// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/renderer/autofill/password_autofill_manager.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "chrome/common/autofill_messages.h" #include "content/public/renderer/render_view.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebDocument.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebElement.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFormElement.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFrame.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebInputEvent.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebSecurityOrigin.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebView.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebVector.h" #include "ui/base/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h" #include "webkit/forms/form_field.h" #include "webkit/forms/password_form.h" #include "webkit/forms/password_form_dom_manager.h" namespace { // The size above which we stop triggering autocomplete. static const size_t kMaximumTextSizeForAutocomplete = 1000; // Maps element names to the actual elements to simplify form filling. typedef std::map FormInputElementMap; // Utility struct for form lookup and autofill. When we parse the DOM to look up // a form, in addition to action and origin URL's we have to compare all // necessary form elements. To avoid having to look these up again when we want // to fill the form, the FindFormElements function stores the pointers // in a FormElements* result, referenced to ensure they are safe to use. struct FormElements { WebKit::WebFormElement form_element; FormInputElementMap input_elements; }; typedef std::vector FormElementsList; // Helper to search the given form element for the specified input elements // in |data|, and add results to |result|. static bool FindFormInputElements(WebKit::WebFormElement* fe, const webkit::forms::FormData& data, FormElements* result) { // Loop through the list of elements we need to find on the form in order to // autofill it. If we don't find any one of them, abort processing this // form; it can't be the right one. for (size_t j = 0; j < data.fields.size(); j++) { WebKit::WebVector temp_elements; fe->getNamedElements(data.fields[j].name, temp_elements); // Match the first input element, if any. // |getNamedElements| may return non-input elements where the names match, // so the results are filtered for input elements. // If more than one match is made, then we have ambiguity (due to misuse // of "name" attribute) so is it considered not found. bool found_input = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < temp_elements.size(); ++i) { if (temp_elements[i].to().hasTagName("input")) { // Check for a non-unique match. if (found_input) { found_input = false; break; } // This element matched, add it to our temporary result. It's possible // there are multiple matches, but for purposes of identifying the form // one suffices and if some function needs to deal with multiple // matching elements it can get at them through the FormElement*. // Note: This assignment adds a reference to the InputElement. result->input_elements[data.fields[j].name] = temp_elements[i].to(); found_input = true; } } // A required element was not found. This is not the right form. // Make sure no input elements from a partially matched form in this // iteration remain in the result set. // Note: clear will remove a reference from each InputElement. if (!found_input) { result->input_elements.clear(); return false; } } return true; } // Helper to locate form elements identified by |data|. void FindFormElements(WebKit::WebView* view, const webkit::forms::FormData& data, FormElementsList* results) { DCHECK(view); DCHECK(results); WebKit::WebFrame* main_frame = view->mainFrame(); if (!main_frame) return; GURL::Replacements rep; rep.ClearQuery(); rep.ClearRef(); // Loop through each frame. for (WebKit::WebFrame* f = main_frame; f; f = f->traverseNext(false)) { WebKit::WebDocument doc = f->document(); if (!doc.isHTMLDocument()) continue; GURL full_origin(doc.url()); if (data.origin != full_origin.ReplaceComponents(rep)) continue; WebKit::WebVector forms; doc.forms(forms); for (size_t i = 0; i < forms.size(); ++i) { WebKit::WebFormElement fe = forms[i]; GURL full_action(f->document().completeURL(fe.action())); if (full_action.is_empty()) { // The default action URL is the form's origin. full_action = full_origin; } // Action URL must match. if (data.action != full_action.ReplaceComponents(rep)) continue; scoped_ptr curr_elements(new FormElements); if (!FindFormInputElements(&fe, data, curr_elements.get())) continue; // We found the right element. // Note: