// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This script contains unprivileged javascript APIs related to chrome // extensions. It is loaded by any extension-related context, such as content // scripts or toolstrips. // See user_script_slave.cc for script that is loaded by content scripts only. // TODO(mpcomplete): we also load this in regular web pages, but don't need // to. var chrome = chrome || {}; (function () { native function OpenChannelToExtension(sourceId, targetId, name); native function CloseChannel(portId); native function PortAddRef(portId); native function PortRelease(portId); native function PostMessage(portId, msg); native function GetChromeHidden(); var chromeHidden = GetChromeHidden(); // The reserved channel name for the sendRequest API. chromeHidden.kRequestChannel = "chrome.extension.sendRequest"; // Map of port IDs to port object. var ports = {}; // Change even to odd and vice versa, to get the other side of a given // channel. function getOppositePortId(portId) { return portId ^ 1; } // Port object. Represents a connection to another script context through // which messages can be passed. chrome.Port = function(portId, opt_name) { this.portId_ = portId; this.name = opt_name; this.onDisconnect = new chrome.Event(); this.onMessage = new chrome.Event(); }; chromeHidden.Port = {}; // Hidden port creation function. We don't want to expose an API that lets // people add arbitrary port IDs to the port list. chromeHidden.Port.createPort = function(portId, opt_name) { if (ports[portId]) { throw new Error("Port '" + portId + "' already exists."); } var port = new chrome.Port(portId, opt_name); ports[portId] = port; chromeHidden.onUnload.addListener(function() { PortRelease(portId); }); PortAddRef(portId); return port; } // Called by native code when a channel has been opened to this context. chromeHidden.Port.dispatchOnConnect = function(portId, channelName, tab, sourceExtensionId, targetExtensionId) { // Only create a new Port if someone is actually listening for a connection. // In addition to being an optimization, this also fixes a bug where if 2 // channels were opened to and from the same process, closing one would // close both. if (targetExtensionId != chromeHidden.extensionId) return; // not for us if (ports[getOppositePortId(portId)]) return; // this channel was opened by us, so ignore it // Determine whether this is coming from another extension, so we can use // the right event. var isExternal = sourceExtensionId != chromeHidden.extensionId; if (tab) tab = JSON.parse(tab); var sender = {tab: tab, id: sourceExtensionId}; // Special case for sendRequest/onRequest. if (channelName == chromeHidden.kRequestChannel) { var requestEvent = (isExternal ? chrome.extension.onRequestExternal : chrome.extension.onRequest); if (requestEvent.hasListeners()) { var port = chromeHidden.Port.createPort(portId, channelName); port.onMessage.addListener(function(request) { requestEvent.dispatch(request, sender, function(response) { port.postMessage(response); }); }); } return; } var connectEvent = (isExternal ? chrome.extension.onConnectExternal : chrome.extension.onConnect); if (connectEvent.hasListeners()) { var port = chromeHidden.Port.createPort(portId, channelName); port.sender = sender; // TODO(EXTENSIONS_DEPRECATED): port.tab is obsolete. port.tab = port.sender.tab; connectEvent.dispatch(port); } }; // Called by native code when a channel has been closed. chromeHidden.Port.dispatchOnDisconnect = function(portId) { var port = ports[portId]; if (port) { port.onDisconnect.dispatch(port); delete ports[portId]; } }; // Called by native code when a message has been sent to the given port. chromeHidden.Port.dispatchOnMessage = function(msg, portId) { var port = ports[portId]; if (port) { if (msg) { msg = JSON.parse(msg); } port.onMessage.dispatch(msg, port); } }; // Sends a message asynchronously to the context on the other end of this // port. chrome.Port.prototype.postMessage = function(msg) { // JSON.stringify doesn't support a root object which is undefined. if (msg === undefined) msg = null; PostMessage(this.portId_, JSON.stringify(msg)); }; // Disconnects the port from the other end. chrome.Port.prototype.disconnect = function() { delete ports[this.portId_]; CloseChannel(this.portId_); } // This function is called on context initialization for both content scripts // and extension contexts. chrome.initExtension = function(extensionId) { delete chrome.initExtension; chromeHidden.extensionId = extensionId; chrome.extension = chrome.extension || {}; // TODO(EXTENSIONS_DEPRECATED): chrome.self is obsolete. // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=16356 chrome.self = chrome.extension; // Events for when a message channel is opened to our extension. chrome.extension.onConnect = new chrome.Event(); chrome.extension.onConnectExternal = new chrome.Event(); chrome.extension.onRequest = new chrome.Event(); chrome.extension.onRequestExternal = new chrome.Event(); // Opens a message channel to the given target extension, or the current one // if unspecified. Returns a Port for message passing. chrome.extension.connect = function(targetId_opt, connectInfo_opt) { var name = ""; var targetId = extensionId; var nextArg = 0; if (typeof(arguments[nextArg]) == "string") targetId = arguments[nextArg++]; if (typeof(arguments[nextArg]) == "object") name = arguments[nextArg++].name || name; var portId = OpenChannelToExtension(extensionId, targetId, name); if (portId >= 0) return chromeHidden.Port.createPort(portId, name); throw new Error("Error connecting to extension '" + targetId + "'"); }; chrome.extension.sendRequest = function(targetId_opt, request, responseCallback_opt) { var targetId = extensionId; var responseCallback = null; var lastArg = arguments.length - 1; if (typeof(arguments[lastArg]) == "function") responseCallback = arguments[lastArg--]; request = arguments[lastArg--]; if (lastArg >= 0) targetId = arguments[lastArg--]; var port = chrome.extension.connect(targetId, {name: chromeHidden.kRequestChannel}); port.postMessage(request); port.onMessage.addListener(function(response) { if (responseCallback) responseCallback(response); port.disconnect(); }); }; // Returns a resource URL that can be used to fetch a resource from this // extension. chrome.extension.getURL = function(path) { return "chrome-extension://" + extensionId + "/" + path; }; } })();