// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/test/automation/tab_proxy.h" #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/common/json_value_serializer.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/automation_constants.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/automation_messages.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/automation_proxy.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" bool TabProxy::GetTabTitle(std::wstring* title) const { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!title) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } int tab_title_size_response = 0; bool succeeded = sender_->Send( new AutomationMsg_TabTitle(0, handle_, &tab_title_size_response, title)); return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::GetTabIndex(int* index) const { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!index) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } return sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_TabIndex(0, handle_, index)); } int TabProxy::FindInPage(const std::wstring& search_string, FindInPageDirection forward, FindInPageCase match_case, bool find_next, int* ordinal) { if (!is_valid()) return -1; AutomationMsg_Find_Params params; params.unused = 0; params.search_string = WideToUTF16Hack(search_string); params.find_next = find_next; params.match_case = (match_case == CASE_SENSITIVE); params.forward = (forward == FWD); int matches = 0; int ordinal2 = 0; bool succeeded = sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_Find(0, handle_, params, &ordinal2, &matches)); if (!succeeded) return -1; if (ordinal) *ordinal = ordinal2; return matches; } AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues TabProxy::NavigateToURL( const GURL& url) { return NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete(url, 1); } AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues TabProxy::NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete( const GURL& url, int number_of_navigations) { if (!is_valid()) return AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues navigate_response = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; if (number_of_navigations == 1) { // TODO(phajdan.jr): Remove when the reference build gets updated. // This is only for backwards compatibility. sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_NavigateToURL(0, handle_, url, &navigate_response)); } else { sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_NavigateToURLBlockUntilNavigationsComplete( 0, handle_, url, number_of_navigations, &navigate_response)); } return navigate_response; } AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues TabProxy::NavigateInExternalTab( const GURL& url, const GURL& referrer) { if (!is_valid()) return AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues rv = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_NavigateInExternalTab(0, handle_, url, referrer, &rv)); return rv; } AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues TabProxy::NavigateExternalTabAtIndex( int index) { if (!is_valid()) return AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues rv = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_NavigateExternalTabAtIndex(0, handle_, index, &rv)); return rv; } bool TabProxy::SetAuth(const std::wstring& username, const std::wstring& password) { if (!is_valid()) return false; AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues navigate_response = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_SetAuth(0, handle_, username, password, &navigate_response)); return navigate_response == AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS; } bool TabProxy::CancelAuth() { if (!is_valid()) return false; AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues navigate_response = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_CancelAuth(0, handle_, &navigate_response)); return navigate_response == AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS; } bool TabProxy::NeedsAuth() const { if (!is_valid()) return false; bool needs_auth = false; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_NeedsAuth(0, handle_, &needs_auth)); return needs_auth; } AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues TabProxy::GoBack() { return GoBackBlockUntilNavigationsComplete(1); } AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues TabProxy::GoBackBlockUntilNavigationsComplete(int number_of_navigations) { if (!is_valid()) return AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues navigate_response = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_GoBackBlockUntilNavigationsComplete( 0, handle_, number_of_navigations, &navigate_response)); return navigate_response; } AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues TabProxy::GoForward() { return GoForwardBlockUntilNavigationsComplete(1); } AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues TabProxy::GoForwardBlockUntilNavigationsComplete( int number_of_navigations) { if (!is_valid()) return AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues navigate_response = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_GoForwardBlockUntilNavigationsComplete( 0, handle_, number_of_navigations, &navigate_response)); return