// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/renderer/print_web_view_helper.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/process_util.h" #include "chrome/common/render_messages.h" #include "chrome/common/render_messages_params.h" #include "printing/native_metafile_factory.h" #include "printing/native_metafile.h" #include "printing/units.h" #include "skia/ext/vector_canvas.h" #include "skia/ext/vector_platform_device.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFrame.h" #include "ui/gfx/gdi_util.h" using printing::ConvertUnitDouble; using printing::kPointsPerInch; using WebKit::WebFrame; namespace { int CALLBACK EnhMetaFileProc(HDC dc, HANDLETABLE* handle_table, const ENHMETARECORD *record, int num_objects, LPARAM data) { HDC* bitmap_dc = reinterpret_cast(data); // Play this command to the bitmap DC. PlayEnhMetaFileRecord(*bitmap_dc, handle_table, record, num_objects); if (record->iType == EMR_ALPHABLEND) { const EMRALPHABLEND* emr_alpha_blend = reinterpret_cast(record); XFORM bitmap_dc_transform, metafile_dc_transform; XFORM identity = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; // Temporarily set the world transforms of both DC's to identity. GetWorldTransform(dc, &metafile_dc_transform); SetWorldTransform(dc, &identity); GetWorldTransform(*bitmap_dc, &bitmap_dc_transform); SetWorldTransform(*bitmap_dc, &identity); const RECTL& rect = emr_alpha_blend->rclBounds; // Since the printer does not support alpha blend, copy the alpha blended // region from our (software-rendered) bitmap DC to the metafile DC. BitBlt(dc, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left + 1, rect.bottom - rect.top + 1, *bitmap_dc, rect.left, rect.top, SRCCOPY); // Restore the world transforms of both DC's. SetWorldTransform(dc, &metafile_dc_transform); SetWorldTransform(*bitmap_dc, &bitmap_dc_transform); } else { // Play this command to the metafile DC. PlayEnhMetaFileRecord(dc, handle_table, record, num_objects); } return 1; // Continue enumeration } } // namespace void PrintWebViewHelper::PrintPage(const ViewMsg_PrintPage_Params& params, const gfx::Size& canvas_size, WebFrame* frame) { // Generate a memory-based metafile. It will use the current screen's DPI. // Each metafile contains a single page. scoped_ptr metafile( printing::NativeMetafileFactory::CreateMetafile()); metafile->CreateDc(NULL, NULL); DCHECK(metafile->hdc()); skia::PlatformDevice::InitializeDC(metafile->hdc()); int page_number = params.page_number; // Calculate the dpi adjustment. float scale_factor = static_cast(params.params.desired_dpi / params.params.dpi); // Render page for printing. RenderPage(params.params, &scale_factor, page_number, frame, &metafile); // Close the device context to retrieve the compiled metafile. if (!metafile->CloseDc()) NOTREACHED(); // Get the size of the compiled metafile. uint32 buf_size = metafile->GetDataSize(); DCHECK_GT(buf_size, 128u); ViewHostMsg_DidPrintPage_Params page_params; page_params.data_size = buf_size; page_params.metafile_data_handle = NULL; page_params.page_number = page_number; page_params.document_cookie = params.params.document_cookie; page_params.actual_shrink = scale_factor; page_params.page_size = params.params.page_size; page_params.content_area = gfx::Rect(params.params.margin_left, params.params.margin_top, params.params.printable_size.width(), params.params.printable_size.height()); page_params.has_visible_overlays = frame->isPageBoxVisible(page_number); if (!CopyMetafileDataToSharedMem(metafile.get(), &(page_params.metafile_data_handle))) { page_params.data_size = 0; } metafile->CloseEmf(); if (!Send(new ViewHostMsg_DuplicateSection( routing_id(), page_params.metafile_data_handle, &page_params.metafile_data_handle))) { NOTREACHED() << "Send