include_rules = [ # The test directory can do whatever it wants in chrome. "+chrome", # Tests under chrome/ shouldn't need to access the internals of # content/ and as such are allowed only content/public and # content/test (which is the "public" directory for tests depending # on content/). If you find yourself wanting to write such a test, # or a test that depends primarily on content, think about whether # the test belongs under content/, or should be split up into a test # within content/ and a test within chrome/. "-content", "+content/public", "+content/test", # TODO(joi): Need to remove all of these and use only content/public # and content/test. # DO NOT ADD ANY MORE ITEMS TO THE LIST BELOW! "+content/browser/net/url_request_mock_http_job.h", "+content/browser/net/url_request_slow_http_job.h", "+content/browser/trace_controller.h", "+content/common/debug_flags.h", "+content/common/injection_test_dll.h", "+content/renderer/mock_content_renderer_client.h", # DO NOT ADD ANY MORE ITEMS TO THE ABOVE LIST! "+grit", # For generated headers "+sandbox/src", "+sandbox/tests", "+webkit/glue", "+webkit/plugins", ]