// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This script contains privileged chrome extension related javascript APIs.
// It is loaded by pages whose URL has the chrome-extension protocol.
var chrome = chrome || {};
(function() {
native function GetExtensionAPIDefinition();
native function StartRequest();
native function GetCurrentPageActions(extensionId);
native function GetExtensionViews();
native function GetChromeHidden();
native function GetNextRequestId();
native function OpenChannelToTab();
native function GetRenderViewId();
native function GetPopupParentWindow();
native function GetPopupView();
native function SetIconCommon();
native function IsExtensionProcess();
native function IsIncognitoProcess();
var chromeHidden = GetChromeHidden();
// These bindings are for the extension process only. Since a chrome-extension
// URL can be loaded in an iframe of a regular renderer, we check here to
// ensure we don't expose the APIs in that case.
if (!IsExtensionProcess()) {
chromeHidden.onLoad.addListener(function (extensionId) {
if (!extensionId) {
chrome.initExtension(extensionId, false);
if (!chrome)
chrome = {};
// Validate arguments.
chromeHidden.validationTypes = [];
chromeHidden.validate = function(args, schemas) {
if (args.length > schemas.length)
throw new Error("Too many arguments.");
for (var i = 0; i < schemas.length; i++) {
if (i in args && args[i] !== null && args[i] !== undefined) {
var validator = new chromeHidden.JSONSchemaValidator();
validator.validate(args[i], schemas[i]);
if (validator.errors.length == 0)
var message = "Invalid value for argument " + (i + 1) + ". ";
for (var i = 0, err; err = validator.errors[i]; i++) {
if (err.path) {
message += "Property '" + err.path + "': ";
message += err.message;
message = message.substring(0, message.length - 1);
message += ", ";
message = message.substring(0, message.length - 2);
message += ".";
throw new Error(message);
} else if (!schemas[i].optional) {
throw new Error("Parameter " + (i + 1) + " is required.");
// Callback handling.
var requests = [];
chromeHidden.handleResponse = function(requestId, name,
success, response, error) {
try {
var request = requests[requestId];
if (success) {
delete chrome.extension.lastError;
} else {
if (!error) {
error = "Unknown error.";
console.error("Error during " + name + ": " + error);
chrome.extension.lastError = {
"message": error
if (request.customCallback) {
request.customCallback(name, request, response);
if (request.callback) {
// Callbacks currently only support one callback argument.
var callbackArgs = response ? [chromeHidden.JSON.parse(response)] : [];
// Validate callback in debug only -- and only when the
// caller has provided a callback. Implementations of api
// calls my not return data if they observe the caller
// has not provided a callback.
if (chromeHidden.validateCallbacks && !error) {
try {
if (!request.callbackSchema.parameters) {
throw "No callback schemas defined";
if (request.callbackSchema.parameters.length > 1) {
throw "Callbacks may only define one parameter";
} catch (exception) {
return "Callback validation error during " + name + " -- " +
if (response) {
} else {
} finally {
delete requests[requestId];
delete chrome.extension.lastError;
return undefined;
chromeHidden.setViewType = function(type) {
var modeClass = "chrome-" + type;
var className = document.documentElement.className;
if (className && className.length) {
var classes = className.split(" ");
var new_classes = [];
classes.forEach(function(cls) {
if (cls.indexOf("chrome-") != 0) {
document.documentElement.className = new_classes.join(" ");
} else {
document.documentElement.className = modeClass;
function prepareRequest(args, argSchemas) {
var request = {};
var argCount = args.length;
// Look for callback param.
if (argSchemas.length > 0 &&
args.length == argSchemas.length &&
argSchemas[argSchemas.length - 1].type == "function") {
request.callback = args[argSchemas.length - 1];
request.callbackSchema = argSchemas[argSchemas.length - 1];
request.args = [];
for (var k = 0; k < argCount; k++) {
request.args[k] = args[k];
return request;
// Send an API request and optionally register a callback.
function sendRequest(functionName, args, argSchemas, customCallback) {
var request = prepareRequest(args, argSchemas);
if (customCallback) {
request.customCallback = customCallback;
// JSON.stringify doesn't support a root object which is undefined.
