// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/renderer/pepper_plugin_delegate_impl.h" #include "app/l10n_util.h" #include "app/surface/transport_dib.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/task.h" #include "chrome/common/render_messages.h" #include "chrome/common/render_messages_params.h" #include "chrome/renderer/audio_message_filter.h" #include "chrome/renderer/command_buffer_proxy.h" #include "chrome/renderer/render_thread.h" #include "chrome/renderer/render_view.h" #include "chrome/renderer/webplugin_delegate_proxy.h" #include "grit/locale_settings.h" #include "third_party/ppapi/c/dev/pp_video_dev.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFileChooserCompletion.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFileChooserParams.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebPluginContainer.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/pepper_file_io.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/pepper_plugin_instance.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/webplugin.h" #if defined(OS_MACOSX) #include "chrome/common/render_messages.h" #include "chrome/renderer/render_thread.h" #endif namespace { const int32 kDefaultCommandBufferSize = 1024 * 1024; // Implements the Image2D using a TransportDIB. class PlatformImage2DImpl : public pepper::PluginDelegate::PlatformImage2D { public: // This constructor will take ownership of the dib pointer. PlatformImage2DImpl(int width, int height, TransportDIB* dib) : width_(width), height_(height), dib_(dib) { } virtual skia::PlatformCanvas* Map() { return dib_->GetPlatformCanvas(width_, height_); } virtual intptr_t GetSharedMemoryHandle() const { return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(dib_.get()); } virtual TransportDIB* GetTransportDIB() const { return dib_.get(); } private: int width_; int height_; scoped_ptr<TransportDIB> dib_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PlatformImage2DImpl); }; #ifdef ENABLE_GPU class PlatformContext3DImpl : public pepper::PluginDelegate::PlatformContext3D { public: explicit PlatformContext3DImpl(RenderView* render_view) : render_view_(render_view), nested_delegate_(NULL), command_buffer_(NULL), renderview_to_webplugin_adapter_(render_view) {} virtual ~PlatformContext3DImpl() { if (nested_delegate_) { nested_delegate_->DestroyCommandBuffer(command_buffer_); nested_delegate_->PluginDestroyed(); } } virtual bool Init(const gfx::Rect& position, const gfx::Rect& clip); virtual gpu::CommandBuffer* GetCommandBuffer() { return command_buffer_; } virtual void SetNotifyRepaintTask(Task* task) { command_buffer_->SetNotifyRepaintTask(task); } private: class WebPluginAdapter : public webkit_glue::WebPlugin { public: explicit WebPluginAdapter(RenderView* render_view) : render_view_(render_view) {} virtual void SetWindow(gfx::PluginWindowHandle window) { render_view_->CreatedPluginWindow(window); } virtual void WillDestroyWindow(gfx::PluginWindowHandle window) { render_view_->WillDestroyPluginWindow(window); } virtual void SetAcceptsInputEvents(bool accepts) { NOTREACHED(); } #if defined(OS_WIN) virtual void SetWindowlessPumpEvent(HANDLE pump_messages_event) { NOTREACHED(); } #endif virtual void CancelResource(unsigned long id) { NOTREACHED(); } virtual void Invalidate() { NOTREACHED(); } virtual void InvalidateRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) { NOTREACHED(); } virtual NPObject* GetWindowScriptNPObject() { NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } virtual NPObject* GetPluginElement() { NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } virtual void SetCookie(const GURL& url, const GURL& first_party_for_cookies, const std::string& cookie) { NOTREACHED(); } virtual std::string GetCookies(const GURL& url, const GURL& first_party_for_cookies) { NOTREACHED(); return