// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_TEST_AUTOMATION_PROXY_LAUNCHER_H_ #define CHROME_TEST_AUTOMATION_PROXY_LAUNCHER_H_ #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/process.h" #include "base/scoped_temp_dir.h" #include "base/time.h" class AutomationProxy; // Base class for all ProxyLauncher implementations. Contains functionality // fo launching, terminating, and connecting tests to browser processes. This // class determines which AutomationProxy implementation is used by a test. // Command line arguments passed to the browser are set in this class. // // Subclass from this class to use a different AutomationProxy // implementation or to override browser launching behavior. class ProxyLauncher { public: // Default ID for named testing interface. static const char kDefaultInterfaceId[]; // Different ways to quit the browser. enum ShutdownType { WINDOW_CLOSE, USER_QUIT, SESSION_ENDING, }; // POD containing state variables that determine how to launch browser. struct LaunchState { // If true the profile is cleared before launching. bool clear_profile; // If set, the profiles in this path are copied // into the user data directory for the test. FilePath template_user_data; // Called just before starting the browser to allow any setup of the // profile for the run time environment. base::Closure setup_profile_callback; // Command line to launch the browser. CommandLine command; // Should we supply the testing channel id on the command line? bool include_testing_id; // If true, the window is shown. Otherwise it is hidden. bool show_window; }; ProxyLauncher(); virtual ~ProxyLauncher(); // Launches the browser if needed and establishes a connection with it. // Returns true on success. virtual bool InitializeConnection( const LaunchState& state, bool wait_for_initial_loads) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0; // Shuts down the browser if needed and destroys any // connections established by InitalizeConnection. virtual void TerminateConnection() = 0; // Launches the browser and IPC testing connection in server mode. // Returns true on success. bool LaunchBrowserAndServer(const LaunchState& state, bool wait_for_initial_loads) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; // Launches the IPC testing connection in client mode, // which then attempts to connect to a browser. // Returns true on success. bool ConnectToRunningBrowser(bool wait_for_initial_loads) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; // Paired with LaunchBrowserAndServer(). // Closes the browser and IPC testing server. void CloseBrowserAndServer(); // Launches the browser with the given command line. Returns true on success. // TODO(phajdan.jr): Make LaunchBrowser private. Tests should use // LaunchAnotherBrowserBlockUntilClosed. bool LaunchBrowser(const LaunchState& state) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; #if !defined(OS_MACOSX) // This function is not defined on the Mac because the concept // doesn't apply to Mac; you can't have N browser processes. // Launches another browser process and waits for it to finish. // Returns true on success. bool LaunchAnotherBrowserBlockUntilClosed(const LaunchState& state); #endif // Exits out of browser instance. void QuitBrowser(); // Terminates the browser, simulates end of session. void TerminateBrowser(); // Check that no processes related to Chrome exist, displaying // the given message if any do. void AssertAppNotRunning(const std::string& error_message); // Wait for the browser process to shut down on its own (i.e. as a result of // some action that your test has taken). If it has exited within |timeout|, // puts the exit code in |exit_code| and returns true. bool WaitForBrowserProcessToQuit(int timeout, int* exit_code); AutomationProxy* automation() const; // Return the user data directory being used by the browser instance. FilePath user_data_dir() const; // Get the handle of browser process connected to the automation. This // function only returns a reference to the handle so the caller does not // own the handle returned. base::ProcessHandle process() const; // Return the process id of the browser process (-1 on error). base::ProcessId process_id() const; // Return the time when the browser was run. base::TimeTicks browser_launch_time() const; // Return how long the shutdown took. base::TimeDelta browser_quit_time() const; // Sets the shutdown type, which defaults to WINDOW_CLOSE. void set_shutdown_type(ShutdownType value) { shutdown_type_ = value; } protected: // Creates an automation proxy. virtual AutomationProxy* CreateAutomationProxy( int execution_timeout) = 0; // Returns the automation proxy's channel with any prefixes prepended, // for passing as a command line parameter over to the browser. virtual std::string PrefixedChannelID() const = 0; // Paired with ConnectToRunningBrowser(). // Disconnects the testing IPC from the browser. void DisconnectFromRunningBrowser(); virtual bool ShouldFilterInet() { return true; } private: bool WaitForBrowserLaunch(bool wait_for_initial_loads) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; // Prepare command line that will be used to launch the child browser process. void PrepareTestCommandline(CommandLine* command_line, bool include_testing_id); bool LaunchBrowserHelper(const LaunchState& state, bool main_launch, bool wait, base::ProcessHandle* process) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; scoped_ptr automation_proxy_; // We use a temporary directory for profile to avoid issues with being // unable to delete some files because they're in use, etc. ScopedTempDir temp_profile_dir_; // Handle to the first Chrome process. base::ProcessHandle process_; // PID of |process_| (for debugging). base::ProcessId process_id_; // Time when the browser was run. base::TimeTicks browser_launch_time_; // How long the shutdown took. base::TimeDelta browser_quit_time_; // The method for shutting down the browser. Used in ShutdownTest. ShutdownType shutdown_type_; // If true, runs the renderer outside the sandbox. bool no_sandbox_; // If true, write full memory dump during crash. bool full_memory_dump_; // If true, a user is paying attention to the test, so show error dialogs. bool show_error_dialogs_; // Include histograms in log on exit. bool dump_histograms_on_exit_; // Enable dchecks in release mode. bool enable_dcheck_; // Dump process memory on dcheck without crashing. bool silent_dump_on_dcheck_; // Disable breakpad on the browser. bool disable_breakpad_; // Flags passed to the JS engine. std::string js_flags_; // Logging level. std::string log_level_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ProxyLauncher); }; // Uses an automation proxy that communicates over a named socket. // This is used if you want to connect an AutomationProxy // to a browser process that is already running. // The channel id of the proxy is a constant specified by kInterfacePath. class NamedProxyLauncher : public ProxyLauncher { public: // If launch_browser is true, launches Chrome with named interface enabled. // Otherwise, there should be an existing instance the proxy can connect to. NamedProxyLauncher(const std::string& channel_id, bool launch_browser, bool disconnect_on_failure); virtual AutomationProxy* CreateAutomationProxy(int execution_timeout); virtual bool InitializeConnection( const LaunchState& state, bool wait_for_initial_loads) OVERRIDE WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual void TerminateConnection(); virtual std::string PrefixedChannelID() const; protected: std::string channel_id_; // Channel id of automation proxy. bool launch_browser_; // True if we should launch the browser too. bool disconnect_on_failure_; // True if we disconnect on IPC channel failure. private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NamedProxyLauncher); }; // Uses an automation proxy that communicates over an anonymous socket. class AnonymousProxyLauncher : public ProxyLauncher { public: explicit AnonymousProxyLauncher(bool disconnect_on_failure); virtual AutomationProxy* CreateAutomationProxy(int execution_timeout); virtual bool InitializeConnection( const LaunchState& state, bool wait_for_initial_loads) OVERRIDE WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual void TerminateConnection(); virtual std::string PrefixedChannelID() const; protected: std::string channel_id_; // Channel id of automation proxy. bool disconnect_on_failure_; // True if we disconnect on IPC channel failure. private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AnonymousProxyLauncher); }; #endif // CHROME_TEST_AUTOMATION_PROXY_LAUNCHER_H_