// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/renderer/content_settings_observer.h" #include "chrome/common/render_messages.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "content/common/database_messages.h" #include "content/common/view_messages.h" #include "content/renderer/render_view.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebDataSource.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFrame.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFrameClient.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebSecurityOrigin.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLRequest.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebView.h" using WebKit::WebDataSource; using WebKit::WebFrame; using WebKit::WebFrameClient; using WebKit::WebSecurityOrigin; using WebKit::WebString; using WebKit::WebURLRequest; using WebKit::WebView; namespace { // True if |frame| contains content that is white-listed for content settings. static bool IsWhitelistedForContentSettings(WebFrame* frame) { WebSecurityOrigin origin = frame->securityOrigin(); if (origin.isEmpty()) return false; // Uninitialized document? if (EqualsASCII(origin.protocol(), chrome::kChromeUIScheme)) return true; // Browser UI elements should still work. // If the scheme is ftp: or file:, an empty file name indicates a directory // listing, which requires JavaScript to function properly. GURL frame_url = frame->url(); const char* kDirProtocols[] = { "ftp", "file" }; for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kDirProtocols); ++i) { if (EqualsASCII(origin.protocol(), kDirProtocols[i])) { return frame_url.SchemeIs(kDirProtocols[i]) && frame_url.ExtractFileName().empty(); } } return false; } } // namespace ContentSettingsObserver::ContentSettingsObserver(RenderView* render_view) : RenderViewObserver(render_view), RenderViewObserverTracker(render_view) { ClearBlockedContentSettings(); } ContentSettingsObserver::~ContentSettingsObserver() { } void ContentSettingsObserver::SetContentSettings( const ContentSettings& settings) { current_content_settings_ = settings; } ContentSetting ContentSettingsObserver::GetContentSetting( ContentSettingsType type) { return current_content_settings_.settings[type]; } void ContentSettingsObserver::DidBlockContentType( ContentSettingsType settings_type, const std::string& resource_identifier) { // Always send a message when |resource_identifier| is not empty, to tell the // browser which resource was blocked (otherwise the browser will only show // the first resource to be blocked, and none that are blocked at a later // time). if (!content_blocked_[settings_type] || !resource_identifier.empty()) { content_blocked_[settings_type] = true; Send(new ViewHostMsg_ContentBlocked(routing_id(), settings_type, resource_identifier)); } } bool ContentSettingsObserver::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) { bool handled = true; IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(ContentSettingsObserver, message) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetContentSettingsForLoadingURL, OnSetContentSettingsForLoadingURL) IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false) IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP() return handled; } void ContentSettingsObserver::DidCommitProvisionalLoad( WebFrame* frame, bool is_new_navigation) { if (frame->parent()) return; // Not a top-level navigation. WebDataSource* ds = frame->dataSource(); const WebURLRequest& request = ds->request(); // Clear "block" flags for the new page. This needs to happen before any of // allowScripts(), allowImages(), allowPlugins() is called for the new page // so that these functions can correctly detect that a piece of content // flipped from "not blocked" to "blocked". ClearBlockedContentSettings(); // Set content settings. Default them from the parent window if one exists. // This makes sure about:blank windows work as expected. HostContentSettings::iterator host_content_settings = host_content_settings_.find(GURL(request.url())); if (host_content_settings != host_content_settings_.end()) { SetContentSettings(host_content_settings->second); // These content settings were merely recorded transiently for this load. // We can erase them now. If at some point we reload this page, the // browser will send us new, up-to-date content settings. host_content_settings_.erase(host_content_settings); } else if (frame->opener()) { // The opener's view is not guaranteed to be non-null (it could be // detached from its page but not yet destructed). if (WebView* opener_view = frame->opener()->view()) { RenderView* opener = RenderView::FromWebView(opener_view); ContentSettingsObserver* observer = ContentSettingsObserver::Get(opener); SetContentSettings(observer->current_content_settings_); } } } bool ContentSettingsObserver::AllowDatabase(WebFrame* frame, const WebString& name, const WebString& display_name, unsigned long estimated_size) { WebSecurityOrigin origin = frame->securityOrigin(); if (origin.isEmpty()) return false; // Uninitialized document? bool result = false; Send(new ViewHostMsg_AllowDatabase( routing_id(), GURL(origin.toString()), name, display_name, &result)); return result; } bool ContentSettingsObserver::AllowFileSystem(WebFrame* frame) { WebSecurityOrigin origin = frame->securityOrigin(); if (origin.isEmpty()) return false; // Uninitialized document? bool result = false; Send(new ViewHostMsg_AllowFileSystem( routing_id(), GURL(origin.toString()), &result)); return result; } bool ContentSettingsObserver::AllowImages(WebFrame* frame, bool enabled_per_settings) { if (enabled_per_settings && AllowContentType(CONTENT_SETTINGS_TYPE_IMAGES)) { return true; } if (IsWhitelistedForContentSettings(frame)) return true; DidBlockContentType(CONTENT_SETTINGS_TYPE_IMAGES, std::string()); return false; // Other protocols fall through here. } bool ContentSettingsObserver::AllowIndexedDB(WebFrame* frame, const WebString& name, const WebSecurityOrigin& origin) { bool result = false; Send(new ViewHostMsg_AllowIndexedDB( routing_id(), origin.databaseIdentifier(), name, &result)); return result; } bool ContentSettingsObserver::AllowPlugins(WebFrame* frame, bool enabled_per_settings) { return enabled_per_settings; } bool ContentSettingsObserver::AllowScript(WebFrame* frame, bool enabled_per_settings) { if (enabled_per_settings && AllowContentType(CONTENT_SETTINGS_TYPE_JAVASCRIPT)) { return true; } if (IsWhitelistedForContentSettings(frame)) return true; return false; // Other protocols fall through here. } bool ContentSettingsObserver::AllowStorage(WebFrame* frame, bool local) { bool result = false; Send(new ViewHostMsg_AllowDOMStorage( routing_id(), frame->url(), local ? DOM_STORAGE_LOCAL : DOM_STORAGE_SESSION, &result)); return result; } void ContentSettingsObserver::DidNotAllowPlugins(WebFrame* frame) { DidBlockContentType(CONTENT_SETTINGS_TYPE_PLUGINS, std::string()); } void ContentSettingsObserver::DidNotAllowScript(WebFrame* frame) { DidBlockContentType(CONTENT_SETTINGS_TYPE_JAVASCRIPT, std::string()); } void ContentSettingsObserver::OnSetContentSettingsForLoadingURL( const GURL& url, const ContentSettings& content_settings) { host_content_settings_[url] = content_settings; } bool ContentSettingsObserver::AllowContentType( ContentSettingsType settings_type) { // CONTENT_SETTING_ASK is only valid for cookies. return current_content_settings_.settings[settings_type] != CONTENT_SETTING_BLOCK; } void ContentSettingsObserver::ClearBlockedContentSettings() { for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(content_blocked_); ++i) content_blocked_[i] = false; }