// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_TEST_AUTOMATION_AUTOCOMPLETE_EDIT_PROXY_H__ #define CHROME_TEST_AUTOMATION_AUTOCOMPLETE_EDIT_PROXY_H__ #include <string> #include <vector> #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete.h" #include "chrome/common/ipc_message.h" #include "chrome/common/ipc_message_utils.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/automation_handle_tracker.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" // The purpose of this class is to act as a serializable version of // AutocompleteMatch. The reason for this class is because we don't want to // serialize all elements of AutocompleteMatch and we want some data from the // autocomplete provider without the hassle of serializing it. struct AutocompleteMatchData { public: AutocompleteMatchData() {} explicit AutocompleteMatchData(const AutocompleteMatch& match) : provider_name(match.provider->name()), relevance(match.relevance), deletable(match.deletable), fill_into_edit(match.fill_into_edit), inline_autocomplete_offset(match.inline_autocomplete_offset), destination_url(match.destination_url), contents(match.contents), description(match.description), is_history_what_you_typed_match(match.is_history_what_you_typed_match), type(AutocompleteMatch::TypeToString(match.type)), starred(match.starred) { } std::string provider_name; int relevance; bool deletable; std::wstring fill_into_edit; size_t inline_autocomplete_offset; GURL destination_url; std::wstring contents; std::wstring description; bool is_history_what_you_typed_match; std::string type; bool starred; }; typedef std::vector<AutocompleteMatchData> Matches; namespace IPC { template <> struct ParamTraits<AutocompleteMatchData> { typedef AutocompleteMatchData param_type; static void Write(Message* m, const param_type& p) { m->WriteString(p.provider_name); m->WriteInt(p.relevance); m->WriteBool(p.deletable); m->WriteWString(p.fill_into_edit); m->WriteSize(p.inline_autocomplete_offset); m->WriteString(p.destination_url.possibly_invalid_spec()); m->WriteWString(p.contents); m->WriteWString(p.description); m->WriteBool(p.is_history_what_you_typed_match); m->WriteString(p.type); m->WriteBool(p.starred); } static bool Read(const Message* m, void** iter, param_type* r) { std::string destination_url; if (!m->ReadString(iter, &r->provider_name) || !m->ReadInt(iter, &r->relevance) || !m->ReadBool(iter, &r->deletable) || !m->ReadWString(iter, &r->fill_into_edit) || !m->ReadSize(iter, &r->inline_autocomplete_offset) || !m->ReadString(iter, &destination_url) || !m->ReadWString(iter, &r->contents) || !m->ReadWString(iter, &r->description) || !m->ReadBool(iter, &r->is_history_what_you_typed_match) || !m->ReadString(iter, &r->type) || !m->ReadBool(iter, &r->starred)) return false; r->destination_url = GURL(destination_url); return true; } static void Log(const param_type& p, std::wstring* l) { l->append(L"["); l->append(UTF8ToWide(p.provider_name)); l->append(L" "); l->append(IntToWString(p.relevance)); l->append(L" "); l->append(p.deletable ? L"true" : L"false"); l->append(L" "); l->append(p.fill_into_edit); l->append(L" "); l->append(IntToWString(p.inline_autocomplete_offset)); l->append(L" "); l->append(UTF8ToWide(p.destination_url.spec())); l->append(L" "); l->append(p.contents); l->append(L" "); l->append(p.description); l->append(L" "); l->append(p.is_history_what_you_typed_match ? L"true" : L"false"); l->append(L" "); l->append(UTF8ToWide(p.type)); l->append(L" "); l->append(p.starred ? L"true" : L"false"); l->append(L"]"); } }; } // namespace IPC class AutocompleteEditProxy : public AutomationResourceProxy { public: AutocompleteEditProxy(AutomationMessageSender* sender, AutomationHandleTracker* tracker, int handle) : AutomationResourceProxy(tracker, sender, handle) {} virtual ~AutocompleteEditProxy() {} // All these functions return true if the autocomplete edit is valid and // there are no IPC errors. // Gets the text visible in the omnibox. bool GetText(std::wstring* text) const; // Sets the text visible in the omnibox. bool SetText(const std::wstring& text); // Determines if a query to an autocomplete provider is still in progress. // NOTE: No autocomplete queries will be made if the omnibox doesn't have // focus. This can be achieved by sending a IDC_FOCUS_LOCATION accelerator // to the browser. bool IsQueryInProgress(bool* query_in_progress) const; // Gets a list of autocomplete matches that have been gathered so far. bool GetAutocompleteMatches(Matches* matches) const; // Waits for all queries to autocomplete providers to complete. // |wait_timeout_ms| gives the number of milliseconds to wait for the query // to finish. Returns false if IPC call failed or if the function times out. bool WaitForQuery(int wait_timeout_ms) const; private: DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(AutocompleteEditProxy); }; #endif // #define CHROME_TEST_AUTOMATION_AUTOCOMPLETE_EDIT_PROXY_H__