// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/renderer/searchbox_extension.h" #include #include #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/string_split.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "chrome/renderer/searchbox.h" #include "content/public/renderer/render_view.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFrame.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebScriptSource.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebString.h" #include "v8/include/v8.h" using WebKit::WebFrame; using WebKit::WebScriptSource; using WebKit::WebString; using WebKit::WebView; namespace extensions_v8 { static const char kSearchBoxExtensionName[] = "v8/SearchBox"; static const char kSearchBoxExtensionScript[] = "var chrome;" "if (!chrome)" " chrome = {};" "if (!chrome.searchBox) {" " chrome.searchBox = new function() {" " native function GetValue();" " native function GetVerbatim();" " native function GetSelectionStart();" " native function GetSelectionEnd();" " native function GetX();" " native function GetY();" " native function GetWidth();" " native function GetHeight();" " native function SetSuggestions();" " this.__defineGetter__('value', GetValue);" " this.__defineGetter__('verbatim', GetVerbatim);" " this.__defineGetter__('selectionStart', GetSelectionStart);" " this.__defineGetter__('selectionEnd', GetSelectionEnd);" " this.__defineGetter__('x', GetX);" " this.__defineGetter__('y', GetY);" " this.__defineGetter__('width', GetWidth);" " this.__defineGetter__('height', GetHeight);" " this.setSuggestions = function(text) {" " SetSuggestions(text);" " };" " this.onchange = null;" " this.onsubmit = null;" " this.oncancel = null;" " this.onresize = null;" " };" "}"; static const char kChangeEventName[] = "chrome.searchBox.onchange"; static const char kSubmitEventName[] = "chrome.searchBox.onsubmit"; static const char kCancelEventName[] = "chrome.searchBox.oncancel"; static const char kResizeEventName[] = "chrome.searchBox.onresize"; // Deprecated API support. // TODO(tonyg): Remove these when they are no longer used. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Script sent as the user is typing and the provider supports instant. // Params: // . the text the user typed. // '46' forces the server to give us verbatim results. static const char kUserInputScript[] = "if (window.chrome.userInput)" " window.chrome.userInput(" " window.chrome.searchBox.value," " window.chrome.searchBox.verbatim ? 46 : 0," " window.chrome.searchBox.selectionStart);"; // Script sent when the page is committed and the provider supports instant. // Params: // . the text the user typed. // . boolean indicating if the user pressed enter to accept the text. static const char kUserDoneScript[] = "if (window.chrome.userWantsQuery)" " window.chrome.userWantsQuery(" " window.chrome.searchBox.value," " window.chrome.searchBox.verbatim);"; // Script sent when the bounds of the omnibox changes and the provider supports // instant. The params are the bounds relative to the origin of the preview // (x, y, width, height). static const char kSetOmniboxBoundsScript[] = "if (window.chrome.setDropdownDimensions)" " window.chrome.setDropdownDimensions(" " window.chrome.searchBox.x," " window.chrome.searchBox.y," " window.chrome.searchBox.width," " window.chrome.searchBox.height);"; // We first send this script down to determine if the page supports instant. static const char kSupportsInstantScript[] = "if (window.chrome.sv) true; else false;"; // The google.y.first array is a list of functions which are to be executed // after the external JavaScript used by Google web search loads. The deprecated // API requires setDropdownDimensions and userInput to be invoked after // the external JavaScript loads. So if they are not already registered, we add // them to the array of functions the page will execute after load. This tight // coupling discourages proliferation of the deprecated API. static const char kInitScript[] = "(function() {" "var initScript = function(){%s%s};" "if (window.chrome.setDropdownDimensions)" " initScript();" "else if (window.google && window.google.y)" " window.google.y.first.push(initScript);" "})();"; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SearchBoxExtensionWrapper : public v8::Extension { public: SearchBoxExtensionWrapper(); // Allows v8's javascript code to call the native functions defined // in this class for window.chrome. virtual v8::Handle GetNativeFunction( v8::Handle name); // Helper function to find the RenderView. May return NULL. static content::RenderView* GetRenderView(); // Gets the value of the user's search query. static v8::Handle GetValue(const v8::Arguments& args); // Gets whether the |value| should be considered final -- as opposed to a // partial match. This may