navigate_response; } AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues TabProxy::Reload() { if (!is_valid()) return AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues navigate_response = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_Reload(0, handle_, &navigate_response)); return navigate_response; } bool TabProxy::GetRedirectsFrom(const GURL& source_url, std::vector* redirects) { bool succeeded = false; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_RedirectsFrom(0, handle_, source_url, &succeeded, redirects)); return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::GetCurrentURL(GURL* url) const { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!url) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } bool succeeded = false; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_TabURL(0, handle_, &succeeded, url)); return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::NavigateToURLAsync(const GURL& url) { if (!is_valid()) return false; bool status = false; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_NavigationAsync(0, handle_, url, &status)); return status; } #if defined(OS_WIN) // TODO(port): Get rid of HWND. bool TabProxy::GetHWND(HWND* hwnd) const { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!hwnd) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } return sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_TabHWND(0, handle_, hwnd)); } #endif // defined(OS_WIN) bool TabProxy::GetProcessID(int* process_id) const { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!process_id) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } return sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_TabProcessID(0, handle_, process_id)); } bool TabProxy::ExecuteAndExtractString(const std::wstring& frame_xpath, const std::wstring& jscript, std::wstring* string_value) { Value* root = NULL; bool succeeded = ExecuteAndExtractValue(frame_xpath, jscript, &root); if (!succeeded) return false; std::wstring read_value; DCHECK(root->IsType(Value::TYPE_LIST)); Value* value = NULL; succeeded = static_cast(root)->Get(0, &value); if (succeeded) { succeeded = value->GetAsString(&read_value); if (succeeded) { string_value->swap(read_value); } } delete root; return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::ExecuteAndExtractBool(const std::wstring& frame_xpath, const std::wstring& jscript, bool* bool_value) { Value* root = NULL; bool succeeded = ExecuteAndExtractValue(frame_xpath, jscript, &root); if (!succeeded) return false; bool read_value = false; DCHECK(root->IsType(Value::TYPE_LIST)); Value* value = NULL; succeeded = static_cast(root)->Get(0, &value); if (succeeded) { succeeded = value->GetAsBoolean(&read_value); if (succeeded) { *bool_value = read_value; } } delete value; return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::ExecuteAndExtractInt(const std::wstring& frame_xpath, const std::wstring& jscript, int* int_value) { Value* root = NULL; bool succeeded = ExecuteAndExtractValue(frame_xpath, jscript, &root); if (!succeeded) return false; int read_value = 0; DCHECK(root->IsType(Value::TYPE_LIST)); Value* value = NULL; succeeded = static_cast(root)->Get(0, &value); if (succeeded) { succeeded = value->GetAsInteger(&read_value); if (succeeded) { *int_value = read_value; } } delete value; return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::ExecuteAndExtractValue(const std::wstring& frame_xpath, const std::wstring& jscript, Value** value) { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!value) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } std::string json; if (!sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_DomOperation(0, handle_, frame_xpath, jscript, &json))) return false; // Wrap |json| in an array before deserializing because valid JSON has an // array or an object as the root. json.insert(0, "["); json.append("]"); JSONStringValueSerializer deserializer(json); *value = deserializer.Deserialize(NULL, NULL); return *value != NULL; } DOMElementProxyRef TabProxy::GetDOMDocument() { if (!is_valid()) return NULL; int element_handle; if (!ExecuteJavaScriptAndGetReturn("document", &element_handle)) return NULL; return GetObjectProxy(element_handle); } bool TabProxy::SetEnableExtensionAutomation( const std::vector& functions_enabled) { if (!is_valid()) return false; return sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_SetEnableExtensionAutomation( 0, handle_, functions_enabled)); } bool TabProxy::GetConstrainedWindowCount(int* count) const { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!count) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } return sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_ConstrainedWindowCount( 0, handle_, count)); } bool TabProxy::WaitForChildWindowCountToChange(int count, int* new_count, int wait_timeout) { int intervals = std::max(wait_timeout / automation::kSleepTime, 1); for (int i = 0; i < intervals; ++i) { PlatformThread::Sleep(automation::kSleepTime); bool succeeded = GetConstrainedWindowCount(new_count); if (!succeeded) return false; if (count != *new_count) return true; } // Constrained Window count did not change, return false. return false; } bool TabProxy::GetBlockedPopupCount(int* count) const { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!count) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } return sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_BlockedPopupCount( 0, handle_, count)); } bool TabProxy::WaitForBlockedPopupCountToChangeTo(int target_count, int wait_timeout) { int intervals = std::max(wait_timeout / automation::kSleepTime, 1); for (int i = 0; i < intervals; ++i) { PlatformThread::Sleep(automation::kSleepTime); int new_count = -1; bool succeeded = GetBlockedPopupCount(&new_count); if (!succeeded) return false; if (target_count == new_count) return true; } // Constrained Window count did not change, return false. return false; } bool TabProxy::GetCookies(const GURL& url, std::string* cookies) { if (!is_valid()) return false; int size = 0; return sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_GetCookies(0, url, handle_, &size, cookies)); } bool TabProxy::GetCookieByName(const GURL& url, const std::string& name, std::string* cookie) { std::string cookies; if (!GetCookies(url, &cookies)) return false; std::string namestr = name + "="; std::string::size_type idx = cookies.find(namestr); if (idx != std::string::npos) { cookies.erase(0, idx + namestr.length()); *cookie = cookies.substr(0, cookies.find(";")); } else { cookie->clear(); } return true; } bool TabProxy::SetCookie(const GURL& url, const std::string& value) { int response_value = 0; return sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_SetCookie(0, url, value, handle_, &response_value)); } int TabProxy::InspectElement(int x, int y) { if (!is_valid()) return -1; int ret = -1; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_InspectElement(0, handle_, x, y, &ret)); return ret; } bool TabProxy::GetDownloadDirectory(FilePath* directory) { DCHECK(directory); if (!is_valid()) return false; return sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_DownloadDirectory(0, handle_, directory)); } bool TabProxy::ShowInterstitialPage(const std::string& html_text) { if (!is_valid()) return false; AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues result = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; if (!sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_ShowInterstitialPage( 0, handle_, html_text, &result))) { return false; } return result == AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS; } bool TabProxy::HideInterstitialPage() { if (!is_valid()) return false; bool result = false; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_HideInterstitialPage(0, handle_, &result)); return result; } bool TabProxy::Close() { return Close(false); } bool TabProxy::Close(bool wait_until_closed) { if (!is_valid()) return false; bool succeeded = false; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_CloseTab(0, handle_, wait_until_closed, &succeeded)); return succeeded; } #if defined(OS_WIN) // TODO(port): Remove windowsisms. bool TabProxy::ProcessUnhandledAccelerator(const MSG& msg) { if (!is_valid()) return false; return sender_->Send( new AutomationMsg_ProcessUnhandledAccelerator(0, handle_, msg)); // This message expects no response } #endif // defined(OS_WIN) bool TabProxy::SetInitialFocus(bool reverse) { if (!is_valid()) return false; return sender_->Send( new AutomationMsg_SetInitialFocus(0, handle_, reverse)); // This message expects no response } bool TabProxy::WaitForTabToBeRestored(uint32 timeout_ms) { if (!is_valid()) return false; return sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_WaitForTabToBeRestored(0, handle_)); } bool TabProxy::GetSecurityState(SecurityStyle* security_style, int* ssl_cert_status, int* mixed_content_state) { DCHECK(security_style && ssl_cert_status && mixed_content_state); if (!is_valid()) return false; bool succeeded = false; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_GetSecurityState( 0, handle_, &succeeded, security_style, ssl_cert_status, mixed_content_state)); return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::GetPageType(NavigationEntry::PageType* type) { DCHECK(type); if (!is_valid()) return false; bool succeeded = false; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_GetPageType(0, handle_, &succeeded, type)); return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::TakeActionOnSSLBlockingPage(bool proceed) { if (!is_valid()) return false; AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues result = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_ActionOnSSLBlockingPage(0, handle_, proceed, &result)); return result == AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS || result == AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_AUTH_NEEDED; } bool TabProxy::PrintNow() { if (!is_valid()) return false; bool succeeded = false; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_PrintNow(0, handle_, &succeeded)); return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::PrintAsync() { if (!is_valid()) return false; return sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_PrintAsync(0, handle_)); } bool TabProxy::SavePage(const FilePath& file_name, const FilePath& dir_path, SavePackage::SavePackageType type) { if (!is_valid()) return false; bool succeeded = false; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_SavePage(0, handle_, file_name, dir_path, static_cast(type), &succeeded)); return