// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * @fileoverview Library providing basic test framework functionality. */ /** * Namespace for |Test|. * @type {Object} */ var testing = {}; (function(exports) { /** * Hold the currentTestCase across between preLoad and run. * @type {TestCase} */ var currentTestCase = null; /** * The string representation of the currently running test function. * @type {?string} */ var currentTestFunction = null; /** * The arguments of the currently running test. * @type {?Array} */ var currentTestArguments = null; /** * This class will be exported as testing.Test, and is provided to hold the * fixture's configuration and callback methods for the various phases of * invoking a test. It is called "Test" rather than TestFixture to roughly * mimic the gtest's class names. * @constructor */ function Test() {} Test.prototype = { /** * The name of the test. */ name: null, /** * When set to a string value representing a url, generate BrowsePreload * call, which will browse to the url and call fixture.preLoad of the * currentTestCase. * @type {string} */ browsePreload: null, /** * When set to a string value representing an html page in the test * directory, generate BrowsePrintPreload call, which will browse to a url * representing the file, cause print, and call fixture.preLoad of the * currentTestCase. * @type {string} */ browsePrintPreload: null, /** * When set to a function, will be called in the context of the test * generation inside the function, and before any generated C++. * @type {function(string,string)} */ testGenPreamble: null, /** * When set to a function, will be called in the context of the test * generation inside the function, and after any generated C++. * @type {function(string,string)} */ testGenPostamble: null, /** * When set to a non-null string, auto-generate typedef before generating * TEST*: {@code typedef typedefCppFixture testFixture}. * @type {string} */ typedefCppFixture: 'WebUIBrowserTest', /** * This should be initialized by the test fixture and can be referenced * during the test run. It holds any mocked handler methods. * @type {?Mock4JS.Mock} */ mockHandler: null, /** * This should be initialized by the test fixture and can be referenced * during the test run. It holds any mocked global functions. * @type {?Mock4JS.Mock} */ mockGlobals: null, /** * Value is passed through call to C++ RunJavascriptF to invoke this test. * @type {boolean} */ isAsync: false, /** * True when the test is expected to fail for testing the test framework. * @type {boolean} */ testShouldFail: false, /** * Extra libraries to add before loading this test file. * @type {Array.} */ extraLibraries: [], /** * Override this method to perform initialization during preload (such as * creating mocks and registering handlers). * @type {Function} */ preLoad: function() {}, /** * Override this method to perform tasks before running your test. * @type {Function} */ setUp: function() {}, /** * Override this method to perform tasks after running your test. If you * create a mock class, you must call Mock4JS.verifyAllMocks() in this * phase. * @type {Function} */ tearDown: function() { Mock4JS.verifyAllMocks(); }, /** * Called to run the body from the perspective of this fixture. * @type {Function} */ runTest: function(testBody) { testBody.call(this); }, /** * Create a closure function for continuing the test at a later time. May be * used as a listener function. * @param {WhenTestDone} whenTestDone Call testDone() at the appropriate * time. * @param {Function} completion The function to call to complete the test. * @param {...*} var_args Arguments to pass when calling completionAction. * @return {function(): void} Return a function, bound to this test fixture, * which continues the test. */ continueTest: function(whenTestDone, completion) { var savedArgs = new SaveMockArguments(); var completionAction = new CallFunctionAction( this, savedArgs, completion, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); if (whenTestDone === WhenTestDone.DEFAULT) whenTestDone = WhenTestDone.ASSERT; var runAll = new RunAllAction( true, whenTestDone, [completionAction]); return function() { savedArgs.arguments = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); runAll.invoke(); }; }, /** * Call this during setUp to defer the call to runTest() until later. The * caller must call the returned function at some point to run the test. * @type {Function} * @param {WhenTestDone} whenTestDone Call testDone() at the appropriate * time. * @param {...