// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_RENDERER_RENDER_VIEW_H_ #define CHROME_RENDERER_RENDER_VIEW_H_ #include <string> #include <vector> #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/scoped_handle.h" #include "base/gfx/point.h" #include "base/gfx/rect.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/common/page_zoom.h" #include "chrome/common/resource_dispatcher.h" #ifdef CHROME_PERSONALIZATION #include "chrome/personalization/personalization.h" #endif #include "chrome/renderer/automation/dom_automation_controller.h" #include "chrome/renderer/dom_ui_bindings.h" #include "chrome/renderer/external_host_bindings.h" #include "chrome/renderer/external_js_object.h" #include "chrome/renderer/render_process.h" #include "chrome/renderer/render_widget.h" #include "webkit/glue/console_message_level.h" #include "webkit/glue/dom_serializer_delegate.h" #include "webkit/glue/glue_accessibility.h" #include "webkit/glue/webview_delegate.h" #include "webkit/glue/webview.h" // RenderView is a diamond-shaped hierarchy, with WebWidgetDelegate at the root. // VS warns when we inherit the WebWidgetDelegate method implementations from // RenderWidget. It's safe to ignore that warning. #pragma warning(disable: 4250) class DebugMessageHandler; class GURL; class SharedMemory; class SkBitmap; struct ThumbnailScore; class WebError; class WebFrame; class WebPluginDelegate; class WebPluginDelegateProxy; enum WebRequestCachePolicy; namespace webkit_glue { struct FileUploadData; } // We need to prevent a page from trying to create infinite popups. It is not // as simple as keeping a count of the number of immediate children // popups. Having an html file that window.open()s itself would create // an unlimited chain of RenderViews who only have one RenderView child. // // Therefore, each new top level RenderView creates a new counter and shares it // with all its children and grandchildren popup RenderViews created with // CreateWebView() to have a sort of global limit for the page so no more than // kMaximumNumberOfPopups popups are created. // // This is a RefCounted holder of an int because I can't say // scoped_refptr<int>. typedef base::RefCountedData<int> SharedRenderViewCounter; // // RenderView is an object that manages a WebView object, and provides a // communication interface with an embedding application process // class RenderView : public RenderWidget, public WebViewDelegate, public webkit_glue::DomSerializerDelegate { public: // Creates a new RenderView. The parent_hwnd specifies a HWND to use as the // parent of the WebView HWND that will be created. The modal_dialog_event // is set by the RenderView whenever a modal dialog alert is shown, so that // the renderer and plugin processes know to pump window messages. If this // is a constrained popup or as a new tab, opener_id is the routing ID of the // RenderView responsible for creating this RenderView (corresponding to the // parent_hwnd). |counter| is either a currently initialized counter, or NULL // (in which case we treat this RenderView as a top level window). static RenderView* Create( HWND parent_hwnd, HANDLE modal_dialog_event, int32 opener_id, const WebPreferences& webkit_prefs, SharedRenderViewCounter* counter, int32 routing_id); // Sets the "next page id" counter. static void SetNextPageID(int32 next_page_id); // The resource dispatcher used to fetch resources for this view. ResourceDispatcher* resource_dispatcher() { return resource_dispatcher_; } // May return NULL when the view is closing. WebView* webview() const { return static_cast<WebView*>(webwidget()); } HWND host_window() const { return host_window_; } HANDLE modal_dialog_event() { return modal_dialog_event_.Get(); } // IPC::Channel::Listener virtual void OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg); // WebViewDelegate virtual void ShowModalHTMLDialog(const GURL& url, int width, int height, const std::string& json_arguments, std::string* json_retval); virtual void RunJavaScriptAlert(WebView* webview, const std::wstring& message); virtual bool RunJavaScriptConfirm(WebView* webview, const std::wstring& message); virtual bool RunJavaScriptPrompt(WebView* webview, const