// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/renderer/benchmarking_extension.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/metrics/stats_table.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h" #include "content/public/renderer/render_thread.h" #include "v8/include/v8.h" const char kBenchmarkingExtensionName[] = "v8/Benchmarking"; namespace extensions_v8 { class BenchmarkingWrapper : public v8::Extension { public: BenchmarkingWrapper() : v8::Extension(kBenchmarkingExtensionName, "if (typeof(chrome) == 'undefined') {" " chrome = {};" "};" "if (typeof(chrome.benchmarking) == 'undefined') {" " chrome.benchmarking = {};" "};" "chrome.benchmarking.counter = function(name) {" " native function GetCounter();" " return GetCounter(name);" "};" "chrome.benchmarking.isSingleProcess = function() {" " native function IsSingleProcess();" " return IsSingleProcess();" "};" "chrome.Interval = function() {" " var start_ = 0;" " var stop_ = 0;" " native function HiResTime();" " this.start = function() {" " stop_ = 0;" " start_ = HiResTime();" " };" " this.stop = function() {" " stop_ = HiResTime();" " if (start_ == 0)" " stop_ = 0;" " };" " this.microseconds = function() {" " var stop = stop_;" " if (stop == 0 && start_ != 0)" " stop = HiResTime();" " return Math.ceil(stop - start_);" " };" "}" ) {} virtual v8::Handle GetNativeFunction( v8::Handle name) OVERRIDE { if (name->Equals(v8::String::New("GetCounter"))) { return v8::FunctionTemplate::New(GetCounter); } else if (name->Equals(v8::String::New("IsSingleProcess"))) { return v8::FunctionTemplate::New(IsSingleProcess); } else if (name->Equals(v8::String::New("HiResTime"))) { return v8::FunctionTemplate::New(HiResTime); } return v8::Handle(); } static void GetCounter(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { if (!args.Length() || !args[0]->IsString() || !base::StatsTable::current()) return; // Extract the name argument char name[256]; name[0] = 'c'; name[1] = ':'; args[0]->ToString()->WriteUtf8(&name[2], sizeof(name) - 3); int counter = base::StatsTable::current()->GetCounterValue(name); args.GetReturnValue().Set(static_cast(counter)); } static void IsSingleProcess(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { args.GetReturnValue().Set( CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kSingleProcess)); } static void HiResTime(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { args.GetReturnValue().Set( static_cast(base::TimeTicks::HighResNow().ToInternalValue())); } }; v8::Extension* BenchmarkingExtension::Get() { return new BenchmarkingWrapper(); } } // namespace extensions_v8