// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // Audio rendering unit utilizing audio output stream provided by browser // process through IPC. // // Relationship of classes. // // AudioRendererHost AudioRendererImpl // ^ ^ // | | // v IPC v // ResourceMessageFilter <---------> AudioMessageFilter // // Implementation of interface with audio device is in AudioRendererHost and // it provides services and entry points in ResourceMessageFilter, allowing // usage of IPC calls to interact with audio device. AudioMessageFilter acts // as a portal for IPC calls and does no more than delegation. // // Transportation of audio buffer is done by using shared memory, after // OnCreateStream is executed, OnCreated would be called along with a // SharedMemoryHandle upon successful creation of audio output stream in the // browser process. The same piece of shared memory would be used during the // lifetime of this unit. // // This class lives inside three threads during it's lifetime, namely: // 1. IO thread. // The thread within which this class receives all the IPC messages and // IPC communications can only happen in this thread. // 2. Pipeline thread // Initialization of filter and proper stopping of filters happens here. // Properties of this filter is also set in this thread. // 3. Audio decoder thread (If there's one.) // Responsible for decoding audio data and gives raw PCM data to this object. #ifndef CHROME_RENDERER_MEDIA_AUDIO_RENDERER_IMPL_H_ #define CHROME_RENDERER_MEDIA_AUDIO_RENDERER_IMPL_H_ #pragma once #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/lock.h" #include "base/shared_memory.h" #include "chrome/renderer/audio_message_filter.h" #include "media/audio/audio_io.h" #include "media/audio/audio_manager.h" #include "media/base/factory.h" #include "media/base/filters.h" #include "media/filters/audio_renderer_base.h" class AudioMessageFilter; class AudioRendererImpl : public media::AudioRendererBase, public AudioMessageFilter::Delegate, public MessageLoop::DestructionObserver { public: // Methods called on render thread ------------------------------------------ // Methods called during construction. static media::FilterFactory* CreateFactory(AudioMessageFilter* filter) { return new media::FilterFactoryImpl1(filter); } static bool IsMediaFormatSupported(const media::MediaFormat& format); // Methods called on IO thread ---------------------------------------------- // AudioMessageFilter::Delegate methods, called by AudioMessageFilter. void OnRequestPacket(AudioBuffersState buffers_state); void OnStateChanged(const ViewMsg_AudioStreamState_Params& state); void OnCreated(base::SharedMemoryHandle handle, uint32 length); void OnLowLatencyCreated(base::SharedMemoryHandle handle, base::SyncSocket::Handle socket_handle, uint32 length); void OnVolume(double volume); // Methods called on pipeline thread ---------------------------------------- // media::MediaFilter implementation. virtual void SetPlaybackRate(float rate); virtual void Pause(media::FilterCallback* callback); virtual void Seek(base::TimeDelta time, media::FilterCallback* callback); virtual void Play(media::FilterCallback* callback); // media::AudioRenderer implementation. virtual void SetVolume(float volume); protected: // Methods called on audio renderer thread ---------------------------------- // These methods are called from AudioRendererBase. virtual bool OnInitialize(const media::MediaFormat& media_format); virtual void OnStop(); // Called when the decoder completes a Read(). virtual void OnReadComplete(media::Buffer* buffer_in); private: friend class media::FilterFactoryImpl1; // For access to constructor and IO thread methods. friend class AudioRendererImplTest; FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AudioRendererImplTest, Stop); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AudioRendererImplTest, DestroyedMessageLoop_OnReadComplete); explicit AudioRendererImpl(AudioMessageFilter* filter); virtual ~AudioRendererImpl(); // Helper methods. // Convert number of bytes to duration of time using information about the // number of channels, sample rate and sample bits. base::TimeDelta ConvertToDuration(int bytes); // Methods call on IO thread ------------------------------------------------ // The following methods are tasks posted on the IO thread that needs to // be executed on that thread. They interact with AudioMessageFilter and // sends IPC messages on that thread. void CreateStreamTask(AudioParameters params); void PlayTask(); void PauseTask(); void SeekTask(); void SetVolumeTask(double volume); void NotifyPacketReadyTask(); void DestroyTask(); // Called on IO thread when message loop is dying. virtual void WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop(); // Information about the audio stream. AudioParameters params_; uint32 bytes_per_second_; scoped_refptr filter_; // ID of the stream created in the browser process. int32 stream_id_; // Memory shared by the browser process for audio buffer. scoped_ptr shared_memory_; uint32 shared_memory_size_; // Message loop for the IO thread. MessageLoop* io_loop_; // Protects: // - |stopped_| // - |pending_request_| // - |request_buffers_state_| Lock lock_; // A flag that indicates this filter is called to stop. bool stopped_; // A flag that indicates an outstanding packet request. bool pending_request_; // State of the audio buffers at time of the last request. AudioBuffersState request_buffers_state_; // State variables for prerolling. bool prerolling_; // Remaining bytes for prerolling to complete. uint32 preroll_bytes_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AudioRendererImpl); }; #endif // CHROME_RENDERER_MEDIA_AUDIO_RENDERER_IMPL_H_