# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This file lists the pyauto tests that run as a part of the functional test
# suite.
# Tests can be enabled on a per-platform basis. Tests not listed here will
# not be run.
# Test names can be specified in any of the following ways:
# 1. as a module, in which case all tests in that module will be run
#      example: 'test_basic'
# 2. or as a test case, in which case all tess in that test case will be run
#      example: 'test_basic.SimpleTest'
# 3. or as an individual test
#      example: 'test_basic.SimpleTest.testCanOpenGoogle'
# Tests beginning with '-' will be excluded.  This can be used to enforce
# exclusions for a particular platform.

  'all': [

  'win': [
    # testBookmarkBarVisible fails on windows. crbug.com/42823

  'mac': [
    # Keychain popups make password tests difficult. crbug.com/49378

  'linux': [
    '-omnibox',  # http://crbug.com/44203
    '-browser.BrowserTest.testWindowResize',  # crbug.com/44963
    '-content.ContentTest.testThreeWindows',  # crbug.com/47457

  # TODO(nirnimesh): Add a ChromeOS section