right message. const NaClIPCAdapter::NaClMessageHeader* output_header = reinterpret_cast(buf); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(int), output_header->payload_size); EXPECT_EQ(routing_id_1, output_header->routing); EXPECT_EQ(type_1, output_header->type); // Read the second message to make sure we went on to it. bytes_read = BlockingReceive(buf, kBufSize); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(NaClIPCAdapter::NaClMessageHeader) + sizeof(int), static_cast(bytes_read)); output_header = reinterpret_cast(buf); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(int), output_header->payload_size); EXPECT_EQ(routing_id_2, output_header->routing); EXPECT_EQ(type_2, output_header->type); } // Tests sending messages that are too large. We test sends that are too // small implicitly here and in the success case because in that case it // succeeds and buffers the data. TEST_F(NaClIPCAdapterTest, SendOverflow) { int routing_id = 0x89898989; uint32 type = 0x55555555; int value = 0x12345678; // Make a message with one int inside it. Reserve some extra space so // we can test what happens when we send too much data. const int buf_size = sizeof(NaClIPCAdapter::NaClMessageHeader) + sizeof(int); const int big_buf_size = buf_size + 4; char buf[big_buf_size] = {0}; NaClIPCAdapter::NaClMessageHeader* header = reinterpret_cast(buf); header->payload_size = sizeof(int); header->routing = routing_id; header->type = type; header->flags = 0; header->num_fds = 0; *reinterpret_cast( &buf[sizeof(NaClIPCAdapter::NaClMessageHeader)]) = value; // Send too much data and make sure that the send fails. int result = Send(buf, big_buf_size); EXPECT_EQ(-1, result); message_loop_.RunUntilIdle(); ASSERT_EQ(0u, sink_->message_count()); // Send too much data in two chunks and make sure that the send fails. int first_chunk_size = 7; result = Send(buf, first_chunk_size); EXPECT_EQ(first_chunk_size, result); // First partial send should not have made any messages. message_loop_.RunUntilIdle(); ASSERT_EQ(0u, sink_->message_count()); int second_chunk_size = big_buf_size - first_chunk_size; result = Send(&buf[first_chunk_size], second_chunk_size); EXPECT_EQ(-1, result); message_loop_.RunUntilIdle(); ASSERT_EQ(0u, sink_->message_count()); } // Tests that when the IPC channel reports an error, that waiting reads are // unblocked and return a -1 error code. TEST_F(NaClIPCAdapterTest, ReadWithChannelError) { // Have a background thread that waits a bit and calls the channel error // handler. This should wake up any waiting threads and immediately return // -1. There is an inherent race condition in that we can't be sure if the // other thread is actually waiting when this happens. This is OK, since the // behavior (which we also explicitly test later) is to return -1 if the // channel has already had an error when you start waiting. class MyThread : public base::SimpleThread { public: explicit MyThread(NaClIPCAdapter* adapter) : SimpleThread("NaClIPCAdapterThread"), adapter_(adapter) {} virtual void Run() OVERRIDE { base::PlatformThread::Sleep(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1)); adapter_->OnChannelError(); } private: scoped_refptr adapter_; }; MyThread thread(adapter_); // IMPORTANT: do not return early from here down (including ASSERT_*) because // the thread needs to joined or it will assert. thread.Start(); // Request data. This will normally (modulo races) block until data is // received or there is an error, and the thread above will wake us up // after 1s. const int kBufSize = 64; char buf[kBufSize]; int result = BlockingReceive(buf, kBufSize); EXPECT_EQ(-1, result); // Test the "previously had an error" case. BlockingReceive should return // immediately if there was an error. result = BlockingReceive(buf, kBufSize); EXPECT_EQ(-1, result); thread.Join(); } // Tests that TranslatePepperFileOpenFlags translates pepper read/write open // flags into NaCl open flags correctly. TEST_F(NaClIPCAdapterTest, TranslatePepperFileReadWriteOpenFlags) { EXPECT_EQ(NACL_ABI_O_RDONLY, TranslatePepperFileReadWriteOpenFlagsForTesting(PP_FILEOPENFLAG_READ)); EXPECT_EQ(NACL_ABI_O_WRONLY, TranslatePepperFileReadWriteOpenFlagsForTesting(PP_FILEOPENFLAG_WRITE)); EXPECT_EQ(NACL_ABI_O_RDWR, TranslatePepperFileReadWriteOpenFlagsForTesting( PP_FILEOPENFLAG_READ | PP_FILEOPENFLAG_WRITE)); // The flags other than PP_FILEOPENFLAG_READ and PP_FILEOPENFLAG_WRITE are // discared. EXPECT_EQ(NACL_ABI_O_WRONLY, TranslatePepperFileReadWriteOpenFlagsForTesting( PP_FILEOPENFLAG_WRITE | PP_FILEOPENFLAG_CREATE)); EXPECT_EQ(NACL_ABI_O_WRONLY, TranslatePepperFileReadWriteOpenFlagsForTesting( PP_FILEOPENFLAG_WRITE | PP_FILEOPENFLAG_TRUNCATE)); EXPECT_EQ(NACL_ABI_O_WRONLY, TranslatePepperFileReadWriteOpenFlagsForTesting( PP_FILEOPENFLAG_WRITE | PP_FILEOPENFLAG_EXCLUSIVE)); // If neither of PP_FILEOPENFLAG_READ and PP_FILEOPENFLAG_WRITE is set, falls // back NACL_ABI_O_READONLY EXPECT_EQ(NACL_ABI_O_RDONLY, TranslatePepperFileReadWriteOpenFlagsForTesting(PP_FILEOPENFLAG_CREATE)); EXPECT_EQ(NACL_ABI_O_RDONLY, TranslatePepperFileReadWriteOpenFlagsForTesting( PP_FILEOPENFLAG_TRUNCATE)); EXPECT_EQ(NACL_ABI_O_RDONLY, TranslatePepperFileReadWriteOpenFlagsForTesting( PP_FILEOPENFLAG_EXCLUSIVE)); }