// Copyright 2008, Google Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "chrome/test/automation/tab_proxy.h" #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "chrome/common/json_value_serializer.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/automation_constants.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/automation_messages.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/automation_proxy.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/constrained_window_proxy.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" bool TabProxy::GetTabTitle(std::wstring* title) const { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!title) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_TabTitleRequest(0, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_TabTitleResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return false; void* iter = NULL; int tab_title_size_response = -1; if (response->ReadInt(&iter, &tab_title_size_response) && (tab_title_size_response >= 0)) { response->ReadWString(&iter, title); } else { succeeded = false; } delete response; return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::IsShelfVisible(bool* is_visible) { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!is_visible) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_ShelfVisibilityRequest(0, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_ShelfVisibilityResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return false; void* iter = NULL; response->ReadBool(&iter, is_visible); delete response; return true; } bool TabProxy::OpenFindInPage() { if (!is_valid()) return false; return sender_->Send( new AutomationMsg_OpenFindInPageRequest(0, handle_)); // This message expects no response. } int TabProxy::FindInPage(const std::wstring& search_string, FindInPageDirection forward, FindInPageCase match_case) { if (!is_valid()) return -1; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_FindInPageRequest(0, handle_, search_string, forward, match_case), &response, AutomationMsg_FindInPageResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return -1; void* iter = NULL; int matches_found; AutomationMsg_FindInPageResponse::Read(response, &matches_found); return matches_found; } int TabProxy::NavigateToURL(const GURL& url) { return NavigateToURLWithTimeout(url, INFINITE, NULL); } int TabProxy::NavigateToURLWithTimeout(const GURL& url, uint32 timeout_ms, bool* is_timeout) { if (!is_valid()) return AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponseWithTimeout( new AutomationMsg_NavigateToURLRequest(0, handle_, url), &response, AutomationMsg_NavigateToURLResponse::ID, timeout_ms, is_timeout); if (!succeeded) return AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; void* iter = NULL; int navigate_response = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; response->ReadInt(&iter, &navigate_response); delete response; return navigate_response; } int TabProxy::NavigateInExternalTab(const GURL& url) { if (!is_valid()) return AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool is_timeout = false; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponseWithTimeout( new AutomationMsg_NavigateInExternalTabRequest(0, handle_, url), &response, AutomationMsg_NavigateInExternalTabResponse::ID, INFINITE, &is_timeout); if (!succeeded) return AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; void* iter = NULL; int navigate_response = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; response->ReadInt(&iter, &navigate_response); delete response; return navigate_response; } bool TabProxy::SetAuth(const std::wstring& username, const std::wstring& password) { if (!is_valid()) return false; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_SetAuthRequest(0, handle_, username, password), &response, AutomationMsg_SetAuthResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return false; void* iter = NULL; int navigate_response = -1; succeeded = (response->ReadInt(&iter, &navigate_response) && navigate_response >= 0); delete response; return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::CancelAuth() { if (!is_valid()) return false; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_CancelAuthRequest(0, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_CancelAuthResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return false; void* iter = NULL; int navigate_response = -1; succeeded = (response->ReadInt(&iter, &navigate_response) && navigate_response >= 0); delete response; return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::NeedsAuth() const { if (!is_valid()) return false; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_NeedsAuthRequest(0, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_NeedsAuthResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return false; void* iter = NULL; bool needs_auth = false; response->ReadBool(&iter, &needs_auth); delete response; return needs_auth; } int TabProxy::GoBack() { if (!is_valid()) return AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_GoBackRequest(0, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_GoBackResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; void* iter = NULL; int navigate_response = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; response->ReadInt(&iter, &navigate_response); delete response; return navigate_response; } int TabProxy::GoForward() { if (!is_valid()) return AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_GoForwardRequest(0, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_GoForwardResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; void* iter = NULL; int navigate_response = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; response->ReadInt(&iter, &navigate_response); delete response; return navigate_response; } int TabProxy::Reload() { if (!is_valid()) return AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_ReloadRequest(0, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_ReloadResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; void* iter = NULL; int navigate_response = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; response->ReadInt(&iter, &navigate_response); delete response; return navigate_response; } bool TabProxy::GetRedirectsFrom(const GURL& source_url, std::vector* redirects) { std::vector output; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_RedirectsFromRequest(0, handle_, source_url), &response, AutomationMsg_RedirectsFromResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return false; scoped_ptr auto_deleter(response); void* iter = NULL; int num_redirects; if (!response->ReadInt(&iter, &num_redirects)) return false; if (num_redirects < 0) return false; // Negative redirect counts indicate failure. for (int i = 0; i < num_redirects; i++) { GURL cur; if (!IPC::ParamTraits::Read(response, &iter, &cur)) return false; output.push_back(cur); } redirects->swap(output); return true; } bool TabProxy::GetCurrentURL(GURL* url) const { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!url) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_TabURLRequest(0, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_TabURLResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return false; void* iter = NULL; bool tab_url_success = false; if (response->ReadBool(&iter, &tab_url_success) && tab_url_success) { if (!IPC::ParamTraits::Read(response, &iter, url)) succeeded = false; } else { succeeded = false; } delete response; return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::NavigateToURLAsync(const GURL& url) { if (!is_valid()) return false; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_NavigationAsyncRequest(0, handle_, url), &response, AutomationMsg_NavigationAsyncResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return false; bool status; if (AutomationMsg_NavigationAsyncResponse::Read(response, &status) && status) { succeeded = true; } delete response; return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::GetHWND(HWND* hwnd) const { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!hwnd) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_TabHWNDRequest(0, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_TabHWNDResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return false; void* iter = NULL; HWND tab_hwnd = NULL; if (AutomationMsg_TabHWNDResponse::Read(response, &tab_hwnd) && tab_hwnd) { *hwnd = tab_hwnd; } else { succeeded = false; } delete response; return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::GetProcessID(int* process_id) const { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!process_id) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_TabProcessIDRequest(0, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_TabProcessIDResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return false; void* iter = NULL; int pid; if (AutomationMsg_TabProcessIDResponse::Read(response, &pid) && (pid >= 0)) { *process_id = pid; } else { succeeded = false; } delete response; return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::ExecuteAndExtractString(const std::wstring& frame_xpath, const std::wstring& jscript, std::wstring* string_value) { Value* root = NULL; bool succeeded = ExecuteAndExtractValue(frame_xpath, jscript, &root); if (!succeeded) return false; std::wstring read_value; DCHECK(root->IsType(Value::TYPE_LIST)); Value* value = NULL; succeeded = static_cast(root)->Get(0, &value); if (succeeded) { succeeded = value->GetAsString(&read_value); if (succeeded) { string_value->swap(read_value); } } delete root; return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::ExecuteAndExtractBool(const std::wstring& frame_xpath, const std::wstring& jscript, bool* bool_value) { Value* root = NULL; bool succeeded = ExecuteAndExtractValue(frame_xpath, jscript, &root); if (!succeeded) return false; bool read_value = false; DCHECK(root->IsType(Value::TYPE_LIST)); Value* value = NULL; succeeded = static_cast(root)->Get(0, &value); if (succeeded) { succeeded = value->GetAsBoolean(&read_value); if (succeeded) { *bool_value = read_value; } } delete value; return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::ExecuteAndExtractInt(const std::wstring& frame_xpath, const std::wstring& jscript, int* int_value) { Value* root = NULL; bool succeeded = ExecuteAndExtractValue(frame_xpath, jscript, &root); if (!succeeded) return false; int read_value = 0; DCHECK(root->IsType(Value::TYPE_LIST)); Value* value = NULL; succeeded = static_cast(root)->Get(0, &value); if (succeeded) { succeeded = value->GetAsInteger(&read_value); if (succeeded) { *int_value = read_value; } } delete value; return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::ExecuteAndExtractValue(const std::wstring& frame_xpath, const std::wstring& jscript, Value** value) { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!value) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_DomOperationRequest(0, handle_, frame_xpath, jscript), &response, AutomationMsg_DomOperationResponse::ID); void* iter = NULL; std::string json; succeeded = response->ReadString(&iter, &json); if (!succeeded) { delete response; return false; } // Wrap |json| in an array before deserializing because valid JSON has an // array or an object as the root. json.insert(0, "["); json.append("]"); JSONStringValueSerializer deserializer(json); succeeded = deserializer.Deserialize(value); delete response; return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::GetConstrainedWindowCount(int* count) const { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!count) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_ConstrainedWindowCountRequest(0, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_ConstrainedWindowCountResponse::ID); void* iter = NULL; int count_response = -1; if (response->ReadInt(&iter, &count_response) && (count_response >= 0)) { *count = count_response; } else { succeeded = false; } delete response; return succeeded; } ConstrainedWindowProxy* TabProxy::GetConstrainedWindow( int window_index) const { if (!is_valid()) return NULL; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_ConstrainedWindowRequest(0, handle_, window_index), &response, AutomationMsg_ConstrainedWindowResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return NULL; void* iter = NULL; int handle; scoped_ptr response_deleter(response); // Ensure deleted. if (response->ReadInt(&iter, &handle) && (handle != 0)) return new ConstrainedWindowProxy(sender_, tracker_, handle); return NULL; } bool TabProxy::WaitForChildWindowCountToChange(int count, int* new_count, int wait_timeout) { int intervals = std::min(wait_timeout/automation::kSleepTime, 1); for (int i = 0; i < intervals; ++i) { Sleep(automation::kSleepTime); bool succeeded = GetConstrainedWindowCount(new_count); if (!succeeded) return false; if (count != *new_count) return true; } // Constrained Window count did not change, return false. return false; } bool TabProxy::GetCookies(const GURL& url, std::string* cookies) { if (!is_valid()) return false; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_GetCookiesRequest(0, url, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_GetCookiesResponse::ID); if (succeeded) { void* iter = NULL; int size; std::string local_value; if (response->ReadInt(&iter, &size) && size >=0) { if (!response->ReadString(&iter, cookies)) { succeeded = false; } } else { succeeded = false; } } delete response; return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::GetCookieByName(const GURL& url, const std::string& name, std::string* cookie) { std::string cookies; if (!GetCookies(url, &cookies)) return false; std::string namestr = name + "="; std::string::size_type idx = cookies.find(namestr); if (idx != std::string::npos) { cookies.erase(0, idx + namestr.length()); *cookie = cookies.substr(0, cookies.find(";")); } else { cookie->clear(); } return true; } bool TabProxy::SetCookie(const GURL& url, const std::string& value) { IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_SetCookieRequest(0, url, value, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_SetCookieResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return false; void* iter = NULL; int response_value; if (!response->ReadInt(&iter, &response_value) || response_value < 0) { succeeded = false; } delete response; return succeeded; } int TabProxy::InspectElement(int x, int y) { if (!is_valid()) return -1; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_InspectElementRequest(0, handle_, x, y), &response, AutomationMsg_InspectElementResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return -1; int ret; AutomationMsg_InspectElementResponse::Read(response, &ret); return ret; } bool TabProxy::GetDownloadDirectory(std::wstring* download_directory) { DCHECK(download_directory); if (!is_valid()) return false; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_DownloadDirectoryRequest(0, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_DownloadDirectoryResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return false; void* iter = NULL; response->ReadWString(&iter, download_directory); delete response; return true; } bool TabProxy::ShowInterstitialPage(const std::string& html_text) { if (!is_valid()) return false; const int kTimeout = 2000; bool is_timeout = false; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponseWithTimeout( new AutomationMsg_ShowInterstitialPageRequest(0, handle_, html_text), &response, AutomationMsg_ShowInterstitialPageResponse::ID, kTimeout, &is_timeout); if (!succeeded || !is_timeout) return false; void* iter = NULL; bool result = true; response->ReadBool(&iter, &result); delete response; return result; } bool TabProxy::HideInterstitialPage() { if (!is_valid()) return false; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_HideInterstitialPageRequest(0, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_HideInterstitialPageResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return false; void* iter = NULL; bool result = true; response->ReadBool(&iter, &result); delete response; return result; } bool TabProxy::Close() { return Close(false); } bool TabProxy::Close(bool wait_until_closed) { if (!is_valid()) return false; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_CloseTabRequest(0, handle_, wait_until_closed), &response, AutomationMsg_CloseTabResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return false; void* iter = NULL; bool result = true; response->ReadBool(&iter, &result); delete response; return result; } bool TabProxy::SetAccelerators(HACCEL accel_table, int accel_table_entry_count) { if (!is_valid()) return false; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool is_timeout = false; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponseWithTimeout( new AutomationMsg_SetAcceleratorsForTab(0, handle_, accel_table, accel_table_entry_count), &response, AutomationMsg_SetAcceleratorsForTabResponse::ID, INFINITE, &is_timeout); if (!succeeded) return AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; void* iter = NULL; bool set_accel_response = false; response->ReadBool(&iter, &set_accel_response); delete response; return set_accel_response; } bool TabProxy::ProcessUnhandledAccelerator(const MSG& msg) { if (!is_valid()) return false; return sender_->Send( new AutomationMsg_ProcessUnhandledAccelerator(0, handle_, msg)); // This message expects no response } bool TabProxy::WaitForTabToBeRestored(uint32 timeout_ms) { if (!is_valid()) return false; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool is_timeout; return sender_->SendAndWaitForResponseWithTimeout( new AutomationMsg_WaitForTabToBeRestored(0, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_TabFinishedRestoring::ID, timeout_ms, &is_timeout); } bool TabProxy::GetSecurityState(SecurityStyle* security_style, int* ssl_cert_status, int* mixed_content_state) { DCHECK(security_style && ssl_cert_status && mixed_content_state); if (!is_valid()) return false; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool is_timeout = false; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponseWithTimeout( new AutomationMsg_GetSecurityState(0, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_GetSecurityStateResponse::ID, INFINITE, &is_timeout); scoped_ptr auto_deleter(response); if (!succeeded) return false; void* iter = NULL; int value; response->ReadBool(&iter, &succeeded); if (!succeeded) return false; response->ReadInt(&iter, &value); *security_style = static_cast(value); response->ReadInt(&iter, ssl_cert_status); response->ReadInt(&iter, mixed_content_state); return true; } bool TabProxy::GetPageType(NavigationEntry::PageType* page_type) { DCHECK(page_type); if (!is_valid()) return false; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool is_timeout = false; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponseWithTimeout( new AutomationMsg_GetPageType(0, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_GetPageTypeResponse::ID, INFINITE, &is_timeout); scoped_ptr auto_deleter(response); if (!succeeded) return false; void* iter = NULL; int value; response->ReadBool(&iter, &succeeded); if (!succeeded) return false; response->ReadInt(&iter, &value); *page_type = static_cast(value); return true; } bool TabProxy::TakeActionOnSSLBlockingPage(bool proceed) { if (!is_valid()) return false; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool is_timeout = false; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponseWithTimeout( new AutomationMsg_ActionOnSSLBlockingPage(0, handle_, proceed), &response, AutomationMsg_ActionOnSSLBlockingPageResponse::ID, INFINITE, &is_timeout); scoped_ptr auto_deleter(response); if (!succeeded) return false; void* iter = NULL; bool status = false; response->ReadBool(&iter, &status); return status; } bool TabProxy::PrintNow() { if (!is_valid()) return false; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_PrintNowRequest(0, handle_), &response, AutomationMsg_PrintNowResponse::ID); scoped_ptr auto_deleter(response); if (!succeeded) return false; void* iter = NULL; succeeded = false; return response->ReadBool(&iter, &succeeded) && succeeded; } bool TabProxy::SavePage(const std::wstring& file_name, const std::wstring& dir_path, SavePackage::SavePackageType type) { if (!is_valid()) return false; IPC::Message* response = NULL; bool succeeded = sender_->SendAndWaitForResponse( new AutomationMsg_SavePageRequest(0, handle_, file_name, dir_path, static_cast(type)), &response, AutomationMsg_SavePageResponse::ID); if (!succeeded) return false; void* iter = NULL; response->ReadBool(&iter, &succeeded); delete response; return succeeded; }