*} var_args Arguments to pass when running the * |currentTestCase|. * @return {function(): void} A function which will run the current body of * the currentTestCase. */ deferRunTest: function(whenTestDone) { if (whenTestDone === WhenTestDone.DEFAULT) whenTestDone = WhenTestDone.ALWAYS; return currentTestCase.deferRunTest.apply( currentTestCase, [whenTestDone].concat( Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1))); }, }; /** * This class is not exported and is available to hold the state of the * |currentTestCase| throughout preload and test run. * @param {string} name The name of the test case. * @param {Test} fixture The fixture object for this test case. * @param {Function} body The code to run for the test. * @constructor */ function TestCase(name, fixture, body) { this.name = name; this.fixture = fixture; this.body = body; } TestCase.prototype = { /** * The name of this test. * @type {string} */ name: null, /** * The test fixture to set |this| to when running the test |body|. * @type {testing.Test} */ fixture: null, /** * The test body to execute in runTest(). * @type {Function} */ body: null, /** * True when the test fixture will run the test later. * @type {boolean} * @private */ deferred_: false, /** * Called at preload time, proxies to the fixture. * @type {Function} */ preLoad: function(name) { if (this.fixture) this.fixture.preLoad(); }, /** * Called before a test runs. */ setUp: function() { if (this.fixture) this.fixture.setUp(); }, /** * Called before a test is torn down (by testDone()). */ tearDown: function() { if (this.fixture) this.fixture.tearDown(); }, /** * Called to run this test's body. */ runTest: function() { if (this.body && this.fixture) this.fixture.runTest(this.body); }, /** * Runs this test case with |this| set to the |fixture|. * * Note: Tests created with TEST_F may depend upon |this| being set to an * instance of this.fixture. The current implementation of TEST creates a * dummy constructor, but tests created with TEST should not rely on |this| * being set. * @type {Function} */ run: function() { try { this.setUp(); } catch(e) { console.error(e.stack); } if (!this.deferred_) this.runTest(); // tearDown called by testDone(). }, /** * Cause this TestCase to be deferred (don't call runTest()) until the * returned function is called. * @type {Function} * @param {WhenTestDone} whenTestDone Call testDone() at the appropriate * time. * @param {...*} var_args Arguments to pass when running the * |currentTestCase|. * @return {function(): void} A function thatwill run this TestCase when * called. */ deferRunTest: function(whenTestDone) { this.deferred_ = true; var savedArgs = new SaveMockArguments(); var completionAction = new CallFunctionAction( this, savedArgs, this.runTest, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); var runAll = new RunAllAction( true, whenTestDone, [completionAction]); return function() { savedArgs.arguments = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); runAll.invoke(); }; }, }; /** * Registry of javascript-defined callbacks for {@code chrome.send}. * @type {Object} */ var sendCallbacks = {}; /** * Registers the message, object and callback for {@code chrome.send} * @param {string} name The name of the message to route to this |callback|. * @param {Object} messageHandler Pass as |this| when calling the |callback|. * @param {function(...)} callback Called by {@code chrome.send}. * @see sendCallbacks */ function registerMessageCallback(name, messageHandler, callback) { sendCallbacks[name] = [messageHandler, callback]; } /** * Register all methods of {@code mockClass.prototype} with messages of the * same name as the method, using the proxy of the |mockObject| as the * |messageHandler| when registering. * @param {Mock4JS.Mock} mockObject The mock to register callbacks against. * @param {function(new:Object)} mockClAss Constructor for the mocked class. * @see registerMessageCallback */ function registerMockMessageCallbacks(mockObject, mockClass) { var mockProxy = mockObject.proxy(); for (var func in mockClass.prototype) { if (typeof mockClass.prototype[func] === 'function') { registerMessageCallback(func, mockProxy, mockProxy[func]); } } } /** * Holds the mapping of name -> global override information. * @type {Object} */ var globalOverrides = {}; /** * When preloading JavaScript libraries, this is true until the * DOMContentLoaded event has been received as globals cannot be overridden * until the page has loaded its JavaScript. * @type {boolean} */ var deferGlobalOverrides = false; /** * Override the global function |funcName| with its registered mock. This * should not be called twice for the same |funcName|. * @param {string} funcName The name of the global function to override. */ function overrideGlobal(funcName) { assertNotEquals(undefined, this[funcName]); var globalOverride = globalOverrides[funcName]; assertNotEquals(undefined, globalOverride); assertEquals(undefined, globalOverride.original); globalOverride.original = this[funcName]; this[funcName] = globalOverride.callback.bind(globalOverride.object); } /** * Registers the global function name, object and callback. * @param {string} name The name of the message to route to this |callback|. * @param {Object} object Pass as |this| when calling the |callback|. * @param {function(...)