// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/service/cloud_print/printer_job_handler.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/bind_helpers.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/json/json_reader.h" #include "base/md5.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/common/cloud_print/cloud_print_helpers.h" #include "chrome/service/cloud_print/cloud_print_consts.h" #include "chrome/service/cloud_print/cloud_print_helpers.h" #include "chrome/service/cloud_print/job_status_updater.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" #include "net/http/http_status_code.h" #include "printing/backend/print_backend.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" PrinterJobHandler::JobDetails::JobDetails() {} PrinterJobHandler::JobDetails::~JobDetails() {} void PrinterJobHandler::JobDetails::Clear() { job_id_.clear(); job_title_.clear(); print_ticket_.clear(); print_data_mime_type_.clear(); print_data_file_path_ = FilePath(); tags_.clear(); } PrinterJobHandler::PrinterJobHandler( const printing::PrinterBasicInfo& printer_info, const PrinterInfoFromCloud& printer_info_cloud, const GURL& cloud_print_server_url, cloud_print::PrintSystem* print_system, Delegate* delegate) : print_system_(print_system), printer_info_(printer_info), printer_info_cloud_(printer_info_cloud), cloud_print_server_url_(cloud_print_server_url), delegate_(delegate), local_job_id_(-1), next_json_data_handler_(NULL), next_data_handler_(NULL), server_error_count_(0), print_thread_("Chrome_CloudPrintJobPrintThread"), job_handler_message_loop_proxy_( base::MessageLoopProxy::current()), shutting_down_(false), job_check_pending_(false), printer_update_pending_(true), task_in_progress_(false), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(weak_ptr_factory_(this)) { } bool PrinterJobHandler::Initialize() { if (!print_system_->IsValidPrinter(printer_info_.printer_name)) return false; printer_watcher_ = print_system_->CreatePrinterWatcher( printer_info_.printer_name); printer_watcher_->StartWatching(this); CheckForJobs(kJobFetchReasonStartup); return true; } std::string PrinterJobHandler::GetPrinterName() const { return printer_info_.printer_name; } void PrinterJobHandler::CheckForJobs(const std::string& reason) { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Checking for jobs" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id << ", reason: " << reason << ", task in progress: " << task_in_progress_; job_fetch_reason_ = reason; job_check_pending_ = true; if (!task_in_progress_) { MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&PrinterJobHandler::Start, this)); } } void PrinterJobHandler::Shutdown() { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Shutting down printer job handler" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id; Reset(); shutting_down_ = true; while (!job_status_updater_list_.empty()) { // Calling Stop() will cause the OnJobCompleted to be called which will // remove the updater object from the list. job_status_updater_list_.front()->Stop(); } } // CloudPrintURLFetcher::Delegate implementation. CloudPrintURLFetcher::ResponseAction PrinterJobHandler::HandleRawResponse( const net::URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const net::URLRequestStatus& status, int response_code, const net::ResponseCookies& cookies, const std::string& data) { // 415 (Unsupported media type) error while fetching data from the server // means data conversion error. Stop fetching process and mark job as error. if (next_data_handler_ == (&PrinterJobHandler::HandlePrintDataResponse) && response_code == net::HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE) { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Job failed (unsupported media type)"; MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&PrinterJobHandler::JobFailed, this, JOB_DOWNLOAD_FAILED)); return CloudPrintURLFetcher::STOP_PROCESSING; } return CloudPrintURLFetcher::CONTINUE_PROCESSING; } CloudPrintURLFetcher::ResponseAction PrinterJobHandler::HandleRawData( const net::URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const std::string& data) { if (!next_data_handler_) return CloudPrintURLFetcher::CONTINUE_PROCESSING; return (this->*next_data_handler_)(source, url, data); } CloudPrintURLFetcher::ResponseAction PrinterJobHandler::HandleJSONData( const net::URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, DictionaryValue* json_data, bool succeeded) { DCHECK(next_json_data_handler_); return (this->*next_json_data_handler_)(source, url, json_data, succeeded); } void PrinterJobHandler::OnRequestGiveUp() { // The only time we call CloudPrintURLFetcher::StartGetRequest() with a // specified number of retries, is when we are trying to fetch print job // data. So, this function will be reached only if we failed to get job data. // In that case, we should make job as error and should not try it later. VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Job failed (giving up)"; MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&PrinterJobHandler::JobFailed, this, JOB_DOWNLOAD_FAILED)); } CloudPrintURLFetcher::ResponseAction PrinterJobHandler::OnRequestAuthError() { // We got an Auth error and have no idea how long it will take to refresh // auth information (may take forever). We'll drop current request and // propagate this error to the upper level. After auth issues will be // resolved, GCP connector will restart. OnAuthError(); return CloudPrintURLFetcher::STOP_PROCESSING; } std::string PrinterJobHandler::GetAuthHeader() { return CloudPrintHelpers::GetCloudPrintAuthHeaderFromStore(); } // JobStatusUpdater::Delegate implementation bool PrinterJobHandler::OnJobCompleted(JobStatusUpdater* updater) { bool ret = false; for (JobStatusUpdaterList::iterator index = job_status_updater_list_.begin(); index != job_status_updater_list_.end(); index++) { if (index->get() == updater) { job_status_updater_list_.erase(index); ret = true; break; } } return ret; } void PrinterJobHandler::OnAuthError() { MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&PrinterJobHandler::Stop, this)); if (delegate_) delegate_->OnAuthError(); } void PrinterJobHandler::OnPrinterDeleted() { if (delegate_) delegate_->OnPrinterDeleted(printer_info_cloud_.printer_id); } void PrinterJobHandler::OnPrinterChanged() { printer_update_pending_ = true; if (!task_in_progress_) { MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&PrinterJobHandler::Start, this)); } } void PrinterJobHandler::OnJobChanged() { // Some job on the printer changed. Loop through all our JobStatusUpdaters // and have them check for updates. for (JobStatusUpdaterList::iterator index = job_status_updater_list_.begin(); index != job_status_updater_list_.end(); index++) { MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&JobStatusUpdater::UpdateStatus, index->get())); } } void PrinterJobHandler::OnJobSpoolSucceeded( const cloud_print::PlatformJobId& job_id) { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == print_thread_.message_loop()); job_spooler_ = NULL; job_handler_message_loop_proxy_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&PrinterJobHandler::JobSpooled, this, job_id)); } void PrinterJobHandler::OnJobSpoolFailed() { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == print_thread_.message_loop()); job_spooler_ = NULL; VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Job failed (spool failed)"; job_handler_message_loop_proxy_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&PrinterJobHandler::JobFailed, this, PRINT_FAILED)); } PrinterJobHandler::~PrinterJobHandler() { if (printer_watcher_) printer_watcher_->StopWatching(); } // Begin Response handlers CloudPrintURLFetcher::ResponseAction PrinterJobHandler::HandlePrinterUpdateResponse( const net::URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, DictionaryValue* json_data, bool succeeded) { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Handling printer update response" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id; // We are done here. Go to the Stop state VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Stopping printer job handler" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id; MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&PrinterJobHandler::Stop, this)); return CloudPrintURLFetcher::STOP_PROCESSING; } CloudPrintURLFetcher::ResponseAction PrinterJobHandler::HandleJobMetadataResponse( const net::URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, DictionaryValue* json_data, bool succeeded) { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Handling job metadata response" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id; bool job_available = false; if (succeeded) { ListValue* job_list = NULL; if (json_data->GetList(kJobListValue, &job_list) && job_list) { // Even though it is a job list, for now we are only interested in the // first job DictionaryValue* job_data = NULL; if (job_list->GetDictionary(0, &job_data)) { job_available = true; job_data->GetString(kIdValue, &job_details_.job_id_); job_data->GetString(kTitleValue, &job_details_.job_title_); std::string print_ticket_url; job_data->GetString(kTicketUrlValue, &print_ticket_url); job_data->GetString(kFileUrlValue, &print_data_url_); // Get tags for print job. job_details_.tags_.clear(); ListValue* tags = NULL; if (job_data->GetList(kTagsValue, &tags)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < tags->GetSize(); i++) { std::string value; if (tags->GetString(i, &value)) job_details_.tags_.push_back(value); } } SetNextDataHandler(&PrinterJobHandler::HandlePrintTicketResponse); request_ = new CloudPrintURLFetcher; request_->StartGetRequest(GURL(print_ticket_url.c_str()), this, kCloudPrintAPIMaxRetryCount, std::string()); } } } // If no jobs are available, go to the Stop state. if (!job_available) { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Stopping printer job handler" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id; MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&PrinterJobHandler::Stop, this)); } return CloudPrintURLFetcher::STOP_PROCESSING; } CloudPrintURLFetcher::ResponseAction PrinterJobHandler::HandlePrintTicketResponse(const net::URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const std::string& data) { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Handling print ticket response" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id; if (print_system_->ValidatePrintTicket(printer_info_.printer_name, data)) { job_details_.print_ticket_ = data; SetNextDataHandler(&PrinterJobHandler::HandlePrintDataResponse); request_ = new CloudPrintURLFetcher; std::string accept_headers = "Accept: "; accept_headers += print_system_->GetSupportedMimeTypes(); request_->StartGetRequest(GURL(print_data_url_.c_str()), this, kJobDataMaxRetryCount, accept_headers); } else { // The print ticket was not valid. We are done here. FailedFetchingJobData(); } return CloudPrintURLFetcher::STOP_PROCESSING; } CloudPrintURLFetcher::ResponseAction PrinterJobHandler::HandlePrintDataResponse(const net::URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, const std::string& data) { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Handling print data response" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id; base::Closure next_task; if (file_util::CreateTemporaryFile(&job_details_.print_data_file_path_)) { int ret = file_util::WriteFile(job_details_.print_data_file_path_, data.c_str(), data.length()); source->GetResponseHeaders()->GetMimeType( &job_details_.print_data_mime_type_); DCHECK(ret == static_cast(data.length())); if (ret == static_cast(data.length())) { next_task = base::Bind(&PrinterJobHandler::StartPrinting, this); } } // If there was no task allocated above, then there was an error in // saving the print data, bail out here. if (next_task.is_null()) { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Error saving print data" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id; next_task = base::Bind(&PrinterJobHandler::JobFailed, this, JOB_DOWNLOAD_FAILED); } MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, next_task); return CloudPrintURLFetcher::STOP_PROCESSING; } CloudPrintURLFetcher::ResponseAction PrinterJobHandler::HandleSuccessStatusUpdateResponse( const net::URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, DictionaryValue* json_data, bool succeeded) { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Handling success status update response" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id; // The print job has been spooled locally. We now need to create an object // that monitors the status of the job and updates the server. scoped_refptr job_status_updater( new JobStatusUpdater(printer_info_.printer_name, job_details_.job_id_, local_job_id_, cloud_print_server_url_, print_system_.get(), this)); job_status_updater_list_.push_back(job_status_updater); MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&JobStatusUpdater::UpdateStatus, job_status_updater.get())); if (succeeded) { // Since we just printed successfully, we want to look for more jobs. CheckForJobs(kJobFetchReasonQueryMore); } VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Stopping printer job handler" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id; MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&PrinterJobHandler::Stop, this)); return CloudPrintURLFetcher::STOP_PROCESSING; } CloudPrintURLFetcher::ResponseAction PrinterJobHandler::HandleFailureStatusUpdateResponse( const net::URLFetcher* source, const GURL& url, DictionaryValue* json_data, bool succeeded) { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Handling failure status update response" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id; MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&PrinterJobHandler::Stop, this)); return CloudPrintURLFetcher::STOP_PROCESSING; } void PrinterJobHandler::Start() { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Starting printer job handler" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id << ", task in progress: " << task_in_progress_; if (task_in_progress_) { // Multiple Starts can get posted because of multiple notifications // We want to ignore the other ones that happen when a task is in progress. return; } Reset(); if (!shutting_down_) { // Check if we have work to do. if (HavePendingTasks()) { if (!task_in_progress_ && printer_update_pending_) { printer_update_pending_ = false; task_in_progress_ = UpdatePrinterInfo(); VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Changed task in progress" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id << ", task in progress: " << task_in_progress_; } if (!task_in_progress_ && job_check_pending_) { task_in_progress_ = true; VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Changed task in progress" ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id << ", task in progress: " << task_in_progress_; job_check_pending_ = false; // We need to fetch any pending jobs for this printer SetNextJSONHandler(&PrinterJobHandler::HandleJobMetadataResponse); request_ = new CloudPrintURLFetcher; request_->StartGetRequest( CloudPrintHelpers::GetUrlForJobFetch( cloud_print_server_url_, printer_info_cloud_.printer_id, job_fetch_reason_), this, kCloudPrintAPIMaxRetryCount, std::string()); last_job_fetch_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Last job fetch time" << ", printer name: " << printer_info_.printer_name.c_str() << ", timestamp: " << last_job_fetch_time_.ToInternalValue(); job_fetch_reason_.clear(); } } } } void PrinterJobHandler::Stop() { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Stopping printer job handler" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id; task_in_progress_ = false; VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Changed task in progress" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id << ", task in progress: " << task_in_progress_; Reset(); if (HavePendingTasks()) { MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&PrinterJobHandler::Start, this)); } } void PrinterJobHandler::StartPrinting() { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Starting printing" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id; // We are done with the request object for now. request_ = NULL; if (!shutting_down_) { if (!print_thread_.Start()) { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Failed to start print thread" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id; JobFailed(PRINT_FAILED); } else { print_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&PrinterJobHandler::DoPrint, this, job_details_, printer_info_.printer_name)); } } } void PrinterJobHandler::Reset() { print_data_url_.clear(); job_details_.Clear(); request_ = NULL; print_thread_.Stop(); } void PrinterJobHandler::UpdateJobStatus(cloud_print::PrintJobStatus status, PrintJobError error) { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Updating job status" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id << ", job id: " << job_details_.job_id_ << ", job status: " << status; if (shutting_down_) { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Job status update aborted (shutting down)" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id << ", job id: " << job_details_.job_id_; return; } if (job_details_.job_id_.empty()) { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Job status update aborted (empty job id)" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id; return; } if (error == SUCCESS) { SetNextJSONHandler( &PrinterJobHandler::HandleSuccessStatusUpdateResponse); } else { SetNextJSONHandler( &PrinterJobHandler::HandleFailureStatusUpdateResponse); } request_ = new CloudPrintURLFetcher; request_->StartGetRequest( CloudPrintHelpers::GetUrlForJobStatusUpdate(cloud_print_server_url_, job_details_.job_id_, status), this, kCloudPrintAPIMaxRetryCount, std::string()); } void PrinterJobHandler::SetNextJSONHandler(JSONDataHandler handler) { next_json_data_handler_ = handler; next_data_handler_ = NULL; } void PrinterJobHandler::SetNextDataHandler(DataHandler handler) { next_data_handler_ = handler; next_json_data_handler_ = NULL; } void PrinterJobHandler::JobFailed(PrintJobError error) { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Job failed" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id << ", job id: " << job_details_.job_id_ << ", error: " << error; if (!shutting_down_) { UpdateJobStatus(cloud_print::PRINT_JOB_STATUS_ERROR, error); // This job failed, but others may be pending. Schedule a check. job_check_pending_ = true; } } void PrinterJobHandler::JobSpooled(cloud_print::PlatformJobId local_job_id) { VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Job spooled" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id << ", job id: " << local_job_id; if (!shutting_down_) { local_job_id_ = local_job_id; UpdateJobStatus(cloud_print::PRINT_JOB_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, SUCCESS); print_thread_.Stop(); } } bool PrinterJobHandler::UpdatePrinterInfo() { if (!printer_watcher_) { LOG(ERROR) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Printer watcher is missing." << " Check printer server url for printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id; return false; } VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Updating printer info" << ", printer id: " << printer_info_cloud_.printer_id; // We need to update the parts of the printer info that have changed // (could be printer name, description, status or capabilities). // First asynchronously fetch the capabilities. printing::PrinterBasicInfo