this assignment adds a reference to |fe|. curr_elements->form_element = fe; results->push_back(curr_elements.release()); } } } bool IsElementEditable(const WebKit::WebInputElement& element) { return element.isEnabled() && !element.isReadOnly(); } void FillForm(FormElements* fe, const webkit::forms::FormData& data) { if (!fe->form_element.autoComplete()) return; std::map data_map; for (size_t i = 0; i < data.fields.size(); i++) data_map[data.fields[i].name] = data.fields[i].value; for (FormInputElementMap::iterator it = fe->input_elements.begin(); it != fe->input_elements.end(); ++it) { WebKit::WebInputElement element = it->second; // Don't fill a form that has pre-filled values distinct from the ones we // want to fill with. if (!element.value().isEmpty() && element.value() != data_map[it->first]) return; } for (FormInputElementMap::iterator it = fe->input_elements.begin(); it != fe->input_elements.end(); ++it) { WebKit::WebInputElement element = it->second; if (!IsElementEditable(element)) continue; // Don't fill uneditable fields. // TODO(tkent): Check maxlength and pattern. element.setValue(data_map[it->first]); element.setAutofilled(true); element.dispatchFormControlChangeEvent(); } } void SetElementAutofilled(WebKit::WebInputElement* element, bool autofilled) { if (element->isAutofilled() == autofilled) return; element->setAutofilled(autofilled); // Notify any changeEvent listeners. element->dispatchFormControlChangeEvent(); } bool DoUsernamesMatch(const string16& username1, const string16& username2, bool exact_match) { if (exact_match) return username1 == username2; return StartsWith(username1, username2, true); } } // namespace namespace autofill { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PasswordAutofillManager, public: PasswordAutofillManager::PasswordAutofillManager( content::RenderView* render_view) : content::RenderViewObserver(render_view), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(weak_ptr_factory_(this)) { } PasswordAutofillManager::~PasswordAutofillManager() { } bool PasswordAutofillManager::TextFieldDidEndEditing( const WebKit::WebInputElement& element) { LoginToPasswordInfoMap::const_iterator iter = login_to_password_info_.find(element); if (iter == login_to_password_info_.end()) return false; const webkit::forms::PasswordFormFillData& fill_data = iter->second.fill_data; // If wait_for_username is false, we should have filled when the text changed. if (!fill_data.wait_for_username) return false; WebKit::WebInputElement password = iter->second.password_field; if (!IsElementEditable(password)) return false; WebKit::WebInputElement username = element; // We need a non-const. // Do not set selection when ending an editing session, otherwise it can // mess with focus. FillUserNameAndPassword(&username, &password, fill_data, true, false); return true; } bool PasswordAutofillManager::TextDidChangeInTextField( const WebKit::WebInputElement& element) { LoginToPasswordInfoMap::const_iterator iter = login_to_password_info_.find(element); if (iter == login_to_password_info_.end()) return false; // The input text is being changed, so any autofilled password is now // outdated. WebKit::WebInputElement username = element; // We need a non-const. WebKit::WebInputElement password = iter->second.password_field; SetElementAutofilled(&username, false); if (password.isAutofilled()) { password.setValue(string16()); SetElementAutofilled(&password, false); } // If wait_for_username is true we will fill when the username loses focus. if (iter->second.fill_data.wait_for_username) return false; if (!IsElementEditable(element) || !element.isText() || !element.autoComplete()) { return false; } // Don't inline autocomplete if the user is deleting, that would be confusing. // But refresh the popup. Note, since this is ours, return true to signal // no further processing is required. if (iter->second.backspace_pressed_last) { ShowSuggestionPopup(iter->second.fill_data, username); return true; } WebKit::WebString name = element.nameForAutofill(); if (name.isEmpty()) return false; // If the field has no name, then we won't have values. // Don't attempt to autofill with values that are too large. if (element.value().length() > kMaximumTextSizeForAutocomplete) return false; // We post a task for doing the autocomplete as the caret position is not set // properly at this point (http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16976) and // we need it to determine whether or not to trigger autocomplete. