# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. Import('env') env = env.Clone() env.Prepend( CPPPATH = [ '$CHROME_DIR/app/resources', '/chrome/tools/build/win', '$CHROME_SRC_DIR', ], CPPDEFINES = [ 'U_STATIC_IMPLEMENTATION', ], ) if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32': env.Prepend( CCGLAGS = [ '/TP', ], ) env.Append( CPPPATH = [ 'third_party/wtl/include', '$ICU38_DIR/public/common', '$ICU38_DIR/public/i18n', '$NPAPI_DIR', '$SKIA_DIR/include', '$SKIA_DIR/include/corecg', '$SKIA_DIR/platform', ], ) input_files = [] # TODO(port): Port to Mac. if env['PLATFORM'] in ('posix', 'win32'): input_files.extend([ 'about_handler.cc', 'net/render_dns_queue.cc', 'visitedlink_slave.cc', ]) # TODO(port): Port these. if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32': input_files.extend([ 'automation/dom_automation_controller.cc', 'chrome_plugin_host.cc', 'debug_message_handler.cc', 'dom_ui_bindings.cc', 'external_js_object.cc', 'external_host_bindings.cc', 'localized_error.cc', 'net/render_dns_master.cc', 'plugin_channel_host.cc', 'render_process.cc', 'render_thread.cc', 'render_view.cc', 'render_widget.cc', 'renderer_glue.cc', 'renderer_main.cc', 'webplugin_delegate_proxy.cc', ]) # TODO(port): Enable for Mac. if env['PLATFORM'] in ('posix', 'win32'): env.ChromeStaticLibrary('renderer', input_files)