} callback Called by {@code chrome.send}. */ function registerMockGlobal(name, object, callback) { assertEquals(undefined, globalOverrides[name]); globalOverrides[name] = { object: object, callback: callback, }; if (!deferGlobalOverrides) overrideGlobal(name); } /** * Register all methods of {@code mockClass.prototype} as overrides to global * functions of the same name as the method, using the proxy of the * |mockObject| to handle the functions. * @param {Mock4JS.Mock} mockObject The mock to register callbacks against. * @param {function(new:Object)} mockClass Constructor for the mocked class. * @see registerMessageCallback */ function registerMockGlobals(mockObject, mockClass) { var mockProxy = mockObject.proxy(); for (var func in mockClass.prototype) { if (typeof mockClass.prototype[func] === 'function') registerMockGlobal(func, mockProxy, mockProxy[func]); } } /** * Overrides {@code chrome.send} for routing messages to javascript * functions. Also falls back to sending with the original chrome object. * @param {string} messageName The message to route. */ function send(messageName) { var callback = sendCallbacks[messageName]; if (callback != undefined) callback[1].apply(callback[0], Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); else this.__proto__.send.apply(this.__proto__, arguments); } /** * Provides a mechanism for assert* and expect* methods to fetch the signature * of their caller. Assert* methods should |registerCall| and expect* methods * should set |isExpect| and |expectName| properties to indicate that the * interesting caller is one more level up the stack. */ function CallHelper() { this.__proto__ = CallHelper.prototype; } CallHelper.prototype = { /** * Holds the mapping of (callerCallerString, callerName) -> count of times * called. * @type {Object.>} */ counts_: {}, /** * This information about the caller is needed from most of the following * routines. * @param {Function} caller the caller of the assert* routine. * @return {{callerName: string, callercallerString: string}} stackInfo * @private */ getCallerInfo_: function(caller) { var callerName = caller.name; var callerCaller = caller.caller; if (callerCaller['isExpect']) { callerName = callerCaller.expectName; callerCaller = callerCaller.caller; } var callerCallerString = callerCaller.toString(); return { callerName: callerName, callerCallerString: callerCallerString, }; }, /** * Register a call to an assertion class. */ registerCall: function() { var stackInfo = this.getCallerInfo_(arguments.callee.caller); if (!(stackInfo.callerCallerString in this.counts_)) this.counts_[stackInfo.callerCallerString] = {}; if (!(stackInfo.callerName in this.counts_[stackInfo.callerCallerString])) this.counts_[stackInfo.callerCallerString][stackInfo.callerName] = 0; ++this.counts_[stackInfo.callerCallerString][stackInfo.callerName]; }, /** * Get the call signature of this instance of the caller's call to this * function. * @param {Function} caller The caller of the assert* routine. * @return {String} Call signature. * @private */ getCall_: function(caller) { var stackInfo = this.getCallerInfo_(caller); var count = this.counts_[stackInfo.callerCallerString][stackInfo.callerName]; // Allow pattern to match multiple lines for text wrapping. var callerRegExp = new RegExp(stackInfo.callerName + '\\((.|\\n)*?\\);', 'g'); // Find all matches allowing wrap around such as when a helper function // calls assert/expect calls and that helper function is called multiple // times. var matches = stackInfo.callerCallerString.match(callerRegExp); var match = matches[(count - 1) % matches.length]; // Chop off the trailing ';'. return match.substring(0, match.length-1); }, /** * Returns the text of the call signature and any |message|. * @param {string=} message Addtional message text from caller. */ getCallMessage: function(message) { var callMessage = this.getCall_(arguments.callee.caller); if (message) callMessage += ': ' + message; return callMessage; }, }; /** * Help register calls for better error reporting. * @type {CallHelper} */ var helper = new CallHelper(); /** * true when testDone has been called. * @type {boolean} */ var testIsDone = false; /** * Holds the errors, if any, caught by expects so that the test case can * fail. Cleared when results are reported from runTest() or testDone(). * @type {Array.