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&PasswordAutofillManager::PerformInlineAutocomplete, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), element, password, iter->second.fill_data)); return true; } bool PasswordAutofillManager::TextFieldHandlingKeyDown( const WebKit::WebInputElement& element, const WebKit::WebKeyboardEvent& event) { LoginToPasswordInfoMap::iterator iter = login_to_password_info_.find(element); if (iter == login_to_password_info_.end()) return false; int win_key_code = event.windowsKeyCode; iter->second.backspace_pressed_last = (win_key_code == ui::VKEY_BACK || win_key_code == ui::VKEY_DELETE); return true; } bool PasswordAutofillManager::DidAcceptAutofillSuggestion( const WebKit::WebNode& node, const WebKit::WebString& value) { WebKit::WebInputElement input; PasswordInfo password; if (!FindLoginInfo(node, &input, &password)) return false; // Set the incoming |value| in the text field and |FillUserNameAndPassword| // will do the rest. input.setValue(value); return FillUserNameAndPassword(&input, &password.password_field, password.fill_data, true, true); } bool PasswordAutofillManager::DidSelectAutofillSuggestion( const WebKit::WebNode& node) { WebKit::WebInputElement input; PasswordInfo password; return FindLoginInfo(node, &input, &password); } bool PasswordAutofillManager::DidClearAutofillSelection( const WebKit::WebNode& node) { WebKit::WebInputElement input; PasswordInfo password; return FindLoginInfo(node, &input, &password); } void PasswordAutofillManager::SendPasswordForms(WebKit::WebFrame* frame, bool only_visible) { // Make sure that this security origin is allowed to use password manager. WebKit::WebSecurityOrigin origin = frame->document().securityOrigin(); if (!origin.canAccessPasswordManager()) return; WebKit::WebVector forms; frame->document().forms(forms); std::vector password_forms; for (size_t i = 0; i < forms.size(); ++i) { const WebKit::WebFormElement& form = forms[i]; // Respect autocomplete=off. if (!form.autoComplete()) continue; if (only_visible && !form.hasNonEmptyBoundingBox()) continue; scoped_ptr password_form( webkit::forms::PasswordFormDomManager::CreatePasswordForm(form)); if (password_form.get()) password_forms.push_back(*password_form); } if (password_forms.empty()) return; if (only_visible) { Send(new AutofillHostMsg_PasswordFormsVisible( routing_id(), password_forms)); } else { Send(new AutofillHostMsg_PasswordFormsFound(routing_id(), password_forms)); } } bool PasswordAutofillManager::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) { bool handled = true; IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(PasswordAutofillManager, message) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(AutofillMsg_FillPasswordForm, OnFillPasswordForm) IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false) IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP() return handled; } void PasswordAutofillManager::DidFinishDocumentLoad(WebKit::WebFrame* frame) { SendPasswordForms(frame, false); } void PasswordAutofillManager::DidFinishLoad(WebKit::WebFrame* frame) { SendPasswordForms(frame, true); } void PasswordAutofillManager::FrameDetached(WebKit::WebFrame* frame) { FrameClosing(frame); } void PasswordAutofillManager::FrameWillClose(WebKit::WebFrame* frame) { FrameClosing(frame); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PageClickListener implementation: bool PasswordAutofillManager::InputElementClicked( const WebKit::WebInputElement& element, bool was_focused, bool is_focused) { // TODO(jcivelli): http://crbug.com/51644 Implement behavior. return false; } bool PasswordAutofillManager::InputElementLostFocus() { return false; } void PasswordAutofillManager::OnFillPasswordForm( const webkit::forms::PasswordFormFillData& form_data) { FormElementsList forms; // We own the FormElements* in forms. FindFormElements(render_view()->GetWebView(), form_data.basic_data, &forms); FormElementsList::iterator iter; for (iter = forms.begin(); iter != forms.end(); ++iter) { scoped_ptr form_elements(*iter); // If wait_for_username is true, we don't want to initially fill the form // until the user types in a valid username. if (!form_data.wait_for_username) FillForm(form_elements.get(), form_data.basic_data); // Attach autocomplete listener to enable selecting alternate logins. // First, get pointers to username element. WebKit::WebInputElement username_element = form_elements->input_elements[form_data.basic_data.fields[0].name]; // Get pointer to password element. (We currently only support single // password forms). WebKit::WebInputElement password_element = form_elements->input_elements[form_data.basic_data.fields[1].name]; // We might have already filled this form if there are two
