// Copyright (c) 2006-2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // See header file for description of RendererNetPredictor class #include "chrome/renderer/net/render_dns_master.h" #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "chrome/common/net/dns.h" #include "chrome/common/render_messages.h" #include "chrome/renderer/net/render_dns_queue.h" #include "chrome/renderer/render_thread.h" // This API is used in the render process by renderer_glue.cc. // IF you are in the render process, you MUST be on the renderer thread to call. void DnsPrefetchCString(const char* hostname, size_t length) { RenderThread::current()->Resolve(hostname, length); } // The number of hostnames submitted to Browser DNS resolver per call to // SubmitHostsnames() (which reads names from our queue). static const size_t kMAX_SUBMISSION_PER_TASK = 30; RendererNetPredictor::RendererNetPredictor() : c_string_queue_(1000), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(renderer_predictor_factory_(this)) { Reset(); } void RendererNetPredictor::Reset() { domain_map_.clear(); c_string_queue_.Clear(); buffer_full_discard_count_ = 0; numeric_ip_discard_count_ = 0; new_name_count_ = 0; } // Push names into queue quickly! void RendererNetPredictor::Resolve(const char* name, size_t length) { if (!length) return; // Don't store empty strings in buffer. if (is_numeric_ip(name, length)) return; // Numeric IPs have no DNS lookup significance. size_t old_size = c_string_queue_.Size(); DnsQueue::PushResult result = c_string_queue_.Push(name, length); if (DnsQueue::SUCCESSFUL_PUSH == result) { if (1 == c_string_queue_.Size()) { DCHECK_EQ(old_size, 0u); if (0 != old_size) return; // Overkill safety net: Don't send too many InvokeLater's. renderer_predictor_factory_.RevokeAll(); RenderThread::current()->message_loop()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, renderer_predictor_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &RendererNetPredictor::SubmitHostnames), 10); } return; } if (DnsQueue::OVERFLOW_PUSH == result) { ++buffer_full_discard_count_; return; } DCHECK(DnsQueue::REDUNDANT_PUSH == result); } // Extract data from the Queue, and then send it off the the Browser process // to be resolved. void RendererNetPredictor::SubmitHostnames() { // Get all names out of the C_string_queue (into our map) ExtractBufferedNames(); // TBD: IT could be that we should only extract about as many names as we are // going to send to the browser. That would cause a "silly" page with a TON // of URLs to start to overrun the DnsQueue, which will cause the names to // be dropped (not stored in the queue). By fetching ALL names, we are // taking on a lot of work, which may take a long time to process... perhaps // longer than the page may be visible!?!?! If we implement a better // mechanism for doing domain_map.clear() (see end of this method), then // we'd automatically flush such pending work from a ridiculously link-filled // page. // Don't overload the browser DNS lookup facility, or take too long here, // by only sending off kMAX_SUBMISSION_PER_TASK names to the Browser. // This will help to avoid overloads when a page has a TON of links. DnsPrefetchNames(kMAX_SUBMISSION_PER_TASK); if (new_name_count_ > 0 || 0 < c_string_queue_.Size()) { renderer_predictor_factory_.RevokeAll(); RenderThread::current()->message_loop()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, renderer_predictor_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &RendererNetPredictor::SubmitHostnames), 10); } else { // TODO(JAR): Should we only clear the map when we navigate, or reload? domain_map_.clear(); } } // Pull some hostnames from the queue, and add them to our map. void RendererNetPredictor::ExtractBufferedNames(size_t size_goal) { size_t count(0); // Number of entries to find (0 means find all). if (size_goal > 0) { if (size_goal <= domain_map_.size()) return; // Size goal was met. count = size_goal - domain_map_.size(); } std::string name; while (c_string_queue_.Pop(&name)) { DCHECK_NE(name.size(), 0u); // We don't put numeric IP names into buffer. DCHECK(!is_numeric_ip(name.c_str(), name.size())); DomainUseMap::iterator it; it = domain_map_.find(name); if (domain_map_.end() == it) { domain_map_[name] = kPending; ++new_name_count_; if (0 == count) continue; // Until buffer is empty. if (1 == count) break; // We found size_goal. DCHECK_GT(count, 1u); --count; } else { DCHECK(kPending == it->second || kLookupRequested == it->second); } } } void RendererNetPredictor::DnsPrefetchNames(size_t max_count) { // We are on the renderer thread, and just need to send things to the browser. chrome_common_net::NameList names; for (DomainUseMap::iterator it = domain_map_.begin(); it != domain_map_.end(); ++it) { if (0 == (it->second & kLookupRequested)) { it->second |= kLookupRequested; names.push_back(it->first); if (0 == max_count) continue; // Get all, independent of count. if (1 == max_count) break; --max_count; DCHECK_GE(max_count, 1u); } } DCHECK_GE(new_name_count_, names.size()); new_name_count_ -= names.size(); RenderThread::current()->Send(new ViewHostMsg_DnsPrefetch(names)); } // is_numeric_ip() checks to see if all characters in name are either numeric, // or dots. Such a name will not actually be passed to DNS, as it is an IP // address. bool RendererNetPredictor::is_numeric_ip(const char* name, size_t length) { // Scan for a character outside our lookup list. while (length-- > 0) { if (!isdigit(*name) && '.' != *name) return false; ++name; } return true; }