std::wstring& message, const std::wstring& default_value, std::wstring* result); virtual bool RunBeforeUnloadConfirm(WebView* webview, const std::wstring& message); virtual void OnUnloadListenerChanged(WebView* webview, WebFrame* webframe); virtual void UpdateTargetURL(WebView* webview, const GURL& url); virtual void RunFileChooser(const std::wstring& default_filename, WebFileChooserCallback* file_chooser); virtual void AddMessageToConsole(WebView* webview, const std::wstring& message, unsigned int line_no, const std::wstring& source_id); virtual void DebuggerOutput(const std::wstring& out); virtual void DidStartLoading(WebView* webview); virtual void DidStopLoading(WebView* webview); virtual void DidStartProvisionalLoadForFrame( WebView* webview, WebFrame* frame, NavigationGesture gesture); virtual void DidReceiveProvisionalLoadServerRedirect(WebView* webview, WebFrame* frame); virtual void DidFailProvisionalLoadWithError(WebView* webview, const WebError& error, WebFrame* frame); virtual void LoadNavigationErrorPage(WebFrame* frame, const WebRequest* failed_request, const WebError& error, const std::string& html, bool replace); virtual void DidCommitLoadForFrame(WebView* webview, WebFrame* frame, bool is_new_navigation); virtual void DidReceiveTitle(WebView* webview, const std::wstring& title, WebFrame* frame); virtual void DidFinishLoadForFrame(WebView* webview, WebFrame* frame); virtual void DidFailLoadWithError(WebView* webview, const WebError& error, WebFrame* forFrame); virtual void DidFinishDocumentLoadForFrame(WebView* webview, WebFrame* frame); virtual bool DidLoadResourceFromMemoryCache(WebView* webview, const WebRequest& request, const WebResponse& response, WebFrame* frame); virtual void DidHandleOnloadEventsForFrame(WebView* webview, WebFrame* frame); virtual void DidChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame(WebView* webview, WebFrame* frame, bool is_new_navigation); virtual void DidReceiveIconForFrame(WebView* webview, WebFrame* frame); virtual void WillPerformClientRedirect(WebView* webview, WebFrame* frame, const GURL& src_url, const GURL& dest_url, unsigned int delay_seconds, unsigned int fire_date); virtual void DidCancelClientRedirect(WebView* webview, WebFrame* frame); virtual void DidCompleteClientRedirect(WebView* webview, WebFrame* frame, const GURL& source); virtual void WindowObjectCleared(WebFrame* webframe); virtual WindowOpenDisposition DispositionForNavigationAction( WebView* webview, WebFrame* frame, const WebRequest* request, WebNavigationType type, WindowOpenDisposition disposition, bool is_redirect); virtual WebView* CreateWebView(WebView* webview, bool user_gesture); virtual WebWidget* CreatePopupWidget(WebView* webview); virtual WebPluginDelegate* CreatePluginDelegate( WebView* webview, const GURL& url, const std::string& mime_type, const std::string& clsid, std::string* actual_mime_type); virtual void OnMissingPluginStatus(WebPluginDelegate* delegate, int status); virtual void OpenURL(WebView* webview, const GURL& url, const GURL& referrer, WindowOpenDisposition disposition); virtual void DidDownloadImage(int id, const GURL& image_url, bool errored, const SkBitmap& image); virtual GURL GetAlternateErrorPageURL(const GURL& failedURL, ErrorPageType error_type); virtual void ShowContextMenu(WebView* webview, ContextNode::Type type, int x, int y, const GURL& link_url, const GURL& image_url, const GURL& page_url, const GURL& frame_url, const std::wstring& selection_text, const std::wstring& misspelled_word, int edit_flags, const std::string& security_info); virtual void StartDragging(WebView* webview, const WebDropData& drag_data); virtual void TakeFocus(WebView* webview, bool reverse); virtual void JSOutOfMemory(); virtual WebHistoryItem* GetHistoryEntryAtOffset(int offset); virtual int GetHistoryBackListCount(); virtual int GetHistoryForwardListCount(); virtual void OnNavStateChanged(WebView* webview); virtual void SetTooltipText(WebView* webview, const std::wstring& tooltip_text); virtual void DownloadUrl(const GURL& url, const GURL& referrer); virtual void OnPasswordFormsSeen(WebView* webview, const std::vector<PasswordForm>& forms); virtual