elements // with identical markup. if (login_to_password_info_.find(username_element) != login_to_password_info_.end()) continue; PasswordInfo password_info; password_info.fill_data = form_data; password_info.password_field = password_element; login_to_password_info_[username_element] = password_info; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PasswordAutofillManager, private: void PasswordAutofillManager::GetSuggestions( const webkit::forms::PasswordFormFillData& fill_data, const string16& input, std::vector* suggestions) { if (StartsWith(fill_data.basic_data.fields[0].value, input, false)) suggestions->push_back(fill_data.basic_data.fields[0].value); webkit::forms::PasswordFormFillData::LoginCollection::const_iterator iter; for (iter = fill_data.additional_logins.begin(); iter != fill_data.additional_logins.end(); ++iter) { if (StartsWith(iter->first, input, false)) suggestions->push_back(iter->first); } } bool PasswordAutofillManager::ShowSuggestionPopup( const webkit::forms::PasswordFormFillData& fill_data, const WebKit::WebInputElement& user_input) { WebKit::WebFrame* frame = user_input.document().frame(); if (!frame) return false; WebKit::WebView* webview = frame->view(); if (!webview) return false; std::vector suggestions; GetSuggestions(fill_data, user_input.value(), &suggestions); if (suggestions.empty()) { webview->hidePopups(); return false; } std::vector labels(suggestions.size()); std::vector icons(suggestions.size()); std::vector ids(suggestions.size(), 0); webview->applyAutofillSuggestions( user_input, suggestions, labels, icons, ids, -1); return true; } bool PasswordAutofillManager::FillUserNameAndPassword( WebKit::WebInputElement* username_element, WebKit::WebInputElement* password_element, const webkit::forms::PasswordFormFillData& fill_data, bool exact_username_match, bool set_selection) { string16 current_username = username_element->value(); // username and password will contain the match found if any. string16 username; string16 password; // Look for any suitable matches to current field text. if (DoUsernamesMatch(fill_data.basic_data.fields[0].value, current_username, exact_username_match)) { username = fill_data.basic_data.fields[0].value; password = fill_data.basic_data.fields[1].value; } else { // Scan additional logins for a match. webkit::forms::PasswordFormFillData::LoginCollection::const_iterator iter; for (iter = fill_data.additional_logins.begin(); iter != fill_data.additional_logins.end(); ++iter) { if (DoUsernamesMatch(iter->first, current_username, exact_username_match)) { username = iter->first; password = iter->second; break; } } } if (password.empty()) return false; // No match was found. // Input matches the username, fill in required values. username_element->setValue(username); if (set_selection) { username_element->setSelectionRange(current_username.length(), username.length()); } SetElementAutofilled(username_element, true); if (IsElementEditable(*password_element)) password_element->setValue(password); SetElementAutofilled(password_element, true); return true; } void PasswordAutofillManager::PerformInlineAutocomplete( const WebKit::WebInputElement& username_input, const WebKit::WebInputElement& password_input, const webkit::forms::PasswordFormFillData& fill_data) { DCHECK(!fill_data.wait_for_username); // We need non-const versions of the username and password inputs. WebKit::WebInputElement username = username_input; WebKit::WebInputElement password = password_input; // Don't inline autocomplete if the caret is not at the end. // TODO(jcivelli): is there a better way to test the caret location? if (username.selectionStart() != username.selectionEnd() || username.selectionEnd() != static_cast(username.value().length())) { return; } // Show the popup with the list of available usernames. ShowSuggestionPopup(fill_data, username); // Fill the user and password field with the most relevant match. FillUserNameAndPassword(&username, &password, fill_data, false, true); } void PasswordAutofillManager::FrameClosing(const WebKit::WebFrame* frame) { for (LoginToPasswordInfoMap::iterator iter = login_to_password_info_.begin(); iter != login_to_password_info_.end();) { if (iter->first.document().frame() == frame) login_to_password_info_.erase(iter++); else ++iter; } } bool PasswordAutofillManager::FindLoginInfo( const WebKit::WebNode& node, WebKit::WebInputElement* found_input, PasswordInfo* found_password) { if (!node.isElementNode()) return false; WebKit::WebElement element = node.toConst(); if (!element.hasTagName("input")) return false; WebKit::WebInputElement input = element.to(); LoginToPasswordInfoMap::iterator iter = login_to_password_info_.find(input); if (iter == login_to_password_info_.end()) return false; *found_input = input; *found_password = iter->second; return true; } } // namespace autofill