if (request.args === undefined)
request.args = null;
var sargs = chromeHidden.JSON.stringify(request.args);
var requestId = GetNextRequestId();
requests[requestId] = request;
var hasCallback = (request.callback || customCallback) ? true : false;
return StartRequest(functionName, sargs, requestId, hasCallback);
// Send a special API request that is not JSON stringifiable, and optionally
// register a callback.
function sendCustomRequest(nativeFunction, functionName, args, argSchemas) {
var request = prepareRequest(args, argSchemas);
var requestId = GetNextRequestId();
requests[requestId] = request;
return nativeFunction(functionName, request.args, requestId,
request.callback ? true : false);
// Helper function for positioning pop-up windows relative to DOM objects.
// Returns the absolute position of the given element relative to the hosting
// browser frame.
function findAbsolutePosition(domElement) {
var left = domElement.offsetLeft;
var top = domElement.offsetTop;
// Ascend through the parent hierarchy, taking into account object nesting
// and scoll positions.
for (var parentElement = domElement.offsetParent; parentElement;
parentElement = parentElement.offsetParent) {
left += parentElement.offsetLeft;
top += parentElement.offsetTop;
left -= parentElement.scrollLeft;
top -= parentElement.scrollTop;
return {
top: top,
left: left
// Returns the coordiates of the rectangle encompassing the domElement,
// in browser coordinates relative to the frame hosting the element.
function getAbsoluteRect(domElement) {
var rect = findAbsolutePosition(domElement);
rect.width = domElement.offsetWidth || 0;
rect.height = domElement.offsetHeight || 0;
return rect;
// --- Setup additional api's not currently handled in common/extensions/api
// Page action events send (pageActionId, {tabId, tabUrl}).
function setupPageActionEvents(extensionId) {
var pageActions = GetCurrentPageActions(extensionId);
var oldStyleEventName = "pageActions";
// TODO(EXTENSIONS_DEPRECATED): only one page action
for (var i = 0; i < pageActions.length; ++i) {
// Setup events for each extension_id/page_action_id string we find.
chrome.pageActions[pageActions[i]] = new chrome.Event(oldStyleEventName);
function setupToolstripEvents(renderViewId) {
chrome.toolstrip = chrome.toolstrip || {};
chrome.toolstrip.onExpanded =
new chrome.Event("toolstrip.onExpanded." + renderViewId);
chrome.toolstrip.onCollapsed =
new chrome.Event("toolstrip.onCollapsed." + renderViewId);
function setupPopupEvents(renderViewId) {
chrome.experimental.popup = chrome.experimental.popup || {};
chrome.experimental.popup.onClosed =
new chrome.Event("experimental.popup.onClosed." + renderViewId);
function setupHiddenContextMenuEvent(extensionId) {
chromeHidden.contextMenus = {};
chromeHidden.contextMenus.nextId = 1;
chromeHidden.contextMenus.handlers = {};
var eventName = "contextMenus";
chromeHidden.contextMenus.event = new chrome.Event(eventName);
chromeHidden.contextMenus.ensureListenerSetup = function() {
if (chromeHidden.contextMenus.listening) {
chromeHidden.contextMenus.listening = true;
chromeHidden.contextMenus.event.addListener(function() {
// An extension context menu item has been clicked on - fire the onclick
// if there is one.
var id = arguments[0].menuItemId;
var onclick = chromeHidden.contextMenus.handlers[id];
if (onclick) {
onclick.apply(null, arguments);
// Parses the xml syntax supported by omnibox suggestion results. Returns an
// object with two properties: 'description', which is just the text content,
// and 'descriptionStyles', which is an array of style objects in a format
// understood by the C++ backend.
function parseOmniboxDescription(input) {
var domParser = new DOMParser();
// The XML parser requires a single top-level element, but we want to
// support things like 'hello, world!'. So we wrap the
// provided text in generated root level element.
var root = domParser.parseFromString(
'' + input + '', 'text/xml');
// DOMParser has a terrible error reporting facility. Errors come out nested
// inside the returned document.
var error = root.querySelector('parsererror div');
if (error) {
throw new Error(error.textContent);
// Otherwise, it's valid, so build up the result.
var result = {
description: '',
descriptionStyles: []
// Recursively walk the tree.