} */ var errors = []; /** * URL to dummy WebUI page for testing framework. * @type {string} */ var DUMMY_URL = 'chrome://DummyURL'; /** * Resets test state by clearing |errors| and |testIsDone| flags. */ function resetTestState() { errors.splice(0, errors.length); testIsDone = false; } /** * Notifies the running browser test of the test results. Clears |errors|. * @param {Array.=} result When passed, this is used for the * testResult message. */ function testDone(result) { if (!testIsDone) { testIsDone = true; if (currentTestCase) { try { currentTestCase.tearDown(); } catch (e) { errors.push(e); } currentTestCase = null; } chrome.send('testResult', result ? result : testResult()); errors.splice(0, errors.length); } else { console.warn('testIsDone already'); } } /** * Returns [success, message] & clears |errors|. * @param {boolean} errorsOk When true, errors are ok. * @return {Array.} */ function testResult(errorsOk) { var result = [true, '']; if (errors.length) { var message = ''; for (var i = 0; i < errors.length; ++i) { message += 'Failed: ' + currentTestFunction + '(' + currentTestArguments.map(JSON.stringify) + ')\n' + errors[i].stack; } result = [!!errorsOk, message]; } return result; } // Asserts. // Use the following assertions to verify a condition within a test. // If assertion fails, throw an Error with information pertinent to the test. /** * When |test| !== true, aborts the current test. * @param {boolean} test The predicate to check against |expected|. * @param {string=} message The message to include in the Error thrown. * @throws {Error} upon failure. */ function assertTrue(test, message) { helper.registerCall(); if (test !== true) throw new Error( 'Test Error ' + helper.getCallMessage(message) + ': ' + test); } /** * When |test| !== false, aborts the current test. * @param {boolean} test The predicate to check against |expected|. * @param {string=} message The message to include in the Error thrown. * @throws {Error} upon failure. */ function assertFalse(test, message) { helper.registerCall(); if (test !== false) throw new Error( 'Test Error ' + helper.getCallMessage(message) + ': ' + test); } /** * When |val1| < |val2|, aborts the current test. * @param {number} val1 The number expected to be >= |val2|. * @param {number} val2 The number expected to be < |val1|. * @param {string=} message The message to include in the Error thrown. */ function assertGE(val1, val2, message) { helper.registerCall(); if (val1 < val2) { throw new Error( 'Test Error ' + helper.getCallMessage(message) + val1 + '<' + val2); } } /** * When |val1| <= |val2|, aborts the current test. * @param {number} val1 The number expected to be > |val2|. * @param {number} val2 The number expected to be <= |val1|. * @param {string=} message The message to include in the Error thrown. */ function assertGT(val1, val2, message) { helper.registerCall(); if (val1 <= val2) { throw new Error( 'Test Error ' + helper.getCallMessage(message) + val1 + '<=' + val2); } } /** * When |expected| !== |actual|, aborts the current test. * @param {*} expected The expected value of |actual|. * @param {*} actual The predicate to check against |expected|. * @param {string=} message The message to include in the Error thrown. * @throws {Error} upon failure. */ function assertEquals(expected, actual, message) { helper.registerCall(); if (expected != actual) { throw new Error( 'Test Error ' + helper.getCallMessage(message) + '\nActual: ' + actual + '\nExpected: ' + expected); } if (typeof expected !== typeof actual) { throw new Error( 'Test Error (type mismatch) ' + helper.getCallMessage(message) + '\nActual Type: ' + typeof actual + '\nExpected Type:' + typeof expected); } } /** * When |val1| > |val2|, aborts the current test. * @param {number} val1 The number expected to be <= |val2|. * @param {number} val2 The number expected to be > |val1|. * @param {string=} message The message to include in the Error thrown. */ function assertLE(val1, val2, message) { helper.registerCall(); if (val1 > val2) { throw new Error( 'Test Error ' + helper.getCallMessage(message) + val1 + '>' + val2); } } /** * When |val1| >= |val2|, aborts the current test. * @param {number} val1 The number expected to be < |val2|. * @param {number} val2 The number expected to be >= |val1|. * @param {string=} message The message to include in the Error thrown. */ function assertLT(val1, val2, message) { helper.registerCall(); if (val1 >= val2) { throw new Error( 'Test Error ' + helper.getCallMessage(message) + val1 + '>=' + val2); } } /** * When |notExpected| === |actual|, aborts the current test. * @param {*} notExpected The expected value of |actual|. * @param {*} actual The predicate to check against |notExpected|. * @param {string=} message The message to include in the Error thrown. * @throws {Error} upon failure. */ function assertNotEquals(notExpected, actual, message) { helper.registerCall(); if (notExpected === actual) { throw new Error( 'Test Error ' + helper.getCallMessage(message) + '\nActual: ' + actual + '\nnotExpected: ' + notExpected); } } /** * Always aborts the current test. * @param {string=} message The message to include in the Error thrown. * @throws {Error} always. */ function assertNotReached(message) { helper.registerCall(); throw new Error(helper.getCallMessage(message)); } /** * Creates a function based upon a function that thows an exception on * failure. The new function stuffs any errors into the |errors| array for * checking by runTest. This allows tests to continue running other checks, * while failing the overall test if any errors occurrred. * @param {Function} assertFunc The function which may throw an Error. * @return {function(...*):bool} A function that applies its arguments to * |assertFunc| and returns true if |assertFunc| passes. * @see errors * @see runTestFunction */ function createExpect(assertFunc) { var expectFunc = function() { try { assertFunc.apply(null, arguments); } catch (e) { errors.push(e); return false; } return true; }; expectFunc.isExpect = true; expectFunc.expectName = assertFunc.name.replace(/^assert/, 'expect'); return expectFunc; } /** * This is the starting point for tests run by WebUIBrowserTest. If an error * occurs, it reports a failure and a message created by joining individual * error messages. This supports sync tests and async tests by calling * testDone() when |isAsync| is not true, relying on async tests to call * testDone() when they complete. * @param {boolean} isAsync When false, call testDone() with the test result * otherwise only when assertions are caught. * @param {string} testFunction The function name to call. * @param {Array} testArguments The arguments to call |testFunction| with. * @return {boolean} true always to signal successful execution (but not * necessarily successful results) of this test. * @see errors * @see runTestFunction */ function runTest(isAsync, testFunction, testArguments) { // Avoid eval() if at all possible, since it will not work on pages // that have enabled content-security-policy. var testBody = this[testFunction]; // global object -- not a method. var testName = testFunction; if (typeof testBody === "undefined") { testBody = eval(testFunction); testName = testBody.toString(); } if (testBody != RUN_TEST_F) { console.log('Running test ' + testName); } // Async allow expect errors, but not assert errors. var result = runTestFunction(testFunction, testBody, testArguments, isAsync); if (!isAsync || !result[0]) testDone(result); return true; } /** * This is the guts of WebUIBrowserTest. It runs the test surrounded by an * expect to catch Errors. If |errors| is non-empty, it reports a failure and * a message by joining |errors|. Consumers can use this to use assert/expect * functions asynchronously, but are then responsible for reporting errors to * the browser themselves through testDone(). * @param {string} testFunction The function name to report on failure. * @param {Function} testBody The function to call. * @param {Array} testArguments The arguments to call |testBody| with. * @param {boolean} onlyAssertFails When true, only assertions cause failing * testResult. * @return {Array.} [test-succeeded, message-if-failed] * @see createExpect * @see testResult */ function runTestFunction(testFunction, testBody, testArguments, onlyAssertFails) { currentTestFunction = testFunction; currentTestArguments = testArguments; var ok = createExpect(testBody).apply(null, testArguments); return testResult(onlyAssertFails && ok); } /** * Creates a new test case for the given |testFixture| and |testName|. Assumes * |testFixture| describes a globally available subclass of type Test. * @param {string} testFixture The fixture for this test case. * @param {string} testName The name for this test case. * @return {TestCase} A newly created TestCase. */ function createTestCase(testFixture, testName) { var fixtureConstructor = this[testFixture]; var testBody = fixtureConstructor.testCaseBodies[testName]; var fixture = new fixtureConstructor(); fixture.name = testFixture; return new TestCase(testName, fixture, testBody); } /** * Used by WebUIBrowserTest to preload the javascript libraries at the * appropriate time for javascript injection into the current page. This * creates a test case and calls its preLoad for any early initialization such * as registering handlers before the page's javascript runs it's OnLoad * method. This is called before the page is loaded, so the |chrome| object is * not yet bound and this DOMContentLoaded listener will be called first to * override |chrome| in order to route messages registered in |sendCallbacks|. * @param {string} testFixture The test fixture name. * @param {string} testName The test name. * @see sendCallbacks */ function preloadJavascriptLibraries(testFixture, testName) { deferGlobalOverrides = true; exports.