void ReportFindInPageMatchCount(int count, int request_id, bool final_update); virtual void ReportFindInPageSelection(int request_id, int active_match_ordinal, const gfx::Rect& selection_rect); virtual bool WasOpenedByUserGesture(WebView* webview) const; virtual void SpellCheck(const std::wstring& word, int& misspell_location, int& misspell_length); virtual void SetInputMethodState(bool enabled); virtual void ScriptedPrint(WebFrame* frame); virtual void WebInspectorOpened(int num_resources); virtual void UserMetricsRecordAction(const std::wstring& action); virtual void DnsPrefetch(const std::vector<std::string>& host_names); // DomSerializerDelegate virtual void DidSerializeDataForFrame(const GURL& frame_url, const std::string& data, PageSavingSerializationStatus status); // WebWidgetDelegate // Most methods are handled by RenderWidget. virtual void Show(WebWidget* webwidget, WindowOpenDisposition disposition); virtual void RunModal(WebWidget* webwidget); // Do not delete directly. This class is reference counted. virtual ~RenderView(); // Called when a plugin is destroyed. void PluginDestroyed(WebPluginDelegateProxy* proxy); // Called when a plugin is crashed. void PluginCrashed(const std::wstring& plugin_path); // Called from JavaScript window.external.AddSearchProvider() to add a // keyword for a provider described in the given OpenSearch document. void AddSearchProvider(const std::string& url); // Asks the browser for the CPBrowsingContext associated with this renderer. uint32 GetCPBrowsingContext(); // Dispatches the current navigation state to the browser. Called on a // periodic timer so we don't send too many messages. void SyncNavigationState(); // Evaluates a string of JavaScript in a particular frame. void EvaluateScript(const std::wstring& frame_xpath, const std::wstring& jscript); // Called when the Javascript debugger is no longer attached. // This is called from within the renderer, not via an IPC message. void OnDebugDetach(); private: RenderView(); // When we are created from window.open from an already existing view, this // constructor stores that view ID. explicit RenderView(int32 opener_id); // Initializes this view with the given parent and ID. The |routing_id| can be // set to 'MSG_ROUTING_NONE' if the true ID is not yet known. In this case, // CompleteInit must be called later with the true ID. void Init(HWND parent, HANDLE modal_dialog_event, int32 opener_id, const WebPreferences& webkit_prefs, SharedRenderViewCounter* counter, int32 routing_id); void UpdateURL(WebFrame* frame); void UpdateTitle(WebFrame* frame, const std::wstring& title); void UpdateSessionHistory(WebFrame* frame); // Update current main frame's encoding and send it to browser window. // Since we want to let users see the right encoding info from menu // before finishing loading, we call the UpdateEncoding in // a) function:DidCommitLoadForFrame. When this function is called, // that means we have got first data. In here we try to get encoding // of page if it has been specified in http header. // b) function:DidReceiveTitle. When this function is called, // that means we have got specified title. Because in most of webpages, // title tags will follow meta tags. In here we try to get encoding of // page if it has been specified in meta tag. // c) function:DidFinishDocumentLoadForFrame. When this function is // called, that means we have got whole html page. In here we should // finally get right encoding of page. void UpdateEncoding(WebFrame* frame, const std::wstring& encoding_name); // Captures the thumbnail and text contents for indexing for the given load // ID. If the view's load ID is different than the parameter, this call is // a NOP. Typically called on a timer, so the load ID may have changed in the // meantime. void CapturePageInfo(int load_id, bool preliminary_capture); // Called to retrieve the text from the given frame contents, the page text // up to the maximum amount will be placed into the given buffer void CaptureText(WebFrame* frame, std::wstring* contents); // Creates a thumbnail of |frame|'s contents resized to (|w|, |h|) // and puts that in |thumbnail|. Thumbnail metadata