// Copyright 2008, Google Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "chrome/plugin/chrome_plugin_host.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_plugin_lib.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_plugin_util.h" #include "chrome/plugin/plugin_process.h" #include "chrome/plugin/plugin_thread.h" #include "chrome/plugin/webplugin_proxy.h" #include "net/base/data_url.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_instance.h" #include "webkit/glue/resource_loader_bridge.h" #include "webkit/glue/resource_type.h" #include "webkit/glue/webkit_glue.h" namespace { using webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge; // This class manages a network request made by the plugin, handling the // data as it comes in from the ResourceLoaderBridge and is requested by the // plugin. // NOTE: All methods must be called on the Plugin thread. class PluginRequestHandlerProxy : public PluginHelper, public ResourceLoaderBridge::Peer { public: static PluginRequestHandlerProxy* FromCPRequest(CPRequest* request) { return ScopableCPRequest::GetData<PluginRequestHandlerProxy*>(request); } PluginRequestHandlerProxy(ChromePluginLib* plugin, ScopableCPRequest* cprequest) : PluginHelper(plugin), cprequest_(cprequest), response_data_offset_(0), completed_(false), sync_(false), read_buffer_(NULL) { load_flags_ = PluginResponseUtils::CPLoadFlagsToNetFlags(0); cprequest_->data = this; // see FromCPRequest(). } ~PluginRequestHandlerProxy() { if (bridge_.get() && !completed_) { bridge_->Cancel(); } } // ResourceLoaderBridge::Peer virtual void OnUploadProgress(uint64 position, uint64 size) { CPRR_UploadProgressFunc upload_progress = plugin_->functions().response_funcs->upload_progress; if (upload_progress) upload_progress(cprequest_.get(), position, size); } virtual void OnReceivedRedirect(const GURL& new_url) { plugin_->functions().response_funcs->received_redirect( cprequest_.get(), new_url.spec().c_str()); } virtual void OnReceivedResponse( const ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo& info) { response_headers_ = info.headers; plugin_->functions().response_funcs->start_completed( cprequest_.get(), CPERR_SUCCESS); } virtual void OnReceivedData(const char* data, int len) { response_data_.append(data, len); if (read_buffer_) { // If we had an asynchronous operation pending, read into that buffer // and inform the plugin. int rv = Read(read_buffer_, read_buffer_size_); DCHECK(rv != CPERR_IO_PENDING); read_buffer_ = NULL; plugin_->functions().response_funcs->read_completed( cprequest_.get(), rv); } } virtual void OnCompletedRequest(const URLRequestStatus& status) { completed_ = true; if (!status.is_success()) { // TODO(mpcomplete): better error codes // Inform the plugin, calling the right function depending on whether // we got the start_completed event or not. if (response_headers_) { plugin_->functions().response_funcs->start_completed( cprequest_.get(), CPERR_FAILURE); } else { plugin_->functions().response_funcs->read_completed( cprequest_.get(), CPERR_FAILURE); } } else if (read_buffer_) { // The plugin was waiting for more data. Inform him we're done. read_buffer_ = NULL; plugin_->functions().response_funcs->read_completed( cprequest_.get(), CPERR_SUCCESS); } } virtual std::string GetURLForDebugging() { return cprequest_->url; } void set_extra_headers(const std::string& headers) { extra_headers_ = headers; } void set_load_flags(uint32 flags) { load_flags_ = flags; } void set_sync(bool sync) { sync_ = sync; } void AppendDataToUpload(const char* bytes, int bytes_len) { upload_content_.push_back(net::UploadData::Element()); upload_content_.back().SetToBytes(bytes, bytes_len); } void AppendFileToUpload(const std::wstring &filepath) { AppendFileRangeToUpload(filepath, 0, kuint64max); } void AppendFileRangeToUpload(const std::wstring &filepath, uint64 offset, uint64 length) { upload_content_.push_back(net::UploadData::Element()); upload_content_.back().SetToFilePathRange(filepath, offset, length); } CPError Start() { bridge_.reset( PluginThread::GetPluginThread()->resource_dispatcher()->CreateBridge( cprequest_->method, GURL(cprequest_->url), GURL(cprequest_->url), // TODO(jackson): policy