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { var oldChrome = chrome; chrome = { __proto__: oldChrome, send: send, }; // Override globals at load time so they will be defined. assertTrue(deferGlobalOverrides); deferGlobalOverrides = false; for (var funcName in globalOverrides) overrideGlobal(funcName); }); currentTestCase = createTestCase(testFixture, testName); currentTestCase.preLoad(); } /** * During generation phase, this outputs; do nothing at runtime. */ function GEN() {} /** * During generation phase, this outputs; do nothing at runtime. */ function GEN_INCLUDE() {} /** * At runtime, register the testName with a test fixture. Since this method * doesn't have a test fixture, create a dummy fixture to hold its |name| * and |testCaseBodies|. * @param {string} testCaseName The name of the test case. * @param {string} testName The name of the test function. * @param {Function} testBody The body to execute when running this test. */ function TEST(testCaseName, testName, testBody) { var fixtureConstructor = this[testCaseName]; if (fixtureConstructor === undefined) { fixtureConstructor = function() {}; this[testCaseName] = fixtureConstructor; fixtureConstructor.prototype = { __proto__: Test.prototype, name: testCaseName, }; fixtureConstructor.testCaseBodies = {}; } fixtureConstructor.testCaseBodies[testName] = testBody; } /** * At runtime, register the testName with its fixture. Stuff the |name| into * the |testFixture|'s prototype, if needed, and the |testCaseBodies| into its * constructor. * @param {string} testFixture The name of the test fixture class. * @param {string} testName The name of the test function. * @param {Function} testBody The body to execute when running this test. */ function TEST_F(testFixture, testName, testBody) { var fixtureConstructor = this[testFixture]; if (!fixtureConstructor.prototype.name) fixtureConstructor.prototype.name = testFixture; if (fixtureConstructor['testCaseBodies'] === undefined) fixtureConstructor.testCaseBodies = {}; fixtureConstructor.testCaseBodies[testName] = testBody; } /** * RunJavascriptTestF uses this as the |testFunction| when invoking * runTest. If |currentTestCase| is non-null at this point, verify that * |testFixture| and |testName| agree with the preloaded values. Create * |currentTestCase|, if needed, run it, and clear the |currentTestCase|. * @param {string} testFixture The name of the test fixture class. * @param {string} testName The name of the test function. * @see preloadJavascriptLibraries * @see runTest */ function RUN_TEST_F(testFixture, testName) { if (!currentTestCase) currentTestCase = createTestCase(testFixture, testName); assertEquals(currentTestCase.name, testName); assertEquals(currentTestCase.fixture.name, testFixture); console.log('Running TestCase ' + testFixture + '.' + testName); currentTestCase.run(); } /** * This Mock4JS matcher object pushes each |actualArgument| parameter to * match() calls onto |args|. * @param {Array} args The array to push |actualArgument| onto. * @param {Object} realMatcher The real matcher check arguments with. * @constructor * @extends {realMatcher} */ function SaveMockArgumentMatcher(args, realMatcher) { this.arguments_ = args; this.realMatcher_ = realMatcher; } SaveMockArgumentMatcher.prototype = { /** * Holds the arguments to push each |actualArgument| onto. * @type {Array} * @private */ arguments_: null, /** * The real Mock4JS matcher object to check arguments with. * @type {Object} */ realMatcher_: null, /** * Pushes |actualArgument| onto |arguments_| and call |realMatcher_|. Clears * |arguments_| on non-match. * @param {*} actualArgument The argument to match and save. * @return {boolean} Result of calling the |realMatcher|. */ argumentMatches: function(actualArgument) { this.arguments_.push(actualArgument); var match = this.realMatcher_.argumentMatches(actualArgument); if (!match) this.arguments_.splice(0, this.arguments_.length); return match; }, /** * Proxy to |realMatcher_| for description. * @return {string} Description of this Mock4JS matcher. */ describe: function() { return this.realMatcher_.describe(); }, }; /** * Actions invoked by Mock4JS's "will()" syntax do not receive arguments from * the mocked method. This class works with SaveMockArgumentMatcher