succeeded; } void TabProxy::HandleMessageFromExternalHost(const std::string& message, const std::string& origin, const std::string& target) { if (!is_valid()) return; bool succeeded = sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_HandleMessageFromExternalHost(0, handle_, message, origin, target)); DCHECK(succeeded); } bool TabProxy::GetInfoBarCount(int* count) { if (!is_valid()) return false; return sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_GetInfoBarCount(0, handle_, count)); } bool TabProxy::WaitForInfoBarCount(int target_count, int wait_timeout) { int intervals = std::max(wait_timeout / automation::kSleepTime, 1); for (int i = 0; i < intervals; ++i) { PlatformThread::Sleep(automation::kSleepTime); int new_count = -1; if (!GetInfoBarCount(&new_count)) return false; if (target_count == new_count) return true; } return false; } bool TabProxy::ClickInfoBarAccept(int info_bar_index, bool wait_for_navigation) { if (!is_valid()) return false; AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues result = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_ClickInfoBarAccept( 0, handle_, info_bar_index, wait_for_navigation, &result)); return result == AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS || result == AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_AUTH_NEEDED; } bool TabProxy::GetLastNavigationTime(int64* nav_time) { if (!is_valid()) return false; bool success = false; success = sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_GetLastNavigationTime( 0, handle_, nav_time)); return success; } bool TabProxy::WaitForNavigation(int64 last_navigation_time) { if (!is_valid()) return false; AutomationMsg_NavigationResponseValues result = AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_ERROR; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_WaitForNavigation(0, handle_, last_navigation_time, &result)); return result == AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS || result == AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_AUTH_NEEDED; } bool TabProxy::GetPageCurrentEncoding(std::string* encoding) { if (!is_valid()) return false; bool succeeded = sender_->Send( new AutomationMsg_GetPageCurrentEncoding(0, handle_, encoding)); return succeeded; } bool TabProxy::OverrideEncoding(const std::string& encoding) { if (!is_valid()) return false; bool succeeded = false; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_OverrideEncoding(0, handle_, encoding, &succeeded)); return succeeded; } #if defined(OS_WIN) void TabProxy::Reposition(HWND window, HWND window_insert_after, int left, int top, int width, int height, int flags, HWND parent_window) { IPC::Reposition_Params params = {0}; params.window = window; params.window_insert_after = window_insert_after; params.left = left; params.top = top; params.width = width; params.height = height; params.flags = flags; params.set_parent = (::IsWindow(parent_window) ? true : false); params.parent_window = parent_window; sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_TabReposition(0, handle_, params)); } void TabProxy::SendContextMenuCommand(int selected_command) { sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_ForwardContextMenuCommandToChrome( 0, handle_, selected_command)); } void TabProxy::OnHostMoved() { sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_BrowserMove(0, handle_)); } #endif // defined(OS_WIN) void TabProxy::SelectAll() { sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_SelectAll(0, handle_)); } void TabProxy::Cut() { sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_Cut(0, handle_)); } void TabProxy::Copy() { sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_Copy(0, handle_)); } void TabProxy::Paste() { sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_Paste(0, handle_)); } void TabProxy::ReloadAsync() { sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_ReloadAsync(0, handle_)); } void TabProxy::StopAsync() { sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_StopAsync(0, handle_)); } void TabProxy::SaveAsAsync() { sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_SaveAsAsync(0, handle_)); } void TabProxy::AddObserver(TabProxyDelegate* observer) { AutoLock lock(list_lock_); observers_list_.AddObserver(observer); } void TabProxy::RemoveObserver(TabProxyDelegate* observer) { AutoLock lock(list_lock_); observers_list_.RemoveObserver(observer); } // Called on Channel background thread, if TabMessages filter is installed. void TabProxy::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) { AutoLock lock(list_lock_); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TabProxyDelegate, observers_list_, OnMessageReceived(this, message)); } void TabProxy::OnChannelError() { AutoLock lock(list_lock_); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TabProxyDelegate, observers_list_, OnChannelError(this)); } bool TabProxy::ExecuteJavaScriptAndGetJSON(const std::string& script, std::string* json) { if (!is_valid()) return false; if (!json) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } return sender_->Send(new AutomationMsg_DomOperation(0, handle_, L"", UTF8ToWide(script), json)); } void TabProxy::FirstObjectAdded() { AddRef(); } void TabProxy::LastObjectRemoved() { Release(); }