// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This script contains unprivileged javascript APIs related to chrome // extensions. It is loaded by any extension-related context, such as content // scripts or toolstrips. // See user_script_slave.cc for script that is loaded by content scripts only. // TODO(mpcomplete): we also load this in regular web pages, but don't need // to. var chrome = chrome || {}; (function () { native function OpenChannelToExtension(sourceId, targetId, name); native function CloseChannel(portId, notifyBrowser); native function PortAddRef(portId); native function PortRelease(portId); native function PostMessage(portId, msg); native function GetChromeHidden(); native function GetL10nMessage(); var chromeHidden = GetChromeHidden(); // The reserved channel name for the sendRequest API. chromeHidden.kRequestChannel = "chrome.extension.sendRequest"; // Map of port IDs to port object. var ports = {}; // Map of port IDs to chromeHidden.onUnload listeners. Keep track of these // to free the onUnload listeners when ports are closed. var portReleasers = {}; // Change even to odd and vice versa, to get the other side of a given // channel. function getOppositePortId(portId) { return portId ^ 1; } // Port object. Represents a connection to another script context through // which messages can be passed. chrome.Port = function(portId, opt_name) { this.portId_ = portId; this.name = opt_name; this.onDisconnect = new chrome.Event(); this.onMessage = new chrome.Event(); }; chromeHidden.Port = {}; // Hidden port creation function. We don't want to expose an API that lets // people add arbitrary port IDs to the port list. chromeHidden.Port.createPort = function(portId, opt_name) { if (ports[portId]) { throw new Error("Port '" + portId + "' already exists."); } var port = new chrome.Port(portId, opt_name); ports[portId] = port; portReleasers[portId] = PortRelease.partial(portId); chromeHidden.onUnload.addListener(portReleasers[portId]); PortAddRef(portId); return port; }; // Called by native code when a channel has been opened to this context. chromeHidden.Port.dispatchOnConnect = function(portId, channelName, tab, sourceExtensionId, targetExtensionId) { // Only create a new Port if someone is actually listening for a connection. // In addition to being an optimization, this also fixes a bug where if 2 // channels were opened to and from the same process, closing one would // close both. if (targetExtensionId != chromeHidden.extensionId) return; // not for us if (ports[getOppositePortId(portId)]) return; // this channel was opened by us, so ignore it // Determine whether this is coming from another extension, so we can use // the right event. var isExternal = sourceExtensionId != chromeHidden.extensionId; if (tab) tab = chromeHidden.JSON.parse(tab); var sender = {tab: tab, id: sourceExtensionId}; // Special case for sendRequest/onRequest. if (channelName == chromeHidden.kRequestChannel) { var requestEvent = (isExternal ? chrome.extension.onRequestExternal : chrome.extension.onRequest); if (requestEvent.hasListeners()) { var port = chromeHidden.Port.createPort(portId, channelName); port.onMessage.addListener(function(request) { requestEvent.dispatch(request, sender, function(response) { port.postMessage(response); port = null; }); }); } return; } var connectEvent = (isExternal ? chrome.extension.onConnectExternal : chrome.extension.onConnect); if (connectEvent.hasListeners()) { var port = chromeHidden.Port.createPort(portId, channelName); port.sender = sender; // TODO(EXTENSIONS_DEPRECATED): port.tab is obsolete. port.tab = port.sender.tab; connectEvent.dispatch(port); } }; // Called by native code when a channel has been closed. chromeHidden.Port.dispatchOnDisconnect = function( portId, connectionInvalid) { var port = ports[portId]; if (port) { // Update the renderer's port bookkeeping, without notifying the browser. CloseChannel(portId, false); if (connectionInvalid) { var errorMsg = "Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist."; chrome.extension.lastError = {"message": errorMsg}; console.error("Port error: " + errorMsg); } try { port.onDisconnect.dispatch(port); } finally { port.destroy_(); delete chrome.extension.lastError; } } }; // Called by native code when a message has been sent to the given port. chromeHidden.Port.dispatchOnMessage = function(msg, portId) { var port = ports[portId]; if (port) { if (msg) { msg = chromeHidden.JSON.parse(msg); } port.onMessage.dispatch(msg, port); } }; // Sends a message asynchronously to the context on the other end of this // port. chrome.Port.prototype.postMessage = function(msg) { // JSON.stringify doesn't support a root object which is undefined. if (msg === undefined) msg = null; PostMessage(this.portId_, chromeHidden.JSON.stringify(msg)); }; // Disconnects the port from the other end. chrome.Port.prototype.disconnect = function() { CloseChannel(this.portId_, true); this.destroy_(); }; chrome.Port.prototype.destroy_ = function() { var portId = this.portId_; this.onDisconnect.destroy_(); this.onMessage.destroy_(); PortRelease(portId); chromeHidden.onUnload.removeListener(portReleasers[portId]); delete ports[portId]; delete portReleasers[portId]; }; // This