to save * arguments so that the invoked Action can pass arguments through to the * invoked function. * @param {!Object} realMatcher The real matcher to perform matching with. * @constructor */ function SaveMockArguments() { this.arguments = []; } SaveMockArguments.prototype = { /** * Wraps the |realMatcher| with an object which will push its argument onto * |arguments| and call realMatcher. * @param {Object} realMatcher A Mock4JS matcher object for this argument. * @return {SaveMockArgumentMatcher} A new matcher which will push its * argument onto |arguments|. */ match: function(realMatcher) { return new SaveMockArgumentMatcher(this.arguments, realMatcher); }, /** * Remember the argument passed to this stub invocation. * @type {Array} */ arguments: null, }; /** * CallFunctionAction is provided to allow mocks to have side effects. * @param {Object} obj The object to set |this| to when calling |func_|. * @param {?SaveMockArguments} savedArgs when non-null, saved arguments are * passed to |func|. * @param {Function} func The function to call. * @param {Array=} args Any arguments to pass to func. * @constructor */ function CallFunctionAction(obj, savedArgs, func, args) { this.obj_ = obj; this.savedArgs_ = savedArgs; this.func_ = func; this.args_ = args ? args : []; } CallFunctionAction.prototype = { /** * Set |this| to |obj_| when calling |func_|. * @type {?Object} */ obj_: null, /** * The SaveMockArguments to hold arguments when invoking |func_|. * @type {?SaveMockArguments} * @private */ savedArgs_: null, /** * The function to call when invoked. * @type {!Function} * @private */ func_: null, /** * Arguments to pass to |func_| when invoked. * @type {!Array} */ args_: null, /** * Accessor for |func_|. * @return {Function} The function to invoke. */ get func() { return this.func_; }, /** * Called by Mock4JS when using .will() to specify actions for stubs() or * expects(). Clears |savedArgs_| so it can be reused. * @return The results of calling |func_| with the concatenation of * |savedArgs_| and |args_|. */ invoke: function() { var prependArgs = []; if (this.savedArgs_) { prependArgs = this.savedArgs_.arguments.splice( 0, this.savedArgs_.arguments.length); } return this.func.apply(this.obj_, prependArgs.concat(this.args_)); }, /** * Describe this action to Mock4JS. * @return {string} A description of this action. */ describe: function() { return 'calls the given function with saved arguments and ' + this.args_; } }; /** * Syntactic sugar for use with will() on a Mock4JS.Mock. * @param {Function} func The function to call when the method is invoked. * @param {...*} var_args Arguments to pass when calling func. * @return {CallFunctionAction} Action for use in will. */ function callFunction(func) { return new CallFunctionAction( null, null, func, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } /** * Syntactic sugar for use with will() on a Mock4JS.Mock. * @param {SaveMockArguments} savedArgs Arguments saved with this object * are passed to |func|. * @param {Function} func The function to call when the method is invoked. * @param {...*} var_args Arguments to pass when calling func. * @return {CallFunctionAction} Action for use in will. */ function callFunctionWithSavedArgs(savedArgs, func) { return new CallFunctionAction( null, savedArgs, func, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); } /** * CallGlobalAction as a subclass of CallFunctionAction looks up the original * global object in |globalOverrides| using |funcName| as the key. This allows * tests, which need to wait until a global function to be called in order to * start the test to run the original function. When used with runAllActions * or runAllActionsAsync, Mock4JS expectations may call start or continue the * test after calling the original function. * @param {?SaveMockArguments} savedArgs when non-null, saved arguments are * passed to the global function |funcName|. * @param {string} funcName The name of the global function to call. * @param {Array} args Any arguments to pass to func. * @constructor * @extends {CallFunctionAction} * @see globalOverrides */ function CallGlobalAction(savedArgs, funcName, args) { CallFunctionAction.call(this, null, savedArgs, funcName, args); } CallGlobalAction.prototype = { __proto__: CallFunctionAction.prototype, /** * Fetch and return the original global function to call. * @return {Function} The global function to invoke. * @override */ get func() { var func = globalOverrides[this.func_].original; assertNotEquals(undefined, func); return func; }, }; /** * Syntactic sugar for use with will() on a Mock4JS.Mock. * @param {SaveMockArguments} savedArgs Arguments saved with this object * are passed to the global function |funcName|. * @param {string} funcName The name of a registered mock global function to * call when the method is invoked. * @param {...