url? GURL(), // TODO(mpcomplete): referrer? extra_headers_, load_flags_, GetCurrentProcessId(), ResourceType::OBJECT, false, // TODO (jcampan): mixed-content? cprequest_->context)); if (!bridge_.get()) return CPERR_FAILURE; for (size_t i = 0; i < upload_content_.size(); ++i) { switch (upload_content_[i].type()) { case net::UploadData::TYPE_BYTES: { const std::vector<char>& bytes = upload_content_[i].bytes(); bridge_->AppendDataToUpload(&bytes[0], static_cast<int>(bytes.size())); break; } case net::UploadData::TYPE_FILE: { bridge_->AppendFileRangeToUpload( upload_content_[i].file_path(), upload_content_[i].file_range_offset(), upload_content_[i].file_range_length()); break; } default: { NOTREACHED() << "Unknown UploadData::Element type"; } } } if (sync_) { ResourceLoaderBridge::SyncLoadResponse response; bridge_->SyncLoad(&response); response_headers_ = response.headers; response_data_ = response.data; completed_ = true; return response.status.is_success() ? CPERR_SUCCESS : CPERR_FAILURE; } else { if (!bridge_->Start(this)) { bridge_.reset(); return CPERR_FAILURE; } return CPERR_IO_PENDING; } } int GetResponseInfo(CPResponseInfoType type, void* buf, uint32 buf_size) { return PluginResponseUtils::GetResponseInfo( response_headers_, type, buf, buf_size); } int Read(void* buf, uint32 buf_size) { uint32 avail = static_cast<uint32>(response_data_.size()) - response_data_offset_; uint32 count = buf_size; if (count > avail) count = avail; int rv = CPERR_FAILURE; if (count) { // Data is ready now. memcpy(buf, &response_data_[0] + response_data_offset_, count); response_data_offset_ += count; } else if (!completed_) { read_buffer_ = buf; read_buffer_size_ = buf_size; DCHECK(!sync_); return CPERR_IO_PENDING; } if (response_data_.size() == response_data_offset_) { // Simple optimization for large requests. Generally the consumer will // read the data faster than it comes in, so we can clear our buffer // any time it has all been read. response_data_.clear(); response_data_offset_ = 0; } read_buffer_ = NULL; return count; } private: scoped_ptr<ScopableCPRequest> cprequest_; scoped_ptr<ResourceLoaderBridge> bridge_; std::vector<net::UploadData::Element> upload_content_; std::string extra_headers_; uint32 load_flags_; bool sync_; scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders> response_headers_; std::string response_data_; int response_data_offset_; bool completed_; void* read_buffer_; uint32 read_buffer_size_; }; // // Generic functions // void STDCALL CPB_SetKeepProcessAlive(CPID id, CPBool keep_alive) { CHECK(ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread()); static bool g_keep_process_alive = false; bool desired_value = keep_alive ? true : false; // smash to bool if (desired_value != g_keep_process_alive) { g_keep_process_alive = desired_value; if (g_keep_process_alive) PluginProcess::AddRefProcess(); else PluginProcess::ReleaseProcess(); } } CPError STDCALL CPB_GetCookies(CPID id, CPBrowsingContext context, const char* url, char** cookies) { CHECK(ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread()); std::string cookies_str; PluginThread::GetPluginThread()->Send( new PluginProcessHostMsg_GetCookies(context, GURL(url), &cookies_str)); *cookies = CPB_StringDup(CPB_Alloc, cookies_str); return CPERR_SUCCESS; } CPError STDCALL CPB_ShowHtmlDialogModal( CPID id, CPBrowsingContext context, const char* url, int width, int height, const char* json_arguments, char** json_retval) { CHECK(ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread()); WebPluginProxy* webplugin = WebPluginProxy::FromCPBrowsingContext(context); if (!webplugin) return CPERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; std::string retval_str; webplugin->ShowModalHTMLDialog( GURL(url), width, height, json_arguments, &retval_str); *json_retval = CPB_StringDup(CPB_Alloc, retval_str); return CPERR_SUCCESS; } CPError STDCALL CPB_ShowHtmlDialog( CPID id, CPBrowsingContext context, const char* url, int width, int height, const char* json_arguments, void* plugin_context) { // TODO(mpcomplete): support non-modal dialogs. return CPERR_FAILURE; } CPError STDCALL CPB_GetCommandLineArguments( CPID id, CPBrowsingContext context, const char* url, char** arguments) { CHECK(ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread()); std::string