goes in |score|. void CaptureThumbnail(WebFrame* frame, int w, int h, SkBitmap* thumbnail, ThumbnailScore* score); // Calculates how "boring" a thumbnail is. The boring score is the // 0,1 ranged percentage of pixels that are the most common // luma. Higher boring scores indicate that a higher percentage of a // bitmap are all the same brightness. double CalculateBoringScore(SkBitmap* bitmap); bool RunJavaScriptMessage(int type, const std::wstring& message, const std::wstring& default_value, std::wstring* result); // Adds search provider from the given OpenSearch description URL as a // keyword search. void AddGURLSearchProvider(const GURL& osd_url, bool autodetected); // Tells the browser process to navigate to a back/forward entry at the given // offset from current. void GoToEntryAtOffset(int offset); // RenderView IPC message handlers void OnCreatingNewAck(HWND parent); void SendThumbnail(); void OnPrintPage(const ViewMsg_PrintPage_Params& params); void OnGetPrintedPagesCount(const ViewMsg_Print_Params& params); void OnPrintPages(const ViewMsg_PrintPages_Params& params); void OnNavigate(const ViewMsg_Navigate_Params& params); void OnStop(); void OnLoadAlternateHTMLText(const std::string& html_contents, bool new_navigation, const GURL& display_url, const std::string& security_info); void OnStopFinding(bool clear_selection); void OnFindReplyAck(); void OnUpdateTargetURLAck(); void OnUndo(); void OnRedo(); void OnCut(); void OnCopy(); void OnPaste(); void OnReplace(const std::wstring& text); void OnDelete(); void OnSelectAll(); void OnCopyImageAt(int x, int y); void OnInspectElement(int x, int y); void OnShowJavaScriptConsole(); void OnCancelDownload(int32 download_id); void OnFind(const FindInPageRequest& request); void OnZoom(int function); void OnSetPageEncoding(const std::wstring& encoding_name); void OnGetAllSavableResourceLinksForCurrentPage(const GURL& page_url); void OnGetSerializedHtmlDataForCurrentPageWithLocalLinks( const std::vector<std::wstring>& links, const std::vector<std::wstring>& local_paths, const std::wstring& local_directory_name); void OnUploadFileRequest(const ViewMsg_UploadFile_Params& p); void OnFormFill(const FormData& form); void OnFillPasswordForm(const PasswordFormDomManager::FillData& form_data); void OnDragTargetDragEnter(const WebDropData& drop_data, const gfx::Point& client_pt, const gfx::Point& screen_pt); void OnDragTargetDragOver(const gfx::Point& client_pt, const gfx::Point& screen_pt); void OnDragTargetDragLeave(); void OnDragTargetDrop(const gfx::Point& client_pt, const gfx::Point& screen_pt); void OnAllowDomAutomationBindings(bool allow_binding); void OnAllowBindings(bool enable_dom_ui_bindings, bool enable_external_host_bindings); void OnSetDOMUIProperty(const std::string& name, const std::string& value); void OnSetInitialFocus(bool reverse); void OnUpdateWebPreferences(const WebPreferences& prefs); void OnSetAltErrorPageURL(const GURL& gurl); void OnDownloadImage(int id, const GURL& image_url, int image_size); void OnGetApplicationInfo(int page_id); void OnScriptEvalRequest(const std::wstring& frame_xpath, const std::wstring& jscript); void OnAddMessageToConsole(const std::wstring& frame_xpath, const std::wstring& msg, ConsoleMessageLevel level); void OnDebugAttach(); void OnReservePageIDRange(int size_of_range); void OnDragSourceEndedOrMoved( int client_x, int client_y, int screen_x, int screen_y, bool ended); void OnDragSourceSystemDragEnded(); void OnInstallMissingPlugin(); void OnFileChooserResponse(const std::wstring& file_name); void OnEnableViewSourceMode(); void OnUpdateBackForwardListCount(int back_list_count, int forward_list_count); void OnGetAccessibilityInfo(const ViewMsg_Accessibility_In_Params& in_params, ViewHostMsg_Accessibility_Out_Params* out_params); void OnClearAccessibilityInfo(int iaccessible_id, bool clear_all); // Checks if the RenderView should close, runs the beforeunload handler and // sends ViewMsg_ShouldClose to the browser. void OnMsgShouldClose(); // Runs the onunload handler and closes the page, replying with ClosePage_ACK // (with the given RPH and request IDs, to help track the request). void OnClosePage(int