(function(node) {
for (var i = 0, child; child = node.childNodes[i]; i++) {
// Append text nodes to our description.
if (child.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
result.description += child.nodeValue;
// Process and descend into a subset of recognized tags.
if (child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
(child.nodeName == 'dim' || child.nodeName == 'match' ||
child.nodeName == 'url')) {
var style = {
'type': child.nodeName,
'offset': result.description.length
style.length = result.description.length - style.offset;
// Descend into all other nodes, even if they are unrecognized, for
// forward compat.
return result;
function setupOmniboxEvents() {
chrome.omnibox.onInputChanged.dispatch =
function(text, requestId) {
var suggestCallback = function(suggestions) {
chrome.omnibox.sendSuggestions(requestId, suggestions);
chrome.Event.prototype.dispatch.apply(this, [text, suggestCallback]);
function setupTtsEvents() {
chrome.experimental.tts.onSpeak.dispatch =
function(text, options, requestId) {
var callback = function(errorMessage) {
if (errorMessage)
chrome.experimental.tts.speakCompleted(requestId, errorMessage);
chrome.Event.prototype.dispatch.apply(this, [text, options, callback]);
chromeHidden.onLoad.addListener(function (extensionId) {
if (!extensionId) {
chrome.initExtension(extensionId, false, IsIncognitoProcess());
// |apiFunctions| is a hash of name -> object that stores the
// name & definition of the apiFunction. Custom handling of api functions
// is implemented by adding a "handleRequest" function to the object.
var apiFunctions = {};
// Read api definitions and setup api functions in the chrome namespace.
// TODO(rafaelw): Consider defining a json schema for an api definition
// and validating either here, in a unit_test or both.
// TODO(rafaelw): Handle synchronous functions.
// TOOD(rafaelw): Consider providing some convenient override points
// for api functions that wish to insert themselves into the call.
var apiDefinitions = chromeHidden.JSON.parse(GetExtensionAPIDefinition());
apiDefinitions.forEach(function(apiDef) {
var module = chrome;
var namespaces = apiDef.namespace.split('.');
for (var index = 0, name; name = namespaces[index]; index++) {
module[name] = module[name] || {};
module = module[name];
// Add types to global validationTypes
if (apiDef.types) {
apiDef.types.forEach(function(t) {
// Setup Functions.
if (apiDef.functions) {
apiDef.functions.forEach(function(functionDef) {
// Module functions may have been defined earlier by hand. Don't
// clobber them.
if (module[functionDef.name])
var apiFunction = {};
apiFunction.definition = functionDef;
apiFunction.name = apiDef.namespace + "." + functionDef.name;
apiFunctions[apiFunction.name] = apiFunction;
module[functionDef.name] = (function() {
var args = arguments;
if (this.updateArgumentsPreValidate)
args = this.updateArgumentsPreValidate.apply(this, args);
chromeHidden.validate(args, this.definition.parameters);
if (this.updateArgumentsPostValidate)
args = this.updateArgumentsPostValidate.apply(this, args);
var retval;
if (this.handleRequest) {
retval = this.handleRequest.apply(this, args);
} else {
retval = sendRequest(this.name, args,
// Validate return value if defined - only in debug.
if (chromeHidden.validateCallbacks &&
chromeHidden.validate &&
this.definition.returns) {
chromeHidden.validate([retval], [this.definition.returns]);
return retval;
// Setup Events
if (apiDef.events) {
apiDef.events.forEach(function(eventDef) {
// Module events may have been defined earlier by hand. Don't clobber
// them.
if (module[eventDef.name])
var eventName = apiDef.namespace + "." + eventDef.name;
module[eventDef.name] = new chrome.Event(eventName,
// Parse any values defined for properties.