arguments_str; CPError rv = CPB_GetCommandLineArgumentsCommon(url, &arguments_str); if (rv == CPERR_SUCCESS) *arguments = CPB_StringDup(CPB_Alloc, arguments_str); return rv; } CPBrowsingContext STDCALL CPB_GetBrowsingContextFromNPP(NPP npp) { if (!npp) return CPERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; NPAPI::PluginInstance* instance = static_cast<NPAPI::PluginInstance *>(npp->ndata); WebPluginProxy* webplugin = static_cast<WebPluginProxy*>(instance->webplugin()); return webplugin->GetCPBrowsingContext(); } int STDCALL CPB_GetBrowsingContextInfo( CPID id, CPBrowsingContext context, CPBrowsingContextInfoType type, void* buf, uint32 buf_size) { CHECK(ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread()); switch (type) { case CPBROWSINGCONTEXT_DATA_DIR_PTR: { if (buf_size < sizeof(char*)) return sizeof(char*); std::wstring wretval; PluginThread::GetPluginThread()->Send( new PluginProcessHostMsg_GetPluginDataDir(&wretval)); file_util::AppendToPath(&wretval, chrome::kChromePluginDataDirname); *static_cast<char**>(buf) = CPB_StringDup(CPB_Alloc, WideToUTF8(wretval)); return CPERR_SUCCESS; } case CPBROWSINGCONTEXT_UI_LOCALE_PTR: { if (buf_size < sizeof(char*)) return sizeof(char*); std::wstring wretval = webkit_glue::GetWebKitLocale(); *static_cast<char**>(buf) = CPB_StringDup(CPB_Alloc, WideToUTF8(wretval)); return CPERR_SUCCESS; } } return CPERR_FAILURE; } CPError STDCALL CPB_AddUICommand(CPID id, int command) { // Not implemented in the plugin process return CPERR_FAILURE; } CPError STDCALL CPB_HandleCommand( CPID id, CPBrowsingContext context, int command, void *data) { // Not implemented in the plugin process return CPERR_FAILURE; } // // Functions related to network interception // void STDCALL CPB_EnableRequestIntercept( CPID id, const char** schemes, uint32 num_schemes) { // We ignore requests by the plugin to intercept from this process. That's // handled in the browser process. } void STDCALL CPRR_ReceivedRedirect(CPRequest* request, const char* new_url) { NOTREACHED() << "Network interception should not happen in plugin process."; } void STDCALL CPRR_StartCompleted(CPRequest* request, CPError result) { NOTREACHED() << "Network interception should not happen in plugin process."; } void STDCALL CPRR_ReadCompleted(CPRequest* request, int bytes_read) { NOTREACHED() << "Network interception should not happen in plugin process."; } void STDCALL CPRR_UploadProgress(CPRequest* request, uint64 pos, uint64 size) { NOTREACHED() << "Network interception should not happen in plugin process."; } // // Functions related to serving network requests to the plugin // CPError STDCALL CPB_CreateRequest(CPID id, CPBrowsingContext context, const char* method, const char* url, CPRequest** request) { CHECK(ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread()); ChromePluginLib* plugin = ChromePluginLib::FromCPID(id); CHECK(plugin); ScopableCPRequest* cprequest = new ScopableCPRequest(url, method, context); PluginRequestHandlerProxy* handler = new PluginRequestHandlerProxy(plugin, cprequest); *request = cprequest; return CPERR_SUCCESS; } CPError STDCALL CPR_StartRequest(CPRequest* request) { CHECK(ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread()); PluginRequestHandlerProxy* handler = PluginRequestHandlerProxy::FromCPRequest(request); CHECK(handler); return handler->Start(); } void STDCALL CPR_EndRequest(CPRequest* request, CPError reason) { CHECK(ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread()); PluginRequestHandlerProxy* handler = PluginRequestHandlerProxy::FromCPRequest(request); delete handler; } void STDCALL CPR_SetExtraRequestHeaders(CPRequest* request, const char* headers) { CHECK(ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread()); PluginRequestHandlerProxy* handler = PluginRequestHandlerProxy::FromCPRequest(request); CHECK(handler); handler->set_extra_headers(headers); } void STDCALL CPR_SetRequestLoadFlags(CPRequest* request, uint32 flags) { CHECK(ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread()); PluginRequestHandlerProxy* handler = PluginRequestHandlerProxy::FromCPRequest(request); CHECK(handler); if (flags & CPREQUESTLOAD_SYNCHRONOUS) { handler->set_sync(true); } uint32 