new_render_process_host_id, int new_request_id); // Notification about ui theme changes. void OnThemeChanged(); #ifdef CHROME_PERSONALIZATION void OnPersonalizationEvent(std::string event_name, std::string event_args); #endif // Handles messages posted from automation. void OnMessageFromExternalHost(const std::string& target, const std::string& message); // Message that we should no longer be part of the current popup window // grouping, and should form our own grouping. void OnDisassociateFromPopupCount(); // Switches the frame's CSS media type to "print" and calculate the number of // printed pages that are to be expected. |frame| will be used to calculate // the number of expected pages for this frame only. int SwitchFrameToPrintMediaType(const ViewMsg_Print_Params& params, WebFrame* frame); // Switches the frame's CSS media type to "display". void SwitchFrameToDisplayMediaType(WebFrame* frame); // Prints the page listed in |params|. void PrintPage(const ViewMsg_PrintPage_Params& params, WebFrame* frame); // Prints all the pages listed in |params|. void PrintPages(const ViewMsg_PrintPages_Params& params, WebFrame* frame); // Attempt to upload the file that we are trying to process if any. // Reset the pending file upload data if the form was successfully // posted. void ProcessPendingUpload(); // Reset the pending file upload. void ResetPendingUpload(); // Exposes the DOMAutomationController object that allows JS to send // information to the browser process. void BindDOMAutomationController(WebFrame* webframe); void set_opened_by_user_gesture(bool value) { opened_by_user_gesture_ = value; } // Called by RenderWidget after it paints. virtual void DidPaint(); // Locates a sub frame with given xpath WebFrame* GetChildFrame(const std::wstring& frame_xpath) const; std::string GetAltHTMLForTemplate(const DictionaryValue& error_strings, int template_resource_id) const; virtual void TransitionToCommittedForNewPage(); virtual void DidAddHistoryItem(); // A helper method used by WasOpenedByUserGesture. bool WasOpenedByUserGestureHelper() const; void set_waiting_for_create_window_ack(bool wait) { waiting_for_create_window_ack_ = wait; } // Handles resource loads for this view. scoped_refptr<ResourceDispatcher> resource_dispatcher_; // DOM Automation Controller CppBoundClass. bool enable_dom_automation_; DomAutomationController dom_automation_controller_; // Chrome page<->browser messaging CppBoundClass. bool enable_dom_ui_bindings_; DOMUIBindings dom_ui_bindings_; #ifdef CHROME_PERSONALIZATION RendererPersonalization personalization_; #endif // window.external object for "built-in" JS extensions ExternalJSObject external_js_object_; // External host exposed through automation controller. bool enable_external_host_bindings_; ExternalHostBindings external_host_bindings_; // The last gotten main frame's encoding. std::wstring last_encoding_name_; // The URL we think the user's mouse is hovering over. We use this to // determine if we want to send a new one (we do not need to send // duplicates). GURL target_url_; // The state of our target_url transmissions. When we receive a request to // send a URL to the browser, we set this to TARGET_INFLIGHT until an ACK // comes back - if a new request comes in before the ACK, we store the new // URL in pending_target_url_ and set the status to TARGET_PENDING. If an // ACK comes back and we are in TARGET_PENDING, we send the stored URL and // revert to TARGET_INFLIGHT. // // We don't need a queue of URLs to send, as only the latest is useful. enum { TARGET_NONE, TARGET_INFLIGHT, // We have a request in-flight, waiting for an ACK TARGET_PENDING // INFLIGHT + we have a URL waiting to be sent } target_url_status_; // The next target URL we want to send to the browser. GURL pending_target_url_; // Are we loading our top level frame bool is_loading_; // If we are handling a top-level client-side redirect, this tracks the URL // of the page that initiated it. Specifically, when a load is committed this // is used to determine if that load originated from a client-side redirect. // It is empty if there is no top-level client-side redirect. GURL completed_client_redirect_src_; // The gesture