# Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. { 'conditions': [ ['OS=="android" or OS=="linux" or OS=="mac" or OS=="win"', { 'variables': { 'files': [ # Other dependencies of the tests and their harness. '../third_party/typ/', '../third_party/catapult/', '../testing/test_env.py', '../testing/xvfb.py', '../testing/scripts/common.py', '../testing/scripts/run_telemetry_as_googletest.py', # The following represent the actual tests. '../content/test/gpu/', # For resolve the imports in content/test/gpu/run_gpu_test.py '../tools/perf/chrome_telemetry_build/', # For webgl_conformance_expectations_unittest '../third_party/webgl/src/sdk/tests/', ], 'command': [ '../testing/scripts/run_telemetry_as_googletest.py', '../content/test/gpu/run_unittests.py', '-v', ], }, }], ] }