be set if the user clicks a suggestion, presses // forward delete, or in other cases where Chrome overrides. static v8::Handle GetVerbatim(const v8::Arguments& args); // Gets the start of the selection in the search box. static v8::Handle GetSelectionStart(const v8::Arguments& args); // Gets the end of the selection in the search box. static v8::Handle GetSelectionEnd(const v8::Arguments& args); // Gets the x coordinate (relative to |window|) of the left edge of the // region of the search box that overlaps the window. static v8::Handle GetX(const v8::Arguments& args); // Gets the y coordinate (relative to |window|) of the right edge of the // region of the search box that overlaps the window. static v8::Handle GetY(const v8::Arguments& args); // Gets the width of the region of the search box that overlaps the window. static v8::Handle GetWidth(const v8::Arguments& args); // Gets the height of the region of the search box that overlaps the window. static v8::Handle GetHeight(const v8::Arguments& args); // Sets ordered suggestions. Valid for current |value|. static v8::Handle SetSuggestions(const v8::Arguments& args); private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SearchBoxExtensionWrapper); }; SearchBoxExtensionWrapper::SearchBoxExtensionWrapper() : v8::Extension(kSearchBoxExtensionName, kSearchBoxExtensionScript) {} v8::Handle SearchBoxExtensionWrapper::GetNativeFunction( v8::Handle name) { if (name->Equals(v8::String::New("GetValue"))) { return v8::FunctionTemplate::New(GetValue); } else if (name->Equals(v8::String::New("GetVerbatim"))) { return v8::FunctionTemplate::New(GetVerbatim); } else if (name->Equals(v8::String::New("GetSelectionStart"))) { return v8::FunctionTemplate::New(GetSelectionStart); } else if (name->Equals(v8::String::New("GetSelectionEnd"))) { return v8::FunctionTemplate::New(GetSelectionEnd); } else if (name->Equals(v8::String::New("GetX"))) { return v8::FunctionTemplate::New(GetX); } else if (name->Equals(v8::String::New("GetY"))) { return v8::FunctionTemplate::New(GetY); } else if (name->Equals(v8::String::New("GetWidth"))) { return v8::FunctionTemplate::New(GetWidth); } else if (name->Equals(v8::String::New("GetHeight"))) { return v8::FunctionTemplate::New(GetHeight); } else if (name->Equals(v8::String::New("SetSuggestions"))) { return v8::FunctionTemplate::New(SetSuggestions); } return v8::Handle(); } // static content::RenderView* SearchBoxExtensionWrapper::GetRenderView() { WebFrame* webframe = WebFrame::frameForEnteredContext(); DCHECK(webframe) << "There should be an active frame since we just got " "a native function called."; if (!webframe) return NULL; WebView* webview = webframe->view(); if (!webview) return NULL; // can happen during closing return content::RenderView::FromWebView(webview); } // static v8::Handle SearchBoxExtensionWrapper::GetValue( const v8::Arguments& args) { content::RenderView* render_view = GetRenderView(); if (!render_view) return v8::Undefined(); return v8::String::New( reinterpret_cast( SearchBox::Get(render_view)->value().c_str()), SearchBox::Get(render_view)->value().length()); } // static v8::Handle SearchBoxExtensionWrapper::GetVerbatim( const v8::Arguments& args) { content::RenderView* render_view = GetRenderView(); if (!render_view) return v8::Undefined(); return v8::Boolean::New(SearchBox::Get(render_view)->verbatim()); } // static v8::Handle SearchBoxExtensionWrapper::GetSelectionStart( const v8::Arguments& args) { content::RenderView* render_view = GetRenderView(); if (!render_view) return v8::Undefined(); return v8::Int32::New(SearchBox::Get(render_view)->selection_start()); } // static v8::Handle SearchBoxExtensionWrapper::GetSelectionEnd( const v8::Arguments& args) { content::RenderView* render_view = GetRenderView(); if (!render_view) return v8::Undefined(); return v8::Int32::New(SearchBox::Get(render_view)->selection_end()); } // static v8::Handle SearchBoxExtensionWrapper::GetX( const v8::Arguments& args) { content::RenderView* render_view = GetRenderView(); if (!render_view) return v8::Undefined(); return v8::Int32::New(SearchBox::Get(render_view)->GetRect().x()); } // static v8::Handle SearchBoxExtensionWrapper::GetY( const v8::Arguments& args) { content::RenderView* render_view = GetRenderView(); if (!render_view) return v8::Undefined(); return v8::Int32::New(SearchBox::Get(render_view)->GetRect().y()); } // static v8::Handle SearchBoxExtensionWrapper::GetWidth( const v8::Arguments& args) { content::RenderView* render_view = GetRenderView(); if (!render_view) return v8::Undefined(); return v8::Int32::New(SearchBox::Get(render_view)->GetRect().width()); } // static v8::Handle SearchBoxExtensionWrapper::GetHeight( const v8::Arguments& args) { content::RenderView* render_view = GetRenderView(); if (!render_view) return