that initiated the current navigation. NavigationGesture navigation_gesture_; // Unique id to identify the current page between browser and renderer. // // Note that this is NOT updated for every main frame navigation, only for // "regular" navigations that go into session history. In particular, client // redirects, like the page cycler uses (document.location.href="foo") do not // count as regular navigations and do not increment the page id. int32 page_id_; // Indicates the ID of the last page that we sent a FrameNavigate to the // browser for. This is used to determine if the most recent transition // generated a history entry (less than page_id_), or not (equal to or // greater than). Note that this will be greater than page_id_ if the user // goes back. int32 last_page_id_sent_to_browser_; // Page_id from the last page we indexed. This prevents us from indexing the // same page twice in a row. int32 last_indexed_page_id_; // Used for popups. bool opened_by_user_gesture_; // The alternate error page URL, if one exists. GURL alternate_error_page_url_; // The pending file upload. scoped_ptr<webkit_glue::FileUploadData> pending_upload_data_; ScopedRunnableMethodFactory<RenderView> method_factory_; // Timer used to delay the updating of nav state (see SyncNavigationState). base::OneShotTimer<RenderView> nav_state_sync_timer_; typedef std::vector<WebPluginDelegateProxy*> PluginDelegateList; PluginDelegateList plugin_delegates_; // Remember the first uninstalled plugin, so that we can ask the plugin // to install itself when user clicks on the info bar. WebPluginDelegate* first_default_plugin_; // If the browser hasn't sent us an ACK for the last FindReply we sent // to it, then we need to queue up the message (keeping only the most // recent message if new ones come in). scoped_ptr<IPC::Message> queued_find_reply_message_; // Handle to an event that's set when the page is showing a modal dialog (or // equivalent constrained window). The renderer and any plugin processes // check this to know if they should pump messages/tasks then. ScopedHandle modal_dialog_event_; // Document width when in print CSS media type. 0 otherwise. int printed_document_width_; // Backup the view size before printing since it needs to be overriden. This // value is set to restore the view size when printing is done. gfx::Size printing_view_size_; scoped_refptr<DebugMessageHandler> debug_message_handler_; scoped_ptr<WebFileChooserCallback> file_chooser_; int history_back_list_count_; int history_forward_list_count_; // True if pop-up blocking is disabled. False by default. bool disable_popup_blocking_; // True if the page has any frame-level unload or beforeunload listeners. bool has_unload_listener_; // The total number of unrequested popups that exist and can be followed back // to a common opener. This count is shared among all RenderViews created // with CreateWebView(). All popups are treated as unrequested until // specifically instructed otherwise by the Browser process. scoped_refptr<SharedRenderViewCounter> shared_popup_counter_; // Whether this is a top level window (instead of a popup). Top level windows // shouldn't count against their own |shared_popup_counter_|. bool decrement_shared_popup_at_destruction_; // Handles accessibility requests into the renderer side, as well as // maintains the cache and other features of the accessibility tree. scoped_ptr<GlueAccessibility> glue_accessibility_; // True if Greasemonkey is enabled in this process. bool greasemonkey_enabled_; // Resource message queue. Used to queue up resource IPCs if we need // to wait for an ACK from the browser before proceeding. std::queue<IPC::Message*> queued_resource_messages_; // Set if we are waiting for an ack for ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow bool waiting_for_create_window_ack_; // A cached WebHistoryItem used for back/forward navigations initiated by // WebCore (via the window.history.go API). We only have one such navigation // pending at a time. scoped_refptr<WebHistoryItem> history_navigation_item_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RenderView); }; #endif // CHROME_RENDERER_RENDER_VIEW_H_