std::string(); } virtual void ShowModalHTMLDialog(const GURL& url, int width, int height, const std::string& json_arguments, std::string* json_retval) { NOTREACHED(); } virtual void OnMissingPluginStatus(int status) { NOTREACHED(); } virtual void HandleURLRequest(const char* url, const char* method, const char* target, const char* buf, unsigned int len, int notify_id, bool popups_allowed) { NOTREACHED(); } virtual void CancelDocumentLoad() { NOTREACHED(); } virtual void InitiateHTTPRangeRequest(const char* url, const char* range_info, int range_request_id) { NOTREACHED(); } virtual bool IsOffTheRecord() { NOTREACHED(); return false; } virtual void SetDeferResourceLoading(unsigned long resource_id, bool defer) { NOTREACHED(); } private: RenderView* render_view_; }; void SendNestedDelegateGeometryToBrowser(const gfx::Rect& window_rect, const gfx::Rect& clip_rect); RenderView* render_view_; WebPluginDelegateProxy* nested_delegate_; CommandBufferProxy* command_buffer_; WebPluginAdapter renderview_to_webplugin_adapter_; }; #endif // ENABLE_GPU class PlatformAudioImpl : public pepper::PluginDelegate::PlatformAudio, public AudioMessageFilter::Delegate { public: explicit PlatformAudioImpl(scoped_refptr<AudioMessageFilter> filter) : client_(NULL), filter_(filter), stream_id_(0) { DCHECK(filter_); } virtual ~PlatformAudioImpl() { // Make sure we have been shut down. DCHECK_EQ(0, stream_id_); DCHECK(!client_); } // Initialize this audio context. StreamCreated() will be called when the // stream is created. bool Initialize(uint32_t sample_rate, uint32_t sample_count, pepper::PluginDelegate::PlatformAudio::Client* client); virtual bool StartPlayback() { return filter_ && filter_->Send( new ViewHostMsg_PlayAudioStream(0, stream_id_)); } virtual bool StopPlayback() { return filter_ && filter_->Send( new ViewHostMsg_PauseAudioStream(0, stream_id_)); } virtual void ShutDown(); private: virtual void OnRequestPacket(uint32 bytes_in_buffer, const base::Time& message_timestamp) { LOG(FATAL) << "Should never get OnRequestPacket in PlatformAudioImpl"; } virtual void OnStateChanged(const ViewMsg_AudioStreamState_Params& state) { } virtual void OnCreated(base::SharedMemoryHandle handle, uint32 length) { LOG(FATAL) << "Should never get OnCreated in PlatformAudioImpl"; } virtual void OnLowLatencyCreated(base::SharedMemoryHandle handle, base::SyncSocket::Handle socket_handle, uint32 length); virtual void OnVolume(double volume) { } // The client to notify when the stream is created. pepper::PluginDelegate::PlatformAudio::Client* client_; // MessageFilter used to send/receive IPC. scoped_refptr<AudioMessageFilter> filter_; // Our ID on the MessageFilter. int32 stream_id_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PlatformAudioImpl); }; #ifdef ENABLE_GPU bool PlatformContext3DImpl::Init(const gfx::Rect& position, const gfx::Rect& clip) { #if defined(ENABLE_GPU) // Ignore initializing more than once. if (nested_delegate_) return true; // Create an instance of the GPU plugin that is responsible for 3D // rendering. nested_delegate_ = new WebPluginDelegateProxy( std::string("application/vnd.google.chrome.gpu-plugin"), render_view_->AsWeakPtr()); if (nested_delegate_->Initialize(GURL(), std::vector<std::string>(), std::vector<std::string>(), &renderview_to_webplugin_adapter_, false)) { // Ensure the window has the correct size before initializing the // command buffer. nested_delegate_->UpdateGeometry(position, clip); // Ask the GPU plugin to create a command buffer and return a proxy. command_buffer_ = nested_delegate_->CreateCommandBuffer(); if (command_buffer_) { // Initialize the proxy command buffer. if (command_buffer_->Initialize(kDefaultCommandBufferSize)) { #if defined(OS_MACOSX) command_buffer_->SetWindowSize(position.size()); #endif // OS_MACOSX // Make sure the nested delegate