if (apiDef.properties) {
for (var prop in apiDef.properties) {
if (!apiDef.properties.hasOwnProperty(prop))
var property = apiDef.properties[prop];
if (property.value) {
var value = property.value;
if (property.type === 'integer') {
value = parseInt(value);
} else if (property.type === 'boolean') {
value = value === "true";
} else if (property.type !== 'string') {
throw "NOT IMPLEMENTED (extension_api.json error): Cannot " +
"parse values for type \"" + property.type + "\"";
module[prop] = value;
// getTabContentses is retained for backwards compatibility
// See http://crbug.com/21433
chrome.extension.getTabContentses = chrome.extension.getExtensionTabs;
apiFunctions["tabs.connect"].handleRequest = function(tabId, connectInfo) {
var name = "";
if (connectInfo) {
name = connectInfo.name || name;
var portId = OpenChannelToTab(tabId, chromeHidden.extensionId, name);
return chromeHidden.Port.createPort(portId, name);
apiFunctions["tabs.sendRequest"].handleRequest =
function(tabId, request, responseCallback) {
var port = chrome.tabs.connect(tabId,
{name: chromeHidden.kRequestChannel});
port.onDisconnect.addListener(function() {
// For onDisconnects, we only notify the callback if there was an error.
if (chrome.extension.lastError && responseCallback)
port.onMessage.addListener(function(response) {
if (responseCallback)
apiFunctions["extension.getViews"].handleRequest = function(properties) {
var windowId = -1;
var type = "ALL";
if (typeof(properties) != "undefined") {
if (typeof(properties.type) != "undefined") {
type = properties.type;
if (typeof(properties.windowId) != "undefined") {
windowId = properties.windowId;
return GetExtensionViews(windowId, type) || null;
apiFunctions["extension.getBackgroundPage"].handleRequest = function() {
return GetExtensionViews(-1, "BACKGROUND")[0] || null;
apiFunctions["extension.getToolstrips"].handleRequest =
function(windowId) {
if (typeof(windowId) == "undefined")
windowId = -1;
return GetExtensionViews(windowId, "TOOLSTRIP");
apiFunctions["extension.getExtensionTabs"].handleRequest =
function(windowId) {
if (typeof(windowId) == "undefined")
windowId = -1;
return GetExtensionViews(windowId, "TAB");
apiFunctions["devtools.getTabEvents"].handleRequest = function(tabId) {
var tabIdProxy = {};
var functions = ["onPageEvent", "onTabClose"];
functions.forEach(function(name) {
// Event disambiguation is handled by name munging. See
// chrome/browser/extensions/extension_devtools_events.h for the C++
// equivalent of this logic.
tabIdProxy[name] = new chrome.Event("devtools." + tabId + "." + name);
return tabIdProxy;
apiFunctions["experimental.popup.show"].handleRequest =
function(url, showDetails, callback) {
// Second argument is a transform from HTMLElement to Rect.
var internalSchema = [
type: "object",
name: "showDetails",
properties: {
domAnchor: {
type: "object",
properties: {
top: { type: "integer", minimum: 0 },
left: { type: "integer", minimum: 0 },
width: { type: "integer", minimum: 0 },
height: { type: "integer", minimum: 0 }
giveFocus: {
type: "boolean",
optional: true
borderStyle: {
type: "string",
optional: true,
enum: ["bubble", "rectangle"]
maxSize: {
type: "object",
optional: true,
properties: {
width: {
type: "integer", optional: true, minimum: 32
height: {
type: "integer", optional: true, minimum: 32
return sendRequest(this.name,
domAnchor: getAbsoluteRect(showDetails.relativeTo),
giveFocus: showDetails.giveFocus,
borderStyle: showDetails.borderStyle,
maxSize: showDetails.maxSize
apiFunctions["experimental.extension.getPopupView"].handleRequest =
function() {
return GetPopupView();
apiFunctions["experimental.popup.getParentWindow"].handleRequest =
function() {
return GetPopupParentWindow();
var canvas;
function setIconCommon(details, name, parameters, actionType, iconSize,
nativeFunction) {
if ("iconIndex" in details) {
sendRequest(name, [details], parameters);
} else if ("imageData" in details) {
// Verify that this at least looks like an ImageData element.
// Unfortunately, we cannot use instanceof because the ImageData
// constructor is not public.