v8::Undefined(); return v8::Int32::New(SearchBox::Get(render_view)->GetRect().height()); } // Accepts a single argument in form: // { // suggestions: [ // { // value: "..." // } // ] // } // static v8::Handle SearchBoxExtensionWrapper::SetSuggestions( const v8::Arguments& args) { std::vector suggestions; InstantCompleteBehavior behavior = INSTANT_COMPLETE_NOW; if (args.Length() && args[0]->IsArray()) { // For backwards compatibility, also accept an array of strings. // TODO(tonyg): Remove this when it is confirmed to be unused. v8::Local suggestions_array = v8::Local::Cast(args[0]); uint32_t length = suggestions_array->Length(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { std::string suggestion = *v8::String::Utf8Value( suggestions_array->Get(v8::Integer::New(i))->ToString()); if (!suggestion.length()) continue; suggestions.push_back(suggestion); } } else if (args.Length() && args[0]->IsObject()) { // Standard version, object argument. v8::Local suggestion_json = v8::Local::Cast(args[0]); v8::Local suggestions_field = suggestion_json->Get(v8::String::New("suggestions")); if (suggestions_field->IsArray()) { v8::Local suggestions_array = suggestions_field.As(); uint32_t length = suggestions_array->Length(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { v8::Local suggestion_value = suggestions_array->Get(v8::Integer::New(i)); if (!suggestion_value->IsObject()) continue; v8::Local suggestion_object = suggestion_value.As(); v8::Local suggestion_object_value = suggestion_object->Get(v8::String::New("value")); if (!suggestion_object_value->IsString()) continue; std::string suggestion = *v8::String::Utf8Value( suggestion_object_value->ToString()); if (!suggestion.length()) continue; suggestions.push_back(suggestion); } } if (suggestion_json->Has(v8::String::New("complete_behavior"))) { v8::Local complete_value = suggestion_json->Get(v8::String::New("complete_behavior")); if (complete_value->IsString()) { if (complete_value->Equals(v8::String::New("never"))) behavior = INSTANT_COMPLETE_NEVER; else if (complete_value->Equals(v8::String::New("delayed"))) behavior = INSTANT_COMPLETE_DELAYED; } } } if (content::RenderView* render_view = GetRenderView()) SearchBox::Get(render_view)->SetSuggestions(suggestions, behavior); return v8::Undefined(); } // static bool Dispatch(WebFrame* frame, const std::string& event_name) { DCHECK(frame) << "Dispatch requires frame"; if (!frame) return false; v8::HandleScope handle_scope; v8::Local context = frame->mainWorldScriptContext(); if (context.IsEmpty()) return false; v8::Context::Scope context_scope(context); v8::Local value = context->Global()->Get(v8::String::New("window")); std::vector components; base::SplitStringDontTrim(event_name, '.', &components); for (size_t i = 0; i < components.size(); ++i) { if (!value.IsEmpty() && value->IsObject()) value = value->ToObject()->Get(v8::String::New(components[i].c_str())); } if (value.IsEmpty() || !value->IsFunction()) return false; v8::Local function = v8::Local::Cast(value); if (function.IsEmpty()) return false; function->Call(v8::Object::New(), 0, NULL); return true; } // static void SearchBoxExtension::DispatchChange(WebFrame* frame) { if (Dispatch(frame, kChangeEventName)) return; frame->executeScript(WebScriptSource(kUserInputScript)); } // static void SearchBoxExtension::DispatchSubmit(WebFrame* frame) { if (Dispatch(frame, kSubmitEventName)) return; frame->executeScript(WebScriptSource(kUserDoneScript)); } // static void SearchBoxExtension::DispatchCancel(WebFrame* frame) { if (Dispatch(frame, kCancelEventName)) return; frame->executeScript(WebScriptSource(kUserDoneScript)); } // static void SearchBoxExtension::DispatchResize(WebFrame* frame) { if (Dispatch(frame, kResizeEventName)) return; frame->executeScript(WebScriptSource(kSetOmniboxBoundsScript)); } // static bool SearchBoxExtension::PageSupportsInstant(WebFrame* frame) { DCHECK(frame) << "PageSupportsInstant requires frame"; if (!frame) return false; v8::Handle v = frame->executeScriptAndReturnValue( WebScriptSource(kSupportsInstantScript)); bool supports_deprecated_api = !v.IsEmpty() && v->BooleanValue(); // TODO(tonyg): Add way of detecting instant support to SearchBox API. bool supports_searchbox_api = supports_deprecated_api; // The deprecated API needs to notify the page of events it may have missed. // This isn't necessary in the SearchBox API, since the page can query the // API at any time. static std::string init_script( StringPrintf(kInitScript, kSetOmniboxBoundsScript, kUserInputScript)); if (supports_deprecated_api) { frame->executeScript(WebScriptSource(WebString::fromUTF8(init_script))); } return supports_searchbox_api || supports_deprecated_api; } // static v8::Extension* SearchBoxExtension::Get() { return new SearchBoxExtensionWrapper(); } } // namespace extensions_v8