shows up in the right place // on the page. SendNestedDelegateGeometryToBrowser(position, clip); return true; } } nested_delegate_->DestroyCommandBuffer(command_buffer_); command_buffer_ = NULL; } nested_delegate_->PluginDestroyed(); nested_delegate_ = NULL; #endif // ENABLE_GPU return false; } void PlatformContext3DImpl::SendNestedDelegateGeometryToBrowser( const gfx::Rect& window_rect, const gfx::Rect& clip_rect) { // Inform the browser about the location of the plugin on the page. // It appears that initially the plugin does not get laid out correctly -- // possibly due to lazy creation of the nested delegate. if (!nested_delegate_ || !nested_delegate_->GetPluginWindowHandle() || !render_view_) { return; } webkit_glue::WebPluginGeometry geom; geom.window = nested_delegate_->GetPluginWindowHandle(); geom.window_rect = window_rect; geom.clip_rect = clip_rect; // Rects_valid must be true for this to work in the Gtk port; // hopefully not having the cutout rects will not cause incorrect // clipping. geom.rects_valid = true; geom.visible = true; render_view_->DidMovePlugin(geom); } #endif // ENABLE_GPU bool PlatformAudioImpl::Initialize( uint32_t sample_rate, uint32_t sample_count, pepper::PluginDelegate::PlatformAudio::Client* client) { DCHECK(client); // Make sure we don't call init more than once. DCHECK_EQ(0, stream_id_); client_ = client; ViewHostMsg_Audio_CreateStream_Params params; params.params.format = AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR; params.params.channels = 2; params.params.sample_rate = sample_rate; params.params.bits_per_sample = 16; params.packet_size = sample_count * params.params.channels * (params.params.bits_per_sample >> 3); stream_id_ = filter_->AddDelegate(this); return filter_->Send(new ViewHostMsg_CreateAudioStream(0, stream_id_, params, true)); } void PlatformAudioImpl::OnLowLatencyCreated( base::SharedMemoryHandle handle, base::SyncSocket::Handle socket_handle, uint32 length) { #if defined(OS_WIN) DCHECK(handle); DCHECK(socket_handle); #else DCHECK_NE(-1, handle.fd); DCHECK_NE(-1, socket_handle); #endif DCHECK(length); client_->StreamCreated(handle, length, socket_handle); } void PlatformAudioImpl::ShutDown() { // Make sure we don't call shutdown more than once. if (!stream_id_) { return; } filter_->Send(new ViewHostMsg_CloseAudioStream(0, stream_id_)); filter_->RemoveDelegate(stream_id_); stream_id_ = 0; client_ = NULL; } // Implements the VideoDecoder. class PlatformVideoDecoderImpl : public pepper::PluginDelegate::PlatformVideoDecoder { public: PlatformVideoDecoderImpl() : input_buffer_size_(0), next_dib_id_(0), dib_(NULL) { memset(&decoder_config_, 0, sizeof(decoder_config_)); memset(&flush_callback_, 0, sizeof(flush_callback_)); } virtual bool Init(const PP_VideoDecoderConfig_Dev& decoder_config) { decoder_config_ = decoder_config; input_buffer_size_ = 1024 << 4; // Allocate the transport DIB. TransportDIB* dib = TransportDIB::Create(input_buffer_size_, next_dib_id_++); if (!dib) return false; // TODO(wjia): Create video decoder in GPU process. return true; } virtual bool Decode(PP_VideoCompressedDataBuffer_Dev& input_buffer) { // TODO(wjia): Implement me! NOTIMPLEMENTED(); input_buffers_.push(&input_buffer); // Copy input data to dib_ and send it to GPU video decoder. return false; } virtual int32_t Flush(PP_CompletionCallback& callback) { // TODO(wjia): Implement me! NOTIMPLEMENTED(); // Do nothing if there is a flush pending. if (flush_callback_.func) return PP_ERROR_BADARGUMENT; flush_callback_ = callback; // Call GPU video decoder to flush. return PP_ERROR_WOULDBLOCK; } virtual bool ReturnUncompressedDataBuffer( PP_VideoUncompressedDataBuffer_Dev& buffer) { // TODO(wjia): Implement me! NOTIMPLEMENTED(); // Deliver the buffer to GPU video decoder. return false; } void OnFlushDone() { if (!flush_callback_.func) return; flush_callback_.func(flush_callback_.user_data, PP_OK); flush_callback_.func = NULL; } virtual intptr_t GetSharedMemoryHandle() const { return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(dib_.get()); } private: size_t input_buffer_size_; int next_dib_id_; scoped_ptr<TransportDIB> dib_; PP_VideoDecoderConfig_Dev decoder_config_; std::queue<PP_VideoCompressedDataBuffer_Dev*> input_buffers_; PP_CompletionCallback flush_callback_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PlatformVideoDecoderImpl); }; } // namespace PepperPluginDelegateImpl::PepperPluginDelegateImpl(RenderView* render_view) : render_view_(render_view), id_generator_(0) { } void PepperPluginDelegateImpl::ViewInitiatedPaint() { // Notify all of our instances that we started painting. This is used for // internal bookkeeping only, so we know that the set can not change under // us. for (std::set<pepper::PluginInstance*>::iterator i = active_instances_.begin(); i != active_instances_.end(); ++i) (*i)->ViewInitiatedPaint(); } void PepperPluginDelegateImpl::ViewFlushedPaint() { // Notify all instances that we painted. This will call into the plugin, and // we it may ask to close itself as a result. This will, in turn, modify our // set, possibly invalidating the iterator. So we iterate on a copy that // won't change out from under us. std::set<pepper::PluginInstance*> plugins = active_instances_; for (std::set<pepper::PluginInstance*>::iterator i = plugins.begin(); i != plugins.end(); ++i) { // The copy above makes sure our iterator is never invalid if some plugins // are destroyed. But some plugin may decide to close all of its views in // response to a paint in one of them, so we need to make sure each one is // still "current" before using it. // // It's possible that a plugin was destroyed, but another one was created // with the same address. In this case, we'll call ViewFlushedPaint on that // new plugin. But that's OK for this particular case since we're just // notifying all of our instances that the view flushed, and the new one is // one of our instances. // // What about the case where a new one is created in a callback at a new // address and we don't issue the callback? We're still OK since this // callback is used for flush callbacks and we could not have possibly // started a new paint (ViewInitiatedPaint) for the new plugin while // processing a previous paint for an existing one. if (active_instances_.find(*i) != active_instances_.end()) (*i)->ViewFlushedPaint(); } } bool PepperPluginDelegateImpl::GetBitmapForOptimizedPluginPaint( const gfx::Rect& paint_bounds, TransportDIB** dib, gfx::Rect* location, gfx::Rect* clip) { for (std::set<pepper::PluginInstance*>::iterator i = active_instances_.begin(); i != active_instances_.end(); ++i) { pepper::PluginInstance* instance = *i; if (instance->GetBitmapForOptimizedPluginPaint( paint_bounds, dib, location, clip)) return true; } return false; } void PepperPluginDelegateImpl::InstanceCreated( pepper::PluginInstance* instance) { active_instances_.insert(instance); // Set the initial focus. instance->SetContentAreaFocus(render_view_->has_focus()); } void PepperPluginDelegateImpl::InstanceDeleted( pepper::PluginInstance* instance) { active_instances_.erase(instance); } pepper::PluginDelegate::PlatformImage2D* PepperPluginDelegateImpl::CreateImage2D(int width, int height) { uint32 buffer_size = width * height * 4; // Allocate the transport DIB and the PlatformCanvas pointing to it. #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // On the Mac, shared memory has to be created in the browser in order to // work in the sandbox. Do this by sending a message to the browser // requesting a TransportDIB (see also // chrome/renderer/webplugin_delegate_proxy.cc, method // WebPluginDelegateProxy::CreateBitmap() for similar