// We do this manually instead of using JSONSchema to avoid having these
// properties show up in the doc.
if (!("width" in details.imageData) ||
!("height" in details.imageData) ||
!("data" in details.imageData)) {
throw new Error(
"The imageData property must contain an ImageData object.");
if (details.imageData.width > iconSize ||
details.imageData.height > iconSize) {
throw new Error(
"The imageData property must contain an ImageData object that " +
"is no larger than " + iconSize + " pixels square.");
sendCustomRequest(nativeFunction, name, [details], parameters);
} else if ("path" in details) {
var img = new Image();
img.onerror = function() {
console.error("Could not load " + actionType + " icon '" +
details.path + "'.");
img.onload = function() {
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = img.width > iconSize ? iconSize : img.width;
canvas.height = img.height > iconSize ? iconSize : img.height;
var canvas_context = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas_context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
canvas_context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
delete details.path;
details.imageData = canvas_context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width,
sendCustomRequest(nativeFunction, name, [details], parameters);
img.src = details.path;
} else {
throw new Error(
"Either the path or imageData property must be specified.");
function setExtensionActionIconCommon(details, name, parameters,
actionType) {
setIconCommon(details, name, parameters, actionType,
apiFunctions["browserAction.setIcon"].handleRequest = function(details) {
details, this.name, this.definition.parameters, "browser action");
apiFunctions["pageAction.setIcon"].handleRequest = function(details) {
details, this.name, this.definition.parameters, "page action");
apiFunctions["experimental.sidebar.setIcon"].handleRequest =
function(details) {
details, this.name, this.definition.parameters, "sidebar",
apiFunctions["contextMenus.create"].handleRequest =
function() {
var args = arguments;
var id = chromeHidden.contextMenus.nextId++;
args[0].generatedId = id;
sendRequest(this.name, args, this.definition.parameters,
return id;
apiFunctions["omnibox.setDefaultSuggestion"].handleRequest =
function(details) {
var parseResult = parseOmniboxDescription(details.description);
sendRequest(this.name, [parseResult], this.definition.parameters);
apiFunctions["contextMenus.create"].customCallback =
function(name, request, response) {
if (chrome.extension.lastError) {
var id = request.args[0].generatedId;
// Set up the onclick handler if we were passed one in the request.
var onclick = request.args.length ? request.args[0].onclick : null;
if (onclick) {
chromeHidden.contextMenus.handlers[id] = onclick;
apiFunctions["contextMenus.remove"].customCallback =
function(name, request, response) {
if (chrome.extension.lastError) {
var id = request.args[0];
delete chromeHidden.contextMenus.handlers[id];
apiFunctions["contextMenus.update"].customCallback =
function(name, request, response) {
if (chrome.extension.lastError) {
var id = request.args[0];
if (request.args[1].onclick) {
chromeHidden.contextMenus.handlers[id] = request.args[1].onclick;
apiFunctions["contextMenus.removeAll"].customCallback =
function(name, request, response) {
if (chrome.extension.lastError) {
chromeHidden.contextMenus.handlers = {};
apiFunctions["tabs.captureVisibleTab"].updateArgumentsPreValidate =
function() {
// Old signature:
// captureVisibleTab(int windowId, function callback);
// New signature:
// captureVisibleTab(int windowId, object details, function callback);
// TODO(skerner): The next step to omitting optional arguments is the
// replacement of this code with code that matches arguments by type.
// Once this is working for captureVisibleTab() it can be enabled for
// the rest of the API. See crbug/29215 .
if (arguments.length == 2 && typeof(arguments[1]) == "function") {
// If the old signature is used, add a null details object.
newArgs = [arguments[0], null, arguments[1]];
} else {
newArgs = arguments;
return newArgs;
apiFunctions["omnibox.sendSuggestions"].updateArgumentsPostValidate =
function(requestId, userSuggestions) {
var suggestions = [];
for (var i = 0; i < userSuggestions.length; i++) {
var parseResult = parseOmniboxDescription(
parseResult.content = userSuggestions[i].content;
return [requestId, suggestions];
if (chrome.test) {
chrome.test.getApiDefinitions = GetExtensionAPIDefinition;
if (!chrome.experimental)
chrome.experimental = {};
if (!chrome.experimental.accessibility)
chrome.experimental.accessibility = {};
if (!chrome.experimental.tts)
chrome.experimental.tts = {};