message failed."; } Send(new ViewHostMsg_DidPrintPage(routing_id(), page_params)); } void PrintWebViewHelper::CreatePreviewDocument( const ViewMsg_PrintPages_Params& params, WebFrame* frame) { int page_count = 0; ViewMsg_Print_Params print_params = params.params; UpdatePrintableSizeInPrintParameters(frame, NULL, &print_params); PrepareFrameAndViewForPrint prep_frame_view(print_params, frame, NULL, frame->view()); page_count = prep_frame_view.GetExpectedPageCount(); if (!page_count) return; // NOTE: This is an enhanced-format metafile(EMF) which has an appearance of // single page metafile. For print preview, we need a metafile with multiple // pages. // TODO(kmadhusu): Use a PDF metafile to support multiple pages. After "Skia // PDF backend" work is completed for windows, make changes to replace this // EMF with PDF metafile. // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=62889 scoped_ptr metafile( printing::NativeMetafileFactory::CreateMetafile()); metafile->CreateDc(NULL, NULL); DCHECK(metafile->hdc()); skia::PlatformDevice::InitializeDC(metafile->hdc()); // Calculate the dpi adjustment. float shrink = static_cast(params.params.desired_dpi / params.params.dpi); if (params.pages.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < page_count; ++i) { float scale_factor = shrink; RenderPage(params.params, &scale_factor, i, frame, &metafile); } } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < params.pages.size(); ++i) { if (params.pages[i] >= page_count) break; float scale_factor = shrink; RenderPage(params.params, &scale_factor, static_cast(params.pages[i]), frame, &metafile); } } // Close the device context to retrieve the compiled metafile. if (!metafile->CloseDc()) NOTREACHED(); // Get the size of the compiled metafile. uint32 buf_size = metafile->GetDataSize(); DCHECK_GT(buf_size, 128u); ViewHostMsg_DidPreviewDocument_Params preview_params; preview_params.document_cookie = params.params.document_cookie; preview_params.data_size = buf_size; preview_params.metafile_data_handle = NULL; preview_params.expected_pages_count = page_count; if (!CopyMetafileDataToSharedMem(metafile.get(), &(preview_params.metafile_data_handle))) { preview_params.data_size = 0; preview_params.expected_pages_count = 0; } metafile->CloseEmf(); if (!Send(new ViewHostMsg_DuplicateSection( routing_id(), preview_params.metafile_data_handle, &preview_params.metafile_data_handle))) { NOTREACHED() << "Send message failed."; } Send(new ViewHostMsg_PagesReadyForPreview(routing_id(), preview_params)); } void PrintWebViewHelper::RenderPage( const ViewMsg_Print_Params& params, float* scale_factor, int page_number, WebFrame* frame, scoped_ptr* metafile) { HDC hdc = (*metafile)->hdc(); DCHECK(hdc); double content_width_in_points; double content_height_in_points; GetPageSizeAndMarginsInPoints(frame, page_number, params, &content_width_in_points, &content_height_in_points, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); // Since WebKit extends the page width depending on the magical scale factor // we make sure the canvas covers the worst case scenario (x2.0 currently). // PrintContext will then set the correct clipping region. int width = static_cast(content_width_in_points * params.max_shrink); int height = static_cast(content_height_in_points * params.max_shrink); #if 0 // TODO(maruel): This code is kept for testing until the 100% GDI drawing // code is stable. maruels use this code's output as a reference when the // GDI drawing code fails. // Mix of Skia and GDI based. skia::PlatformCanvas canvas(width, height, true); canvas.drawARGB(255, 255, 255, 255, SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode); float webkit_scale_factor = frame->printPage(page_number, &canvas); if (*scale_factor <= 0 || webkit_scale_factor <= 0) { NOTREACHED() << "Printing page " << page_number << " failed."; } else { // Update the dpi adjustment with the "page |scale_factor|" calculated in // webkit. *scale_factor /= webkit_scale_factor; } // Create a BMP v4 header that we can serialize. BITMAPV4HEADER bitmap_header; gfx::CreateBitmapV4Header(width, height, &bitmap_header); const SkBitmap& src_bmp = canvas.getDevice()->accessBitmap(true); SkAutoLockPixels src_lock(src_bmp); int retval = StretchDIBits(hdc, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, width, height, src_bmp.getPixels(), reinterpret_cast(&bitmap_header), DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY); DCHECK(retval != GDI_ERROR); #else // 100% GDI based. skia::VectorCanvas canvas(hdc, width, height); float webkit_scale_factor = frame->printPage(page_number, &canvas); if (*scale_factor <= 0 || webkit_scale_factor <= 0) { NOTREACHED() << "Printing page " << page_number << " failed."; } else { // Update the dpi adjustment with the "page |scale_factor|" calculated in // webkit. *scale_factor /= webkit_scale_factor; } #endif skia::VectorPlatformDevice* platform_device = static_cast(canvas.getDevice()); if (platform_device->alpha_blend_used() && !params.supports_alpha_blend) { // Close the device context to retrieve the compiled metafile. if (!(*metafile)->CloseDc()) NOTREACHED(); scoped_ptr metafile2( printing::NativeMetafileFactory::CreateMetafile()); // Page used alpha blend, but printer doesn't support it. Rewrite the // metafile and flatten out the transparency. HDC bitmap_dc = CreateCompatibleDC(GetDC(NULL)); if (!bitmap_dc) NOTREACHED() << "Bitmap DC creation failed"; SetGraphicsMode(bitmap_dc, GM_ADVANCED); void* bits = NULL; BITMAPINFO hdr; gfx::CreateBitmapHeader(width, height, &hdr.bmiHeader); HBITMAP hbitmap = CreateDIBSection( bitmap_dc, &hdr, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &bits, NULL, 0); if (!hbitmap) NOTREACHED() << "Raster bitmap creation for printing failed"; HGDIOBJ old_bitmap = SelectObject(bitmap_dc, hbitmap); RECT rect = {0, 0, width, height }; HBRUSH whiteBrush = static_cast(GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH)); FillRect(bitmap_dc, &rect, whiteBrush); metafile2->CreateDc(NULL, NULL); HDC hdc = metafile2->hdc(); DCHECK(hdc); skia::PlatformDevice::InitializeDC(hdc); RECT metafile_bounds = (*metafile)->GetBounds().ToRECT(); // Process the old metafile, placing all non-AlphaBlend calls into the // new metafile, and copying the results of all the AlphaBlend calls // from the bitmap DC. EnumEnhMetaFile(hdc, (*metafile)->emf(), EnhMetaFileProc, &bitmap_dc, &metafile_bounds); SelectObject(bitmap_dc, old_bitmap); metafile->reset(metafile2.release()); } } bool PrintWebViewHelper::CopyMetafileDataToSharedMem( printing::NativeMetafile* metafile, base::SharedMemoryHandle* shared_mem_handle) { uint32 buf_size = metafile->GetDataSize(); base::SharedMemory shared_buf; // http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms535522.aspx // Windows 2000/XP: When a page in a spooled file exceeds approximately 350 // MB, it can fail to print and not send an error message. if (buf_size >= 350*1024*1024) { NOTREACHED() << "Buffer too large: " << buf_size; return false; } // Allocate a shared memory buffer to hold the generated metafile data. if (!shared_buf.CreateAndMapAnonymous(buf_size)) { NOTREACHED() << "Buffer allocation failed"; return false; } // Copy the bits into shared memory. if (!metafile->GetData(shared_buf.memory(), buf_size)) { NOTREACHED() << "GetData() failed"; shared_buf.Unmap(); return false; } shared_buf.GiveToProcess(base::GetCurrentProcessHandle(), shared_mem_handle); shared_buf.Unmap(); return true; }