*} var_args Arguments to pass when calling func. * @return {CallGlobalAction} Action for use in Mock4JS will(). */ function callGlobalWithSavedArgs(savedArgs, funcName) { return new CallGlobalAction( savedArgs, funcName, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); } /** * When to call testDone(). * @enum {number} */ var WhenTestDone = { /** * Default for the method called. */ DEFAULT: -1, /** * Never call testDone(). */ NEVER: 0, /** * Call testDone() on assert failure. */ ASSERT: 1, /** * Call testDone() if there are any assert or expect failures. */ EXPECT: 2, /** * Always call testDone(). */ ALWAYS: 3, }; /** * Runs all |actions|. * @param {boolean} isAsync When true, call testDone() on Errors. * @param {WhenTestDone} whenTestDone Call testDone() at the appropriate * time. * @param {Array.} actions Actions to run. * @constructor */ function RunAllAction(isAsync, whenTestDone, actions) { this.isAsync_ = isAsync; this.whenTestDone_ = whenTestDone; this.actions_ = actions; } RunAllAction.prototype = { /** * When true, call testDone() on Errors. * @type {boolean} * @private */ isAsync_: false, /** * Call testDone() at appropriate time. * @type {WhenTestDone} * @private * @see WhenTestDone */ whenTestDone_: WhenTestDone.ASSERT, /** * Holds the actions to execute when invoked. * @type {Array} * @private */ actions_: null, /** * Runs all |actions_|, returning the last one. When running in sync mode, * throws any exceptions to be caught by runTest() or * runTestFunction(). Call testDone() according to |whenTestDone_| setting. */ invoke: function() { try { var result; for(var i = 0; i < this.actions_.length; ++i) result = this.actions_[i].invoke(); if ((this.whenTestDone_ == WhenTestDone.EXPECT && errors.length) || this.whenTestDone_ == WhenTestDone.ALWAYS) testDone(); return result; } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof Error)) e = new Error(e.toString()); if (!this.isAsync_) throw e; errors.push(e); if (this.whenTestDone_ != WhenTestDone.NEVER) testDone(); } }, /** * Describe this action to Mock4JS. * @return {string} A description of this action. */ describe: function() { return 'Calls all actions: ' + this.actions_; }, }; /** * Syntactic sugar for use with will() on a Mock4JS.Mock. * @param {...Object} var_actions Actions to run. * @return {RunAllAction} Action for use in will. */ function runAllActions() { return new RunAllAction(false, WhenTestDone.NEVER, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); } /** * Syntactic sugar for use with will() on a Mock4JS.Mock. * @param {WhenTestDone} whenTestDone Call testDone() at the appropriate * time. * @param {...Object} var_actions Actions to run. * @return {RunAllAction} Action for use in will. */ function runAllActionsAsync(whenTestDone) { return new RunAllAction(true, whenTestDone, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } // Exports. testing.Test = Test; exports.testDone = testDone; exports.assertTrue = assertTrue; exports.assertFalse = assertFalse; exports.assertGE = assertGE; exports.assertGT = assertGT; exports.assertEquals = assertEquals; exports.assertLE = assertLE; exports.assertLT = assertLT; exports.assertNotEquals = assertNotEquals; exports.assertNotReached = assertNotReached; exports.callFunction = callFunction; exports.callFunctionWithSavedArgs = callFunctionWithSavedArgs; exports.callGlobalWithSavedArgs = callGlobalWithSavedArgs; exports.expectTrue = createExpect(assertTrue); exports.expectFalse = createExpect(assertFalse); exports.expectGE = createExpect(assertGE); exports.expectGT = createExpect(assertGT); exports.expectEquals = createExpect(assertEquals); exports.expectLE = createExpect(assertLE); exports.expectLT = createExpect(assertLT); exports.expectNotEquals = createExpect(assertNotEquals); exports.expectNotReached = createExpect(assertNotReached); exports.preloadJavascriptLibraries = preloadJavascriptLibraries; exports.registerMessageCallback = registerMessageCallback; exports.registerMockGlobals = registerMockGlobals; exports.registerMockMessageCallbacks = registerMockMessageCallbacks; exports.resetTestState = resetTestState; exports.runAllActions = runAllActions; exports.runAllActionsAsync = runAllActionsAsync; exports.runTest = runTest; exports.runTestFunction = runTestFunction; exports.SaveMockArguments = SaveMockArguments; exports.DUMMY_URL = DUMMY_URL; exports.TEST = TEST; exports.TEST_F = TEST_F; exports.GEN = GEN; exports.GEN_INCLUDE = GEN_INCLUDE; exports.WhenTestDone = WhenTestDone; // Import the Mock4JS helpers. Mock4JS.addMockSupport(exports); })(this);