function is called on context initialization for both content scripts // and extension contexts. chrome.initExtension = function(extensionId, warnOnPrivilegedApiAccess, inIncognitoContext) { delete chrome.initExtension; chromeHidden.extensionId = extensionId; chrome.extension = chrome.extension || {}; chrome.self = chrome.extension; chrome.extension.inIncognitoTab = inIncognitoContext; // deprecated chrome.extension.inIncognitoContext = inIncognitoContext; // Events for when a message channel is opened to our extension. chrome.extension.onConnect = new chrome.Event(); chrome.extension.onConnectExternal = new chrome.Event(); chrome.extension.onRequest = new chrome.Event(); chrome.extension.onRequestExternal = new chrome.Event(); // Opens a message channel to the given target extension, or the current one // if unspecified. Returns a Port for message passing. chrome.extension.connect = function(targetId_opt, connectInfo_opt) { var name = ""; var targetId = extensionId; var nextArg = 0; if (typeof(arguments[nextArg]) == "string") targetId = arguments[nextArg++]; if (typeof(arguments[nextArg]) == "object") name = arguments[nextArg++].name || name; if (nextArg != arguments.length) throw new Error("Invalid arguments to connect."); var portId = OpenChannelToExtension(extensionId, targetId, name); if (portId >= 0) return chromeHidden.Port.createPort(portId, name); throw new Error("Error connecting to extension '" + targetId + "'"); }; chrome.extension.sendRequest = function(targetId_opt, request, responseCallback_opt) { var targetId = extensionId; var responseCallback = null; var lastArg = arguments.length - 1; if (typeof(arguments[lastArg]) == "function") responseCallback = arguments[lastArg--]; request = arguments[lastArg--]; if (lastArg >= 0 && typeof(arguments[lastArg]) == "string") targetId = arguments[lastArg--]; if (lastArg != -1) throw new Error("Invalid arguments to sendRequest."); var port = chrome.extension.connect(targetId, {name: chromeHidden.kRequestChannel}); port.postMessage(request); port.onDisconnect.addListener(function() { // For onDisconnects, we only notify the callback if there was an error try { if (chrome.extension.lastError && responseCallback) responseCallback(); } finally { port = null; } }); port.onMessage.addListener(function(response) { try { if (responseCallback) responseCallback(response); } finally { port.disconnect(); port = null; } }); }; // Returns a resource URL that can be used to fetch a resource from this // extension. chrome.extension.getURL = function(path) { path = String(path); if (!path.length || path[0] != "/") path = "/" + path; return "chrome-extension://" + extensionId + path; }; chrome.i18n = chrome.i18n || {}; chrome.i18n.getMessage = function(message_name, placeholders) { return GetL10nMessage(message_name, placeholders, extensionId); }; if (warnOnPrivilegedApiAccess) { setupApiStubs(); } }; var notSupportedSuffix = " is not supported in content scripts. " + "See the content scripts documentation for more details."; // Setup to throw an error message when trying to access |name| on the chrome // object. The |name| can be a dot-separated path. function createStub(name) { var module = chrome; var parts = name.split("."); for (var i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; i++) { var nextPart = parts[i]; // Make sure an object at the path so far is defined. module[nextPart] = module[nextPart] || {}; module = module[nextPart]; } var finalPart = parts[parts.length-1]; module.__defineGetter__(finalPart, function() { throw new Error("chrome." + name + notSupportedSuffix); }); } // Sets up stubs to throw a better error message for the common case of // developers trying to call extension API's that aren't allowed to be // called from content scripts. function setupApiStubs() { // TODO(asargent) It would be nice to eventually generate this // programmatically from extension_api.json (there is already a browser test // that should prevent it from getting stale). var privileged = [ // Entire namespaces. "bookmarks", "browserAction", "chromeosInfoPrivate", "contextMenus", "cookies", "devtools", "experimental.accessibility", "experimental.bookmarkManager", "experimental.contentSettings.misc", "experimental.extension", "experimental.debugger", "experimental.infobars", "experimental.input", "experimental.inputUI", "experimental.metrics", "experimental.popup", "experimental.processes", "experimental.tts", "experimental.proxy", "experimental.rlz", "experimental.sidebar", "experimental.webNavigation", "experimental.webRequest", "history", "idle", "fileBrowserHandler", "fileBrowserPrivate", "fileSystem", "management", "omnibox", "pageAction", "pageActions", "tabs", "test", "toolstrip", "webstorePrivate", "windows", // Functions/events/properties within the extension namespace. "extension.getBackgroundPage", "extension.getExtensionTabs", "extension.getToolstrips", "extension.getViews", "extension.isAllowedIncognitoAccess", "extension.isAllowedFileSchemeAccess", "extension.onConnectExternal", "extension.onRequestExternal", "extension.setUpdateUrlData", "i18n.getAcceptLanguages" ]; for (var i = 0; i < privileged.length; i++) { createStub(privileged[i]); } } })();