code). Note that the // TransportDIB is _not_ cached in the browser; this is because this memory // gets flushed by the renderer into another TransportDIB that represents the // page, which is then in turn flushed to the screen by the browser process. // When |transport_dib_| goes out of scope in the dtor, all of its shared // memory gets reclaimed. TransportDIB::Handle dib_handle; IPC::Message* msg = new ViewHostMsg_AllocTransportDIB(buffer_size, false, &dib_handle); if (!RenderThread::current()->Send(msg)) return NULL; if (!TransportDIB::is_valid(dib_handle)) return NULL; TransportDIB* dib = TransportDIB::Map(dib_handle); #else static int next_dib_id = 0; TransportDIB* dib = TransportDIB::Create(buffer_size, next_dib_id++); if (!dib) return NULL; #endif return new PlatformImage2DImpl(width, height, dib); } pepper::PluginDelegate::PlatformContext3D* PepperPluginDelegateImpl::CreateContext3D() { #ifdef ENABLE_GPU return new PlatformContext3DImpl(render_view_); #else return NULL; #endif } pepper::PluginDelegate::PlatformVideoDecoder* PepperPluginDelegateImpl::CreateVideoDecoder( const PP_VideoDecoderConfig_Dev& decoder_config) { scoped_ptr<PlatformVideoDecoderImpl> decoder(new PlatformVideoDecoderImpl()); if (!decoder->Init(decoder_config)) return NULL; return decoder.release(); } void PepperPluginDelegateImpl::DidChangeNumberOfFindResults(int identifier, int total, bool final_result) { render_view_->reportFindInPageMatchCount(identifier, total, final_result); } void PepperPluginDelegateImpl::DidChangeSelectedFindResult(int identifier, int index) { render_view_->reportFindInPageSelection( identifier, index + 1, WebKit::WebRect()); } pepper::PluginDelegate::PlatformAudio* PepperPluginDelegateImpl::CreateAudio( uint32_t sample_rate, uint32_t sample_count, pepper::PluginDelegate::PlatformAudio::Client* client) { scoped_ptr<PlatformAudioImpl> audio( new PlatformAudioImpl(render_view_->audio_message_filter())); if (audio->Initialize(sample_rate, sample_count, client)) { return audio.release(); } else { return NULL; } } bool PepperPluginDelegateImpl::RunFileChooser( const WebKit::WebFileChooserParams& params, WebKit::WebFileChooserCompletion* chooser_completion) { return render_view_->runFileChooser(params, chooser_completion); } bool PepperPluginDelegateImpl::AsyncOpenFile(const FilePath& path, int flags, AsyncOpenFileCallback* callback) { int message_id = id_generator_++; DCHECK(!messages_waiting_replies_.Lookup(message_id)); messages_waiting_replies_.AddWithID(callback, message_id); IPC::Message* msg = new ViewHostMsg_AsyncOpenFile( render_view_->routing_id(), path, flags, message_id); return render_view_->Send(msg); } void PepperPluginDelegateImpl::OnAsyncFileOpened( base::PlatformFileError error_code, base::PlatformFile file, int message_id) { AsyncOpenFileCallback* callback = messages_waiting_replies_.Lookup(message_id); DCHECK(callback); messages_waiting_replies_.Remove(message_id); callback->Run(error_code, file); delete callback; } void PepperPluginDelegateImpl::OnSetFocus(bool has_focus) { for (std::set<pepper::PluginInstance*>::iterator i = active_instances_.begin(); i != active_instances_.end(); ++i) (*i)->SetContentAreaFocus(has_focus); } scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> PepperPluginDelegateImpl::GetFileThreadMessageLoopProxy() { return RenderThread::current()->GetFileThreadMessageLoopProxy(); } pepper::FullscreenContainer* PepperPluginDelegateImpl::CreateFullscreenContainer( pepper::PluginInstance* instance) { return render_view_->CreatePepperFullscreenContainer(instance); } std::string PepperPluginDelegateImpl::GetDefaultEncoding() { // TODO(brettw) bug 56615: Somehow get the preference for the default // encoding here rather than using the global default for the UI language. return l10n_util::GetStringUTF8(IDS_DEFAULT_ENCODING); }