printer_info; printer_watcher_->GetCurrentPrinterInfo(&printer_info); // Asynchronously fetch the printer caps and defaults. The story will // continue in OnReceivePrinterCaps. print_system_->GetPrinterCapsAndDefaults( printer_info.printer_name.c_str(), base::Bind(&PrinterJobHandler::OnReceivePrinterCaps, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); // While we are waiting for the data, pretend we have work to do and return // true. return true; } bool PrinterJobHandler::HavePendingTasks() { return (job_check_pending_ || printer_update_pending_); } void PrinterJobHandler::FailedFetchingJobData() { if (!shutting_down_) { LOG(ERROR) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Failed fetching job data" << ", printer name: " << printer_info_.printer_name << ", job id: " << job_details_.job_id_; JobFailed(INVALID_JOB_DATA); } } void PrinterJobHandler::OnReceivePrinterCaps( bool succeeded, const std::string& printer_name, const printing::PrinterCapsAndDefaults& caps_and_defaults) { printing::PrinterBasicInfo printer_info; if (printer_watcher_) printer_watcher_->GetCurrentPrinterInfo(&printer_info); std::string post_data; std::string mime_boundary; cloud_print::CreateMimeBoundaryForUpload(&mime_boundary); if (succeeded) { std::string caps_hash = base::MD5String(caps_and_defaults.printer_capabilities); if (caps_hash != printer_info_cloud_.caps_hash) { // Hashes don't match, we need to upload new capabilities (the defaults // go for free along with the capabilities) printer_info_cloud_.caps_hash = caps_hash; cloud_print::AddMultipartValueForUpload(kPrinterCapsValue, caps_and_defaults.printer_capabilities, mime_boundary, caps_and_defaults.caps_mime_type, &post_data); cloud_print::AddMultipartValueForUpload(kPrinterDefaultsValue, caps_and_defaults.printer_defaults, mime_boundary, caps_and_defaults.defaults_mime_type, &post_data); cloud_print::AddMultipartValueForUpload(kPrinterCapsHashValue, caps_hash, mime_boundary, std::string(), &post_data); } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get printer caps and defaults" << ", printer name: " << printer_name; } std::string tags_hash = CloudPrintHelpers::GetHashOfPrinterTags(printer_info); if (tags_hash != printer_info_cloud_.tags_hash) { printer_info_cloud_.tags_hash = tags_hash; post_data += CloudPrintHelpers::GetPostDataForPrinterTags(printer_info, mime_boundary); // Remove all the existing proxy tags. std::string cp_tag_wildcard(kProxyTagPrefix); cp_tag_wildcard += ".*"; cloud_print::AddMultipartValueForUpload(kPrinterRemoveTagValue, cp_tag_wildcard, mime_boundary, std::string(), &post_data); } if (printer_info.printer_name != printer_info_.printer_name) { cloud_print::AddMultipartValueForUpload(kPrinterNameValue, printer_info.printer_name, mime_boundary, std::string(), &post_data); } if (printer_info.printer_description != printer_info_.printer_description) { cloud_print::AddMultipartValueForUpload(kPrinterDescValue, printer_info.printer_description, mime_boundary, std::string(), &post_data); } if (printer_info.printer_status != printer_info_.printer_status) { cloud_print::AddMultipartValueForUpload(kPrinterStatusValue, base::StringPrintf("%d", printer_info.printer_status), mime_boundary, std::string(), &post_data); } printer_info_ = printer_info; if (!post_data.empty()) { // Terminate the request body post_data.append("--" + mime_boundary + "--\r\n"); std::string mime_type("multipart/form-data; boundary="); mime_type += mime_boundary; SetNextJSONHandler(&PrinterJobHandler::HandlePrinterUpdateResponse); request_ = new CloudPrintURLFetcher; request_->StartPostRequest( CloudPrintHelpers::GetUrlForPrinterUpdate( cloud_print_server_url_, printer_info_cloud_.printer_id), this, kCloudPrintAPIMaxRetryCount, mime_type, post_data, std::string()); } else { // We are done here. Go to the Stop state VLOG(1) << "CP_CONNECTOR: Stopping printer job handler" << ", printer name: " << printer_name; MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&PrinterJobHandler::Stop, this)); } } // The following methods are called on |print_thread_|. It is not safe to // access any members other than |job_handler_message_loop_proxy_|, // |job_spooler_| and |print_system_|. void PrinterJobHandler::DoPrint(const JobDetails& job_details, const std::string& printer_name) { job_spooler_ = print_system_->CreateJobSpooler(); DCHECK(job_spooler_); if (!job_spooler_) return; string16 document_name = printing::PrintBackend::SimplifyDocumentTitle( UTF8ToUTF16(job_details.job_title_)); if (document_name.empty()) { document_name = printing::PrintBackend::SimplifyDocumentTitle( l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_DEFAULT_PRINT_DOCUMENT_TITLE)); } if (!job_spooler_->Spool(job_details.print_ticket_, job_details.print_data_file_path_, job_details.print_data_mime_type_, printer_name, UTF16ToUTF8(document_name), job_details.tags_, this)) { OnJobSpoolFailed(); } }