net_flags = PluginResponseUtils::CPLoadFlagsToNetFlags(flags); handler->set_load_flags(net_flags); } void STDCALL CPR_AppendDataToUpload(CPRequest* request, const char* bytes, int bytes_len) { CHECK(ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread()); PluginRequestHandlerProxy* handler = PluginRequestHandlerProxy::FromCPRequest(request); CHECK(handler); handler->AppendDataToUpload(bytes, bytes_len); } CPError STDCALL CPR_AppendFileToUpload(CPRequest* request, const char* filepath, uint64 offset, uint64 length) { CHECK(ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread()); PluginRequestHandlerProxy* handler = PluginRequestHandlerProxy::FromCPRequest(request); CHECK(handler); if (!length) length = kuint64max; std::wstring wfilepath(UTF8ToWide(filepath)); handler->AppendFileRangeToUpload(wfilepath, offset, length); return CPERR_SUCCESS; } int STDCALL CPR_GetResponseInfo(CPRequest* request, CPResponseInfoType type, void* buf, uint32 buf_size) { CHECK(ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread()); PluginRequestHandlerProxy* handler = PluginRequestHandlerProxy::FromCPRequest(request); CHECK(handler); return handler->GetResponseInfo(type, buf, buf_size); } int STDCALL CPR_Read(CPRequest* request, void* buf, uint32 buf_size) { CHECK(ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread()); PluginRequestHandlerProxy* handler = PluginRequestHandlerProxy::FromCPRequest(request); CHECK(handler); return handler->Read(buf, buf_size); } CPBool STDCALL CPB_IsPluginProcessRunning(CPID id) { CHECK(ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread()); return true; } CPProcessType STDCALL CPB_GetProcessType(CPID id) { CHECK(ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread()); return CP_PROCESS_PLUGIN; } CPError STDCALL CPB_SendMessage(CPID id, const void *data, uint32 data_len) { CHECK(ChromePluginLib::IsPluginThread()); const uint8* data_ptr = static_cast<const uint8*>(data); std::vector<uint8> v(data_ptr, data_ptr + data_len); if (!PluginThread::GetPluginThread()->Send( new PluginProcessHostMsg_PluginMessage(v))) { return CPERR_FAILURE; } return CPERR_SUCCESS; } } // namespace CPBrowserFuncs* GetCPBrowserFuncsForPlugin() { static CPBrowserFuncs browser_funcs; static CPRequestFuncs request_funcs; static CPResponseFuncs response_funcs; static bool initialized = false; if (!initialized) { initialized = true; browser_funcs.size = sizeof(browser_funcs); browser_funcs.version = CP_VERSION; browser_funcs.enable_request_intercept = CPB_EnableRequestIntercept; browser_funcs.create_request = CPB_CreateRequest; browser_funcs.get_cookies = CPB_GetCookies; browser_funcs.alloc = CPB_Alloc; browser_funcs.free = CPB_Free; browser_funcs.set_keep_process_alive = CPB_SetKeepProcessAlive; browser_funcs.show_html_dialog = CPB_ShowHtmlDialog; browser_funcs.show_html_dialog_modal = CPB_ShowHtmlDialogModal; browser_funcs.is_plugin_process_running = CPB_IsPluginProcessRunning; browser_funcs.get_process_type = CPB_GetProcessType; browser_funcs.send_message = CPB_SendMessage; browser_funcs.get_browsing_context_from_npp = CPB_GetBrowsingContextFromNPP; browser_funcs.get_browsing_context_info = CPB_GetBrowsingContextInfo; browser_funcs.get_command_line_arguments = CPB_GetCommandLineArguments; browser_funcs.add_ui_command = CPB_AddUICommand; browser_funcs.handle_command = CPB_HandleCommand; browser_funcs.request_funcs = &request_funcs; browser_funcs.response_funcs = &response_funcs; request_funcs.size = sizeof(request_funcs); request_funcs.start_request = CPR_StartRequest; request_funcs.end_request = CPR_EndRequest; request_funcs.set_extra_request_headers = CPR_SetExtraRequestHeaders; request_funcs.set_request_load_flags = CPR_SetRequestLoadFlags; request_funcs.append_data_to_upload = CPR_AppendDataToUpload; request_funcs.get_response_info = CPR_GetResponseInfo; request_funcs.read = CPR_Read; request_funcs.append_file_to_upload = CPR_AppendFileToUpload; response_funcs.size = sizeof(response_funcs); response_funcs.received_redirect = CPRR_ReceivedRedirect; response_funcs.start_completed = CPRR_StartCompleted; response_funcs.read_completed = CPRR_ReadCompleted; response_funcs.upload_progress = CPRR_UploadProgress; } return &browser_funcs; }