// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found // in the LICENSE file. // // Delegate calls from WebCore::MediaPlayerPrivate to Chrome's video player. // It contains PipelineImpl which is the actual media player pipeline, it glues // the media player pipeline, data source, audio renderer and renderer. // PipelineImpl would creates multiple threads and access some public methods // of this class, so we need to be extra careful about concurrent access of // methods and members. // // Properties that are shared by main thread and media threads: // CancelableTaskList tasks_; // ^--- This property is shared for keeping records of the tasks posted to // make sure there will be only one task for each task type that can // exist in the main thread. // // Methods that are accessed in media threads: // SetAudioRenderer() // ^--- Called during the initialization of the pipeline, essentially from the // the pipeline thread. // SetVideoRenderer() // ^--- Called during the initialization of the pipeline, essentially from the // the pipeline thread. // PostRepaintTask() // ^--- Called from the video renderer thread to notify a video frame has // been prepared. // PostTask() // ^--- A method that helps posting tasks to the main thread, it is // accessed from main thread and media threads, it access the |tasks_| // internally. Needs locking inside to avoid concurrent access to // |tasks_|. // // // Other issues: // During tear down of the whole browser or a tab, the DOM tree may not be // destructed nicely, and there will be some dangling media threads trying to // the main thread, so we need this class to listen to destruction event of the // main thread and cleanup the media threads when the even is received. Also // at destruction of this class we will need to unhook it from destruction event // list of the main thread. #ifndef CHROME_RENDERER_WEBMEDIAPLAYER_IMPL_H_ #define CHROME_RENDERER_WEBMEDIAPLAYER_IMPL_H_ #include <vector> #include "base/gfx/platform_canvas.h" #include "base/lock.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "media/base/filters.h" #include "media/base/pipeline_impl.h" #include "webkit/api/public/WebMediaPlayer.h" #include "webkit/api/public/WebMediaPlayerClient.h" class AudioRendererImpl; class DataSourceImpl; class GURL; class RenderView; class VideoRendererImpl; namespace media { class FilterFactoryCollection; } // This typedef is used for WebMediaPlayerImpl::PostTask() and // NotifyWebMediaPlayerTask in the source file. typedef void (WebKit::WebMediaPlayerClient::*WebMediaPlayerClientMethod)(); class WebMediaPlayerImpl : public WebKit::WebMediaPlayer, public MessageLoop::DestructionObserver { public: WebMediaPlayerImpl(RenderView* view, WebKit::WebMediaPlayerClient* client); virtual ~WebMediaPlayerImpl(); virtual void load(const WebKit::WebURL& url); virtual void cancelLoad(); // Playback controls. virtual void play(); virtual void pause(); virtual void stop(); virtual void seek(float seconds); virtual void setEndTime(float seconds); virtual void setRate(float rate); virtual void setVolume(float volume); virtual void setVisible(bool visible); virtual bool setAutoBuffer(bool autoBuffer); virtual bool totalBytesKnown(); virtual float maxTimeBuffered() const; virtual float maxTimeSeekable() const; // Methods for painting. virtual void setSize(const WebKit::WebSize& size); // TODO(hclam): enable this for mac. #if WEBKIT_USING_SKIA virtual void paint(WebKit::WebCanvas* canvas, const WebKit::WebRect& rect); #endif // True if a video is loaded. virtual bool hasVideo() const; // Dimensions of the video. virtual WebKit::WebSize naturalSize() const; // Getters of playback state. virtual bool paused() const; virtual bool seeking() const; virtual float duration() const; virtual float currentTime() const; // Get rate of loading the resource. virtual int32 dataRate() const; // Internal states of loading and network. // TODO(hclam): Ask the pipeline about the state rather than having reading // them from members which would cause race conditions. virtual WebKit::WebMediaPlayer::NetworkState networkState() const { return network_state_; } virtual WebKit::WebMediaPlayer::ReadyState readyState() const { return ready_state_; } virtual unsigned long long bytesLoaded() const; virtual unsigned long long totalBytes() const; // As we are closing the tab or even the browser, |main_loop_| is destroyed // even before this object gets destructed, so we need to know when // |main_loop_| is being destroyed and we can stop posting repaint task // to it. virtual void WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop(); // Notification from |pipeline_| when initialization has finished. void OnPipelineInitialize(bool successful); // Notification from |pipeline_| when a seek has finished. void OnPipelineSeek(bool successful); // Called from tasks posted to |main_loop_| from this object to remove // reference of them. void DidTask(CancelableTask* task); // Public methods to be called from renderers and data source so that // WebMediaPlayerImpl has references to them. void SetVideoRenderer(VideoRendererImpl* video_renderer); // Called from VideoRenderer to fire a repaint task to |main_loop_|. void PostRepaintTask(); // Inline getters. WebKit::WebMediaPlayerClient* client() { return client_; } RenderView* view() { return view_; } private: // Methods for posting tasks and cancelling tasks. This method may lives in // the main thread or the media threads. void PostTask(int index, WebMediaPlayerClientMethod method); // Cancel all tasks currently live in |main_loop_|. void CancelAllTasks(); // Indexes for tasks. enum { kRepaintTaskIndex = 0, kReadyStateTaskIndex, kNetworkStateTaskIndex, kTimeChangedTaskIndex, kLastTaskIndex }; // TODO(hclam): get rid of these members and read from the pipeline directly. WebKit::WebMediaPlayer::NetworkState network_state_; WebKit::WebMediaPlayer::ReadyState ready_state_; // Message loops for posting tasks between Chrome's main thread. Also used // for DCHECKs so methods calls won't execute in the wrong thread. MessageLoop* main_loop_; // A collection of factories for creating filters. scoped_refptr<media::FilterFactoryCollection> filter_factory_; // The actual pipeline. We do it a composition here because we expect to have // the same lifetime as the pipeline. media::PipelineImpl pipeline_; // We have the interface to VideoRenderer to delegate paint messages to it // from WebKit. scoped_refptr<VideoRendererImpl> video_renderer_; WebKit::WebMediaPlayerClient* client_; RenderView* view_; // List of tasks for holding pointers to all tasks currently in the // |main_loop_|. |tasks_| can be access from main thread or the media threads // we need a lock for protecting it. Lock task_lock_; typedef std::vector<CancelableTask*> CancelableTaskList; CancelableTaskList tasks_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(WebMediaPlayerImpl); }; #endif // CHROME_RENDERER_WEBMEDIAPLAYER_IMPL_H_