// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/renderer/autofill_helper.h" #include "app/l10n_util.h" #include "chrome/renderer/form_manager.h" #include "chrome/renderer/render_view.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebDocument.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFormControlElement.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFrame.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebView.h" #include "webkit/glue/password_form.h" using WebKit::WebFormControlElement; using WebKit::WebFormElement; using WebKit::WebFrame; using WebKit::WebInputElement; using WebKit::WebNode; using WebKit::WebString; AutoFillHelper::AutoFillHelper(RenderView* render_view) : render_view_(render_view), autofill_query_id_(0), autofill_action_(AUTOFILL_NONE), suggestions_clear_index_(-1), suggestions_options_index_(-1) { } void AutoFillHelper::QueryAutocompleteSuggestions(const WebNode& node, const WebString& name, const WebString& value) { static int query_counter = 0; autofill_query_id_ = query_counter++; autofill_query_node_ = node; const WebFormControlElement& element = node.toConst(); webkit_glue::FormField field; FormManager::WebFormControlElementToFormField(element, true, &field); // WebFormControlElementToFormField does not scrape the DOM for the field // label, so find the label here. // TODO(jhawkins): Add form and field identities so we can use the cached form // data in FormManager. field.set_label(FormManager::LabelForElement(element)); bool form_autofilled = form_manager_.FormWithNodeIsAutoFilled(node); render_view_->Send(new ViewHostMsg_QueryFormFieldAutoFill( render_view_->routing_id(), autofill_query_id_, form_autofilled, field)); } void AutoFillHelper::RemoveAutocompleteSuggestion( const WebKit::WebString& name, const WebKit::WebString& value) { // The index of clear & options will have shifted down. if (suggestions_clear_index_ != -1) suggestions_clear_index_--; if (suggestions_options_index_ != -1) suggestions_options_index_--; render_view_->Send(new ViewHostMsg_RemoveAutocompleteEntry( render_view_->routing_id(), name, value)); } void AutoFillHelper::SuggestionsReceived(int query_id, const std::vector& values, const std::vector& labels, const std::vector& unique_ids) { WebKit::WebView* web_view = render_view_->webview(); if (!web_view || query_id != autofill_query_id_) return; // Any popup currently showing is now obsolete. web_view->hidePopups(); // No suggestions: nothing to do. if (values.empty()) return; std::vector v(values); std::vector l(labels); std::vector ids(unique_ids); int separator_index = -1; // The form has been auto-filled, so give the user the chance to clear the // form. Append the 'Clear form' menu item. if (form_manager_.FormWithNodeIsAutoFilled(autofill_query_node_)) { v.push_back(l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_AUTOFILL_CLEAR_FORM_MENU_ITEM)); l.push_back(string16()); ids.push_back(0); suggestions_clear_index_ = v.size() - 1; separator_index = values.size(); } // Only include "AutoFill Options" special menu item if we have AutoFill // items, identified by |unique_ids| having at least one valid value. bool show_options = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < ids.size(); ++i) { if (ids[i] != 0) { show_options = true; break; } } if (show_options) { // Append the 'AutoFill Options...' menu item. v.push_back(l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_AUTOFILL_OPTIONS)); l.push_back(string16()); ids.push_back(0); suggestions_options_index_ = v.size() - 1; separator_index = values.size(); } // Send to WebKit for display. if (!v.empty()) { web_view->applyAutoFillSuggestions( autofill_query_node_, v, l, ids, separator_index); } } void AutoFillHelper::FormDataFilled(int query_id, const webkit_glue::FormData& form) { if (!render_view_->webview() || query_id != autofill_query_id_) return; switch (autofill_action_) { case AUTOFILL_FILL: form_manager_.FillForm(form, autofill_query_node_); break; case AUTOFILL_PREVIEW: form_manager_.PreviewForm(form); break; default: NOTREACHED(); } autofill_action_ = AUTOFILL_NONE; } void AutoFillHelper::DidSelectAutoFillSuggestion(const WebNode& node, const WebString& value, const WebString& label, int unique_id) { DidClearAutoFillSelection(node); QueryAutoFillFormData(node, value, label, unique_id, AUTOFILL_PREVIEW); } void AutoFillHelper::DidAcceptAutoFillSuggestion(const WebNode& node, const WebString& value, const WebString& label, int unique_id, unsigned index) { if (suggestions_options_index_ != -1 && index == static_cast(suggestions_options_index_)) { // User selected 'AutoFill Options'. render_view_->Send(new ViewHostMsg_ShowAutoFillDialog( render_view_->routing_id())); } else if (suggestions_clear_index_ != -1 && index == static_cast(suggestions_clear_index_)) { // User selected 'Clear form'. // The form has been auto-filled, so give the user the chance to clear the // form. form_manager_.ClearFormWithNode(node); } else if (form_manager_.FormWithNodeIsAutoFilled(node) || !unique_id) { // User selected an Autocomplete entry, so we fill directly. WebInputElement element = node.toConst(); element.setValue(value); WebFrame* webframe = node.document().frame(); if (webframe) webframe->notifiyPasswordListenerOfAutocomplete(element); } else { // Fill the values for the whole form. QueryAutoFillFormData(node, value, label, unique_id, AUTOFILL_FILL); } suggestions_clear_index_ = -1; suggestions_options_index_ = -1; } void AutoFillHelper::DidClearAutoFillSelection(const WebNode& node) { webkit_glue::FormData form; const WebFormControlElement element = node.toConst(); if (!form_manager_.FindFormWithFormControlElement( element, FormManager::REQUIRE_NONE, &form)) { return; } form_manager_.ClearPreviewedForm(form); } void AutoFillHelper::FrameContentsAvailable(WebFrame* frame) { form_manager_.ExtractForms(frame); SendForms(frame); } void AutoFillHelper::FrameWillClose(WebFrame* frame) { form_manager_.ResetFrame(frame); } void AutoFillHelper::QueryAutoFillFormData(const WebNode& node, const WebString& value, const WebString& label, int unique_id, AutoFillAction action) { static int query_counter = 0; autofill_query_id_ = query_counter++; webkit_glue::FormData form; const WebInputElement element = node.toConst(); if (!form_manager_.FindFormWithFormControlElement( element, FormManager::REQUIRE_NONE, &form)) return; autofill_action_ = action; render_view_->Send(new ViewHostMsg_FillAutoFillFormData( render_view_->routing_id(), autofill_query_id_, form, value, label, unique_id)); } void AutoFillHelper::SendForms(WebFrame* frame) { // TODO(jhawkins): Use FormManager once we have strict ordering of form // control elements in the cache. WebKit::WebVector web_forms; frame->forms(web_forms); std::vector forms; for (size_t i = 0; i < web_forms.size(); ++i) { const WebFormElement& web_form = web_forms[i]; webkit_glue::FormData form; if (FormManager::WebFormElementToFormData( web_form, FormManager::REQUIRE_NONE, false, &form)) { forms.push_back(form); } } if (!forms.empty()) { render_view_->Send(new ViewHostMsg_FormsSeen(render_view_->routing_id(), forms)); } }