var chromium = chromium || {}; (function () { native function OpenChannelToExtension(id); native function PostMessage(portId, msg); native function RegisterScriptAPI(private); // chromium: Public API. // Represents info we know about a chrome extension. chromium.Extension = function(id) { this.id_ = id; }; // Opens a channel to the extension for message passing. chromium.Extension.prototype.openChannel = function() { portId = OpenChannelToExtension(this.id_); if (portId == -1) throw new Error('No such extension \"' + this.id_ + '\"'); return new Port(portId); }; // Adds a listener that fires when a renderer opens a channel to talk // to us. chromium.addConnectListener = function(callback) { chromium.addEventListener('channel-connect', function (e) { callback(; }); }; // Adds a generic event listener. chromium.addEventListener = function(type, callback) { var listeners = getPrivateData().eventListeners; if (!listeners[type]) listeners[type] = []; listeners[type].push(callback); }; // Dispatches the given event to anyone listening for that event. chromium.dispatchEvent = function(type, data) { var event = {type: type, data: data}; var listeners = getPrivateData().eventListeners; for (var i in listeners[type]) { listeners[type][i](event); } }; // Private API. // Always access privateData through this function, to ensure that we // have registered our native API. We do this lazily to avoid registering // on pages that don't use these bindings. function getPrivateData() { if (!scriptAPI.registered_) { RegisterScriptAPI(scriptAPI); scriptAPI.registered_ = true; } return privateData; } var privateData = { eventListeners: {}, ports: {} }; // Represents a port through which we can send messages to another process. var Port = function(portId) { // TODO(mpcomplete): we probably want to hide this portId_ so // it can't be guessed at. One idea is to expose v8's SetHiddenValue // to our extension. this.portId_ = portId; getPrivateData().ports[portId] = this; }; // Sends a message to the other side of the channel. Port.prototype.postMessage = function(msg) { PostMessage(this.portId_, msg); }; // Script API: javascript APIs exposed to C++ only. // This object allows our native code to call back to us through a // private interface that isn't exposed to web content. var scriptAPI = {}; // Called by native code when a channel has been opened to this process. scriptAPI.dispatchOnConnect = function(portId) { chromium.dispatchEvent('channel-connect', {port: new Port(portId)}); }; // Called by native code when a message has been sent over the given // channel. scriptAPI.dispatchOnMessage = function(msg, portId) { var port = getPrivateData().ports[portId]; if (port && port.onMessage) port.onMessage(msg, port); }; })();